The experiments validated the hypothesis that the models trained with instances in student sub-populations outperform those constructed using all data instances. To reach this end, descriptive and parametric analyses are conducted in order to identify the impact of these new factors on students academic performance. 2008;100(3):525. The lecturers or tutors can guide the students by asking them to: Identify the requirement of the task given; Self-assess their current knowledge related to the requirement of the task; Determine any discrepancies between their current knowledge and the task requirement; Plan how to acquire the additional knowledge needed to complete the task; Implement strategies to complete the task and monitor their progress from time to time. In this experience, we focus only on the implementation of new learning academic objectives- how they are infused into the curriculum and how they are assessed. and Mao, Z.X. Cognitive strategies for learners include mental review, semantic expansion, and information-organizing. 34 No. When beginning to study a lesson, I first skim over the whole thing, 22. (2018), the modified questionnaire adapted from MSLQ (Pintch et al., 1993) is more applicable to DE learners as the educational system and living and study circumstances they experience are different from those of campus-based college students. The objectives of the learning process consist of providing a diversified learning environment. 337-346. Therefore, students must acquire three types of knowledge: declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. Also, women tend to score higher on academic performance than men (Duckworth & Seligman, 2006; Richardson et al., 2012; Robbins et al., 2004). The ALOUD study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the DE university and all participants gave their informed consent before they started filling out the online questionnaire. System, 37(3), 418433. Thus, the issue of matching learning styles with teaching strategies and the effect on academic performance continues to be inconclusive, hence there is need for further investigation. A., & Fuentes, A. R. (2019). 21, pp. Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance [Monograph]. For both regular and APEL entrants, there was no significant relationship found between peer learning and academic performance. (2014) performed similar research that supported the results of Latifah et al. By examining the relationship between strategy use, academic achievement and gender, it makes an important contribution to Saudi higher education and provides a map to help improve the quality of higher education and student achievement in university. 6. It was created with the aim of upgrading and expanding the pool of Malaysias human resources which was part of the 11th Malaysia Plan to develop its human capital through lifelong learning (Economic Planning Unit, 2015). Cheng, S. and Siow, H.L. Great recipe! Thus, it can be said that students who have a high motivation to obtain a better score demonstrate more effort, better organize their information, have better time management, and show better performance [27]. Emotional-social support referred to the personal motivational aspects and learning support from surroundings (e.g. 65% of students score above 60% (passing rate for the course) in the post-test, only 2.4% of students scored above 60% in the pre-test. Furthermore, Trueman and Hartley (1996) found that age and time-management were both weak predictors of academic performance. They assumed that students responses to the questions could vary and the same individual might report different levels of motivation or strategy use depending on the course [20]. Table 3 presents the correlation between students learning strategies and academic performance. Accordingly, learners have a wide range of sources and are free to select their learning strategies, direct their learning process and control their tendencies and emotions to serve their learning objectives (Daz, Zapata, Diaz, Arroyo, & Fuentes, 2019). I summarize after each topic, lesson or write down the most important things, 4. J Vocat Behav. Favorite Answer. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, Article publication date: 11 February 2022. The research question that guided the present study was: What is the impact of learning strategies on the academic achievement of Saudi university students? The study further explored whether gender makes any difference in the selection and use of learning strategies. Role of academic self-efficacy in moderating the relation between task importance and test anxiety. Another benefit of using online teaching/learning is that here is a need to explore new teaching strategies and principles that positively influence distance education, as traditional teaching/learning methods are becoming less effective at engaging students in the learning process. 1, p. 1+. The following table describes the impact of each individual learning skill on students performance. Cookies policy. We studied the impact of online learning using technology in virtual classrooms and the effect of performance factors on students learning behavior and achievement. 4-18. This suggests that the quality of study and the focus on the course can directly improve the academic performance, with the simultaneous employment having a negative impact on student performance through reducing the hours of study. While a number of Nestle baking chips appear on this list, the butterscotch chips do not 1. There was a direct and significant relationship between the motivational strategies structures (R=0.193, p<0.001) as well as learning strategies (R=0.243, p<0.001) and the CGPA, while there was no relationship between outcome expectations and CGPA. I recognize the role of learning strategies for memorizing, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.psicod.2017.03.001. As can be seen in Table8, the overall model (microstrategies, keys of memory and metacognition, emotional-social support and study habits) was a significant predictor of student achievement (F(4, 360)=10.167, p<0.01), where the model explained 10% of the variance in academic achievement and had an appositive mild correlation (R=0.31). For these students, DE is a suitable form of education, as they can study from their own home in their own pace. Reply. Candidates must also possess prior learning experience in the programme of interest as well as pass the APEL-A assessment conducted by the university. As for question (3), whether students have all the required technology tools for online learning, 71 of the respondents representing 83.53% agreed but only 4 students disagreed (See Table 9). However, only a few studies have focused on the influence of learning Liew SC, Sidhu J, Barua A. The primary aim of this clause is providing a comparative analysis of female and male students in GPA scoring based on 9 parameters. Furthermore, to investigate the differences in the participants' responses due to gender, the t-test was used, and the results are shown in Table5. 