These are all of the basic blocks currently available in Notion: A block is automatically created when you click on an empty page, when you press the + sign next to a block, or when you press Enter. Your task list is synced and ready for action :D. Here's your Synced Block ! Mentioning a page acts just like mentioning a person. Every masterpiece is built block by block and Notion is the same. Next up: Specialty Blocks. Notion is built in markdown language and so we do not have the fine-tuning capability of a word processor when it comes to text sizing. Configure the Retrieve Block action. It's as minimal or as powerful as you need it to be. 1 Answer. Distinct biological genders appear increasingly unsupported by scientific evidence. It's like a super power. These blocks will be duplicated when the template block is used in the UI. You're now familiar with much of what you need to know to be fluent in Notion. Each cell for each item would return the total price after discount. Examples of time series are heights of ocean tides, counts of sunspots, and the daily closing value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Or maybe all blocks are pages? At least, there can only be one due date for a project but you might have 25 tasks associated. Add a code block On any Notion page, you can create a code block to display code so that it's broken out from the rest of your content and formatted by language. Some blocks have more content nested inside them. Every page/block is literally a web page, which makes sharing and collaboration part of the very framework that makes Notion so powerful. Blocks can be text, lists, media, and more. Here is the code for a Progress Bar I have on Notion State as a free resource. Example: One of three heading options. from typing import Optional from notion.block.basic import PageBlock, Block from notion.block.children import Templates from import CollectionViewBlock from notion.block.collection.query import CollectionQuery from notion.block.collection.view import CalendarView from notion.converter import PythonToNotionConverter . Added in June 2021. It's often helpful to link to a particular block within a Notion page. Bookmark block objects contain the following information within the bookmark property: Equation block objects contain the following information within the equation property, Divider block objects do not contain any information within the divider property, Table of contents block objects contain the following information within the table_of_contents property, Breadcrumb block objects do not contain any information within the breadcrumb property. When you create an image block, you have a few options, you can upload an image, paste a link, or use an Unsplash image. Start using notion-block-renderer in your project by running `npm i notion-block-renderer`. The key difference is that a synced block will update all other blocks across all instances whenever you change any of them. While pages contain data (the notes and other content within the page), Databases add meta-data to pages. When you create an image block, you have a few options, you can upload an image, paste a link, or use an Unsplash image. Links to pages are easily recognized by the \nearrow preceding the page name. 5. No matter where in the page I put it, it will still read the entire page. Sharing and duplicating pages in Notion is extremely easy. Columns are grouped by rows and rows are grouped by tables. We will cover linked databases in their own section, I only wanted to highlight Inline vs. Full Page tables because this is how Notion presents them in the block menu. When you first enter Notion and you click and start typing, you've already made a block. The complete guide to creating and organizing databases in Notion. They only need to be connected by a relation column first. When you're ready to use that code, the code block allows you to copy it to your clipboard. Turn Into Page turns the block into a page. Some examples are indented paragraphs, lists, and toggles. Database - In Notion, databases have different views - different ways to view the same items. (None)---prefix: Add prefix to className of each html component. We hacked it. A block in Notion is what everything is made of. The last piece to this guide on blocks is the database blocks where we'll focus not only on the blocks, but databases themselves and how to use them. We use pages to add hierarchy to our content but a page IS a block. Any nested children blocks of the paragraph block. Ill also send you a link to all my free Notion templates. Dates beyond that range will show up as normal dates. Sharing and duplicating pages in Notion is extremely easy. It's a subtle but important point to remember - all entries in a database are pages. They help separate items from each other or even group them together by some sort of type criteria. You can move the page block to other places in your workspace and Notion will always update its location, much like your computer recognizes file structures and file placement. 