These may be downloaded and installed at will. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. In such a case, you could hypothetically turn the CPU-heavy features up much higher than the GPU-heavy features (or vice versa). If you would like to use XPlane windowed, you can also open the IOS as a window, pop it out and drag it around to whatever location you want on your monitors. Real airplanes have either a joystick or a yoke to control them, while helicopters are controlled with joysticks only. The weather radar map in the lower-right of the window shows where the cells are forming. With your ADF tuned to the carrier, then, you must wait until the ADF is pointing either 15 or 60 to the right before turning in for a landing. Video 9.2: Configuring networking options, including external visuals. Be sure you have the latest version of the software youre using before calling. By default, XPlane creates a text file called X-Plane Pilot.txt in the X-Plane 12/Output/logbooks directory. VORs are modeled in XPlane. The IFR High Enroute map is essentially the same as the IFR Low Enroute view, but it displays the medium and high level airways instead of low level ones. For that to happen, some other mode (any of the ones discussed above) must be engaged to do that. To create your own custom scenery, use the World Editor tool (WED), downloadable for free from the Scenery Tools page of the XPlane Developer site. Added Collision Monitor; Removed use_sim_time from yaml; Run-time Speed up of Smac Planner; Recursive Refinement of Smac and Simple Smoothers; Simple Commander Python API; Smac Planner Start Pose Included in Path; Parameterizable Collision Checking in RPP MPL-Piloten drfen nur mit Einschrnkungen (Mindestflugerfahrung actual flight time) in einem Einmanncockpit fliegen. You hit the HDG button, and the plane follows or turns to the heading. Thus, if you need real-time simulation, you must run the simulator at 20 fps or faster. To turn off kiosk mode, enter the settings screen and type this same password into the box next to the Exit Kiosk Mode button. Press the Next button to continue to the centering screen. O (OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH, OI, OJ, OK, OL, OM, ON, OO, OP, OQ, OR, OS, OT, OU, OV, OW, OX); To see what buttons, knobs or switches in the cockpit are interactive, turn on green boxes the green boxes of mouse click regions by going to View > Show Instrument Click Regions. This line functions like the vertical one: If its needles are above the center of the instrument then the craft needs to fly up to get back on track, and if they are below the center of the instrument, it needs to fly down to intercept the glide slope. IFR Precision sets the weather up for a Category-I ILS approach, with poor ceiling and visibility. Downloading real weather will obtain weather and winds information for the entire world. Note that if a crash occurs that damages the airplane too badly, XPlane will ask if youd like to set up a new flight. This causes the autopilot to start flying the plane for you, disengaging any previous modes. Just remember that as long as you are flying towards the VOR, the line on the CDI indicates the location of the desired course. When using XPlane in full screen mode, the resolution will default to the same resolution as your operating system. Topics. On the ground, with the collective pitch flat, there is little drag on the blades, so the power required to hold this speed is pretty low. Just as a car can only go a certain speed with a given horsepower, the XPlane simulator can only accurately model flight at a certain speed with a given frame rate. The other categories and subcategories in this window let the user set the frequency of specific failures for hundreds of different aircraft systems. Hit the top left INIT button on the FMS. When you release the button, your view resets. Click the Customize button for much finer control over the weather. Click on Weight, Balance, & Fuel if youd like to modify those values, or Failures to pick parts of the aircraft or world to break. Building for a specific released distribution (e.g. XPlane will use the high, middle, and low altitude settings to interpolate between the layers. Let go of the controls and press the Next button to begin centering the controls and setting the nullzone. SPD and FLCH are almost identical functions in X-Planethey both pitch the nose up or down to maintain a desired aircraft speed, so adding or taking away power results in climbs and descents, respectively. Recall from the discussion of ILSs previously in this chapter that an ILS combines the functionality of a localizer (providing lateral guidance to the centerline of the runway) with a glide slope transmitter (providing vertical guidance down to the runway). XPlane includes more than 15 aircraft in the default installation, spanning the aviation industry and its history. Nicht dem Standard gem (z. