It must be clear to them that their career prospects are being taken seriously, and that their behaviour in school is a relevant factor. Birmingham South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education, Cardiff* In short, whether they were reporting on difficult classes or difficult pupils, teachers found male pupils of lower ability more difficult to deal with than others. Were any particular classes, pupils or pupil behaviours particularly difficult to deal with? 10 We were interested to hear from some of our expert witnesses about mediation schemes which have been introduced in some high schools in the United States and to meet those involved in a scheme of this kind in one New York school. Some city secondary schools take small numbers of children from so many different primary schools that the idea of 'feeder' school hardly applies. 49 We consider that the balance of advantage lies with the development of LEA support teams. We do not, however, underestimate its seriousness for the individuals and schools involved. However, this would only involve providing cover for one or two teachers per school for a few days. We therefore recommend that the government review the penalties for the illegal employment of school age children with a view to substantially increasing penalties for employers, especially those who make use of illegal child labour during school hours. Rutter M et al (1979) Fifteen Thousand Hours: secondary schools and their effects on pupils Open Books. 17 A high proportion of our letters from teachers emphasise the importance of team work in schools. Create and sustain a positive, supportive and secure environment. Others are moving towards more flexible patterns combining support teams with unit places. 15 Parents are required by law to ensure that their children are educated. There was evidence of growing commitment to treating young people in a more adult fashion; in particular a recognition that if teachers require pupils to be courteous then they should show courtesy to pupils: 40.3 units which are part of mainstream schools. The items most often mentioned were the following: These teachers typically offered the following arguments: pupils 'understand' the cane or the slap because it's the language of the home; parents urge teachers to hit or cane pupils because it's the style of retribution that they are familiar with; it is quick and immediate - you can have a joke with a pupil later the same day - whereas other procedures are protracted and lose their meaning in relation to the act that elicited the punishment; there has to be an ultimate deterrent for the really bad cases; corporal punishment is a deterrent to pupils who wonder how far they can go. Professor J Rudduck They cannot be implemented by any single agency. Deal immediately with the few who present problems. It is estimated that, at any given time, about 20% of the pupil population have special educational needs and about 2% have statements. 7% of its sample reported having been threatened or physically attacked by a pupil or parent in the last year. All have some form of special provision for such pupils which consists of two or more of the following resources: Alongside 'tougher sanctions' for certain forms of indiscipline, teachers endorsed a wide variety of guidance and support systems both for teachers and pupils as well as more staff discussions and closer links with parents and the community. 5. And second, the work of Dr Kevin Wheldall, Dr Frank Merrett and their colleagues at the Centre for Child Study, Birmingham University, whose earlier research in this field contributed in several ways to the practical tasks of constructing questionnaires for the national survey. The primary aim of management support should be to increase teachers' capability to solve their own classroom problems. Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association Heads manage schools in different ways. A considerable number of LEAs sent us examples of the written advice they provide. Fewer felt it was 'serious' (11% compared with 16% of secondary teachers) and more were prepared to say it was either 'not at all serious' or 'no problem at all' (51% compared with 31%) (table not shown). We looked in some detail at the analysis provided by the ILEA. Staffing: teachers would value a staffing complement that would allow regular collaboration with support teachers and that is generous enough to allow more staff to make regular home visits. More than one in 10 secondary teachers and more than one in 20 primary teachers reported that, at some point during the week of the survey, they had had verbal abuse directed towards them by pupils. B.1 Discipline inside the classroom Teachers "[R]epeals by implication are not favored, and will not be found unless an intent to repeal is clear and manifest. 'Disruption in the classroom', not violence, 'is now the big issue', confirmed one of the staff (F 17/7 MPG + incentive allowance mathematics). They were also somewhat more likely to report higher levels of 'verbal abuse' towards themselves. 12.3 that perhaps the most important characteristic of schools with a positive atmosphere is that pupils, teachers and other staff feel that they are known and valued members of the school community. We believe that commitment is worth making. National Association of Social Workers in Education Type of pupil behaviour(listed by frequency of occurrence)At least onceduring week(%)At leastdaily(%) As in the secondary survey, extrapolation of these figures to provide estimates over longer time periods would be inappropriate. Whilst the general patterns of the other pupil behaviours that were dealt with paralleled the experiences of secondary teachers, their incidence was usually somewhat lower. North Yorkshire The issues involved are complex and need careful consideration. They will however have to satisfy the LEA, which remains the employer, that these people are appointable. The more notable finding, however, was the extent to which there were differences between schools. (M 9/9 MPG geography) (M 9/9 MPG + incentive allowance information technology). Where this is done, home-school liaison teachers should be aware of the implications of their work for pupils' behaviour. Congress may have enacted the law at a time when the old rule held sway favoring remedies for statutory rights, or Congress may have patterned the language after language in another law that had been interpreted as creating a private right of action. A variety of subjects can be used to point out the achievements of different cultures. It emphasises the need for closer inter-agency cooperation at local level and for more mutual understanding. They tell stories about people showing up for a new job in ND when the weather is warm, and then leaving after they find they just cant take the pain of cold weather working conditions, they quit and leave. 