Ces conventions sont le fait de lOIT, organisme spcialise de lONU au travers du BIT. En 1941, il est lu secrtaire du Hanoar Haoved Vhalomed, un mouvement de jeunesse socialiste et sioniste. Im Pazifikkrieg bereiten die Alliierten die Rckeroberung der Philippinen vor und Les Juifs polonais furent les premires victimes de la Shoah organise par les nazis.Pendant l'occupation de la Pologne par les troupes allemandes, beaucoup de Polonais non-juifs risqurent leur propre vie - et les vies de leurs familles - pour sauver des Juifs des nazis. [229], New Zealand's Electoral Act of September19, 1893 made this country the first in the world to grant women the right to vote in parliamentary elections.[19]. Entre deux sessions de la Confrence, le conseil d'administration compos de 28 membres gouvernementaux, de 14 membres employeurs et de 14 membres travailleurs pilote les activits de lOIT. As a delegate to the National Labor Congress in 1868, Anthony persuaded the committee on female labor to call for votes for women and equal pay for equal work. WebLes Francs-tireurs et les Partisans franais utilisent leurs talents de sabotage jusqu' la Libration : sabotage du centre de triage de Vaires en 1941, attaque du bureau de placement allemand en 1943, des litres d'essence dtruits en 1944, etc. ), y parlait d'un village prs de Varsovie o un collaborateur nazi local a t oblig de fuir quand on a su qu'il avait rapport o se trouvait un Juif cach[85]. ", Churchill was born in Colombo, British Ceylon,[1] to Alec Fleming Churchill (18761961), later of Hove, East Sussex, and Elinor Elizabeth, daughter of John Alexander Bond Bell, of Kelnahard, County Cavan, Ireland, and of Dimbula, Ceylon. [204] In 1991 following a decision by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, Appenzell Innerrhoden became the last Swiss canton to grant women the vote on local issues. Since 1917 women have been allowed to be voted into office. Shimon Peres (en hbreu: .mw-parser-output .prononciation>a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Loudspeaker.svg/11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png")center left no-repeat;padding-left:15px;font-size:smaller}couter, en arabe: ), n Szymon Perski le 2 aot 1923 Wiszniew (en Pologne l'poque, actuellement en Bilorussie) et mort le 28 septembre 2016 Ramat Gan (Isral), est un homme d'tat isralien. Grymek? [201] The same year, women were granted eligibility for election to municipal councils,[201] and in the following 191011 municipal elections, forty women were elected to different municipal councils,[200] Gertrud Mnsson being the first. [22] The prisoners were released and, after the departure of the Germans, Churchill walked 150 kilometres (93mi) to Verona, Italy, where he met an American armoured unit. Certains abritaient des Juifs pour seulement une quelques nuits, d'autres prirent compltement en charge le soin de leur survie, tout en tant bien conscients que les Nazis punissaient les personnes qui aidaient les Juifs en les tuant d'une excution sommaire. "Odznaczenia dla Sprawiedliwych," Magazyn Internetowy Forum, "March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in Caldas da Rainha - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum", The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous: Stories of Moral Courage, About the "Righteous Among the Nations" Program, List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust, Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rescue_of_Jews_during_the_Holocaust&oldid=1105674306, People who rescued Jews during the Holocaust, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles with Polish-language sources (pl), Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from May 2022, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from May 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles to be expanded from February 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The participants of the so-called "Amsterdam dock strike" (better known as the, The Most Illustrious duke Roberto de Castro Brando Brazilian diplomat and nobleman who issued diplomatic visas and passports to Jews in, Jacob (Jack) Benardout British diplomat to. Michael C. Steinlauf. In 1942 more than 38,000 German doctors, half the Martin Luther King Jr., plus couramment appel Martin Luther King, n Atlanta, en Gorgie, le 15 janvier 1929, et mort assassin le 4 avril 1968 Memphis, dans le Tennessee, est un pasteur, baptiste et militant non-violent afro-amricain pour le mouvement amricain des droits civiques, fervent militant pour la paix et contre la pauvret.. Il organise et dirige des actions En particulier, les couvents de religieuses (voir Sur Bertranda), ont jou un rle majeur dans les efforts de sauvetage et de protection des Juifs polonais, et les surs franciscaines ont leur crdit le plus grand nombre d'enfants juifs sauvs[104],[105]. En 1993, Shimon Peres est l'un des artisans des accords d'Oslo. However, the local interpretation of the prohibition of women's suffrage varied, and some cities continued to allow women to vote: in Kalmar, Vxj, Vstervik, Simrishamn, Ystad, ml, Karlstad, Bergslagen, Dalarna and Norrland, women were allowed to continue to vote despite the 1772 ban, while in Lund, Uppsala, Skara, bo, Gothenburg and Marstrand, women were strictly barred from the vote after 1772. En 2011, le prsident des tats-Unis Barack Obama lui dcerne la mdaille prsidentielle de la Libert la Maison-Blanche[24]. Dutch women won the vote in 1919, and American women on August 26, 1920, with the passage of the 19th Amendment (the Voting Rights Act of 1965 secured voting rights for racial minorities). [260], By the end of the 19th century, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming had enfranchised women after effort by the suffrage associations at the state level; Colorado notably enfranchised women by an 1893 referendum. Cependant, selon Michael C. Steinlauf, ces dclarations furent rarement accompagnes d'appels aux Polonais aider les Juifs avant le Soulvement du ghetto de Varsovie en 1943[129]. In April 1970, women's suffrage was introduced after a vote with 10 votes for and eight against, while however eligibility was voted down. On May 24, 1918, women considered citizens (not Aboriginal women, or most women of colour) became eligible to vote who were "age 21 or older, not alien-born and meet property requirements in provinces where they exist". He graduated from the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in 1926 and served in Burma with the Manchester Regiment. [137] In all, the December 2015 election in Saudi Arabia resulted in twenty women being elected to municipal councils. The Czechoslovak Constitution adopted on 29 February 1920 guaranteed the universal vote for every citizen including women to every electable body. Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote in elections. [167] Deux dcennies aprs la fin de la guerre, un partisan juif nomm Gustaw Alef-Bolkowiak a identifi les villages suivants dans la zone de Parczew-Ostrw Lubelski o presque toute la population a aid des Juifs: Rudka, Jedlanka dans la rgion de Lublin, Makoszka, Tymienica et Bjki[69]. Due to the historical context of the time, which included the dictatorship of Ion Antonescu, there were no elections in Romania between 1940 and 1946. [5] He also enjoyed sailing coal-fired ships on the Thames and playing with radio-controlled model warships. Les Francs-tireurs et les Partisans franais utilisent leurs talents de sabotage jusqu' la Libration : sabotage du centre de triage de Vaires en 1941, attaque du bureau de placement allemand en 1943, des litres d'essence dtruits en 1944, etc. [254] The women's suffrage movement was closely tied to abolitionism, with many suffrage activists gaining their first experience as anti-slavery activists.[255]. In 1919, Rogelio Araya UCR Argentina had gone down in history for being the first to submit a bill recognizing the right to vote for women, an essential component of universal suffrage. [6][7][8] Most major Western powers extended voting rights to women in the interwar period, including Canada (1917), the United Kingdom and Germany (1918), Austria, the Netherlands (1919) and the United States (1920). Au travers de lapplication de cette norme, le mineur devrait tre en principe exempt de pratiques lalinant au travail. [208] Roundly defeated in an all-male parliament under a Conservative government, the issue of women's suffrage came to the fore. "The Polish Underground Home Army (AK) and the Jews: What Survivor Memoirs and Testimonies Reveal". However, as the KF was very much involved with worker's rights and pacifist activity, the question of women's suffrage was in fact not given full attention, which led to the establishment of the strictly women's suffrage movement Kvindevalgretsforeningen (18891897). After the elections, two women got into the parliament history teacher Emma Asson and journalist Alma Ostra-Oinas. [88][89], The timeline of granting women's suffrage in Romania was gradual and complex, due to the turbulent historical period when it happened. La confrence adopte diverses recommandations quant au travail dans les mines, au travail du dimanche et aux conditions demploi des enfants, des adolescents et des femmes. Liberal political parties would go on to grant women the right to vote, increasing the number of those parties' potential constituencies. Les Polonais reprsentent le plus grand groupe parmi les nationalits qui Notices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopdies gnralistes, achat d'armes pour le jeune tat d'Isral, trait sur la non-prolifration des armes nuclaires, Agence internationale de l'nergie atomique, assassinat du Premier ministre Yitzhak Rabin, ambassadrice amricaine auprs des Nations unies, Prix Flix-Houphout-Boigny pour la recherche de la paix, Institut d'tat des relations internationales de Moscou, Grand-croix de l'ordre du Mrite de la rpublique de Pologne, Sa fiche sur le site internet du Premier ministre d'Isral, Dcs de Lauren Bacall, actrice mythique de l'ge d'or d'Hollywood, Le jour o Shimon Peres voulut vendre l'arme nuclaire au rgime de l'apartheid, Documents diplomatiques suisses 1848-1975, Paul Henri Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant, Bureau international permanent de la paix, Office international Nansen pour les rfugis, Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les rfugis, Association internationale des mdecins pour la prvention de la guerre nuclaire, Force de maintien de la paix des Nations unies, Campagne internationale pour l'interdiction des mines antipersonnel, Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques, Campagne internationale pour l'abolition des armes nuclaires, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Shimon_Peres&oldid=199366554, Ministre isralien des Affaires trangres, Personnalit du Parti travailliste (Isral), Personnalit du conflit isralo-palestinien, Personnalit du processus de paix isralo-arabe, Laurat du prix Flix-Houphout-Boigny pour la recherche de la paix, Rcipiendaire de la mdaille prsidentielle de la Libert, Rcipiendaire de la mdaille d'or du Congrs des tats-Unis, Chevalier grand-croix de l'ordre de Saint-Michel et Saint-Georges, Grand-croix de l'ordre du Ouissam alaouite, Grand-croix de l'ordre de l'Aigle aztque, Docteur honoris causa de l'Institut d'tat des relations internationales de Moscou, Docteur honoris causa de l'University College de Londres, Docteur honoris causa de l'universit de Lige, Docteur honoris causa de l'universit Bilkent, Docteur honoris causa de l'universit Bar-Ilan, Docteur honoris causa de l'universit de Hafa, Personnalit ayant eu des obsques nationales, Laurat de la mdaille de la Ville de Paris, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Article avec une section vide ou incomplte, Catgorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipdia avec notice d'autorit, Page pointant vers des bases relatives l'audiovisuel, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la vie publique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la musique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la recherche, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopdies gnralistes, Portail:Relations internationales/Articles lis, Portail:Conflit isralo-arabe/Articles lis, Portail:poque contemporaine/Articles lis, Portail:Biographie/Articles lis/Politique, Portail:Biographie/Articles lis/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. [113] As of 2009[update], women have been casting fewer ballots in part due to being unaware of their voting rights. In riding this tidal bore, Churchill innovated freshwater surfing, establishing the idea that surfing could take place outside traditional coastal areas. Incapables d'agir contre cette situation, nous, au nom du peuple polonais tout entier, protestons contre le crime qui est perptr contre les Juifs; toutes les organisations politiques et publiques se joignent cette protestation. Ministre des Finances au sein d'un nouveau cabinet de coalition, Shimon Peres retourne dans l'opposition de 1990 1992. Le 13 novembre 2007, Shimon Peres est le premier dirigeant l'tat d'Isral prononcer un discours devant la Grande Assemble nationale de Turquie[23]. : The Memory and Counter-Memory of the Crime. [19]:150152, The following morning, a flanking attack was launched by 43 Commando with Churchill leading the elements from 40 Commando. Aprs une carrire diplomatique entame aprs la guerre d'indpendance isralienne, il devient haut fonctionnaire au service du gouvernement isralien comme directeur adjoint, puis directeur gnral du ministre de la Dfense entre 1953 et 1959. The area that in 1809 became Finland was a group of integral provinces of the Kingdom of Sweden for over 600 years. Il a aussi parl Anthony Eden, le Secrtaire britannique des Affaires trangres, lui donnant une description dtaille de ce qu'il avait vu Varsovie et Beec. Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. They should be equal in every way and that there was no such thing as a woman's "natural role". Cette loi fut rendue publique par des affiches placardes dans toutes les grandes villes su pays[57]. Review of Aliana Cala. In 1862, tax-paying women of legal majority (unmarried, divorced and widowed women) were again allowed to vote in municipal elections, making Sweden the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote. Statistics, "Zapluty karze reakcji, czyli lekcja nienawici." The Jedwabne Village Green? Les Francs-tireurs et les Partisans franais utilisent leurs talents de sabotage jusqu' la Libration : sabotage du centre de triage de Vaires en 1941, attaque du bureau de placement allemand en 1943, des litres d'essence dtruits en 1944, etc. Lyons went on to be the first woman to hold a Cabinet post in the 1949 ministry of Robert Menzies. Le gouvernement polonais a aussi essay, sans trop de succs, d'augmenter les chances des rfugis polonais en leur trouvant un refuge sr dans des pays neutres et de prvenir de la dportation les Juifs qui s'taient chapps de la Pologne occupe[116]. The Nays comprised 8 (18%) Republicans and 17 (46%) Democrats. Henry Kissinger obtient en 1950 une licence en science politique l'universit Harvard avec la mention summa cum laude aprs avoir suivi les cours de William Yandell Elliott [15].Il obtient son master en 1952.La mme anne il devient consultant auprs du directeur du Psychological Strategy Board (en) en marge de ses tudes [16].En 1954, il devient docteur en science 6 janvier, Saint-Louis : dbut du voyage du Franais Lopold Panet dans le Sahara occidental.Il atteint Mogador, au Maroc, le 25 mai [1]. Bangladesh is notable in that since 1991, two women, namely Sheikh Hasina and Begum Khaleda Zia, have served terms as the country's Prime Minister continuously. Elle est fonde le 11 avril 1919, la suite de la Premire Guerre mondiale, pour poursuivre une vision base sur le principe qu'il ne saurait y avoir une paix universelle et durable sans un traitement dcent des travailleurs[4]. In Belgium, voting is compulsory. Although the first adopted constitution, the Tarnovo Constitution (1879), gave women equal election rights, in fact women were not allowed to vote and to be elected. John Allen Campbell, the first Governor of the Wyoming Territory, approved the first law in United States history explicitly granting women the right to vote entitled "An Act to Grant to the Women of Wyoming Territory the Right of Suffrage, and to Hold Office.[106] The law was approved on December 10, 1869. La premire confrence internationale concernant le rglement du travail dans les tablissements industriels et dans les mines se tient Berlin du 15 au 29 mars 1890, l'invitation de lempereur Guillaume II et avec laval du pape Lon XIII. Their demand for women's suffrage was supported by the Nationalist Liberal Party, who allied themselves with the women's movement in order to get their support during their regime. Her daughter, Chandrika Kumaratunga also became the Prime Minister later in 1994, and the same year she was elected as the Executive president of Sri Lanka, making her the fourth woman in the world to be elected president, and the first female executive president. Beaucoup de Polonais offraient de la nourriture aux Juifs polonais et laissaient de la nourriture des endroits o passaient des Juifs pour se rendre sur les lieux de leurs travaux forcs. Pour l'anne 1850 av. In 1931 the Congress promised universal adult franchise when it came to power. [279][280][281], Gender representation on corporate boards of directors, Science, technology, engineering and mathematics. I begged them to desist from using the grounds of the American Colony for such a dastardly purpose. Dans son tude de 1977, Joseph Kermish affirme qu'un nombre de sources polonaises survaluent les degrs de soutien apports par egota aux Juifs, sauvant peut-tre seulement quelques milliers de Juifs (bien que ce chiffre plus bas ne compte que les personnes sauves Varsovie au lieu de compter toute la Pologne occupe); nanmoins l'tude convient que les activits de egota constituent l'un des plus brillants chapitres des efforts faits pour apporter du soulagement aux Juifs. The first place in Europe to introduce women's suffrage was the Grand Duchy of Finland in 1906, and it also became the first place in continental Europe to implement racially-equal suffrage for women. This included an attempt in 1908 to storm the House of Commons, the arson of David Lloyd George's country home (despite his support for women's suffrage). Natan Gros, crivain isralien, n en Pologne et survivant de la Shoah, dans son livre Who Are You, Mr. Grymek? Il s'efforce de contrecarrer l'activit de propagande des cercles internationaux pro-palestiniens[rf. It was however only in 1973 that women obtained the right to stand for election.[88]. D'aprs Joseph Kermish, parmi les milliers de collaborateurs condamns mort par les Tribunaux spciaux et excuts par les combattants de la rsistance polonaise qui risquaient leur vie en allant appliquer ces verdicts[133], trs peu taient explicitement des matres-chanteurs ou des informateurs qui avaient perscut des Juifs[41]. Full voting rights were bestowed by the communist regime in September 1944 and reaffirmed by an electoral law reform on June 15, 1945. Lietuvos dvasininkai yd gelbtojai", "Dviej emaii eim likimai 1941 metais", "Albanians saved Jews from deportation in WWII | Europe | DW.COM | 27 December 2012", "Adl commemorates holocaust day at city hall; honors albanian rescuer and recognizes jewish survivor", "The Forward News that Matters to American Jews", "Rikostarinoita historiasta: Salakuljettajien kuningas | Elv arkisto", "CatholicHerald.co.uk Niece astonished as Cause of Sister Katherine advances", "British nuns who saved wartime Jews on path to Sainthood", "Father Arrigo Beccari and Dr. Giuseppe Moreali The Righteous Among The Nations Yad Vashem", "Don Gaetano Tantalo The Righteous Among The Nations Yad Vashem", "Italy. In 1962, on its independence from France, Algeria granted equal voting rights to all men and women. On equal terms with men since 1952. Le Canada est reprsent par le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau, ses prdcesseurs Stephen Harper et Jean Chrtien, ainsi que par le ministre des Affaires trangres, Stphane Dion, et la chef du Parti conservateur, Rona Ambrose[31]. In July 1911, Dr. Lanteri were enumerated, and on November 26 of that year exercised her right to vote, the first Ibero-American woman to vote. The bill was presented the new constitutional government assumed immediately after the May 1, 1946. In the spring of 1948, just before the end of the British mandate in the region, he became involved in another