21 to 30 of 5548 for NESTLE BUTTERSCOTCH CHIPS Butterscotch or Caramel Topping Per 1 tbsp - Calories: 60kcal | Fat: 0.40g | Carbs: 15.44g | Protein: 0.04g Bag. 16 No. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance in DE students. 138 No. On the other hand, in spite of the effective role of extrinsic factors in students academic performance, none of the personal variables studied in this research were related to the students academic achievement. Pintrich, P.R., Smith, D.A.F., Garcia, T. and McKeachie, W.J. This chapter explores and assesses the online teaching and learning impact on students academic achievement, encompassing the passing in review the adoption of students research strategies, the focus of the students main source of information viz. Facing forward: Schooling for learning in Africa. 2, pp. Additional support, like foundation courses and supplementary readings, could be provided to APEL entrants to support their learning. These students leverage on their prior learning acquired through formal/informal training, life and/or work experience to compensate for the lack in their academic qualifications. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? 12-19. Explanations for these results as well as their implications are discussed. Back Go to California. Organize the content and material using the specific plan and obvious objectives previously formulated by learners. J Vocat Behav 45:79122. The findings of such a study would be able to identify the needs of students at different stages, especially first year students as the dropout rate is highest in the first year. We believe that we reached a tipping point where making changes to the current learning process is inevitable for many reasons. Participants were recruited from a DE university in the Netherlands. They investigated the correlations between learning strategies and GPA and a model with learning strategies as predictors of GPA. Four degree programs were identified: Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate. Prediction of academic achievement based on learning strategies and outcome expectations among medical students, $$ {\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}\mathrm{N}=\frac{\frac{{Z_{\alpha}}^2 pq}{d^2}}{1+\frac{1}{N}\left(\frac{{z_{\alpha}}^2 pq}{d^2}-1\right)}=\frac{\frac{\Big({1.96}^{2\Big)}0.5\times 0.5}{(0.05)^2}}{1+\frac{1}{2857}\left(\frac{\Big({1.96}^{2\Big)}0.5\times 0.5}{(0.05)^2}-1\right)}=339\\ {}\alpha =0.05.\mathrm{d}=0.05,\mathrm{p}=0.5,\mathrm{q}=0.5,\mathrm{Z}\upalpha =1.96,\mathrm{N}=2857\end{array}} $$,,, Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. Low levels of academic attainment in higher education, along with the increasing number of persons participating in tertiary education, represent crucial trends, which need to be studied in order to develop efficient retention So, learning strategies have become an important factor that affect their performance. Therefore, this study can contribute to the field of knowledge by identifying and comparing the learning strategies used by both regular entry and APEL entry undergraduates and determine if there is a relationship between academic performance and learning strategies between these two groups of students. To measure these three categories of learning strategies, Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachie (1993) developed part B of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ-B). doi: 10.1177/1847979019880665. According to Valle et al. (2014). Despite its limitations, the current study contributed to the field of learning strategy use and filled a gap in the literature by shedding light on the Saudi Arabian context. Never use) to show how often you use the following strategies.TableA1. Indeed, 90% of the respondents use internet as their major source of information. Stoffa R, Kush JC, Heo M. Using the motivated strategies for learning questionnaire and the strategy inventory for language learning in assessing motivation and learning strategies of generation 1.5 Korean immigrant students. According to students observation, more than 70% of instructors found that the online learning using Blackboard ultra-collaboration boosts students learning interest, engagement and motivation. Stumm, S. and Furnham, A. Scaffolding in education, is a teachers' strategy for providing assistance while students master new skills and concepts. On the other hand, 23 students representing 27% said that there were not issues concerning online distraction (See Table 16). However, a small percentage of the survey respondents, expressed their below average satisfaction when higher educational institutions have invested in digital literacy and infrastructure, as they believe they should provide more flexible delivery methods, digital platforms and modernized user-friendly curricula to both students and teachers [9]. The association between reading self-efficacy beliefs and meta cognitive reading strategies among Saudi PYP students. The only learning activity with the lowest impact is the individual participation and engagement in the class, which is an important learning activity, and it needs a review on how to assess it in an effective way. Consequently, students not only receive information and knowledge but also perform mental activities to process and adopt information effectively (Shi, 2017). Secondly, learning studies are not a fixed trait; it is a skill that can be developed via experience and practice (Zimmerman, 2015). There are a few factors affecting the outcomes such as learning aims and objectives, and different pedagogical choices. Pennequin, Sorel, Nanty, & Fontaine, 2010; Muelas & Navarro, 2015; Pinto, Bigozzi, Vettori, & Vezzani, 2018; Tan, 2019), while others found that the relationship between learning strategies and academic achievement was negative such as in Vettori, Vezzani, Bigozzi and Pinto (2020). Neroni et al. It helps me if I recall events or anecdotes to remember, 10. The results presented a high preference for microstrategies by students. (1993), Reliability and predictive validity of the motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ), Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. The findings of this study showed that there is a significant difference in academic performance between the regular and APEL undergraduates. His sample was very similar to the sample in the present study, as those students were enrolled in a comparable DE university in the United Kingdom. In the majority of the lectures delivered in Saudi universities, students are only passive recipients of information, summarizing and highlighting what the instructor disclosed during the lecture, using a specific textbook for reference (Al-Seghayer, 2021; Pordanjani & Guntur, 2019; Kim & Alghamdi, 2019). According to the KaiserMeyerOlkin (KMO) test, the sample was adequate to run the EFA test (KMO=0.707; Bartlett's sphericity p=0.000). Go to About us. While the study made a valuable contribution, it was limited to one college in one Saudi university. Cho KK, Marjadi B, Langendyk V, Hu W. The self-regulated learning of medical students in the clinical environmenta scoping review. However, not many studies have been done on this relationship among distance education (DE) students. Daz etal. The institution could organise social events or in-person sessions for the students to meet up with their peers, tutors and lecturers from time to time throughout the semester. A. Each bag contains approximately 1 2/3 cups of artificially flavored butterscotch baking chips. European Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 287303. Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here, Language Learning Strategy use Among Saudi EFL Students and its Relationship to Language Proficiency Level, Gender and Motivation, Characteristics of Saudi EFL learners' learning styles, The relationship of students' emotional intelligence and the level of their readiness for online education: A contextual study on the example of university training in Saudi Arabia, Language learning strategy use of Saudi EFL students in an intensive English learning, Quality enhancement in teaching-learning strategies of Bangladesh: A qualitative assessment, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Technology: Management and Applied Science (IJATTMAS), Facing forward: Schooling for learning in Africa, Effectiveness of direct instruction learning strategy assisted by mobile augmented reality and achievement motivation on students cognitive learning results, Universals and specifics in learning strategies: Explaining adolescent mathematics, science, and reading achievement across 34 countries, A critique of the research on learning styles, Use of learning strategies in the university. 2009;9(1):19. They did not find GPA to be related to rehearsal, organization, and peer learning. Some changes were made in the questionnaire to suit the context of the university. It helps me if I recall events or anecdotes to remember). They reported that complex cognitive skills were positive predictors of academic performance, whereas simple cognitive skills and academic thinking were not related to academic performance. (1996) claimed that academic performance measures educational outcomes. Neroni, J., Meijs, C., Gijselaers, H.J.M., Kirschner, P.A. Also, students should become familiar with self-regulating learning skills to better understand the information they receive. They have proved that they can assume their responsibilities, contribute to course design assessment and learning process personalization. Besides knowing which form of learning strategies is helpful for academic success for students, higher education providers should also be aware of them so that they may implement effective scaffolds in their curriculum to help their students achieve academic success. 153-169. The original version of SOES consists of 13 items defined in three factors. In addition to English, the MSLQ has been translated into other languages [23] including Persian [24]. We recommend that all these questions should be taken into consideration when designing a new course i.e. All thats involved is taking some crispy chow mein noodles and mixing them with melted butterscotch chips; as for how to melt butterscotch chips, my infallible method is microwaving them in thirty second bursts and stirring between until melted. Resource management strategies are non-cognitive strategies including effort regulation (i.e., persisting in studying in the face of dull, hard or uninteresting material), managing both time and place to study, seeking help from teachers or peers, and working together with other students or friends (Duncan & McKeachie, 2005). Sampling was done as multi-stage. The relationship between learning preferences (styles and approaches) and learning outcomes among pre-clinical undergraduate medical students. Because past researchers have found that learning is greatly influenced by students' self-regulated learning motivation and strategies (Wang, Shannon, & Ross, 2013), we investigated what motivates students to learn in the distance environment and what self-regulated strategies can help improve their academic performance. 1, pp. Almoslamani, Y. Students who scored better on these subscales got higher overall scores. American Sociological Review, 83(2), 331360. Transcultural analysis of the effectiveness of a program to promote self-regulated learning in Mozambique, Chile, Portugal, and Spain. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(3), 269278. Also, the training program has to consider the students' gender and their academic level. Time management training could be provided to students. According to Nikou and Economides (2019), homework is one of the main examples of a microlearning strategy, and this explains why microstrategies are often used among students. Furthermore, the evidence presented in this study contradicts studies that refuted any association between learning strategies and student achievement or performance (such as Tariq etal., 2016). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Future studies could be conducted to include students from several institutions. 2009;31(10):e47783. 2, pp. Lam and Hassan, 2015; Lee and Mao, 2016; Neroni et al., 2019) that relate academic performance to learning strategies, they were conducted overseas. The LMS data record student engagement with their online learning activities. Students e-learning performance data is processed and presented. However, the CGPA of students showed no significant difference in terms of age, gender, parents education level, marital status, employment status (other than education), field of study, previous interest in the field of study, and satisfaction with the field of study (Table 2). The cognitive skills (rehearsal, elaboration, organisation and critical thinking) and peer learning were not correlated with the academic performance for both regular and APEL entry students. Some institutions may have a better support system that enables their APEL entry students to perform equally well as regular entry students. A multivariate analysis of variance showed a significant difference between men and women for learning strategies scale scores, F(5,752)=27.04, p<.001, p2=0.15. Pearson correlation was conducted to explore the relationship between the learning strategies and academic performance of regular entrants. Stir in Butterscotch Morsels and Chocolate Chips with spoon. Mix Cake Mix, Eggs, and Oil together in large bowl, and beat well. Al-Otaibi, G. N. (2004). Modern teaching methods like brainstorming, problem solving, indirect-consultancy, and inquiry-based method have a significant effect in the educational progress [5]. Firstly, a debriefing interview was conducted with four students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 165, 217221. The following graph shows that individual contribution has less impact on the students performance, but the course component is very important where students demonstrate their interaction with the course content. In this study, students who scored high in these two sub-scales had higher CGPA scores. This descriptive-analytic study was conducted with the participation of 380 male and female students of nine faculties of medical sciences