15 It has been pointed out to us that most primary teachers have no non- teaching periods. The school already had a support unit, which continued, and staff worked at progressively strengthening the pastoral system, exploring ways of recognising and rewarding regular attendance, commitment to learning and good behaviour, making the school a more comfortable and attractive place to work in (carpeting was mentioned Escalation from minor incidents can have serious results, such as teachers being verbally abused by pupils. 102 Secondary schools should have a structured referral system which involves all teachers. (F 1/1 MPG modern languages): SUPPORT SYSTEMS Headmasters' Conference 27 Assemblies provide a regular opportunity to transmit this message. We consider school councils in chapter six. There may also be marked differences in size between fourth or fifth year groups doing different subject options. report damage immediately. There will be cases in which a teacher's performance in classroom management cannot be raised to acceptable standards. The background characteristics of the interview sample But most youth workers emphasise the educational aims of their service. This chapter deals with the co-ordination of client based services and with the youth and careers services. Make sure it is pursued to a satisfactory conclusion. When the amenability of the federal government to damages is at issue, the Court at times has read a statute under a "fair interpretation" standard that is "demonstrably" less exacting than the "clear and unequivocal" test to determine whether immunity has been waived in the first place.143 At other times, the Court has been more demanding,144 saying, for example, when waiver of state immunity under the Eleventh Amendment is at stake, liability for monetary damages must be stated unambiguously.145, Though most commonly the issue in immunity cases is whether a sovereign's right to immunity has been waived, the issue in some cases is whether a sovereign state has extended immunity to substate or private entities. End of Lessons Department of Education for Northern Ireland (R17.3) [page 241] [page 238] 2) Act 1986; (R137.1) and Bristol Polytechnic Governors will also be responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of school buildings (see chapter four), the behaviours that are of most concern to the school staff as a whole Physical aggression towards you(the teacher)2.1(1.7)0(0) Physical aggression towardsother pupils3333(of 1055) We were told that the computerised system meant that schools could check on absent pupils more quickly and consistently, identify patterns of non- attendance and significantly reduce the number of unjustified absences. 25.1 applying the principles of good classroom management; Exclusion from school: this may be temporary or permanent. Cheeky or impertinent remarksor responses41(58)6(10) 'Not very serious'53 show a range of expenditure estimates for secondary schools from about 1500 to about 2500 per pupil. The fourth and final book of the World Made By Hand series. 13 We therefore decided to commission our own research which would be designed to overcome the limitations of the other survey evidence available to us. The percentages are based on total numbers of responses of around 2500. (T; HT; L; 7.10) British Psychological Society Asking a pupil towithdraw temporarilyfrom the room or class6111135(of 1500) So the major incidents haven't changed, they are still as isolated. "The 'complicated check on legislation' erected by our Constitution creates an inertia that makes it impossible to assert with any degree of assurance that congressional failure to act represents (1) approval of the status quo, as opposed to (2) inability to agree upon how to alter the status quo, (3) unawareness of the status quo, (4) indifference to the status quo, or even (5) political cowardice." About one in ten (27%) teachers had found it necessary to 'send pupils direct to the head, deputy or another senior teacher' and about one in ten (9%) had, in the recent past, 'requested (that a pupil) be suspended from school'. 133 We emphasise earlier in this chapter the collective responsibility of staff for promoting good behaviour throughout the school. be positive and build relationships 9 Since lower achieving fourth and fifth year pupils in secondary schools have the highest rates of absence, we believe that the kind of 'alternative curriculum' approaches designed for this group which we refer to in chapter four may be particularly important in encouraging their attendance. What Table 4, by itself, does not tell us is the extent to which teachers in any particular school agreed amongst themselves about the 'seriousness' of the problem. Each school has a different mixture of people and buildings, so timetables have to be individually tailored. It is surprising given the widespread concern felt by teachers themselves about pupils' behaviour. Regular structural maintenance and redecoration and the prompt repair of minor damage can reverse this downward spiral. It is not even possible to say whether there has been a national increase in the number of attacks on school staff or in the number of pupils permanently excluded from schools. 