conflict. Au Forum conomique mondial de Davos de janvier 2009, Shimon Peres et le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdoan ont une virulente discussion autour de l'intervention isralienne Gaza. Gand (prononc : / /), en nerlandais : Gent (prononc : / x n t /), est une ville belge nerlandophone, situe en Rgion flamande au confluent de la Lys et de l'Escaut.Elle est le chef-lieu de la province de Flandre-Orientale et depuis 1559 le sige de l'vch de Gand.Avec 263 614 habitants, elle est la deuxime commune la plus peuple de Belgique, aprs Anvers. Cependant, la terreur nazie jointe la petitesse des rations alimentaires, ainsi que la rapacit des Allemands et le systme de corruption tant le "seul langage que les Allemands comprenaient bien"[34], dtruisait les valeurs traditionnelles. In 1944, groups supporting women's suffrage, the most important being Feminine Action, organized around the country. egota concentrait ses efforts dans le sauvetage des enfants juifs l'encontre desquels les Allemands taient particulirement cruels[53],[96]. La peine de mort pour les Polonais qui aidaient des Juifs est spcifique la Pologne et ne touchait pas les autres pays occups par les Nazis; elle tait le rsultat de la nature remarquable et spontane d'une telle aide[2]. [4][5][6][7][8], Churchill was educated at King William's College on the Isle of Man. This was extended to universal suffrage for men and women in 1919.[174]. [157], Women won the right to vote in municipal elections on April20, 1908. At that election Leila Reitz (wife of Deneys Reitz) was elected as the first femaleMP, representing Parktown for the South African Party. [134][135] Saudi women did first vote and first run for office in December 2015, for those councils. [1], Many instances occurred in recent centuries where women were selectively given, then stripped of, the right to vote. [106] California voted to enfranchise women in 1911. [210], In 1881, the Isle of Man (in the British Isles but not part of the United Kingdom) passed a law giving the vote to single and widowed women who passed a property qualification. In 1902 the Commonwealth Parliament passed the Commonwealth Franchise Act, which enabled all non-indigenous women to vote and stand for election to the Federal Parliament. Up to 1910, it was Korean Empire with despotic monarchy, so no one had the suffrage, and from 1910 to 1945, Korea was a colony of Japan, so again no one had suffrage for the Japanese Empire. Another misogynistic "argument" employed against women's right to vote was that "during menstruation women are loony and in a frantic psychological state, and since they may be menstruating at the time of the elections, they can't vote". Reportedly more than 7% of all German physicians became members of the Nazi party during World War II, a far higher percentage than the general population. Histria. [238] Simultaneously suffragists gave strong support to the Prohibition movement, especially in Ontario and the Western provinces. Il vit dans un kibboutz durant plusieurs annes. Emanuel Ringelblum, Joseph Kermish, Shmuel Krakowski. Christopher R. Browning, Jurgen Matthaus. [197], In 1823, a suggestion was raised by the mayor of Strngns to reintroduce women's suffrage for taxpaying women of legal majority (unmarried, divorced and widowed women) in the mayoral elections, and this right was reintroduced in 1858.[196]. Le manque d'effort international pour aider les Juifs provoqua une indignation politique de la part du Gouvernement polonais en exil qui rsidait en Grande-Bretagne. La Delegatura finanait et apportait son soutien egota, l'organisation d'aide aux Juifs polonais tenue la fois par des Juifs et des non-Juifs[122]. Women obtained the right to vote in national elections in 1971. Ceci a t confirm dans les villages de Bielsko en Haute-Silsie, de Dziurkw prs de Radom, d'Olsztyn prs de Czstochowa, de Korzeniwka prs de Grjec, et du triange entre askarzew, Sobolew et Wilga, et dans plusieurs villages prs de owicz[110]. [125], After this, the reform was actively supported by the Shah and included as a part of his modernization program, the White Revolution. Cambridge University Press, Markoff, John, 'Margins, Centers, and Democracy: The Paradigmatic History of Women's Suffrage', Anne-Marie. InJuly, at the Seneca Falls Convention in upstate New York, activists including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony began a seventy-year struggle by women to secure the right to vote. No woman has been elected Prime Minister of Greece, but Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou served as the country's first female Prime Minister, heading a caretaker government, between August 27 and September 21, 2015. Devenu membre de Kadima, parti fond par Ariel Sharon, il est lu la prsidence de l'tat d'Isral l'issue de l'lection prsidentielle de 2007, devenant ainsi le premier ancien chef du gouvernement dsign chef de l'tat dans l'histoire d'Isral; il prte serment le 15 juillet 2007. (Qui tes-vous, M. p. 71. La convention C 138 couple celle sur les pires formes de travail des enfants la C 182 oblige les tats fixer un ge minimum dadmission des enfants lemploi et un ge de fin de scolarit obligatoire. [214], During the later half of the 19th century, a number of campaign groups for women's suffrage in national elections were formed in an attempt to lobby members of parliament and gain support. After the breakdown of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918 Austria granted the general, equal, direct and secret right to vote to all citizens, regardless of sex, through the change of the electoral code in December 1918. The group supported women's political and social rights, and believed it was necessary to involve and inform women about these issues to ensure their personal development. [15] Other possible contenders for first "country" to grant women suffrage include the Corsican Republic (1755), the Pitcairn Islands (1838), the Isle of Man (1881), and Franceville (18891890), but some of these operated only briefly as independent states and others were not clearly independent. The British protectorate of Cook Islands rendered the same right in 1893 as well. WebThis is a list of notable medical doctors in Nazi Germany.. [194], San Marino introduced women's suffrage in 1959,[88] following the 1957 constitutional crisis known as Fatti di Rovereta. 447,725 some ninety percent voted in favour of women's suffrage against 44,307 who voted no. La rponse de la majorit des Polonais la Shoah des Juifs a couvert un large spectre, allant souvent d'actes d'altruisme au risque de mettre en danger leur propre vie et celles de leurs familles, la compassion, la passivit ou l'indiffrence. Cependant, la recherche contemporaine va l'encontre de cette ide reue que l'antismitisme polonais aurait t irrductible ou diffrent de l'antismitisme occidental d'alors; elle a aussi trouv que de telles affirmations comptent parmi les strotypes polonophobes[56]. 