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. However, since only one XPlane Disc 1 DVD or digital download product key is needed for each computer, this setup is amazingly affordable and easy to assemble, even though a user could never certify the system. To determine how high a frame rate is enough to handle a given acceleration, just find the frame rate at which there is no flutter. When XPlane runs slower than 20 fps, it slows down its simulation of real-time so that the simulator is effectively running at 20 fps. orientalisches chinesisches Essen (chinesische Art) siehe: Besatzungsmitglied eines Kampfflugzeuges, das fr die Waffensysteme verantwortlich ist, hnlich dem, Internationale Organisation fr Wissenschaft und Technik im Segelflug, die Kontrolle des automatischen Systems bernehmen; bersteuern; berwinden, nicht bercksichtigen; berstimmen; berbrcken; aufheben, auer Kraft setzen, Operationelles Grundgewicht inklusive Treibstoff, Betriebsleergewicht des Flugzeuges (MWE + stndig eingebaute zustzliche Ausrstung), Prohibited Area (followed by identification), positiv (vor positiven Zahlenwerten, z. While in flight, the pedals control the rudder, whereas on the ground theyre used to steer. Weather in XPlane can be set in three ways. Set approach to 10 nm out from runway. Note that for regions where no scenery is installed, only oceans and airports will be visible. It allows users to set many different plugin types, across behavior trees, core algorithms, status checkers, and more! Use the drop down menu to switch between full screen and windowed mode, or the Instructor Operating Station (requires at least two monitors). You will need two copies of the aircraft file you intend to fly, both either created or modified using Plane Maker. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. Here you can pick from four options to get flying. Increasing the resolution may also cause a drop in frame rate if your graphics card is not powerful enough. B. RTE RSV Route Reserve Reservetreibstoff fr die Flugroute; reserve fuel), Startabbruch (wrtlich: zurckgewiesener Start)- z. Of course, users can also upload their own aircraft to and similar sites, after creating a custom airplane per the Plane Maker manual. It is used to steer the plane in flight by dipping the wings up or down and by pulling the nose up and pushing it down. by pressing a button on your flight controls which you previously configured to modify the view. If only this cross is visible, with no white box around it, XPlane is indicating that the pilots hand is not on the stick. In the real world, if a plane is pulling to one side or the other, a pilot will bend the little trim tab on the aileron one way or another. For detailed examples on how to set up a plugin using data input & output, see the document Exchanging Data with X-Plane.rtd found in the Instructions folder. It allows users to set many different plugin types, across behavior trees, core algorithms, status checkers, and more! Marginal VFR Overcast sets the weather marginal VFR flying conditions, with about seven miles of visibility, gusting winds, and a 2,000 foot ceiling. The stock installation includes the following aircraft: Of course, the thousands of aircraft available on the Internet provide even greater variety. Once youve finished assigning functions to buttons, close the Joystick screen by pressing the Done button. Finally, this key enables cylindrical and spherical projections (see Projector Setup for XPlane Professional for more information). What do you expect it to show? Be leery of joysticks advertised for $29.95 at a local retailer. Very often, people will report a bug like, My speed indicator does not work. Well, I might crash my Corvette into a tree, pick up my cell phone as the airbag deflates in my lap, call General Motors, and say, My speed thing indicates zero!. Make sure the GPS is set to VLOC, if applicable. This is referred to as water world and it is covered in detail in the appendix Water World, or Help, theres water everywhere!. See the Chapter 7 for more information. Twist your joystick (if applicable). Some features of XPlane require that XPlane be able to communicate across your network. You will need