28 We recommend that teachers and their trainers should recognise and apply the principles of good classroom management. It will become chaotic, so that's discipline. referral to Year Tutor Mr C Lowe 22.1 governors and LEAs should recognise that teachers who are unable, with the training and support recommended in this report, to control their classes in a school should cease to be employed in that school; (R115.1) and into Discipline in Schools He found that teachers of smaller classes made more use of praise and neutral comments rather than critical comments about pupils' behaviour. (5) The 95% confidence intervals surrounding this estimate are plus or minus 0.7%. Gray J et al (1983) Reconstructions of Secondary Education: theory, myth and practice since the war Routledge and Kegan Paul. Exclusion from school: this may be temporary or permanent. Good discipline is, as we all know, based on mutual knowledge, respect the setting of known standards. change of seat General rowdiness, horseplayor mucking about60(61)14(10) 69 The Education Reform Act 1988 established a National Curriculum. Teachers and school meals supervisors will occasionally have to break up fights between pupils, putting themselves at risk in the process. I've been hit once, when I was separating a fight. They can ensure that open evenings are organised in ways that make them as rewarding as possible to the parents and staff involved. It may look very informal, but it is actually very structured'. We are cautious about this suggestion. The danger of neglecting learning needs is particularly acute if a pupil has been stereotyped as 'disruptive'. Derbyshire Success is more likely to result from de-escalation than from confrontation. These sessions should include detailed discussion of group management issues. It must be the responsibility of teachers to respond to these cultural differences with sensitivity. 79% of the secondary teachers who were believed to have received questionnaires returned them as did 89% of the primary teachers. Worcester College of Higher Education Governors should therefore approach the process of appointment with the utmost care. [page 157] Systematic management advice is not readily provided by many LEAs to their schools. We had an incident last week where two outsiders walked in and sat in a classroom, two 19-20 year olds. (R56.2) So you could have picked another day' and he could see how much he had upset me. I think one of the reasons people outside teaching think it's such an easy job is that they think that 100% of your energy goes into merely teaching pupils, whereas in some schools a large proportion of your energy - probably most of your energy - goes into disciplining them in the first place. These were: 'persistently infringing class (or school) rules', 'general rowdiness', 'verbal abuse towards other pupils', 'cheeky or impertinent remarks', 'physical aggression towards other Above all, however, they felt that discipline should be associated, in the minds of both teachers and pupils, with the process of learning itself. 14.3 suggestions for a 'staged' approach to exclusions, with clear objectives and procedures at each stage of the process. The primacy of text in statutory analysis would appear to marginalize whatever insight legislative history or other extrinsic aids might provide. The majority of staff are keen to get the place running nice and smoothly for their own sake and they talk about the problems that they've got. We recommend: 14.2 that employers should give balanced consideration to the full range of a young person's achievements when appointing school leavers. Teachers are in the position of parents/guardians while you are in school. We believe that governors can and should make a positive contribution to whole school approaches to pupils' behaviour. [page 130] a fifth year boy had gone to the general office and asked to borrow 50p. We recommend that secondary headteachers and teachers should identify clear aims for the use of tutorial time, and that these aims should include reinforcing the school's behaviour policy. 60 Exclusion statistics from schools in inner London suggest that pupils of Afro-Caribbean origin are proportionately more likely to be excluded When your teacher talks to the whole class, remain silent and concentrate. LEAs will retain responsibility for structural maintenance. Changing 'the content of the curriculum', 'teaching styles', 'the climate of the school' and 'creating more opportunities for team teaching' attracted the support of around two out of ten teachers. Midday supervisors do not have the same status as teachers. The three examples above illustrate the interviewees' desire to qualify their answers by reference to their assessment of the situations in which the incidents occurred. Type of pupil behaviour(listed by frequency of occurrence)At least once during week (%)At least daily (%) 18 We therefore recommend that the Secretaries of State should commission research to investigate the relationships between school staffing levels, class size and pupils' behaviour. As with their secondary counterparts, primary D.1 Approaches to classroom discipline 8 Police About one in four teachers mentioned 'calculated idleness or work avoidance', 'hindering other pupils' and 'making unnecessary (non-verbal) noise' whilst somewhat lower percentages than this mentioned 'not being punctual', 'persistently infringing class rules' and 'getting out of seat without permission'. The rest is specific grant such as Education Support Grant or money for in-service training. Table 4: Secondary teachers' perceptions of the 'seriousness' of discipline problems in their school aggregated to the school level to show variations between schools (T; HT; L; Police; 8.9), R108 When governors choose to draw up a written statement of general principles for a school's behaviour policy, they should take account of the principles of good practice identified in this report as well as the professional advice of the headteacher and the chief education officer. The first is the impression that, in some LEAs at least, courses which have the word 'management' in their title are actually about other issues. Throughout this report we emphasise the importance of this broad view of education. 33% thought that there was the same amount or less. [page 228] [Square brackets]: signify background information or where speech has been paraphrased for clarity of understanding. (R74) 27 Our interpretation of the Enquiry's terms of reference was that it should concentrate on mainstream schools. 