ez was elected second vice president of the Senate by a vote of thirty-five of the thirty-six senators,[b] making her the UD coalition's representative in the Senate's directive. New to pixel art and completed my first humanoid sprite. However, on 16 September, a new poll moved her down to fourth place, behind Camacho. [139] ez complied, and repealed the controversial decree within hours, a decision celebrated by both the MAS and the opposition. [148][149], To increase funds to combat the pandemic, ez abolished three ministries on 4 June. how to claim pip online. [65] As part of the bill regulating the convocation of new elections, the majority MAS caucus formally recognized that ez's investiture had arisen through constitutional succession. [230][231] Despite the defense's request that it be held in person, the trial was reinitiated virtually on 28 March. 287 Answers. "I do not have that desire. Rigged. Our FBX animations are native exports from Autodesk MotionBuilder and used with 3D software packages such as Maya, 3D Studio Max, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Blender and many others. It was recorded that ez was suffering from hyperventilation and fever syndrome and was undergoing stomach pains. We ask the same now". West Preston Route 12. In particular, the MAS' two-thirds vote was necessary to elect six of the seven members of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to replace the previous officialsprosecuted for electoral crimes due to the disputed presidential elections. [39][40][41][42], On 10 November 2019, after three weeks of increasingly fierce demonstrations, marches, and protests stemming from allegations of electoral fraud in that year's presidential election, President Evo Morales and Vice President lvaro Garca Linera announced their resignations after over a decade in office. . [204], On 19 April, after some delays, a personal doctor was admitted into the Miraflores prison to examine ez's state of health. An easy way to make your pixel art bigger to post it online or social media. Quality assets. 1280 = Seamist Green Metallic with a Kashmir White roof. Dial a number and then lift the handset (or press speaker button). [226][227] On 21 January, the official date of the trial was set for 9:00a.m. on 10 February in a virtual courtroom using the Cisco Webex system. [80][81] The MAS, meanwhile, moved to file a motion with the TCP to declare the decree unconstitutional. Born in San Joaqun, Beni, ez graduated as a lawyer from the Jos Ballivin Autonomous University, then worked in television journalism. ez held the presidency of the Senate for approximately eight minutes between assuming the position at 6:42p.m. and subsequently assuming the presidency of the State at 6:50p.m. One senator was not clear in their vote, so it was annulled. On 21 January, of the CN senators, Antelo and Antezana received a vote of six to zero, respectively, and ez received only five votes, leaving both disputed posts vacant due to the failure to achieve the required majority. New material has been added on organizational configuration and Mintzberg's organization forms; strategic intent, core competence and competitive advantage; Porter's competitive forces and strategies; using the balanced scorecard to measure effectiveness; using strategy maps; the trend toward After MoralesBolivia's first indigenous presidentassumed office in 2006, polarization increased between the indigenous peoples and others. Included are several animations from our Mobility , Rifle, Ninja, Zombie and LIFE ArchViz Packs.. How It Work. ! [49], ez could not attend an emergency session of the assembly until the day after Morales' resignation, as she was in Beni at the time and there were no private Sunday flights from Trinidad to La Paz. Follow the voice prompts. Web. (4) To dial from the list, scroll to a call and press Call. [5] Later, she studied to become a lawyer at the Jos Ballivin Autonomous University of Beni in Trinidad, where she graduated with a degree in legal sciences and law. EUPOL COPPS (the EU Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support), mainly through these two sections, assists the Palestinian Authority in building its institutions, for a future Palestinian state, focused on security and justice sector reforms. The Canada Line travels between Downtown Vancouver, the. Prosecutor Omar Mejillones classified the appeal as dilatory because it also prevented final arguments from being presented until the hearing was reinstated. Elevate your workflow with the Huge FBX Mocap Library part 1 asset from cMonkeys. ma fbx obj Free. As her assumption to office was brought about by an act of succession, Morales' resignation was therefore never read out, and no vote was