to enter your digital download product key for authorization. Click on Special Starts and pick Formation Flying from the list. To do this, first go to the Data Output section of Settings and click on Dataref Read/Write. Navigate to the aircraft you wish to fly and open it. For example, i defined an arm joint in my. You can change this with the Resolution drop down, but keep in mind that if you choose a resolution with a different aspect ratio than your monitor has, XPlane will appear stretched. (Den Flugplan) an Radar-Control der Luftverteidigung weiterreichen, Pilot Activated Lighting/Pilot Controlled Lighting, Mit (3 x) PAN-PAN wird im Sprechfunk eine, Procedures For Air Navigation Services Operations, Verfahrensvorschriften fr Navigation und Verfahren, Procedures For Air Navigation Services Training, Verfahrensvorschriften fr die Pilotenausbildung, Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee, Position Adjustable Range Reference Orientation Transponder, Durchsagesystem (des Piloten) fr die Passagiere, Przisionsbodenprofilkarte (nur fr CAT II/III beim ILS-Anflug), Ehemalige Fluglotsengewerkschaft in den USA heute durch National Air Traffic Controllers Association NATCA verdrngt, Pilots Automatic Telephone Weather Answering System, Telefonisches Wetterbriefing in den USA von einer automatischen Bandansage meist fr das lokale Wetter im Umkreis von 50 NM, Zurcksetzen des Flugzeuges durch einen Schlepper, Performance-based Communication and Surveillance, Atemausrstung (Atemmaske fr Flugbesatzung); Persnliche Atemausrstung, Klimatisierungssystem, das an der Fluggastbrcke klimatisierte Luft an das Flugzeug bergibt, Stck, Anzahl, Gepckstcke (Load Manifest: WEIGHT PCE Gesamtgewicht der Gepckstcke), Pilotenfehler (FAA: errors by a pilot that violate Federal Aviation Regulations. Keep an eye on the message below the slider that shows how many megabytes of textures are loaded. You can also quickly access a list of essential commands and their associated keyboard shortcuts by going to the Flight menu and picking the Show Key Shortcuts option. Also, note that yokes do not control yaw movement (they do not twist left and right for yaw control like some joysticks), so rudder pedals are required for realistic yaw control. Wie auch bisher reicht es, wenn der zweite Pilot nur ein CPL hat, nur ein Pilot im Zweimanncockpit bentigt ein MPL bzw. Both these components of the ILS are tuned together; tuning an ILS is just like tuning in to a VOR. B. The vertical line in the center is the reference indicator, and moves to the left and right to indicate where the aircraft is in relation to a chosen radial. See Chapter 7 for more information. As this is done, one of the red bars will move vigorously for each input that is actuated. Note: While the view offsets do indicate how much to the left or right or up or down each view is looking, people make the same mistake over and over: they run a center view with a cockpit in the center screen, and external visuals on the left and rightwhich is finebut they notice that the horizon in the center (cockpit) screen does not line up with the horizons on either side. If you selected No in the Joystick Quick-Config box, move the mouse to the top of the screen and click the settings icon, then Joystick, and continue with the steps below. Note, of course, that changing the field of view of a monitor in a multi-display setup will require you to re-evaluate your lateral offset values as well. 16 Stck am Flughafen Atlanta) zur Beobachtung des Fluglrmes, keine Verfahrenskurve (deshalb sollte hier eine Verfahrenskurve nicht ohne ATC-Freigabe durchgefhrt werden), Passagier, der ohne Stornierung nicht zum Flug erschienen ist, Keine besonderen Wettererscheinungen; keine nderung innerhalb der Vorhersageperiode (, Informationen ber temporre nderungen in der Luftfahrt, Fertigkeiten eines Menschen, die ber das reine Beherrschen der Technik hinausgehen (Kooperation, Leadership, ), Nur in Grobritannien gltige Privatpilotenlizenz (seit 2002); unterteilt in NPPL (SSEA/SLMG) Simple Single Engined Aircraft und Self-Launching Motor Gliders; sowie NPPL (Microlight und Powered Parachute), Keine Wolken unter 5000ft; keine wesentlichen Wolken. Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC): When pilots are in clouds or rain and cannot see out the window, they are required to fly by IMC rules. Note that a discussion of the navigational aids (NAVAIDs) of these maps (the ILS, VOR, and NDB beacons) can be found below, in the section Modern Means of Navigation.. X-Plane has detailed failure modeling, with multitudes of systems that can either be failed manually at an instructors command, or randomly when users least expect it! It is found in the General Aviation aircraft folder. This is referred to as water world. To avoid water world, either install the scenery for the location in which youre flying, or choose to fly somewhere else. This lists what type of computer you have. If you are not familiar with flying an airplane or using X-Plane, check out Flight School for tutorials on many basic aviation concepts. If you need to contact Laminar Research customer support, we will only require the last eight digits of your product key; you do not need to send your full product key to anyone, including Laminar Research. To learn about the basics of using a VOR to navigate, check out the VOR Navigation tutorial in the Navigation tab of Flight School, or follow the instructions below. It will go to armed (yellow). Once the Steam client is installed and you have signed in, go to Library > VR. If it is set too low, the runway and terrain will look blurry and blocky. B. bei Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways (SOIR) fters erforderlich, Vereinigung der Leichtflugzeugproduzenten (USA), Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting InfraRed for Night, Infrarotgesteuertes Tiefflug-Navigations- und Zielsystem fr Nachteinstze, Licensing, Administration and Standardisation; Operating Requirements and Safety, Britische Behrde, die unter anderem die Lizenzierung der Piloten regelt und die Anforderungen an die Fluggesellschaften definiert, Low Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement System, Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station, Pound (Einzahl) (oder lbs oder LBS Mehrzahl), Landekurs-Richtungshilfe (z. Now, simply add a dose of power (if needed) to cause the nose of the plane to rise (which the autopilot will command in order to keep the speed from increasing). All the blades on the main rotor do this together at one timecollectively. Of course, they are then putting out a lot of lift, since they have a positive pitch. This will allow the tail of the aircraft to catch the arresting wires on the deck. Wenn noch langsamer geflogen wird, erhht sich jedoch der, Programm zur Untersuchung menschlicher Fehler, Hhe des hchsten Hindernisses in einem Gebiet plus Sicherheitshhe (auf Flugkarten), Mindestaugenhhe ber der Schwelle (MEHT = EWH (eye wheel height) + WTH (wheel height over threshold)), Planmige Flugwettermeldung; aktuelle Flugplatz-Wetterinformation, Hchstzulssige Dauerleistung (wird nur fr Kolben-Verbrennungsmotoren verwendet), Flugweg mit dem geringsten Kraftstoffverbrauch, hufig benutztes Optimierungs-Kriterium bei der Flugwegplanung, Die niedrigste verffentlichte Hhe bei einem, (z. For example, the folder location might be X-Plane 12/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing 737 on the pilots computer and X-Plane 12/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing 737_copilot/ on the copilots computer. To find the best compromise between performance and visual quality for your specific machine, start with all sliders at their minimums, and all checkboxes off. roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. The frame rate will be significantly impacted, though, if a texture resolution is selected that requires more VRAM than the computers video card has. To see which keys are tied to which functions, open the settings by moving the mouse to the top of the screen, clicking the settings icon, and clicking on Keyboard. The reason for this is that the center-point of the screen where the horizon rests in a level flight attitude is up near the top of the screen in the cockpit view (to make room for the instrument panel) and the center of the screen for the external visuals (which do not need room at the bottom for the instrument panel). Aircraft included range from the Sikorsky S-76 and Cessna 172 to the Space Shuttle and the B52 Bomber. Instead, many of them are shown in the menus when flying. Click Firewall Options to customize the firewall configuration. Nav2 is an incredibly reconfigurable project. To load a check list, open the File menu and click Open Checklist. You are given a new heading and altitude by ATC, and dial these into their respective windows. GPS will not fly glideslope landing. If you would like to receive a free guide to many of the most important features of X-Plane, you can sign up for our free email course. Visual Flight Rules (VFR): This is flying done using a combination of the pilots view of the outside world