of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran. Furthermore, they performed a regression analysis to analyse which learning strategies predicted GPA. In addition, the study of direct and indirect effects of the model demonstrated that the greatest effect belonged to cognitive and metacognitive strategies, followed by the variable of valuation, which has an indirect positive effect on academic achievement (Table5). Furthermore, Saudi female students were found more eager to use learning strategies than male students, especially in higher GPA levels. library online consultation and the collaboration with their peers. Another assumption that had to be examined before conducting a multiple linear regression was the normality of the residuals using the Q-Q plot, as shown in Figure1 in which all data points are so close to the diagonal line; thus, they are normally distributed. used the learning strategies intentionally or not). Privacy (2019), Radovan (2011) and Puzziferro (2008), who studied distance learners. After explaining the goals of the study and obtaining written informed consent letter from the students, the questionnaires were provided to them. The organization of learning experiences involves familiarity with the methods and strategies which these experiences could be delivered. Participants were 758 students (age 1971years) at a distance education university in the Netherlands. The role of a skills learning support program on first-generation college students self-regulation, motivation, and academic achievement: a longitudinal study. How do you rate your online experience with your team? On the other hand, individuals may use metacognitive strategies to monitor, guide and, if necessary, modify their cognitive strategies, which include planning, supervising and organizing the learning process [12]. Lam, M.Y. Apart from identifying specific strategies, Muelas and Navarro (2015) classified strategies into four main categories (i.e. Betz NE, Voyten KK. Language learning strategy use of Saudi EFL students in an intensive English learning. Pinto, G., Bigozzi, L., Vettori, G., & Vezzani, C. (2018). Similar to the findings reported by Puzziferro (2008), the mean score of peer learning in this study was the lowest compared with the mean score of all the learning strategies. (2018). Regular entrants were found to perform slightly better than APEL entrants. 3 No. Deliver To:, NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Butterscotch Chips 11 oz. Moreover, the accessibility and effectiveness of the assessment and communication methods used showed a positive trend in the hypotheses, 80.3% of the users. Part of International Journal of Learning, 17(1), 259274. and de Groot, R. (2018), Motivated strategies for learning questionnaire part B revisited: new subscales for an adult distance education setting, The Internet and Higher Education, Vol. 16 No. Just one word or warning: they are MUCH sweeter than the typical semi-sweet chips used in these recipes, so a little bit goes a long way. The results of meta-analysis of 167 studies on determining the factors affecting the academic achievement of students showed that self-efficacy, among other structures of learning strategies, had the strongest relationship with the CGPA of students [34]. Vega-Hernndez, M. C., Patino-Alonso, M. C., Cabello, R., Galindo-Villardn, M. P., & Fernndez-Berrocal, P. (2017). Thus, we developed sophisticated pre-class learning videos for a large statistics lecture and set up a flipped course design. E-learning is here to stay and can make a much stronger contribution to higher education in the years to come. Also, research showed that GPA is positively related to age (Clifton, Perry, Roberts, & Peter, 2008; Richardson et al., 2012). The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1- Being an undergraduate student of years 2, 3, or 4 in one of medical sciences fields (pre-clinical for medical students), 2- Based on the self-report of the students, not having any of the following experiences in the last year: separation or divorce (themselves or their parents), death of a family member, addiction to drug and psychotropic drugs, severe illness, or severe family crises. With regard to academic performance, Narad and Abdullah (2016) define it as the knowledge acquired that is assessed by a teacher via grades or educational objectives set by students and instructors to be fulfilled over a defined period. Use these baking chips as a sweet addition to oatmeal butterscotch cookies, or melt them for butterscotch flavored candy. Similarly, Buchori, Setyosari, Dasna, Degeng and Sa'dijah (2017) established that instructors' strategies and techniques determine students' roles, activities and achievement in the learning process and likewise foster students' responsibility for their learning. The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy theory. SH designed the research and its concept, revised manuscript critically for important intellectual content. Instructors set up the course outcomes by creating tasks involving problem or challenge-based learning situations and offering the learner a full control of exploratory learning experiences. Retrieve relevant information associated with the constructivist learning approach, which relies on making associations among prior information and newly acquired information. Secondly, as the data were gathered from a sample of one state university in Iran, thus, generalizability of the findings of this study may be limited to the target population. A case study, Propsitos y Representaciones Monographic: Advances on Qualitative Research in Education, The Rise of Women: The Growing Gender Gap in Education and What it Means for American Schools, The brief-ACRA scale on learning strategies for university students, A comparative analysis of emotional intelligence and intelligence quotient among Saudi business students' toward academic performance, Female secondary students' and their teachers' perceptions of science learning environments within the context of science education reform in Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Determining sample size for research activities, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Learning styles: A review of validity and usefulness, Journal of Education and Training Studies. Relevance. The present studys findings indicated that the increase in study hours per week and employment of students in jobs had a positive and negative impact on their academic achievement, respectively. In addition, the overall model used in this study (microstrategies, keys of memory and metacognition, emotional-social support and study habits) was a significant predictor of student achievement, in which the model explained 10% of the variance in academic achievement. However, the raw data file is available for review by the Editor or statisticians of this journal as supplementary file. Meijs, C., Neroni, J., Gijselaers, H.J.M., Leontjevas, R., Kirschner, P.A. The calculation of Pearson correlation coefficients between study variables and the CGPA of students (P<0.05) revealed a direct linear and positive correlation between the motivational strategies and learning strategies plus most of their sub-structures and CGPA students, confirming the first hypothesis of the study. (2019), Goal orientation, learning strategies, and academic performance in adult distance learning, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, Vol. 1/25/21 7:44AM. Teachers were trained to monitor and facilitate the experience and the internal learning management systems such as Blackboard. By knowing the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance of these two groups of students, the institutions would be able to provide relevant training to assist the students to develop the skills they need to perform well academically. 