taken. [76], ez's assumption to the presidency opened a new phase in the deep social unrest engulfing the country. [66], ez's arrival to office was met with praise by Bolivian opposition and civic leaders. It shows transportation routes spanning over 20,400 miles. view source. [110][111], Given the continued health crisis, the TSE postponed the elections to 18 October, doing so "in the use of its powers", thus circumventing the legislature's approval. A magnitude is the measurement or absolute value of a quantity. He stated that the decision to nominate her stemmed from a recently conducted poll that indicated favorable results if she ran. "A simple accusation is made, and the prosecutor [sic?] LOSPEC, a great resource for pixel art tutorials as well as utilities such as palette database, a web based pixel editor and a pixel art uploader, have launc. citizens. [51] The senator arrived at the Plaza Murillo amid strong security measures at 2:04p.m., where she was received by former president Jorge Quirogaa political actor during the crisisand some of her Senate colleagues. [274] ez denied writing any of the "ill-intentioned" tweets. For example, the. : Lecturas de las elecciones bolivianas", "Los factores que explican la inesperada victoria de Luis Arce en Bolivia", "Bolivia anuncia el cierre de sus fronteras y otras medidas contra el coronavirus", "En Bolivia inici el estado de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19", "Gobierno ampla la cuarentena dinmica y condicionada hasta el 31 de julio", "Bolivia extiende la cuarentena por coronavirus hasta fines de agosto", "Bolivia: Jeanine ez le pone fin a la cuarentena pero tachan su decisin de 'irresponsable', "ez ampla alcance de dos decretos contra la desinformacin por Covid-19", "Derechos Humanos de la ONU pide modificar el DS 4231 para no criminalizar la libertad de expresin en Bolivia", "Periodistas, polticos y organismos aplauden derogacin del decreto que penaliza la desinformacin", "ez y ministros aportan 50% de sus sueldos a un fondo para afectados por coronavirus", "8 de cada 10 casas tuvieron 100% de descuento de luz", "El Gobierno comunic que se pagaron 8.014.000 bonos en 44 das", "In Bolivia, the National Flag and the Indigenous Wiphala Become Symbols of Division", "ez instruye que la Whipala se mantenga al lado de la Tricolor", "Colocan la bandera de la Flor del Patuj junto a la wiphala y la tricolor en Palacio Quemado", "Polmica por el Patuj: el smbolo patrio es la flor, no la bandera", "El logo no reemplaza al Escudo: conoce las diferencias entre estos elementos y por qu se puede tener ambos en el mismo pas", "Bolivia elimina tres ministerios y dos embajadas y destinar esos recursos a luchar contra el coronavirus", "As the U.S.-backed government in Bolivia unleashes a wave of political persecution, the Trump administration remains silent", "Bolivia prosecutors order arrest of ex-President Evo Morales", "HRW: Terrorism charges against Morales 'politically motivated', "Fiscala de Bolivia ordena arresto de poderoso exministro de la Presidencia", "Felcc activa orden de aprehensin contra Javier Zavaleta y Gustavo Torrico", "Bolivia restablecer relaciones diplomticas con Israel", "Bolivia da un giro radical y restablece relaciones con Israel", "Bolivia's interim government announces renewal of diplomatic ties with Israel", "Gobierno elimina visa para el ingreso de turistas de Israel y EEUU a Bolivia", "Bolivia e Israel se renen con la intencin de reanudar relaciones tras 11 aos", "Se suaviza relacin diplomtica entre Bolivia y EEUU", "Bolivia designa embajador en EEUU y cnsul en Washington, DC", "U.S. to send ambassador to Bolivia for first time in over a decade", "Jeanine ez reconoci a Juan Guaid como presidente de Venezuela", "Crisis en Bolivia: el gobierno interino de Jeanine ez rompe relaciones con Venezuela", "Bolivia anuncia su retiro de la Alba y analiza la salida de Unasur", "Bolivia announces entry into Lima Group to resolve Venezuelan crisis", "ez deja La Paz un da antes de la transmisin de mando y se instala en Beni", "ez volvi a su ciudad natal y no acudir a la toma de posesin de Arce", "Aez califica de 'invento canalla' rumores de que saldra del pas con rumbo a Brasil", "Jeanine ez renuncia a Demcratas y habla de un cambio en Beni", "ez Ahora inscribe a expresidenta Aez como candidata a gobernadora de Beni", "Jeanine ez confirma su candidatura y promete sacar del atraso a Beni", "Jeanine ez presenta candidatura a la Gobernacin de Beni", "ez, en pulseta con Unzueta por la Gobernacin de Beni", "ez busca la Gobernacin de Beni apelando a su experiencia en el Gobierno y habla de un bono", "Beni: Alejandro Unzueta de MTS gana las elecciones a la Gobernacin de Beni", "Bolivia: ordenan arrestar a la ex presidenta