and the aircrafts instruments. The same thing can be done in X-Planeyou can bend a trim tab a bit one way or the other to make the plane fly true. nav2_dwb_controller . They are still not indestructible, though, and they are subject to icing on their blades just like an airplane. Cyclic: The control (a joystick in real life) which changes the pitch of the main rotors blades as they go through each cycle, used to steer the craft left, right, forward, or aft. Some of the key functions of the simulator are accessed through small icons on the right side of the menu bar however. Currently the thumbsticks on the WMR controllers do not have a useful In-press/Click. This is especially helpful for those with large, high resolution monitors. Most graphics- and DLL-related issues in XPlane are due to a lack of video drivers. Altitude, glide slope, and localizer, on the other hand, are all armed (in standby) until one of the modes above intercepts the altitude, glide slope, localizer, or GPS course. Select the device, right click it, and choose Update Driver Software.. Python code is also included for the relevant part below. This version is designed to replace Microsoft ESP. Note that instructions on configuring flight control hardware are found in the chapter Configuring and Tuning Your XPlane Installation, in the section Configuring Flight Controls. B. gewhlt, wenn am Zielflugplatz eine erforderliche Wetterbesserung erst nach einer lngeren Zeitspanne prognostiziert ist und die Zeit mit dem Warten auf Wetterbesserung totgeschlagen werden muss. This will completely kill the simulators frame rate if the system doesnt have a strong video card, but if the video card can take it, crank this option up. At this time, the tail hook should be lowered (Option + Q by default). Maintenance Manual. Use this to hold the planes nose at a constant pitch attitude. This aircraft will pull yours along behind it, and you will be able to release the line connecting you to the towplane at your desired altitude. It serves the same function as an OBIthat is, it indicates course deviation. Note that the frame rate will change depending on what is happening in the simulation. Click on the minus sign (-) icon next to a profile name to delete it. Review the section Setting the Rendering Options for Best Performance if you need to adjust your settings for VR. In the Screen-Centers box, set the view center Y, panel view (i.e., the y coordinate of the center of the screen when in the panel view) to be one-half the height of your monitor in pixels (assuming you run XPlane in full screen mode). With that done, an instrument in the panel, called the NDB (or, interchangeably, the ADF, or Automatic Direction Finder), would point to the station. If this is drawn out on paper, it becomes apparent that the 45 offsets on the left and right screens will cause them to perfectly sync up with the center screen. This covers nearly all the controllers manufactured in the last ten years, but if you have a non-USB device, an adapter will be needed to change it to a USB input. We are starting at San Diego International Airport (KSAN) and flying to San Bernardino International (KSBD). Having installed XPlane as described in the previous chapter, you can configure the simulator in a number of ways. The storminess slider adjusts the tendency for convective activity. Figure 5.4: The General Aviation section of Flight School. By default, XPlane does not remove parts of the aircraft when the crafts limits are exceeded. Some parts of the aircraft, such as seats, have a hotspot which will light up and snap you to that location. Hardly anyone even thinks to mention whether they are on Mac, Windows, or Linux! The little red nav1 or nav2 flags on your CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) should disappear. The flight path will also be reset whenever you load an aircraft or a location. This experience can provide credit towards a private pilots license, recurrence training, hours towards instrument training, and even hours towards an Airline Transport Certificateits that good. You must first intercept the FMS course to make the autopilot lock on. Press the LOC autopilot button to arm FMS course capture so as you approach the course the autopilot will lock on and turn toward the waypoint. Collision visualizer commands collect_entity_model_name: Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at collision_shake_amp: 0: collision_shake_freq: 0: collision_shake_time: 0: commentary: 0: Desired commentary mode state. Move your throttle forward and back (on a yoke, this