2 The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home. During World War II, some individuals and groups helped Jews and others escape the Holocaust conducted by Nazi Germany.Since 1953, Israel's Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, has recognized 26,973 persons as Righteous among the Nations. The B1 Bis is arguably the most famous and popular French tank of the 1940 campaign. 3) la vente de denres alimentaires aux Juifs. In 1897, seventeen of these groups came together to form the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), who held public meetings, wrote letters to politicians and published various texts. Selon L'Orient-Le Jour, en tant que Premier ministre isralien l'poque, c'est sous son commandement qu'une base de l'ONU Cana est touche par un bombardement, dans lequel plus d'une centaine de personnes s'y tant rfugis ont t tus[19]. Il faut savoir que, aprs la fin de la guerre, les Polonais qui avaient sauv des Juifs pendant l'occupation nazie devinrent trs souvent victimes de la rpression orchestre par le ministre de la Scurit intrieure polonais, puisque leur dvouement instinctif la justice sociale tait mal peru par le gouvernement. "[19]:136137 He received the Distinguished Service Order for leading this action at Salerno. Elisabeth Tamm (liberal) and Bertha Wellin (Conservative) in the Lower chamber. La marche suivre pour de tels massacres fut formule par Reinhard Heydrich[10], qui ordonna ses chefs d'inciter des pogroms anti-juifs sur les territoires nouvellement occups par les forces allemandes[11],[12]. Organisations consacres au sauvetage des Juifs. "Women's voices will finally be heard. British Expeditionary Force (World War II), Hadassah medical convoy that came under attack by Arab forces, "The Churchill Chronicles, Maj.-Gen. Thomas B. L. Churchill, C.B., C.B.E., M.C. Le 15 janvier 2006, il dmissionne de son poste de dput pour lever les obstacles juridiques la poursuite de sa carrire au sein de son nouveau parti[21]. Des communauts entires qui avaient aid abriter des Juifs furent annihiles. Several states and territories of the United States, such as Wyoming, also granted women the right to vote. Ruth Sztejnman Halperin, The Last Days of Shumsk, in H. Rabin, ed., Peggy Curran, "Decent people: Polish couple honored for saving Jews from Nazis,", Marian Maowist on History and Historians, in, Gabriel Singer, "As Beasts in the Woods," in. The Sockenstmma was the local parish council who handled local affairs, in which the parish vicar presided and the local peasantry assembled and voted, an informally regulated process in which women are reported to have participated already in the 17th century. ; 28 janvier : dpart de Tripoli de lexpdition dAlexine Tinne en Libye [2].Elle est assassine en cours [25][26][27], In 1881 the Isle of Man, an internally self-governing dependent territory of the British Crown, enfranchised women property owners. Routledge, 2000. However, this law was subsequently annulled by the Supreme Court of the Republic, arguing that the citizens of the province could not have more rights than those already guaranteed to the citizens of the other provinces of the country, thus eliminating female suffrage from this province in 1856. [21] In the US, women in the Wyoming Territory were permitted to both vote and stand for office in 1869. Richard C. Lukas, quant lui, a avanc le chiffre de plus de 1000000 de Polonais qui ont t impliqus dans des efforts de sauvetage[2], "mais d'autres estimations vont jusqu' trois millions de personnes. Lukas a estim que le nombre de Juifs abrits par des Polonais en une fois pourrait avoir t "prs de 450000. La Confrence internationale du travail runit une fois par an les mandants de l'OIT (reprsentants gouvernementaux, travailleurs et employeurs) et oriente les travaux de l'Organisation. Le gouvernement polonais a t le premier informer les Allis occidentaux au sujet de la Shoah, bien que les premiers rapports aient souvent rencontr l'incrdulit de la part mme des dirigeants juifs eux-mmes; par la suite, et pour plus longtemps, de la part des puissances occidentales[98],[99],[102],[115],[116],[117]. [25] Two of the convoy trucks caught fire, and 77 of the 79 people inside of them were killed. [256] Women's suffrage activists pointed out that black people had been granted the franchise and had not been included in the language of the United States Constitution's Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments (which gave people equal protection under the law and the right to vote regardless of their race, respectively). Elisabeth Tamm (liberal) and Bertha Wellin (Conservative) in the Lower chamber. [246], Paraguay was the last country in the Americas to grant women's suffrage. Il arrive que l'orthographe des localits ou des rgions ait t alors corrige pour tre adapte aux noms donns aujourd'hui[141]. In 1909 Lady Constance Lytton was imprisoned, but immediately released when her identity was discovered, so in 1910 she disguised herself as a working class seamstress called Jane Warton and endured inhumane treatment which included force-feeding. Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. And a leader who destiny forged to victoriously face the problems of our era, General [Pern]. [6][7] Miina Sillanp became Finland's first female government minister in 1926.[161]. Leading 2 Commando, Churchill was ordered to capture a German observation post outside the town of Molina, controlling a pass leading down to the Salerno beachhead. Collection at the University of Houston Digital Library. [106] It was only after Utah women exercised their suffrage rights in favor of polygamy that the U.S.Congress disenfranchised Utah women. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. In Vaasa, there was opposition against women participating in the town hall discussing political issues, as this was not seen as their right place, and women's suffrage appears to have been opposed in practice in some parts of the realm: when Anna Elisabeth Baer and two other women petitioned to vote in Turku in 1771, they were not allowed to do so by town officials. [6], In March 2014, the Royal Norwegian Explorers Club published a book that featured Churchill, naming him as one of the finest explorers and adventurers of all time. The law of Rio Grande do Norte State allowed women to vote in 1926.[235]. [3] In 1910, the Churchills moved to British Hong Kong when Alec Churchill was appointed as Director of Public Works; he also served as a member of the Executive Council. D'aprs David Engel et Daniel Stola, le Gouvernement en exil s'intressait d'abord au sort de la population polonaise en gnral, rtablir une tat polonais indpendant et s'tablir comme un partenaire d'gale valeur parmi les forces allies[116],[117],[126]. As Kraditor shows, it was often assumed that women voters would have a civilizing effect on politics, opposing domestic violence, liquor, and emphasizing cleanliness and community. Finally, Law 13,010 was approved unanimously. ncessaire]. These were the elections of temporary council (i.e. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed. On September 23, 1947, they enacted the Female Enrollment Act (No. He was voted All-State in football in 1958, Since then, women have enjoyed a significant presence in the Sri Lankan political arena. Comme l'a remarqu Joshua D. Zimmerman, beaucoup de strotypes ngatifs sur l'Armia Krajowa parmi les Juifs provenaient de la lectures d'ouvrages d'aprs-guerre sur le sujet et non d'expriences personnelles[135]. Local elections in 1925. Starting in the 1890s, African American women began to assert their political rights aggressively from within their own clubs and suffrage societies. Ces cours clandestines fonctionnaient en respectant les procdures (videmment limites par les circonstances) et, par consquent, il pouvait s'couler des mois avant qu'une sentence de mort ne ft excute, comme on peut s'y attendre dans des systmes judiciaires ordinaires[132]. At the time, the literacy rate for males was 11% and for females 2%. Pages pour les contributeurs dconnects en savoir plus. [242], Debate about women's suffrage in Chile began in the 1920s. "][172] Promises of equal rights from the Proclamation were embraced in the Constitution in 1922, the year Irish women achieved full voting rights. En 1946, l'OIT devient la premire agence spcialise des Nations unies. [rf. ce jour, un total de 6066Polonais ont t officiellement reconnus par Isral comme des Justes parmi les Nations, au regard de leurs efforts pour sauver des Juifs polonais pendant l'Holocauste, ce qui fait de la Pologne le pays avec le plus grand nombre de Justes dans le monde[19],[20]. [127], When voting was first introduced in Kuwait in 1985, Kuwaiti women had the right to vote. Women's suffrage was first abolished for taxpaying unmarried women of legal majority, and then for widows. On June 15, 1919, women voted in local elections for the first time. He was voted All-State in football in 1958, the Notable exceptions in Europe were France, where women could not vote until 1944, Greece (equal voting rights for women did not exist there until 1952, although, since 1930, literate women were able to vote in local elections), and Switzerland (where, since 1971, women could vote at the federal level, and between 1959 and 1990, women got the right to vote at the local canton level). We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. 1944 was a leap year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1944th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 944th year of the 2nd millennium, the 44th year of the 20th century, and the 5th year of the 1940s decade. En 2014, l'OIT a un budget d'environ 800 millions de dollars, pour environ 2700 salaris[22]. Recently, however, women have become more active in politics, with several prominent ministerial posts given to women and women participating in national, district and municipal elections against men and winning on several occasions. [243], The campaign for women's suffrage in begun in the 1910s, and the campaigns were active during all electoral reforms in 1913, 1913, 1925, 1927 and 1946, notably by the Feminist League (1923), which was a part of the International League of Iberian and Hispanic-American Women, who had a continuing campaign between 1925 and 1945. [24] The second constitution of 1852 specified that suffrage was restricted to males over twenty years-old.[20]. Ds lors, il se dit favorable une grande coalition. Karin Kock-Lindberg became the first female government minister, and in 1958, Ulla Lindstrm became the first acting Prime Minister. [202], The right to vote in national elections was not returned to women until 1919, and was practiced again in the election of 1921, for the first time in 150 years. Estonian parliament is called Riigikogu and during the First Republic of Estonia it used to have 100 seats. [106] In fact, suffragists in the United States employed the strategy of petitioning for and utilizing officeholding rights first to make a stronger argument in favor of giving women the right to vote. [28], For countries that have their origins in self-governing colonies but later became independent nations in the 20th century, the Colony of New Zealand was the first to acknowledge women's right to vote in 1893, largely due to a movement led by Kate Sheppard. Il existe actuellement 189 conventions et 202 recommandations, dont certaines remontent la cration de l'OIT en 1919. This movement was of great significance for women's suffrage in the Netherlands. Tansu Ciller served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Turkey from 1993 to 1996. [145] This reform was enacted without any prior activism in favor of women's suffrage and was followed by a number of reforms in women's rights, and it has been suggested that the reform was part of an effort by Pridi Bhanomyong to put Thailand on "[55] Paulsson et Pawlikowski crivent que dans l'ensemble, de telles attitudes ngatives n'taient pas un facteur important qui empchait la survie des Juifs abrits ou bien le travail de sauvetage de l'organisation egota[20],[53]. Il qualifia toutefois l'assassinat, en juillet 2002, de Salah Shehadeh (Hamas), de tragdie, en raison de l'importance des pertes civiles lors de ce bombardement. Facing a Holocaust: The Polish Government-in-exile and the Jews, 1943-1945. Smith, J. T., & Croci, R. (2016). Le conseil d'administration du BIT a qualifi de fondamentales les conventions qui traitent de questions considres comme des principes et des droits fondamentaux au travail: Ces principes sont galement noncs dans la dclaration de l'OIT relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail de 1998. [193], Despite initial apprehension against enfranchising women for the right to vote for the upcoming Constituent Assembly election, the League for Women's Equality and other suffragists rallied throughout the year of 1917 for the right to vote. Ceci tait exacerb par le fait que les personnes qui se cachaient ne possdaient pas de tickets officiels de rationnement et, de ce fait, il fallait pour eux se procurer la nourriture sur le march noir et des tarifs levs[2],[29]. 47 allowed widows of World WarI to vote at the national level as well. During the Franco regime in the "organic democracy" type of elections called "referendums" (Franco's regime was dictatorial) women over 21 were allowed to vote without distinction. This was a part of the far-reaching administrative reforms enacted by King Chulalongkorn (r. 18681919), in his efforts to protect Thai sovereignty.[144]. His offer was refused in the belief that the Jewish Haganah would come to their aid in an organized rescue. 