69. If true, code blocks are styled by CSS . If you're time blocking for one day, we recommend adding 2 columns (one for "Time" and one for "Task") and 20 . The Block Equation works exactly like the Inline Equation but exists as its own block. Some blocks have more content nested inside them. Heading 1's are the biggest of the three options. In Notion, the most atomic piece of the software is the block. A database runs deeper and contains tables as well as other things. - Shows the user who first created the entry. Each Database contains columns relevant to the entries it is made for. Example: Smaller than heading 2 and bigger than heading 3. This would result in a slow and potentially confusing experience as the block in the response would not match the block sent in the request. Property - Typically called columns, in Notion, they are properties. This works great for a code repository for coders. The template button is your go-to for repeatable processes. You had to copy the block link, paste it in a URL, delete a certain string of text from the URL, re-copy, and then paste. Type "Table", then select "Table" under "Basic Blocks.". Click on + Add a page or + New page in the left-hand menu. You just smashed through some power-user content. Start customizing your table. Instead of creating a task database for each individual project, you should create "Master Databases" for each. Original Synced Block Each of them is useful so here is a list of the Advanced Blocks in Notion including the latest addition, the Synced Block: The Table of contents can be trigged with /toc and dynamically reads the page for the heading hierarchy. Nothing fancy here but note that this is the equivalent of the boolean in a formula. There are tons of resources for Notion out there including guides and free templates. The first is in-line creation. I got around that for the sake of the example by using the "@" command to mention the page but the functionality remains the same. Either way, use them as you will, it's your workspace. There can only be one of these columns in your table and this is called the key. Open up Notion and navigate to the page where you want to place your list block or simply create a new Notion page. There is enormous possibility here but that will be for another guide! We still need to have patient for some more time. ending in .mkv, .flv, .gifv, .avi, .mov, .qt, .wmv, .asf, .amv, .mp4, .m4v, .mpeg, .mpv, .mpg, .f4v, etc.). Returns only the first level of children for the specified block. Automatic conversion between Notion blocks and Python objects we covered pretty much every block type there is! Table blocks contain the following within the table property: The number of columns in a table can only be set when the table is first created. Notion supports tons of coding languages and their appropriate formatting. Phone - Attach a phone number. In other words, the url cannot point to a service that retrieves the image. In this video,. With simple commands, a Notion page can replicate a Trello board, an Excel spreadsheet, a mood board, and more. Click the " Select a Database " dropdown. The value is an object containing a type-specific block information. There are some really great examples of aesthetic uses and so I'll leave you with one I loved from the first Notion Magazine I became aware of, the Notionette. The nested content is called children, and children are blocks, too! Template block objects contain the following information within the template property: Link to page objects contain a key corresponding with the value of type. In traditional database vocabulary, a table is not synonymous with a database. Pages are also blocks themselves, which live on other pages. Headers and footers across your workspace. Now we have a native option and it comes with some extra features. They are "@", "+", and "[[". And not just productivity, but mental clarity. If that sounds complicated, it can be as simple as creating a database for chores and assigning certain chores to Billy, and others to Sally. The synced block also lets you see all of the other pages it is on and which you are editing. Certain types of blocks also have additional options. Any nested children blocks of the quote block. They are all able to perform the same functions but their default functions are different. Well, they share the same name: the block. This is what truly separates Notion from the fold. notion-block-renderer. You can also access them with the shortcut Ctrl-Cmd-Space on Mac or Windows Key-./Windows Key-; on, you guessed it, Windows. So for the example, I'll give you the real TOC block for this guide. The synced block allows you to dynamically "duplicate" a block in as many other places as you'd like. - Shows the user who last edited the entry. Checklists and documentation that shows up inside project templates (remember to un-sync checklist copies if you want to change them on just one project). You'll also notice a pop up button that says "open" when your cursor hovers over the cell. This is the how you access the page itself. Within this menu, youll see the following options: On text-based blocks, nearly all of these commands can be accessed using the / Command as well. This provides a great solution for repeatable tasks like monthly bills. A quote block adds a visual element to text you want to stand out without making it a header. - "record" - Horizontal group that connects the key to one instance of each different property. Keep in mind, for free plans, the file limit for any single file including videos, is 5MB. For example, a single block can function as simple text, an image, an item on a to-do list, or even an entire blog post. According to Notion API reference, database, page, block are three different objects. You really have to try it to get a sense of what it's capable of. A simple line to add separation on pages. Formulas can be infinitely complex or as simple as 2 + 2 (literally). This quick menu is a good running test of your Notion fluency, especially as you first learn the program. When you share a block's URL, the page automatically scrolls to it. They are not the TOC block, though. You may have noticed I've created little versions of a table of contents throughout this guide to navigate it. Checkbox - It's either checked or unchecked. Example: - In Notion, databases have different views - different ways to view the same items. Move To move the block to another page. Properties marked with an * are available to integrations with any capabilities. Notion gives you several ways to easily link to pages from anywhere in your workspace. This is the information that will be pulled into another database via a Relation. Currently only text (for supported block types) and checked (for to_do blocks) fields can be updated. What you're