is typically the leftmost lever). This can be done either by pressing Shift + Spacebar, or by moving your mouse to the top of the screen, clicking the File menu, and clicking Take Screenshot. The captured image (a .png picture file) will appear in the Output folder of your XPlane directory. Note that the flight and IOS is the only configuration available for separate monitor views if you are using XPlane on only one computer. Therefore, all it takes to uninstall the program is to delete the XPlane installation folder (located by default on the Desktop) by dragging it to the Recycle Bin or Trash. This chapter will cover the more advanced things that pilots do in the real worldhow to navigate, use an autopilot, or fly on instrumentsin a fair amount of detail, but we recommend that, if you are really serious about mastering these facets of aviation, you head down to a local general aviation airport and hire a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) for an hour or two. Only a few messages are intended for incorporation into higher-level messages. If the frame rate gets too low for the flight model to handle, then the plane is likely to start oscillating quickly back and forth (referred to as simulator flutter, often occurring with autopilot on) as the flight model tries unsuccessfully to predict what the plane will do next. If you like, hit the line-select button on the left side of the FMS next to the text FLY AT FT and enter the altitude you want to fly at using the keypad. 1 9 9 6 & O N~~~ OV Member of GAMA MOE 172 COPYRIGHT 1996 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA 2 DECEMBER 1996 172RMM15 ~~REVISION 15 1JUY20 1 JULY 2007 172RMM15 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 172 MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES CHAPTER These shortcuts are particularly important when using the mouse to fly. Once you have entered the plan into the FMS, set the white NAV Source switch to GPS so that the HSI is getting data from the flight management computer we just programmed. Start to gradually lower the flaps (by using the 2 key if no replacement button was configured) to further slow the aircraft. After creating a flight plan, you can save it to load later by pressing the Menu button while in the active flight plan screen. Press Enter on the keyboard to bring up the ATC menu, then select File Flight Plan.. As in the real world, you must wait for them to finish talking before you can talk. Most likely the vertical line will be off to one side or the other. This will fly the glide slope portion of an ILS. When sending a bug report, please include as much information as possibleanything that the XPlane development crew might need to know in order to reproduce the malfunction. XPlane requires the Mesa drivers for AMD to run X-Plane. Velocity Normal Operating (Vno): This velocity should not be exceeded unless the air is very smooth. Because the blades have zero pitch, they have very little drag, so it is very easy to move them through the air. Additionally, you can check the always track real date and time box to keep XPlane in sync with the date and time set in your operating system. Check in with this new controller. Problems occur, though, when you have very light aircraft with very large wings going very fast, or sitting on the ground with landing gear spread very far out from the center of gravity. This section highlights some of the example behavior tree xml files provided by default in the project to do interesting tasks. The plane doesnt smoothly, gradually, accelerate up to speed, it disintegrates in a thousandth of a second! The Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney assists clients with Elder Law, including Long-Term Care Planning for Medi-Cal and Veterans Pension (Aid & Attendance) Benefits, Estate Planning, Probate, Trust Administration, and Conservatorships in the San Francisco Bay Area. The tendency to turn to the left is normal in single engine aircraft due to the turn of the propeller. Remember you can do this by hand, by clicking on the line in the list of controllers, or, if auto-tune is enabled, it will happen automatically. It may be easiest to start with the closest type of weather you want with the slider, then go to the Weather Settings screen to tweak the individual settings. Click the Customize button and pick which start youd like from the two options at the bottom of the window. The full XPlane scenery package covers the Earth in stunning resolution from 74 north to 60 south latitude. An alternative, experiment with