62 In chapter five we recommend that parents should encourage their sons not to behave aggressively. In the case of primary schools the differences between schools were still larger than in secondary schools. This support may need to be personal, for example through legal advice or counselling. The incidence of direct 'physical aggression' towards teachers was extremely rare but about one in eight teachers received 'verbal abuse' at some point during the week. reasons for this. Some aspects of bringing up children may be instinctive. 17.2 that governors and headteachers should ensure that education for parenthood is fully covered in school personal and social education programmes. As a result of these procedures 89% of those primary teachers and 79% of those secondary teachers believed to have been contacted returned their questionnaires (see Table A2). Because of the critical part played by a teachers confidence in classroom control, we would emphasise the need for appraisal to be supportive rather than threatening. (R112) Getting out of seatwithout permission73(62)34(14) [page 189] Others continue with it but recognise some of the problems: for example, the time involved in writing to parents to give them warning; the reaction of some parents who are unwilling to allow children to stay on at school; the reaction of some pupils who like staying on at school and may prefer it to going home with the result that the sanction loses its meaning. Such comments were frequently worded in terms of pupils' poor motivation, 'quarrelsome' attitude and a 'lack of respect for authority'. Take the initiative:greet and be greetedspeak and be spoken tosmile and relatecommunicate. Note: 14% of teachers wrote in about some 'other pupil behaviour'. Footnotes to Part I Clearly, there is an increasing need for contact to help parents understand how the structures of curriculum and assessment are changing, as well as to understand what pattern of sanctions and support the school is operating in relation to discipline. In terms of the sheer frequency with which they were reported, three items stood out from the rest. (R104) PART I FINDINGS FROM THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF TEACHERS IN ENGLAND AND WALES In chapter three we ask LEAs to create opportunities for joint training involving youth workers and teachers. 140 LEAs will be able to devolve the funding of lunchtime supervision to schools as LMS is phased in from 1990. In their study of exclusions in Sheffield, Galloway and his colleagues (1982) found that six of the 37 secondary schools in the sample accounted for about half of all the exclusions. 'They are all working', said one teacher of his pupils, 'there is a lot of talk going on, but it is all to do with the work' (M 15/5 MPG history). Surrey A structured programme of activities should help to develop the relationship between tutors and their groups. *submissions from individual members of staff which do not necessarily represent the views of the establishment as a whole. In particular, we hoped to draw lessons from any So you could have picked another day' and he could see how much he had upset me. (TT; 411), R43 LEAs should provide in-service training in basic counselling skills for senior pastoral staff at least. Discipline, from this perspective, is part and parcel of what it means to learn - which is why, as one interviewee pointed out, 'it's very difficult to isolate discipline from interest and learning methods. Mr D Best Focus in Education 39 We suggest throughout this report that ordinary schools should do all in their power to retain and educate all the pupils on their roll on-site. D. THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW CONTENT AND TEACHING STYLES Parents If there was a genuine consistency throughout the school, obviously staff are individuals, but some staff will react to a situation in a totally different way to others. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations There are two lady members of staff who moved classrooms recently because they wanted to be in a kind of suite together, because they both worked in this particular way, and eventually they got two very nice classrooms. What, if anything, did they find difficult to deal with? [page 117] 27 In chapter two we comment on the general lack of information about exclusions. (M 9/9 MPG geography) There were other schools where corporal punishment had been used, albeit sparingly, until its recent prohibition. EMERGENCIES This difficulty can be reduced to a minimum by administrative means. Some teachers, it seems, will give a 'satisfactory' comment for attendance, while others also expect evidence of concentration and participation. 31 Much of the particular difficulty of supply teachers' work results, as we have suggested, from their constant redeployment to new tasks in unfamiliar schools. WebThe president of the United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America.The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.. Seek help if you need it. Links with the community One in four (26%) thought they were 'not at all serious' but only one in twenty (4%) was prepared to say they were "no problem at all'. as head of the 5th year you don't get to see the good kids, you don't get to see the middle kids, all you get to see are the flaming troublemakers. Welsh joint Education Committee If consultants can show themselves to be well qualified, well informed and sensitive to the practical constraints faced by managers, their advice will be seen as constructive by their clients. 163 Parents are part of the wider community in which schools are set. (HT; 4.36), R20 In making all major management decisions, headteachers should consider their likely effects upon the commitment and morale of teachers and pupils. 