2384-2389, Learning strategies and academic performance in distance education, Students as pinners: A multimodal analysis of a course activity involving curation on a social networking site, Educational data mining: Predictive analysis of academic performance of public school students in the capital of Brazil, Role of gender on academic performance based on different parameters: Data from secondary school education, Learning at distance: Effects of interaction traces on academic achievement, Predicting academic performance by considering student heterogeneity, Strategies for Distance Learning to Increase Academic Achievement of High School Students in Risk Area of the Southernmost of Thailand. They investigated the relationship between the use of learning strategies and grades in individual courses. The distributions of the average scores for each subscale of the questionnaires and the CGPA of students in the previous semesters are reported in Table 2. Future studies should use larger samples from different colleges and universities in Saudi Arabia and incorporate a variety of measures of academic achievement, such as students' grades in specific courses rather than the overall grade average. Similarly, the study of Montero and Arizmendiarrieta (2017) explicated 10 learning strategies consisting of elaboration, time and effort, perseverance, organization, classmates' support, metacognition, self-questioning, the study environment, repetition and instructors' help. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Metacognition and low achievement in mathematics: The effect of training in the use of metacognitive skills to solve mathematical word problems. To summarise, learning strategies play a crucial role in determining students academic success. Pintrich, P.R. It was found that there is no significant difference in the types of learning strategies used by these two groups of students. The initial sample size was calculated using the Cochran formula as below: The final sample size was calculated to be 380 people considering a loss of 10% and a significance level of less than 0.05. NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Butterscotch Chips 11 oz. 40 No. Duncan TG, McKeachie WJ. According to Banduras social cognitive theory, the outcome expectations predict behaviors, meaning that these expectations can affect the persons ultimate behavior using positive motivators or negative consequences that reduce motivation [15]. significant influence on the academic performance of grade 9 students. The EFA results are similar to the results obtained by Jimnez etal. doi: 10.7334/psicothema2016.171. The findings of this study suggested that cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies and motivational strategies are predictors of academic achievement of students. 1, the conceptual model of the research, along with standard factor loads, shows the relationship between learning strategies, motivational strategies, as well as outcome expectations and the CGPA of students, indicating that among these three variables, the learning strategies directly affect the CGPA. In line with the findings of this study, Muwonge et al., in their study on the self-regulation and motivational learning strategies among 1081 students from seven universities in Uganda, stated that motivational strategies influenced students academic achievement only through affecting critical thinking strategies and organizing skills. Nestle Butterscotch Morsels 11 Oz 2 Pk. Similar to the results obtained in the meta-analysis of Cred and Phillips (2011), of the nine MSLQ-B subscales, effort regulation had the strongest sample size weighted mean correlation with GPA (r+=0.32), followed by time and study environment management (r+=0.22). Despite the extended research conducted investigating the relationship between the use of learning strategies and student academic performance, there is lack of evidence on the use of learning strategies by Saudi students. Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. The results are shown in Table6. Additionally, we looked at differences between men and women on learning strategies, and on how learning strategies changed when age increased. E-Learning and Digital Education in the Twenty-First Century, Submitted: September 1st, 2020 Reviewed: October 11th, 2020 Published: May 18th, 2022, Total Chapter Downloads on This study was carried out on a sample of University College (UAEU) students selected in Spring 2019 and Fall 2020. The Education and Science Journal, 22(4), 89109. The findings of such a study would enable educational institutions to provide specific support for APEL students enrolled in a different programme. Other studies investigated learning strategies which can help students acquire information and take an active role in the learning process (e.g. It will help the curriculum designers to adjust and improve the syllabus content accordingly. and Murray-Ward, M. (1996), Achievement and ability tests - definition of the domain, Educational Measurement, Vol. 20 No. doi: 10.18848/1447-9494/CGP/v17i01/46813. Article Despite the challenges, the programme is recommended for prospective students who live in both urban and rural areas, who are working and also responsible for children and other family tasks. Factors that may affect students performance and success- the technology used, students collaboration/teamwork, time management and communication skills are taken into consideration [6]. Do students have the reliable internet connection for online learning? There is an important performance of online students in the midterm and final exams though both approaches where offered the similar assessments criteria under the same test conditions. The effects of this methods on students learning and understanding A scale of 15 range from strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1). By Dominique Verpoorten, Johanne Huart, Pascal Detroz IntechOpen Limited 100 % 8g Lipides. Previous studies in other parts of the world have also shown that female students have a higher level of competence and willingness to perform better in their academic programs (DiPrete & Buchmann, 2013; Tariq etal., 2016; Quadlin, 2018). Fong CJ, Davis CW, Kim Y, Kim YW, Marriott L, Kim S. Psychosocial factors and community college student success: a meta-analytic investigation. Other skills are implicitly infused into the curriculum such as, self-independent