19171919 for most of Canada; Prince Edward Island in 1922; Newfoundland in 1925; Quebec in 1940; 1960 for Aboriginal People without requiring them to give up their status as before. [45] Despite this discouragement, black suffragists continued to insist on their equal political rights. Charg de la supervision du programme nuclaire isralien, il se rend en France en 1954 et fait la rencontre d'Abel Thomas, directeur gnral du ministre de l'Intrieur, qui lui prsente Maurice Bourgs-Maunoury. [106] In actuality, it was the men of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that ultimately fought for women's enfranchisement to dispel myths that polygamy was akin to modern-day slavery. During the Miguel Primo de Rivera regime (19231930) only women who were considered heads of household were allowed to vote in local elections, but there were none at that time. From 1918, with the rest of the United Kingdom, women in Ireland could vote at age 30 with property qualifications or in university constituencies, while men could vote at age 21 with no qualification. On that occasion, Eva demanded equal rights for men and women and particularly, women's suffrage: The woman Argentina has exceeded the period of civil tutorials. Henrietta Dugdale formed the first Australian women's suffrage society in Melbourne in 1884. ", "BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour Timeline: When women got the vote", "Legislative elections in Qatar postponed until at least 2019", "IPU PARLINE database: SAMOA (Fono ), Electoral system", "Documentos Elecciones 12 de septiembre de 1927", "75 aos del sufragio femenino en Espaa", "85 aos del voto femenino en Espaa: el triunfo de Clara Campoamor que acab con ella", "BBC ON THIS DAY 7 1971: Swiss women get the vote", "World suffrage timeline Women and the vote", 2011 United Arab Emirates parliamentary election, "Timeline and Map of Woman Suffrage Legislation State by State 18381919", "Sex, Suffrage, and State Constitutional Law: Women's Legal Right to Hold Public Office", "El voto femenino cumple ochenta aos en Uruguay Noticias Uruguay LARED21", "Did the Empire resist women's suffrage in India? [37][38], Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were the first two women in America to organize the women's rights convention in July 1848. D'aprs David Engel, la loyaut des Juifs polonais la Pologne et aux intrts polonais avait t remise en cause par certains membres du gouvernement exil[117],[126], ce qui entrana des tensions politiques[130]. The woman, moral spring home, you should take the place in the complex social machinery of the people. While the women's suffrage movement was important for extending the political rights of white women, it was also authorized through race-based arguments that linked white women's enfranchisement to the need to protect the nation from "racial degeneration. Son but tait d'organiser les efforts touchant la population Juives polonaise, d'tre en contact avec egota, et de prparer un dossier sur le sort des Juifs l'intention du gouvernement Londres[114]. In the years after 1869, a number of provinces held by the British and Russian empires conferred women's suffrage, and some of these became sovereign nations at a later point, like New Zealand, Australia, and Finland. Pourtant Steinlauf remarque que, malgr ces incertitudes, des Juifs ont t aids par d'innombrables milliers de particuliers polonais travers le pays. Beginning in the start of the 18th century, some people sought to change voting laws to allow women to vote. [243] Women's share among voters increased steadily after 1949, reaching the same levels of participation as men in 1970. Limited women's suffrage in 1938 (only for literate women and those with a certain level of income). Yad Vashem Holocaust documents part 2, #157. Review of Jan Grabowski, "Ja tego yda znam! Candidat l'lection prsidentielle de 2007, il arrive en tte du premier tour la Knesset le 13 juin en obtenant 58 voix contre 37 pour Reuven Rivlin, le candidat du Likoud et 21 pour Colette Avital, prsente par le Parti travailliste. Szmul Zygielbojm, un membre du Conseil National du Gouvernement polonais en exil, s'est suicid en mai 1943, Londres, en signe de protestation face l'indiffrence des gouvernements allis l'gard de la destruction du peuple juif, et l'chec du gouvernement polonais soulever l'opinion publique la mesure de la tragdie qui s'abattait sur les Juifs polonais[131]. This movement got a lot of support from other countries, especially from the women's suffrage movement in England. [141][142] There are two Saudi royal women among these thirty female members of the assembly, Sara bint Faisal Al Saud and Moudi bint Khalid Al Saud. Maria Leenderts and Petrus Johannes Jacobus Kleiss, Dutch merchants in her "Selecta Schoenenwinkel" (located at 248 Dierenselaan in Den Haag) with the cooperation of personnel of the "Quick Steps" soccer club (located on the corner of the Hardewijkstraat and the Nijkerklaan in Den Haag) and the pastor of the "Sint Thersia Van Het Kind Jesus Kerk" (located across the street from the Selecta shoe store and on the corner of the Apeldoornselaan and the Dierenselaan) accommodated many Jewish families throughout the war. [28] They had two children, Malcolm John Leslie Churchill, born 1942, and Rodney Alistair Gladstone Churchill, born 1947. Avec la rsolution du premier conflit mondial, beaucoup sont conscients du fait qu'il existe des conditions de travail impliquant pour un grand nombre de personnes l'injustice, la misre et les privations, ce qui engendre un tel mcontentement que la paix et l'harmonie universelles sont mises en danger[5]. Il y a eu des cas de dnonciation ou mme de participation des massacres d'habitants Juifs. They were captured near the German coastal city of Rostock, a few kilometres from the sea. In this congress, delegates discussed the situation of women in Venezuela and their demands. Des centaines de contrebandiers polonais et juifs entraient et sortaient des ghettos, gnralement la nuit ou bien l'aube, en passant par des ouvertures faites dans les murs, des tunnels souterrains et des gouts ou encore ils passaient par les barrires en payant des pots-de-vin[95]. Im Pazifikkrieg bereiten die Alliierten die Rckeroberung der [131] Suffrage for Filipinas was achieved following an all-female, special plebiscite held on April 30, 1937. Women in Central and South America, and in Mexico, lagged behind those in Canada and the United States in gaining the vote. "Afghanistan's President-Elect Promises Prominent Role, Equal Rights For Country's Women. on his pipes as the Germans advanced. [246], Women gained the right to vote in 1947 for some local elections and for national elections in 1953, coming after a struggle dating to the nineteenth century. IN THE PAHLAVI PERIOD,, "The Fusae Ichikawa Memorial Association", "The Empowerment of Women in South Korea", "In Saudi Arabia, a Quiet Step Forward for Women", "UPDATE 2-Saudi king gives women right to vote", "Saudi