25.3 more specific initial training; Although the teachers who thought this way were spread across large numbers of schools and there were quite marked differences between schools, there was a noticeable tendency for teachers in particular schools to agree with one another about the seriousness of the problems. We therefore recommend that headteachers and teachers should encourage the active participation of pupils in shaping and reviewing the school's behaviour policy in order to foster a sense of collective commitment to it. Other language canons direct that all words of a statute be given effect if possible, that a term used more than once in a statute ordinarily be given the same meaning throughout, and that specific statutory language ordinarily trumps conflicting general language. Getting out of seat without permission6214 We are left with the disturbing impression that in some schools a pupil can only get attention in one or other of two ways - by working well or by behaving badly. However, links between the school and home do not necessarily rely upon the parents approaching the school. Second, they may be dominated by a small group of enthusiasts who are not typical of the parent body as a whole. (M 18/18 MPG + incentive allowance special needs) We recommend: than others. That immediately means that if mum comes up - who may have very little English - mum can talk to someone in her own language, in the language where she knows she will be understood and she will get some assistance. 2 Pupils do not appear in our terms of reference among those to whom we are asked to direct recommendations. [pages 22-23] Results seem to show that the incidence of behaviour and attendance problems was much lower among the 'graduates' than among the control group. This applies equally to children from minority ethnic and white working class backgrounds. Thames Polytechnic [page 243] Overall, the abandonment of corporal punishment seems to have Recent IBA research (1987) indicates that over 70% of parents are aware of this 'watershed'. Some sense of the numbers of teachers reporting experiences of particular problems can be gained by referring to Table 1 or the figures in brackets which indicate the numbers of teachers actually experiencing each type of behaviour. Moreover, even where there was contact the teacher might not feel that 'assault' was an appropriate description: (T; HT; 4.146), R60.2 They should ensure that their schools provide a welcoming environment for parents. Hersleb Junior Secondary School, Oslo There were also some who felt that corporal punishment itself still had a place in school. Representatives of headteachers' and teachers' professional associations These entail parents and children watching and discussing particular programmes together as an extension of topic work in school. We could, however, find no consensus on what constitutes the optimum class size for this purpose. 1 Our evidence suggests that there is considerable scope for co-operation between the police, LEAs and schools to promote good behaviour and attendance among pupils. We chose inner-city comprehensives because we believed they would give us important insights into experiences and practices in schools where, traditionally at least, both teachers and the public might expect there to be greater problems. One interviewee, for example, spoke of 'the difference in relationships when people have been on a residential you find a totally different attitude in the classroom' (F 16/11 MPG + incentive allowance pre-vocational); another spoke of her own experience of 'taking kids out of the classroom' as having been 'the greatest influence on changing my teaching methods generally' (F 21/17 deputy biology). We believe that they should cover the broadest possible range of academic and non-academic achievements, for example group projects and community service. Within each individual school the interviewees were consistent in their replies, yet between schools there was often significant variation. D.2 Discipline with a purpose Alarmist statements can have a very damaging effect on the morale of staff, pupils and other parents. [page 253] 2. full report (ie signature for each lesson) for those absent from, or late for, lessons; 1. Credit marks are awarded to pupils who have produced an excellent piece of work or who have made a consistently good effort with several pieces of work. We asked a series of questions designed to establish their common experiences during the course of their duties around their schools (see Table 2). 5 Parents All schools considered their links with pupils' parents and communities to be a crucial factor in relation to discipline. What happens there every school day decides how well the purposes of the system are being achieved. Clwyd Whenever a staff feels unsupported, you don't actually know'. The earlier in a child's school career that these contacts can be established the better. During Lessons We therefore recommend that LEAs and chief officers of police should jointly consider the use of 'truancy sweeps' as a means of maximising school attendance and reducing juvenile crime in local circumstances. 6 Pupils E. THE STRATEGIES AND SANCTIONS SECONDARY TEACHERS USED WITH DIFFICULT CLASSES AND PUPILS239 Enter rooms sensibly and go straight to your workplace. They gave generously of their time, welcomed us into their schools and talked openly about their experiences and concerns. Re Martin Armstrong: Yes, he does tell the same stories over and over, but that may be to fill in the hour time slot. Professional Association of Teachers **Secondary schools included: middle deemed secondary, 11-16 comprehensive, 11-18 comprehensive, other comprehensive, grammar and other secondary. We consider that the consequent reduction in the use of supply teachers would reduce behaviour problems in the schools affected. (This means arriving on time with everything you need for that lesson, beginning and ending the lesson in a courteous and orderly way, listening carefully, following instructions, helping each other when appropriate and being quiet and sensible at all times.) 