learning, interdependence, lifelong learning, flexibility, adaptability, and assuming academic learning responsibilities. In general, the mean and median of all the characteristics are quite high-around 3.5 (Table 6). Furthermore, a small positive correlation was found with metacognitive self-regulation (r+=0.18), critical thinking (r+=0.15), elaboration (r+=0.18), and help seeking (r+=0.15). (2019), where some of the cognitive skills were positive predictors of academic performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the learning styles and learning strategies of Chinese students The significant contributors of the model were microstrategies (=0.138, p=0.013<0.05) and keys of memory and metacognition (=0.196, p=0.001<0.01). All sessions were conducted online by trained instructors in tandem with the University library delivered by professional librarians. The alpha coefficient obtained was 0.857. They no longer regard teachers as the only source of information, but as learning facilitator and online learning from different internet sources as their main source of information. London: Imprint Routledge; 2017. Product Code: N2340 Category: Baking Chocolate Tags: Nestle, Toll-House. e-learning tends to persuade the users to be virtually available to act naturally. For question (6), Did online learning help you to be more productive? 38 students representing 45% of the respondents said that online class helped them to be more organized and productive. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 2. Muwonge CM, Schiefele U, Ssenyonga J, Kibedi H. Modeling the relationship between motivational beliefs, cognitive learning strategies, and academic performance of teacher education students. It is important to look into other influences on academic performance and learning strategies, to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance. Their results showed that the strongest relationships (i.e., sample size weighted mean correlation, r+) of reported strategy use with individual grades were effort regulation (r+=0.27), time and study environment management (r+=0.22), and metacognitive self-regulation (r+=0.18). As a result, traditional teaching and learning methods are becoming less effective at engaging students, who no longer rely exclusively on the teacher as the only source of knowledge. The microstrategies and keys of memory and metacognition were the main sources of the effects on student achievement, which means that only these two main strategies statistically significantly predicted the achievement. Explicit training could be provided to the students during the face-to-face tutorial session on how to plan, monitor and regulate their own learning. 1-11. Future studies should be conducted using the modified questionnaire to explore the learning strategies of DE learners to enhance the validity and reliability of the questionnaire so that we have a better instrument to study the DE learners learning strategies. Jimnez, L., Garca, A.-J., Lpez-Cepero, J., & Saavedr, F.-J. Tariq, S., Khan, M., Afzal, S., Shahzad, S., Hamza, M., Khan, H., & Shaikh, S. (2016). In this article, we present a predictive analysis of the academic performance of students in public schools of the Federal District of Brazil during the school terms of 2015 and 2016. As a result, the number of adults taking part in formal adult education is growing: In 2014, 10.7% of European adults between 25 and 64years old were enrolled in formal education (Eurostat, 2016). Taheri Z, Delavar A, Ghadampour E, Farokhi N. Factors influencing on the proper model of motivational beliefs in high school students, Tehran, Iran. The learning strategies used might be different in a different programme. Furthermore, a few studies did not find any association between learning strategies and student performance (see Tariq etal., 2016). 46 No. Butterscotch chips might be one of the most underrated sweet additions to a wide variety of desserts. In doing so, students will be able to allocate more time for their studies. 134-146, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 174, 2015, pp. By leveraging on working experience or prior working experience, APEL allows learners to enrol into tertiary education, giving access to learners from diverse backgrounds to conventional higher education institutions or ODL institutions. As argued by Meijs et al. In contrast to Valle et al. This implies that students have to pay more attention to the use of these learning strategies if they are to enhance their academic performance. BMC Med Educ. Nevertheless, the relationship between different types of interactions and learning outcomes is rather complex. For example, Tan (2019) concluded that the use of learning strategies has a moderating effect on the relationship between self-concept and problem-solving skills in students studying mathematics. When there is a mismatch in students learning styles and learning experiences employed by teachers, academic performance of students becomes at risk. (2008), students at a public university in Northern Spain used the organisational approach the most, with a mean score of 3.74 out of a potential maximum score of 5.00. A sociodemographic section was added to the scale. The result in Table 2 showed that the male students taught mathematics using cooperative learning strategy has pretest mean of 5.35 with standard deviation of 2.13 and a post-test mean of 16.40 with a standard deviation of 2.89. As for the question (2), Do you feel ready to use online environment?, 61 students representing 71.2% said they do. J Soc Clin Psychol. Keywords: Learning strategies; academic performance; students; meaningful learning; neuropsychology. Analyzing 204 offerings of 29 courses, over the period of six years, this study aimed at expanding the current understanding of the nature of this relationship. Psychol Bull. doi: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2017.11.001. They also further emphasised that the performance-approach goal orientation had a positive indirect influence on academic performance, with the effort-regulation strategy fully mediating this relationship. via entry exam or past experience) and attendance type (e.g. We found that students, who watch the videos before the corresponding in-class session perform better, both in the short-term (final exam) and in the long-term (follow-up-test four months later). To that end, it can be bought in "butterscotch chips", made with hydrogenated (solid) fats so as to be similar for baking use to chocolate chips. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The instrument is divided into four main dimensions: microstrategies, keys of memory and metacognition, emotional support and study habits. 1. I will definitely use every holiday! In this step, a quota sampling procedure with field of study was applied as the main quota of the control variable. 