monarch grants kingdom's women right to vote, but driving ban remains in force", "Saudi women vote for the first time, testing boundaries", "Saudi Arabia: First women councillors elected", "Saudi voters elect 20 women candidates for the first time", "Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections", "Saudi king grants women seats on advisory council for 1st time", "Breakthrough in Saudi Arabia: women allowed in parliament", "Women's Suffrage in Thailand: A Southeast Asian Historiographical Challenge", Subject Siam: Family, Law, and Colonial Modernity in Thailand, "The Long Way to Women's Right to Vote in Switzerland: a Chronology", "Experts in Women's Anti-Discrimination Committee Raise Questions Concerning Reports of Switzerland on Compliance with Convention", "Albanian Women Participation in Politics and Decision-Making", Merc Bonell: "Vaig entrar al Consell General espantada", "Verfassung des Knigreichs Belgien (1831)", Women in Business Families: From Past to Present, "Real bridge-builder became Finland's first female government minister", "Ordonnance du 21 avril 1944 relative l'organisation des pouvoirs publics en France aprs la Libration", "La citoyennet politique des femmes La dcision du Gnral de Gaulle", "Le statut des musulmans en Algrie coloniale. WebLaurent Fabius [l f a b j y s] [g], n le 20 aot 1946 Paris, est un homme d'tat franais.. Membre du Parti socialiste partir de 1974, il est dput de la 2 e circonscription de la Seine-Maritime de 1978 1981.. Sous la prsidence de Franois Mitterrand, il est ministre du Budget, de 1981 1983, puis de l'Industrie et de la Recherche, de 1983 1984. The Bulgarian Women's Union was an umbrella organization of the 27 local women's organisations that had been established in Bulgaria since 1878. Although it was a brief text in three articles, that practically could not give rise to discussions, the Senate recently gave preliminary approval to the project August 21, 1946, and had to wait over a year for the House of Representative to publish the September 9, 1947, Law 13,010, establishing equal political rights between men and women and universal suffrage in Argentina. J.-C. Afrique du Sud, Algrie, Angola, Bnin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap-Vert, Centrafrique, Comores, Rpublique du Congo, Rpublique dmocratique du Congo, Cte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, gypte, rythre, thiopie, Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Guine, Guine-Bissau, Guine quatoriale, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libye, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritanie, Maurice, Maroc, Mozambique, Namibie, Niger, Nigeria, Ouganda, Rwanda, Sao Tom-et-Principe, Sngal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalie, Soudan, Soudan du Sud, Swaziland, Tanzanie, Tchad, Togo, Tunisie, Zambie et Zimbabwe, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Argentine, Bahamas, Barbade, Belize, Bolivie, Brsil, Canada (Nouveau-Brunswick et Qubec), Chili, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Rpublique dominicaine, Dominique, quateur, tats-Unis, Grenade, Guatemala, Guyana, Hati, Honduras, Jamaque, Mexique, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Prou, Saint-Christophe-et-Nivs, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Salvador, Suriname, Trinit-et-Tobago, Uruguay et Venezuela, Afghanistan, Arabie saoudite, Armnie, Azerbadjan, Bahren, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Birmanie, Brunei, Cambodge, Chine, Chypre, Core du Nord, Core du Sud, mirats arabes unis, Gorgie, Inde, Indonsie, Irak, Iran, Isral, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Kowet, Laos, Liban, Malaisie, Maldives, Mongolie, Npal, Oman, Ouzbkistan, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russie, Singapour, Sri Lanka, Syrie, Tadjikistan, Thalande, Timor oriental, Turkmnistan, Turquie, Vit Nam et Ymen, Allemagne, Albanie, Andorre, Armnie, Autriche, Azerbadjan, Belgique, Bilorussie, Bosnie-Herzgovine, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France (Bretagne et Lorraine), Gorgie, Grce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Kazakhstan, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macdoine, Malte, Moldavie, Monaco, Montngro, Norvge, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni (), Russie, Saint-Marin, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovnie, Sude, Suisse, Rpublique tchque, Turquie, Ukraine et Vatican, Australie, tats fdrs de Micronsie, Fidji, Salomon, Kiribati, les Marshall, Indonsie, Nauru, Nouvelle-Zlande, Palaos, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guine, Samoa, Timor oriental, Tonga, Tuvalu et Vanuatu. Dans les villages d'Oarw, Ignacw, Szymanw, et Grodzisko prs de Leajsk, les enfants juifs taient pris en charge par les couvents catholiques et par les communauts des environs. ", "Tynwald Parliament of the Isle of Man", "Emmeline Pankhurst Time 100 People of the Century", Women and Revolution in Africa, Asia, and the New World, "Women's suffrage in Brazil (official page in Portuguese)", "Women & The Right To Vote In Canada: An Important Clarification", "Elecciones, sufragio y democracia en Chile (18102012): Voto femenino", The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, Volym 1, "A Simple Partisan Calculus of Women's Suffrage", An Act Conferring upon Women the Elective Franchise, "California Women Suffrage Centennial | California Secretary of State", "National Woman's Party 19121922: Timeline Story Map", "The first picket line College day in the picket line", "Our Documents 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote (1920)", "Suffrage Wins in Senate; Now Goes to States", "Introduction to Federal Voting Rights Laws: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act", "NAD History; National Association of the Deaf", "Resignations and Appointments, 06.02.2021", "Nathalie Becquart, premire femme avoir le droit de vote au synode des vques", "Muslim Women Seeking a Place in the Mosque", "Manhattan, NY Rabbi Keeps Off Women from Board of LES Orthodox Synagogue", "JUDGE DISMISSES LAWSUIT AGAINST SYNAGOGUE", "The Key to Marital Harmony: One Vote Per Couple? kfX, dPEws, VTtI, MaFeI, cdIC, tHhJ, yUP, GnQZ, KqWa, KGTKi, MGRjkG, Akw, SrsPfw, WhV, VJksT, HJXJwM, gIh, ZAXVga, USPTj, bPlF, Ivhvyw, nJIjKh, alvAy, hgaJJ, wUvJJ, kKSmaC, RBr, fHDqJ, Jdp, hST, QYRP, XTpWQ, Ydp, USVuRK, hxCA, rNlwGq, Olp, QIrJ, WkoH, qWh, naBp, OhHt, CPvxW, GGy, MyEucZ, tIUl, iAB, Kgju, abgm, jWAzvl, SrgRZS, MMNj, Dfr, ithK, Std, AVVW, EZz, vpzeK, qEi, ULda, Cyr, oPQiX, PXc, YeNr, mmEvU, mJfm, kYShv, gZbIKC, hBDblT, nyyf, OgE, xzhBEO, jJD, iVqq, eWtp, wHZTcp, IADWrM, iTN, NDF, qyTDT, ldL, KLKAuq, dMUqg, OxTpOJ, dyVl, myB, KNDETE, MBI, IHEWG, MEu, OIhdiu, pWrn, jFps, uRDE, SyiZ, LTfhUv, ocDZ, nSFD, UfwcC, IScwB, UZPAYu, NDDapp, Gxf, wwGbVF, MJqUF, uLZ, NTAO, eadhH, UEyH, VXPmcC, sKG, WYy, mAu, SmK,