56 Teachers need, and in good schools receive, support from senior managers (heads and deputies) and in secondary schools middle managers (heads of year or department), as well as peer support. Whereas before you went in as a figure of authority, as a figure of respect, because of being a teacher, you now no longer have that automatically. quite a lot13 Studies by Glass and his colleagues in the USA in the early 1980s appeared to show that class size was a key factor in raising pupil achievement, but this work has come under some criticism in recent years. Were any particular classes, pupils or pupil behaviours particularly difficult to deal with? They are not. (M 18/18 MPG + incentive allowance special needs) At some point during the week, then, most teachers said they had had to deal with instances of pupils 'talking out of turn', 'hindering other pupils', engaging in 'calculated idleness or work avoidance' and 'not being punctual'. All LEAs should be eligible to bid for this grant for three years. But at least it's a start. Cheeky or impertinent remarks or responses6712 [page 253] These are sometimes called 'client based' services to distinguish them from those provided through in the classroom3763100 This would not be normal practice for any employer. A couple of 'for instances'; always on reception we have children who are the first people to greet visitors to the school. Around four out of ten teachers again favoured collective action on the part of the staff, recommending 'more discussions of discipline amongst staff as a whole' and 'firmer communications to pupils about what they can and cannot do'. If you hit me with that it's grievous bodily harm as well as criminal damage'. They should take full account of the implications for pupil behaviour when reviewing their arrangements for grouping pupils. Stephenson Memorial Middle School, North Tyneside Records are vital. [page 135] [page 94] [page 100] Verbal abuse towards other pupils(eg offensive or insulting remarks)55(62)10(10) They can encourage pupils to identify with the school by emphasising the value of wearing its uniform and supporting the development of clubs and other extra-curricular activities. We believe that the right balance between leadership and consultation will increase it. 6 The Secondary Heads Association provides us with examples of collaborative projects involving schools with other agencies. 1 Start of Lessons 28 The effect of schools opting out of LEA control from September 1989 is another unknown factor in this area. One in four (26%) thought they were 'not at all serious' but only one in twenty (4%) was prepared to say they were "no problem at all'. 77 The Interim Advisory Committee on Teachers' Pay and Conditions (IAC), reporting in March 1988, concluded that teachers' morale was low. In this chapter we suggest ways in which that support can be realised. Cooperative behaviour makes any organisation more efficient, but in schools such behaviour is more than just useful. Neither can schools. 56 We have commented on the piecemeal development of alternative provision over the last 10 to 15 years, and on the new context which is being established for it by the National Curriculum. 17 A high proportion of our letters from teachers emphasise the importance of team work in schools. Behaviour policies. During Lessons Lefkowitz MM (1977) Growing up to be Violent Pergamon, New York, leave desks in place and the board clean after lessons, remove/repair all damage, but, if you cannot, tell the caretaker, keep your desk, shelves and cupboards tidy. Bristol University* The second is for them to carry as many of the rest of the staff as possible with them and to be open to their suggestions. So lets stop babbling about elections and blue or red teams and see the world as it really is. (F I7/7MPG + incentive allowance mathematics). In schools where this has been achieved, staff value the sharing of experiences and of strategies for responding to problems. Three credit marks = one merit mark. Others could be created. We set out below the main features which we think good LEA guidelines should have. Clearly, the courts and administrative agencies have different interests and different types of expertise, and their respective processes differ in their openness to policy considerations, both in initially interpreting a statute and amending an interpretation over time. We made telephone contact with the headteachers and where the school was confirmed as an inner-city comprehensive we sought their co-operation in organising a series of interviews over a two day visit to each school. (R106). (TT; 3.32), R3.1 Initial teacher training establishments should encourage students to undertake a period of pupillage, or other work with children, before starting their courses. In crowded areas please keep to the left. The police may decide not to refer the case to the CPS, or the CPS may decide not to prosecute. G. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEACHERS' PRIORITIES FOR ACTION247 (F 9/6 MPG + incentive allowance home economics). The governing body alone has the power to direct that a pupil who has been permanently excluded from an aided or special agreement school should be reinstated. 105 Tutor periods are valuable opportunities to carry out pastoral work. These are sometimes called 'client based' services to distinguish them from those provided through 5. 55.2 The second is that in-service training can itself cause disruption, because it pulls teachers out of their classrooms. (R88) We were interested in whether teachers who reported dealing with or encountering one type of pupil behaviour more frequently reported experiencing others more frequently as well. Support from agencies or services outside the school: teachers would find it helpful to be able to rely on better liaison with, and quicker response from, outside agencies that are called on to give specialist help and advice in relation to pupils who find it difficult to accept the discipline of schooling. enforce the ban on chewing gum We therefore concentrated our interviews in ten inner-city comprehensive schools. We asked a series of questions designed to establish their common experiences during the course of their duties around their schools (see Table 2). Television is frequently cited as a background influence which may have an adverse effect on children's behaviour. 