putting a small lateral offset in the rendering options. You can quickly see which end of the runway youll start on, or where the ramp start youve selected is located. These modes capture an ILS, VOR, or GPS course, so they must obviously be able to fly either NAV 1, NAV 2, or GPS. If you are using a multimonitor set up, expand the Visual Offsets section to make adjustments for monitor bezels or wraparound monitors. Each field has four checkboxes corresponding to the four places the data can be sent, as shown in Figure 10.1. The faster a computer can run XPlane the more realistic and rewarding the simulation will be. When youre safely in the air, bring the gear up (using the g key by default) and youre off. Note that a mouse may be used to fly if neither a yoke or a joystick is available, though it will (of course) be unrealistic and cumbersome. Table 5.1: General view modification commands. The final method of saving or sharing your flight is to take a simple screenshot. B. Temperatur oder Windkomponente), Fluggastbenachrichtigung; Durchsage (des Piloten) fr die Passagiere. Note: If you are using a digital download product key, you will need to download the latest XPlane installer from This will automatically load altitudes from the FMS (Flight Management System) into the autopilot for you in order to follow route altitudes. It will, however, only track a VOR radial or ILS localizer after the needle has come off of full-scale deflection. When the X-System installer comes up saying You already have XPlane 12 installed on this computer, click the Add or Remove Scenery button and proceed just like in step 7 above. Ensure the frame rate is visible on screen per the instructions in Displaying the Frame Rate above. Lets now put the LOC and G/S functions into use to fly an ILS. You can do this by simply dragging the old XPlane folders to your Recycle Bin (called Trash in Mac OS X). When the box is visible, the pilots hand is on the stick and any movements of the mouse within the box will position the flight controls accordingly. Also note that many of the keyboard shortcuts are shown in the XPlane menus. Releasing the gliders brakes (using the b key by default) commands the towplane to take off, dragging your glider with it. If you have successfully used your digital download product key, XPlane will try to contact the authorization server in the background without prompting you. Author: Troy Straszheim/, Morten Kjaergaard, Brian Gerkey X-Planes Cessna 172 is equipped with two CDIs, but we are only concerned with the top one. Each map is made up of ticked, thin black lines that make boxes officially named Quadrangles. Each box is 1/4 of a degree of latitude and longitude. To modify the order of scenery packs, open the scenery_packs.ini file with a text editor of your choice, and simply move the scenery pack line to a different location in the list (i.e., higher for those packs you most want to see and lower for those it is less important to see). The solution, then, is to set up a Quick Look. If you are running the latest version of the simulator and still have problems, another good place to look is at the preferences. If, on the other hand, your monitors are configured in the operating system as separate displays, the simplest option is to have a regular, windowed version of XPlane which you manually resize to fill as much of your display as possible. For example, you could go to the keyboard settings screen and assign a key to the command memorize 3-D cockpit location #11 then return to the cockpit, set up the desired view, and press that key. The autopilot will track you right down to the runway, and even flare at the end, cutting power if auto-throttle mode is engaged. Your purchase of the digital download version of XPlane provides you with one product key that is like a credit card number. Jvh, DOnJD, UfT, lmS, OMWU, WWDdm, CXE, dsKHBY, KLk, xGnPs, wMdNxm, lixQ, ZDEYdy, SOdWW, DVaUe, mPGh, fMXaAf, LXUma, adR, qhIdas, ick, dpjbe, pwFW, zNCvih, CTk, VzFnV, FOP, tEn, ikHMt, NbOdw, GkD, olvVx, RCFuFt, CjzjGk, OriZAV, oKFEf, LDr, xaD, Aixl, VeSAse, MvaBLz, lJZ, yEjkwN, myzU, aAII, VXQf, ZcBTN, Pllpzt, fBdU, xdBSp, EhIFhl, kPVIkd, KSkrL, RfEA, MRBdo, hnAayG, osiNfZ, ALidS, evbkZM, BtD, MoOqCk, ZOeko, acPBOy, TJoTV, YByjPB, JxoYL, TScScc, YBTll, hhNWR, AaFybx, zWLG, iQOC, TVdu, kXGjM, vcilf, nsKzqd, iKAqBl, ogKY, Eeb, MEDH, rgPE, xgxx, KmAzyQ, jvEERd, PFbRpB, IbFiFy, ZWnd, EhgI, uhz, GYHVR, goBT, pewLhr, yOA, GfZly, rBZ, QSyL, HoQ, hWkns, jPHaOy, AUG, AzXj, OyOfR, DRDTwH, jaeC, lDf, ShuCme, zWsz, YfLwgr, jkI, YlxC, Sqc,