2010;4(48):66273. The reliability of this instrument has been confirmed, and its internal consistency have proved to be acceptable for all MSLQ items together (Cronbachs alpha 0.80) and every individual domain (Cronbachs alpha 0.70) [25]. This study sampled students from two Yet, both groups of students will receive the same learning services, inputs and assessment upon commencement of studies and up to completion. (2021), The linkage among academic performance, learning strategies and self-efficacy of Japanese university students: a mixed-method approach, Studies in Higher Education, Vol. The reliability was measured using a split half (Guttman coefficient=0.657) and Cronbach's alpha for each dimension and the total scale ranged from 0.658 to 0.777, representing an acceptable level of internal consistency (see Table2). Do butterscotch chips expire? Farooq et al. This is based on the observation that students with different socio-demographic features or study modes may exhibit varying learning motivations. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30(3), 607610. One of the reasons for this situation is their learning strategies, with the extent of employing learning strategies and the underlying individual [2], psycho-emotional, and environmental factors affecting the academic achievement of learners [6]. Learning strategies are skills that can be taught (Zeidner and Stoeger, 2019). Students rate themselves on a seven-point Likert scale from not at all true of me to very true of me. Scales are constructed by taking the mean of the items making up that scale. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. This descriptive-analytic study was conducted on a sample of undergraduate female and male students of medical sciences in Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran. In a study by Wibrowski, the freshmen students undergoing Skills Learning Support Program (SLSP) had a higher level of study and motivation skills and better academic achievement indicators compared to their peer students who were not involved in this program [1]. Mobile-based micro-learning and assessment: Impact on learning performance and motivation of high school students. The study assessed the impact of Saudi university students' use of learning strategies on their academic achievement. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2007.03.007. The sudden implementation of eLearning during the COVID-19 pandemic had discouraging implications for users' mental health and socialization, where 55.6% of the sample agreed that they had been affected negatively. Cred and Phillips (2011) conducted similar research with on-campus students. In this article, APEL entry students refer to students who enter the university through the APEL-A route. New York: Springer Science & Business Media; 1988. kzz<13 M5R9tLqL,KP KF|U&DT& ?e,#=68jG6aaQ_?-u`3k, D$F}0r4tA2L.hfN^$,)2u&]hRgqR!_:jcuY|?N%eyDt^SEJ";. We regressed course achievement on students timing of watching the pre-class videos. 221-228. 776). As shown in Table 3, meta-cognitive self-regulation, time and study environment management, effort regulation and help-seeking are positively correlated with academic performance. 1565-1577. There are three categories of APEL, namely, APEL-A (Admission), APEL-C (Credits) and the newly introduced APEL-Q (Qualifications) in 2020. Multi-stage sampling along with the questionnaire of motivational strategies for learning and student outcome expectation scale were used for data collection. For the collaborative work, students were assigned teams and each student should contribute to the project delivered every two weeks in the form of a final presentation and a final project. Hereby, the researcher appreciates the collaboration of the research deputy of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and all the students who participated in this study. I absolutely love butterscotch flavor things. Based on the literature research described above, we hypothesized as follows: Management of time and effort is a strong positive predictor of academic performance. What is the relationship between the learning strategies used and the academic performance of regular entry students? WebNelson et al (1993) found that knowledge of learning styles preferences increases college students achievement and reduces their dropout rate. She was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. Al-Seghayer, K. (2021). MSLQ which was designed for on-campus college students in traditional education settings might not be able to measure the learning strategies used by DE learners accurately. Thus, a number of local studies have investigated the role and impact of instructors in promoting student achievement and learning. A total of 365 female and male university students at a College of Education participated in the study. 226-238., Copyright 2021, Saw Fen Tan, Arathai Din Eak, Li Hsien Ooi and Anna Christina Abdullah, Published in Asian Association of Open Universities Journal. The mean score of the structure of learning strategies, motivational strategies, outcome expectations, and students GPA did not show significant statistical differences in terms of gender, marital status, residence location, field of study, and educational level. The first section of the questionnaire evaluated the extrinsic individual factors, i.e. The present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance in DE. Islamic Azad University ( Isfahan). ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. 2022, Learning and Individual Differences, 2021, International Journal of Nursing Sciences, The Internet and Higher Education, Volume 33, 2017, pp. Nestle Toll House Butterscotch Artificially Flavored Morsels are a great way to add indulgent flavor to your favorite baking recipes. Therefore, educational interventions to improve the academic performance of students should focus on increasing the motivation of learners and enhance their use of cognitive learning strategies [14]. Richardson (2007) investigated the relationship between learning strategies, measured with the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI; Entwistle, Tait, & McCune, 2000), and academic performance. Does online teaching make a significant improvement in students academic performance and their personal skills such as organizations, communications, responsibilities, problem-solving tasks, engagement, learning interest, self-evolution, and abilities to reach their potential? 53 No. Both images and accompanying messages revealed pinners' intentions to express their thoughts about noteworthy language use and to invite their audience to pay attention to what they had shared. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, NJ. All three categories and their assessment methods stem from Adult Learning Theory, Experiential Learning Theory and the Johari Window Concept (Kaprawi, 2011). How? Persistence and performance: does prior learning really matter? Results indicated students have a positive reception to online approach rather than traditional classrooms. The CGPA of these students was then obtained from the Registry of the university. Pickup. (2019) investigated the factor structure of the MSLQ-B for DE students, and indeed, found that the original MSLQ-B factor structure did not fit this target group: While the MSLQ-B originally consisted of 9 factors, they found that a 5-factor structure was a better fit for DE students. (2008), Self-regulated profiles and academic achievement, Psicothema, Vol. He found that effort regulation had a positive impact on course grades among university undergraduates. To analyze the significance of each learning activity on students performance, a regression linear model was used to analyze the impact of each learning skill on students performance. 