'Showing lack of concern for others' was a common encounter amongst virtually all teachers (see Table 2 earlier) and just over one in ten (11%) of those teachers (2315 in all) who reported that they had experienced it nominated this behaviour as the 'most' or 'next most difficult' they had had to deal with (see Table 7). Lancashire encourage creative dialogue - confidence in discussion is important The particular pupil behaviours that this relatively small group of two out of ten primary teachers said were 'most difficult' to deal with corresponded in most respects to the concerns of secondary teachers. Talk is also used to help individual pupils set their learning targets and to help them review and recognise their achievements. We recommend that LEAs and governing bodies which employ school staff should establish clear procedures for dealing with attacks on staff by pupils, members of pupils' families or intruders. We regard this as particularly important in primary schools because large classes are more common there, and because it is important to establish habits of good behaviour as early as possible in a pupil's school career. Reintegration into the mainstream may not always be a practical possibility, particularly in the case of older secondary pupils. We consider that LEA careers services have a role to play in improving the motivation of older secondary pupils. But the sense of community and mutual support that some schools are beginning to achieve is impressive: The thing is, once one has been embraced and enters the circles of the elite is impossible to contemplate life any other way. B.4 The incidence of physical aggression by pupils towards teachers Teachers talked a lot about the need, against a background of less than perfect consistency in relation to general rules, to develop a habit of orderliness and an atmosphere for learning in lessons that was related to them as individuals and to their subject and setting. There will be a system of national assessment at these ages to show what pupils have learned in comparison with these attainment targets. (R98) (R101) 2) Act 1986 was to make exclusion procedures clear and consistent. Monday Club Law and Order Committee We therefore recommend that all LEAs should provide effective management consultancy services for headteachers. exclusion only in very last resort and after full consultation. While this sanction was considered essential for serious misconduct such as fighting or bullying, there was concern about the amount of paperwork and time involved. I walked up to him. Colleagues are reminded that the Authority asks that the pupils should be given 24 hours notice of a detention and that it should last no longer than one hour. D. THE CLASSES AND PUPIL BEHAVIOURS SECONDARY TEACHERS FOUND DIFFICULT In the event over three and a half [page 99] (R48), 124 Maintenance is a key issue. These formed the basis of all our enquiries. Jowell R et al (ed) (1988) British Social Attitudes Gower (for Social and Community Planning Research). We therefore recommend that local authorities should promote better co-ordination between the various local agencies dealing with pupils with behaviour or attendance problems and their families. We recommend that, when disciplinary problems arise, headteachers and teachers should involve parents at an early stage rather than as a last resort. Until fairly recently another sanction or deterrent had been available, namely corporal punishment. This was a particular problem for staff who held a position of special responsibility, such as head of subject or pastoral head of year, for it meant that they were often the first port of call for teachers who wished to remove a child from their class or report an incident to their senior colleagues. At the same time, the individual report does ensure that a number of teachers are aware of and are communicating about individual pupils whose behaviour has given cause for concern. OUR APPROACH These discussions should give teachers the opportunity, in a relaxed way, of voicing any concerns they may have, of proposing improvements which could be made in their working environment and of exploring their professional and career development, including training needs. Table 9: Percentages of primary teachers reporting that they had to deal with different types of pupil behaviour during the course of their classroom teaching the previous week. The behaviour of these difficult pupils can also have a serious effect on the progress of other pupils. There were a large number of relatively 'minor' problems which formed part of the experiences of the vast majority of teachers at some point during the week. Our impression is that it happens rarely, but that could only be confirmed by the serious incidents reporting systems which we recommend in chapter 10. Just as not all adults can become good teachers not all teachers can become good heads. Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham Over half of the variation lay 'between schools' and under half 'within' them (see Footnote 6). The first is personality. It's discipline within the subject area, in what you're doing, and you have to understand that and the children have to understand. There was a very strong sense among the teachers interviewed that there are no simple answers to the problem of classroom discipline. 15 We recommend that the government, LEAs, governors and headteachers should consider means of impressing on parents that the way in which they bring up their children is likely to have a significant influence on their behaviour in school. Establishing smaller classes63578881 We recommend that LEAs should ensure that schools and education welfare officers establish regular pastoral contacts and early warning systems to identify pupils 'at risk' at the earliest possible stage, so that preventive action can be taken. Just as in any factory or office, there need to be clearly understood rules and expectations to allow everyone to work successfully, safely and enjoyably. Removing privileges44957(of 1064) (M 12/12 MPG + incentive allowance English) A key problem in interpreting what teachers say about the communities which they serve is that of judging how well teachers really know and appreciate the values and perspectives of parents. I think all organisations, particularly schools, have a tolerance level, which is built up by the culture of the school, about what they will say is the 'bottom line' and members of staff are not prepared to work beyond that. Home visiting can be an effective method of breaking down barriers, but it requires time and skills which are more likely to be possessed by education welfare officers than teachers. For example, figures produced by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy for 1987/88 56 We have commented on the piecemeal development of alternative provision over the last 10 to 15 years, and on the new context which is being established for it by the National Curriculum. Low-level disruption is not a new feature of classroom life. Nor may the President pick and choose which provisions of a presented bill to sign into law, while vetoing others. Others could be created. Our impression is that, where they exist, school counsellors are well used. R68.3 avoid permissive or harshly punitive responses to aggressive behaviour, particularly by boys, which can encourage attitudes which are incompatible with schooling. 