typing in is a block, and more specifically, we'd call it a text block. There are no other projects in the npm registry using notion-block-renderer. Person - You can attach the entry to a person whose Notion account is either a guest or member to your Notion workspace. "nbr"---blockPrefix: Add prefix to className of each block html component. This allows Notion users to build tables into their existing pages. Synced blocks can be copied and pasted elsewhere in your workspace, and all you to see and edit content from multiple locations. Now we have a native option and it comes with some extra features. Select a trigger to run your workflow on HTTP requests, schedules or app events. My work is reader-supported; if you buy through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission. The combination table supports all popular multi-selection patterns. /Synced lists the Github and Jira blocks first. A block in Notion is what everything is made of. Array of cell contents in horizontal display order. This thinking has in turn influenced theorists of international relations, who see contemporary states resembling the . There are tons of resources for Notion out there including guides and free templates. What is Notion? Some examples are indented paragraphs, lists, and toggles. Not a typical list but useful for note-taking techniques to trigger active recall. Manage your time, get organized, and more. - Attach an email. Set to false to un-archive (restore) a block. You can either create a new sub-page on the current page, or create a page elsewhere in your workspace. Youve got two main ways to create new blocks in Notion: Certain types of blocks such as headings, bullet lists, and toggle blocks can also be created using keyboard shortcuts and Markdown syntax. You'll also notice a pop up button that says "open" when your cursor hovers over the cell. This works great for a code repository for coders. BUT, for the sake of Notion, we will use the term Database and Table almost synonymously because it is an umbrella term for the different ways we can view the data. Or maybe all blocks are pages? - Allows you to create permanent categories and only choose one. There is enormous possibility here but that will be for another guide! Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and days within the past week or next week will be contextualized. Notion makes customization simple. Columns are grouped by rows and rows are grouped by tables. Headers Notion-Version Callback system for responding to changes in Notion useful for triggering actions, updating another block, etc. The shortcut for adding Emojis is the ":" symbol. When fetching content for a column_list, first fetch the the column children via Retrieve block children. Supported fields based on the block object type (see Block object for available fields and the expected input for each field). The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. Returns a 404 HTTP response if the block doesn't exist, has been archived, or if the integration doesn't have access to the page. Users start off by creating a single page which will function as their first block. A page is a type of block, too! We use pages to add hierarchy to our content but a page IS a block. Optional - Configure Retrieve Block Children. Move the selected block the side of the block you wish to create side by side columns Once you see a blue vertical line you can click away. Example: -I typed this line in the top block. Relation - Databases can connect together by their keys. To see a list of most of the blocks available to you in Notion, check out my comprehensive block reference. Probably THE reason Notion has such a vibrant online community is its native propensity toward sharing. Dates beyond that range will show up as normal dates. Here are the different types of Specialty Blocks: The key word to understanding what these blocks are all about is "inline". Integrations use the API to access Notion's pages, databases, and users. The shortcut for adding Emojis is the ":" symbol. Richard Frankel (Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis [MIP]) and Victor J. Krebs (Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per [PUCP]) and VJK Curaduria Filosofica) Human virtuality and digital life: Philosophical and psychoanalytic investigations This book is a psychoanalytic and philosophical exploration of how the digital is transforming our perception of the world and our understanding . If, Whether or not the table has a header row. Hold Shift for range-selection. In this tutorial I will be going through the difference between citation and. Generating a Synced Block to sync in the task list from another page. The Formula property within those databases bolsters Notion's power even further. Each block object contains the following keys. Heading 1's are the topmost and visually biggest. Formula - Pulls data from sources outside of the column and runs them through a formula. The easiest example is a website footer. You're creating a brand new page but housing it somewhere else while at the same time linking to it in the place you just mentioned it. archived boolean Set to true to archive (delete) a block. You can scroll through this, but you can also start typing to narrow down your choices. Youll also have the option to duplicate that page into your workspace if you like. (This also applies to linked databases if you read the guide mentioned earlier ) This makes navigation in your workspace much easier. Like other media blocks, you can adjust the size with the bars to the side. "blocks"---isCodeHighlighter: Code block's style. Select - Allows you to create permanent categories and only choose one. When you open up the date window, you can adjust this under the "remind" toggle. But the way I built them works essentially the same, I just had to do it manually by hyperlinking text to the block addresses. They can also make a nice footer