Jeanine ez y 5 de sus ministros por golpe de Estado", "Expresidenta ez denuncia que quieren detenerla en Bolivia", "Bolivia ex-president ez arrested in crackdown on opposition", "El arresto de la expresidenta Jeanine ez conmociona a la oposicin boliviana", "Cronologa: Aprehensin de la ex Presidenta Jeanine ez", "Juez defini medidas sustitutivas para sobrinos de ez, supuestamente impidieron su captura", "Bolivia arrests ex-leader in crackdown on opposition", "Cycle of retribution takes Bolivia's ex-president from palace to prison cell", "El arresto de Jeanine ez eleva la tensin y la oposicin convoca a nuevas movilizaciones en Bolivia", "Bolivia ex-president Jeanine ez behind bars over alleged coup", "Crece el repudio en Bolivia ante la detencin de la ex presidenta Jeanine ez", "Jeanine Aez fue trasladada nuevamente a celdas de la Felcc", "Cuatro meses de prisin preventiva para expresidenta ez de Bolivia", "ez es ingresada a la crcel de Obrajes para cumplir 4 meses de arresto", "Procuradura pide ampliar detencin de ez y exministros a seis meses", "Jueces de Bolivia aumentan de cuatro a seis meses la prisin preventiva para Jeanine ez", "Extienden por seis meses la prisin preventiva de la expresidenta interina Jeanine ez", "Amplan cinco meses la detencin de expresidenta boliviana", "Ex-Bolivia interim president ez gets 3 more months' prison", "La Justicia boliviana ampli tres meses la detencin preventiva contra la ex presidenta Jeanine ez", "ez ingresa en la crcel de Obrajes tras ser puesta bajo prisin preventiva por presunta sedicin", "Jeanine ez fue trasladada a otra crcel: 'Me sacaron diciendo que iba a la clnica', "Gobierno dice que habilit un ambiente para ez en crcel de Miraflores", "Niegan autorizacin de salida a Aez para ser trasladada a una clnica por su estado de salud", "Juez revoca salida de ez a clnica y pide valoracin por IDIF, como pidi la Procuradura", "Bolivia: la expresidenta Jeanine ez se declara en huelga de hambre en la crcel", "ez sufre un 'cuadro de hiperventilacin' y 'sndrome febril', segn su mdico", "Jeanine ez tiene una infeccin urinaria severa que requiere una hospitalizacin urgente", "Juez autoriza a mdico de ez realizar tratamiento en el penal", "ez fue llevada de manera momentnea a un hospital para un chequeo mdico", "Orden judicial autoriza la salida de Jeanine ez para que sea evaluada en una clnica privada", "ez retorn a su celda en medio de un fuerte despliegue policial y reclamos", "Former Bolivian President Anez taken to hospital for third time in two weeks", "Former Bolivian President ez harmed herself while in jail -lawyer", "Denuncian que ez fue traicionada por su entorno", "A un da del comienzo de su juicio, Jeanine ez se declara en huelga de hambre", "El estado de salud de Jeanine ez se complica tras ocho das de huelga de hambre", "ez se descompensa en audiencia, tras nueve das de huelga de hambre", "Trasladarn a Jeanine ez a un centro hospitalario por determinacin de un juez", "Grupos de choque del MAS atacan la vigilia, agreden a Carolina y buscan evitar salida de ez", "Juez modifica resolucin y autoriza que ez sea atendida en la crcel de Miraflores", "La expresidenta ez cesa su huelga de hambre en prisin tras quince das", "Jeanine ez sufre otra vez problemas de salud en plena audiencia del caso Golpe II", "La Fiscala admite nueva denuncia contra Aez y su defensa cuestiona el proceso por un mismo hecho", "Juez ordena detencin preventiva de ez por seis meses en nuevo juicio ordinario", "El Tribunal Constitucional de Bolivia elimina el delito de sedicin", "Tras anulacin del delito de sedicin, ez pedir resarcimiento y Lima dice que no afecta al caso 'Golpe I', "El gobierno boliviano anunci que el primer juicio oral contra la ex presidenta Jeanine ez ser la prxima semana", "Gobierno de Bolivia dice que juicio contra la expresidenta Jeanine ez iniciar en los 'siguientes das', "Juicio oral contra ez iniciar el 10 de febrero", "Cules son las 16 presuntas ilegalidades que denuncia ez en el caso 'golpe'? Thanks: 11 times. Since such a vote had not occurred, some of her fellow assemblymen considered that Salvatierra was still president of the Senate and, therefore, the presidency of the State corresponded to her. On 2 June, Romero presented a bill to the Legislative Assembly that would set the elections for 6 September. Hi Stephen I could be wrong but these numbers I don't think are correct for a paint code for a Holden. St Kilda - Victoria Gardens Route 16. (5) Press Dial or Press Details to check user details. 