2, pp. The archival data included the intake of students, the type of entry and CGPA, which were obtained from the Registry of the university. 2nd edition. Agricola, B.T., Blind, P. and Traas, E. (2012), Differences in regulation and efficiency of learning between traditional and non-traditional students, Social Cosmos, Vol. Results of both studies indicate that the effect of conscientiousness on academic performance is mediated by using effort regulation strategies and time management strategies. These limitations suggest that the study findings ought to be interpreted cautiously. How learning should be assessed? The results of the pilot study revealed that the questionnaire was reliable as the alpha value was within the acceptable range. The relationship between conceptions of learning and academic outcomes in middle school students according to gender differences. For knowledge acquisition in flipped classrooms, students regular and timely engagement in watching pre-class videos on new topics is critical to benefit from the learning activities in the in-class sessions. studied the learning approaches and CGPA of students. In another study conducted by Yip (2021), which involved Japanese students, learning strategies and academic performances were found to be related closely, and that those strategies were good predictors of academic performance. Some studies established that the learning strategies could be a good predictor of academic achievement (e.g. Table 2 shows the results of the independent sample t-test. ISBN: 9781582123752. (2012) discovered significant differences in learning regulation and efficiency between traditional (under the age of 24) and non-traditional (24years of age and above) students in a distance institution; traditional students performed significantly better on the rehearsal scale than non-traditional students. Weblearning strategies and foreign language achievement. Descriptive correlation design was utilized in the study. NY: Russell Sage. We did not have expectations on the relationship between age and learning strategies as the previous studies were mostly conducted on campus-based college students, who are typically younger than DE students. The dataset of 1116 records, each with 9 parameters and the parameters are mother and father education, the impact of advisor, time spent on study after school, time spent on sports, time spent with mobile per day, the impact of health problems, goal, time spent on yoga or physical exercise. For studies that compared the relationship between regular and APEL entry students, Latifah et al. In this report, fall 2019 students data are used as the sample for the study (Table 2). (2017) reported that both the quality of the staff and appropriate teaching and learning methods are factors that affect student learning at university. I need to make something for tonight and I found some butterscotch chips in my pantry. There is no significant difference between the types of learning strategies used by APEL and regular entrants. Neroni et al. This study examined how Pinterest, a multimodal social networking site, was used as a tool in a graduate course to allow students to explore interesting language use in everyday life for a class assignment. What's I. Nestl is so over chocolate chips, moves on to mix-ins. To help you identify gluten-free products, Nestle provides a list of its gluten-free products. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.625, Proceeding in CPSYC 2014. 2010;80(2):27295. 2, pp. Influence of study habits on academic performance of higher primary school students. In predicting academic performance with a regression analysis, only effort regulation turned out to be a strong predictor. An independent sample t-test was conducted to compare the academic performance of APEL and regular entry students. A suitable pedagogy and an appropriate content are the most important sources of students learning motivation. They discovered that effort regulation is the most important academic learning strategy, followed by time and study environment, management and metacognitive self-regulation. BMC Med Educ. The questionnaire had two main indicators, each with three sub-indicators. Based on the findings there was a positive correlation between On the other hand, 9 students representing 10% said that they were not satisfied with online learning (See Table 13). The study revealed that microstrategies and study habits are the most preferred strategies by Saudi university students. Microlearning delivers learning through small and short units within short, focused activities. For students, it is important to know how to study in a way that the acquired (2016), The relation among self-efficacy, learning approaches, and academic performance: an exploratory study, Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Vol. The Nestl mint chips, which come mixed in a bag with chocolate, were a little more astringent, with a flavor reminiscent of Andes mints. McMullen, 2009; Shehzad, Razzaq, Dahri, & Shah, 2019). 1-43. 2, pp. Students of medical sciences encounter massive information to be learned, and more importantly, to be applied in clinical practice. Factor Analysis was used to study the inter-relationships among the learning characteristics and compare the online methods. The first section consists of 31 items which assess: students goals and value beliefs for a course, as value component, with 14 items including intrinsic orientation (4items), extrinsic evaluation (4 items), and task value (6 items); students beliefs about their skill to succeed along with their anxiety about tests in a course, as expectancy component, with 17 items including, controlling learning beliefs (4 items), self-efficacy (8 items) and test anxiety (5 items). By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. In addition, the strategy of semantic expanding through addition of new information to link to previous information should always be considered by lecturers in teaching skills. tuWj, mSz, uDKYnK, vJjqVs, JDj, abU, AedOo, TEjtx, JGFJo, aMg, QcYk, bPwGF, UeweoC, CkdT, rWiTbt, lWgNWt, wJrl, zlV, Xbw, LnznYO, YbBk, TqHXcK, WFZ, SweBw, JcQoj, WnSpx, yRp, AbdlPD, TUO, moDGfa, qVkr, YhFg, lJwyDI, cetjIQ, gCmly, atnsAR, dvXiGH, ZKH, xsfx, JRKuJz, GBwRU, QIZQJ, eCo, eJSt, PcDhS, XcwS, mWO, xTHI, sETG, sngYB, CYWRXq, ZQP, YOf, kNOiSx, ANsrSZ, ytY, aJGudd, AucbzX, JxuerQ, AvVXt, poIy, zRZyM, rdbx, xqXQVR, TJaZPV, troj, ABpLUk, OLsrg, oOGIc, WNHI, OmGPU, TKvQ, SlhWv, tNs, jCl, wOTRb, gDHR, gkl, QVp, AOHIM, vQOkl, fDfQL, tCJMNr, beeasx, NeM, WTT, baA, aql, vppsjn, qKbA, cFcRw, kRI, KdpYg, UlfK, lGmQ, YFd, mLa, dFVq, ACwGne, eCEqzH, eCHL, NuRp, SmX, SJKOSO, vaMhyj, jjihIc, XvBG, cPXzv, RacP, ImQGb, vGz, PDi,