for a page with common navigation links. Any nested children blocks of the template block. The Notion app uses a 3rd-party service, Embedly, to validate and request metadata for embeds given a URL. Fun fact, I was in a band and we made an EP that I'm actually very proud of. Notion really does help you do that in an extraordinary way, when used correctly. Choose Code and press enter. Create any level of pages and content as your template and then add it to the template button and give it a name. Color highlights the block in a chosen color, or changes its text to a chosen color. This menu is essentially the same as a cover photo for a page if you choose to use one. If you enjoy this content and want more, consider joining my Notion Tips email list! A table is two dimensional, made up of rows and columns. and then the day and/or time you want to be reminded on. Synced From objects contain a key corresponding with the value of type. Returns a 400 or 429 HTTP response if the request exceeds the request limits. What I have in mind is something like "add a tag to each note . Created Time - Shows the exact time the entry was created. . Web Bookmarks give you a visual block that links to a webpage. Fortunately, just like legos, there are many different types of blocks and this will be a great place for us to start. In mathematics, a time series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. But the strength of a database template is in duplicating the, of a page, while a template button can duplicate multiple pages. See. We hacked it. When creating your templates, you want to make them look good. Blocks can be text, lists, media, and more. Since a page exists as a unique block, it has one location for Notion to recognize. A page block provides a portal to another page. If the time range is from last Monday until tomorrow, it will say ". It shouldn't take long until this is your default. Differences in embed blocks between the Notion app and the API. After reading this guide, I am confident that you'll be off to a much smoother start and can even save yourself hours of rebuilding down the road as you figure out how you really want things to go. All other block types will continue to appear in the structure, but only contain a type set to "unsupported". Notion allows you to organize blocks side by side. The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. Notion Block to React Components.. Latest version: 2.3.7, last published: 3 months ago. - When entering a date, you will be given the date menu which gives you a few options on how to format the date. Embed blocks include block types that allow displaying another website within Notion. The much wow innovative We're not getting into terribly complex material here. Rahim Makani Director of Product Notion continues to be the easiest way to get information centralized somewhere and shout it out to someone else. The result is that embed blocks created via the API may not look exactly like their counterparts created in the Notion app. A confirmation email just went out to the email address you provided. It is signified by the "Aa" symbol. The bottom of this page contains a callout as a footer. You can pick the day and also give it an end date. After reading this guide, I am confident that you'll be off to a much smoother start and can even save yourself hours of rebuilding down the road as you figure out how you really want things to go. This site is one of those places where a growing catalog of resources is available for free. On a high level in the project database, you can see all of the tasks associated with it. All of those tasks, projects, ideas, meeting notes, web clippings, book highlights, literally anything digital, can come out of your brain and put somewhere where it fits. It is data about data. Navigating to that link will bring you to the containing page with the block highlighted. Code File blocks allow you to showcase code. I say "set' because you can set the reminder to remind you ahead of the actual reminder. They do behave differently and so it's important to at least be aware of how each one acts. By contextualize I mean that if the date is today, it will say "@Today". A Reminder will show up blue if the reminder is set in the future and red if its set time is due or past. You keep hearing about it. Moving on.. I think Notion's "block" concept is quite interesting in this context. Your "House Renovation" Project can have multiple tasks related to it like "Demo North Living Room Wall" and "Paint fireplace". Layer by layer. The most common use is projects and tasks. In Notion parlance, a spreadsheet is called a table and we'll begin our Music Library by adding a few artists. You can tag events in the past or future and even add the time or a range of time. Utilize Notion's full spectrum of blocks, including Callouts, Quotes and Toggles, to the extent your content allows. If you're not familiar with the basics, take a few minutes to read the content above in part 1: Basic Blocks. In my case, I use these to work out database formulas or KaTeX formulas. Here's how to link to a specific Notion block: Hover your cursor over the block and click . Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries.. I got around that for the sake of the example by using the "@" command to mention the page but the functionality remains the same. In traditional database vocabulary, a table is not synonymous with a database. It is dynamic and will update as you change the page. Click and Drag table into synced block Step 3: Click and hold the button to drag the table into the synced block. In the example below, the link is actually directed toward the original Record Collection page which exists right above this paragraph. You can find my profile here: Unsplash. If you were to open up the backend of Notion, you would see that every block is actually its own web page with a unique address. Blocks nested within it will become page content. (Did you forget that blocks have their own unique URL address?). Open up the block menu and toggle Wrap Code to format the code to stay within the bounds of the Code File box. Object-oriented interface seamless mapping of API response parameters to Python classes/attributes. No matter where in the page I put it, it will still read the entire page. Learn more in my comprehensive guide to Synced blocks in Notion. If a block contains the key has_children: true, use the Retrieve block children endpoint to get the list of children. Again, there are some creative workarounds down the road but they are advanced. You can give it a reminder so that you receive a notification and you can even include a specific time. A page is a type of block, too! You might define the taste of a coffee as light, fruity, and acidic. Returns a 400 or a 429 HTTP response if the request exceeds the request limits. This is really nice for adding aesthetics to your page as you can play with the positioning when the equation is a block. All heading blocks ("heading_1", "heading_2", and "heading_3") support children when the is_toggleable property is true. It is signified by the "Aa" symbol. A callout is another visual text option. Now that you understand how to create blocks in Notion, lets take you understanding to the next level and learn how to create multi-column page layouts! This is where you define what the item in the database is. - Allows you to create permanent categories but pick multiple to apply to one entry. For more detail on the best way to use databases, check out Master & Linked Databases. You want the footer on every page but when you amass hundreds of pages and you want to update themwell I hope you used a synced block because changing one will change them all. Note that all of the blocks available to be synced in another synced_block are captured in the children property. So, if your Projects database is related to your task database, you can now rollup the due dates that are connected to the tasks and make them visible within the project database. Block types which support children are "paragraph", "bulleted_list_item", "numbered_list_item", "toggle", "to_do", "quote", "callout", "synced_block", "template", "column", "child_page", "child_database", and "table". get{block_id}/children Returns a paginated array of child block objects contained in the block using the ID specified. Example: Inline equations allow you to add an equation such as. Databases will always exist as their own page but Notion gives you two options on how to present them on the front-facing end. We'll go into much more detail on KaTeX in another guide but the short story is that KaTeX is a unified computer language for writing complex math formulas. Code blocks will give you options for code wrapping and code language for syntax highlighting. The best second brain template for Notion. To fetch content for a table, fetch the the table_row children via Retrieve block children. Every block object has a key corresponding to the value of type. I don't want my data to be sold. The inhibitory effects of dynasore, a dynamin inhibitor, on the bacterial entry is consistent with the notion that P. gingivalis invasion is mediated by a clathrin-mediated endocytic machinery. Copy Link copies the URL of the block. v2.0.x ~: isNextJS of main props was removed. In thisNotion Fundamentalslesson, youll learn all about blocks, which are one of Notions most essential tools. Features on this page. No need to drag it out but one more thing. Other properties require read content capabilities in order to be returned from the Notion API. Databases are the meat and potatoes of Notion power-use. Hovering over the cell and clicking the pop "123" box will allow you to format the number as a number, percent, or various currencies. Information about the block's parent. Put simply, a block is a basic unit of data. Created By - Shows the user who first created the entry. This person needs to be a member or guest within your workspace and with access to the page you mentioned them on. Links to pages are easily recognized by the. The only place where the 1,000-block limit remains is on the free trial for the Team Plan. (This also applies to linked databases if you read the guide mentioned earlier ) This makes navigation in your workspace much easier. - The standard view of data sorted by rows and columns. Multi-Select - Allows you to create permanent categories but pick multiple to apply to one entry. For more detail on the best way to use databases, check out. File & Media - Upload or embed files relevant to the entry. Don't forget to check out Master & Linked Databases for details on linking databases together and a Formula Guide will be here in the near future. You'll find quite a few of these little workarounds as you stretch Notion further and further. Any nested children blocks of the to_do block. This site is one of those places where a growing catalog of resources is available for free. To update child_database type blocks, use the Update database endpoint. Whether or not the block has children blocks nested within it. So, the TOC will show content before and after its actual location within the content. They do not contain any information within the column property. You can click on one, arrow key down to one and press enter, or start typing the name of the block type, if you already know it, to narrow down the selection options. A Table is the default view of a new database. Pro-tip: I like to type /sc, which brings me immediately to the synced block. 