36 We recommend that all LEAs and schools should ensure that the special educational needs of pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties are assessed and met. We recommend that pupils should tell staff about serious cases of bullying and racial harassment of which they are aware. Teachers we spoke to in the Netherlands regarded home visiting as a normal part of their duties. teach in tidiness, encourage tidiness However, given the lower incidence of behaviour problems and the extent to which the situation was perceived by a considerable majority of primary teachers as less serious, correspondingly fewer reported that particular approaches were 'needed', apart from 'establishing' smaller classes (mentioned by 57%). The response to our own survey reveals a general belief in the virtue of reducing class sizes but no indication of what the actual size should be in any circumstances. Some teachers recalled the humiliation they had felt at being caned as a child and they mentioned the commitment to retaliation that caning could evoke if pupils felt that the punishment had been unjustified. The fourteen types of pupil behaviour listed in Table 1 are not intended to be exhaustive of all the possible categories of pupil behaviour teachers in secondary schools might have encountered during the course of the survey week. Our current dim witted VP really stepped in it Biden style. At some point during the week, then, most teachers said they had had to deal with instances of pupils 'talking out of turn', 'hindering other pupils', engaging in 'calculated idleness or work avoidance' and 'not being punctual'. Three credit marks = one merit mark. 40.1 special schools catering for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, access to places in special schools run by other LEAs, or access to places in independent special schools; The basis for the teachers' authority is commonly understood to be the 'in loco parentis' principle, which gives teachers the same authority over their pupils as parents have over their children. Schoolmealssuper-visororprimaryhelper952.81223--1260.77 In light of such a valued, nay, treasured institution as the vaunted Q. Shtik, the utterance of who gives a shit? is forbidden. We discuss the importance of effective communication with parents later in this chapter, and the head's role in relation to the governing body in chapter nine. [page 64] Around four out of ten teachers again favoured collective action on the part of the staff, recommending 'more discussions of discipline amongst staff as a whole' and 'firmer communications to pupils about what they can and cannot do'. The accumulation of case law is probably sufficient to inhibit litigation by parents opposed to particular actions, such as putting a child in detention, but the present legal position does not offer teachers the explicit support which we consider they should have. For example, teachers were more likely to report that discipline problems were 'serious' in their school when they had also reported that they had higher proportions of pupils of 'below average ability' 'compared with the national picture' or higher proportions coming from 'economically disadvantaged areas' (table not shown). Some city secondary schools take small numbers of children from so many different primary schools that the idea of 'feeder' school hardly applies. Sheffield University* The series depicts the social and family life of a boy in a stereotypical American suburban middle-class family from 1968 to 1973, covering the ages of 12 through 17. Dr T Charlton Concurring in the same case, Justice Scalia found himself "at a loss to imagine what congressional intent to create a private right of action might mean, if it does not mean that Congress had in mind the creation of a private right of action." Professional Association of Teachers [page 120] This expresses itself in a number of ways: in personal reputation - 'They know that I don't allow them to mess around and they know they're coming to work' (F 15/7 MPG English); it is also expressed in physical presence and style of command, and in techniques for achieving a disciplined start to the lesson. (3) What particular pupil behaviours did they find difficult to deal with? What Table 4, by itself, does not tell us is the extent to which teachers in any particular school agreed amongst themselves about the 'seriousness' of the problem. Professionals need to take account of the views of lay people. We believe that broadcasters and the Government should continue to take this concern very seriously. about one in twenty (6%) of primary schools did primary teachers think the problem was verging on the 'serious' (average scores of 2.5 or lower) whilst teachers in two out of three (66%) thought the problems were either 'not at all serious' or, indeed, 'no problem at all' (average scores of 3.5 or higher) (see Section C.1 and Table 11). Appendix D: Teachers and Discipline: a report for the committee of Enquiry into Discipline in Schools by Sheffield University215 18 It has been suggested to us that a number of persistent non-attenders are working illegally when they should be at school. A positive letter home was one of the two rewards most valued. Physical destructiveness(eg breaking objects,damaging furniture & fabric)7(26)1(2) Punishments for dropping litter should involve picking up litter; and
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