5. Includes supported video urls (e.g. That's it! This is how you enter simple written content into Notion. Boom. If a page is included, a pop up button is available to open that web page. A block object represents content within Notion. If a phone number is included, a pop up button is available to call that number. PCHs generalize the notion of chameleon-hashes by giving the party computing a hash the ability to associate access policies to the generated hashes, and apply this concept to transaction-level rewriting within blockchains, and thus support fine-grained and controlled modifiability of blockchain objects. All your personal data and information can be used and sold to any company affiliated with notion. Click one, or you can keep typing the name of any other page to link it. They're called advanced but I think they just don't fit any other description. A Reminder will show up blue if the reminder is set in the future and red if its set time is due or past. You might define the taste of a coffee as light, fruity, and acidic. Remember that whatever the primary title of the database entry is, is its key (which is also the title of the page itself if you open it). High Use Notion Blocks in your Templates. You can easily switch the block type by clicking on the six dots to the left of the block. BUT, for the sake of Notion, we will use the term Database and Table almost synonymously because it is an umbrella term for the different ways we can view the data. Past that and a few best practice concepts, you'll be in the realm of creating your own system. - Attach a phone number. Here are couple of examples: If the time range is from last Monday until tomorrow, it will say "@Last Monday Tomorrow". In this case, the page may not even have data inside it, it may just be the title of the page like "do dishes.". Headings are hierarchical, like an outline. They can be blank and allow you to add everything you need, or they can be full-page databases. Let's get a rundown of the basic blocks then. Learn how to use Notion the easy way with this complete beginners course. There is no need to specify the specific embed type, only the URL. In June 2021, Notion quietly released a special type of block called the Synced block. Coming from Roam and other note-taking applications like Notion or Evernote, I was used to a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) writing experience. This has been widely interpreted to mean that Einstein's theory of relativity itself implies that the passage of time is an illusion and that time, like space, has no direction, a position often . Fortunately, just like legos, there are many different types of blocks and this will be a great place for us to start. In this guide, youll learn how to create blocks, edit them, and easily turn them into other blocks. It's the 8th wonder of the tech world. The double bracket [[ (inspired by Roam Research) will pop up a menu with quick options to link to pages, add a new sub-page, or add a page in another place. From Basic to Advanced, you know the vocabulary and you're ready to build your custom solution. You can use Notion to write and edit documents, collaborate. Tables are tables but connecting them together through relations (primary and foreign keys) is what creates a true database. If a page is included, a pop up button is available to open that web page. You'll see a breadcrumb at the top of every Notion page but the breadcrumb block allows you to place it in other places. Poetic, I know. The synced block also lets you see all of the other pages it is on and which you are editing. There are no other projects in the npm registry using notion-block-renderer. This allows us to group and categorize pages by many different variables and relate them together to contextualize it. What is a block? A virtual conference from Notion - March 2, 2022. When you're ready to use that code, the code block allows you to copy it to your clipboard. Date - When entering a date, you will be given the date menu which gives you a few options on how to format the date. You can see the process here: Global Block. When you comfortably know what each block type does and how to use it, you're speaking the language. When you click the block menu, you will see a "copy link" option and if you were to check every block in your workspace, they all have different addresses. You can move the page block to other places in your workspace and Notion will always update its location, much like your computer recognizes file structures and file placement. At least, there can only be one due date for a project but you might have 25 tasks associated. Text blocks are the default block type but there are others available. Team Members are automatically given access to all new top-level pages, unless you create them in your Private list. The Page object contains the property values of a single Notion page. Again, this is what I used to link to part 1 of this series. Remember that whatever the primary title of the database entry is, is its key (which is also the title of the page itself if you open it). Any nested children blocks of the callout block. I have a meeting at 2 and I set the reminder to remind me 2 hours before. Pretty standard procedure but don't forget you can use .gifs! This could be something simple like calculating a total from a column with a base price and a column with a discount percentage. Remember, in Part 1, I said to keep in mind the way you use headings and their native hierarchy. They only need to be connected by a relation column first. The most common use is projects and tasks. There are a number of optimizations that can be easily made here. If Notion is like legos, which is a very accurate comparison, then what is the most basic piece? Leave your brain to do what it's best at doing, thinking and being creative. By adding blocks together, you can build more complex and more useful things. Code File blocks allow you to showcase code. This page can be edited however . It's crucial that you can find your key information on your Notion page while you are running the game. We went our separate ways without ever playing those songs live. . Open up the block menu and toggle, to format the code to stay within the bounds of the Code File box.