2. Primary mocap file format 60fps FBX (Filmbox) For animation in MotionBuilder, Maya, Blender. [224] By the time of the TCP's ruling, however, the decision was in benefit of ez. Under its provisions, the general elections of 2019 were declared null and void, and new elections were to be convened, though no concrete date was set. Though she admitted that running for the presidency "was not in my plans" and that "some will find the measure difficult to understand", she argued that, in confronting the MAS, "we no longer have room to make mistakes". Animated. Additionally, new members of the TSE were to be elected within three weeks, who would then issue the call for general elections. [195] On 2 October, the main case against her was split into two separate processes, leading a judge to impose another five months of preventative detention. When choosing a second point on the Russian train map, you'll see the linked. [100], On 20 November, ez delivered a bill to advance the convocation of new elections and gave the assembly two days to reach a consensus; otherwise, she would issue the call by supreme decree. MAS Deputy Anyelo Cspedes pointed out that, under this criteria, ez's succession to the presidency was unconstitutional because, as second vice president of the Senate, she could not have automatically assumed the presidency of the Senate. When your hear the announcement for "Cisco Unity Con-. Containing animation files in FBX, UE4, iClone, CryEngine, Unity 3D , & BIP file formats. The legislature ratified the agreement a week later, and ez promulgated it not long thereafter. My objective in this transitional government is to carry out transparent elections", she stated. For that, she faced a third count of resolutions contrary to the Constitution and laws, a second count of breach of duties, and is additionally charged with crimes against public health and discrimination. The prefix is 587 for metallic colours. East Malvern Route 5. Equally at home on the floor or the wall The SV9100 also comes in a floor or wall mountable chassis (9.5 / 24.1cm) and handles up to 32 digital or analogue terminals, and up to 896 IP terminals. nection Messaging System", hit * on your key pad. BOOK YOUR TICKETS ONLINE. On 7 November 2020, a day before Arce was sworn in, she announced that she had already departed La Paz and settled at her residence in Trinidad, Beni. [151], Just over two weeks into ez's mandate, on 28 November 2019, Foreign Minister Karen Longaric announced that the transitional government would seek to re-establish diplomatic relations with the State of Israel for the first time in over a decade. He alleged that this "irregular, anomalous" action was a sign of government pressure on the courts to expedite the judicial process. [62], The following day, Salvatierra contended her resignation, arguing that, while she had publicly announced her intent to resign, Senate regulations establish that her letter of resignation had to be presented before a plenary session of the chamber in order for it to be approved or rejected by its members. He explained that ez was in the initial stages of emaciation and dehydration. Get Train Route Map. The same survey found that Arce would take forty percent of the vote, allowing him to win in the first round. ", "Estos son los agresivos tuits contra 'originarios' e 'indgenas' que borr Jeanine ez, la presidenta de Bolivia", "Did Bolivia's interim president delete anti-indigenous tweets? Catal esky Dansk Deutsch English Espaol Suomi Franais Magyar Lietuvi Nederlands Polski Portugus Slovenina Svenska Trke Ting Vit . Find popular Australian train routes that are right for you! The news was broken by ez herself, who published a photo of the document through her social networks, where she also denounced that "the political persecution has begun". [90] In compliance with the Constitution, ez replaced Lpez on 9 March 2020, only to reappoint him the following day, arguing that the Constitution does not specify that a minister who has been censured and removed cannot return to their post. [105] The assembly elected six authorities to fill the remaining vacancies three weeks later, thus reconstituting the electoral body. [188] Doria Medina called her arrest a "dictatorial act", with similar statements being released by Camacho, Quiroga, and other major leaders. Trusted. During her second term, ez served twice as second vice president of the Senate, making her the highest-ranking opposition legislator in that chamber during the social unrest the country faced in late 2019. Containing animation files in FBX, UE4, iClone, CryEngine, Unity 3D , & BIP file formats. Find popular Australian train routes that are right for you! After thirty-six hours in police custody, the Beni Fourth Criminal Investigation Court returned their freedom under alternative measures. Location: Sydney Joined: 09-July 06 Posted 13 November 2006 - 04:27 PM These, Plymouth Muscle Cars Rainbow Canvas Dodge Chrysler Shop for artwork by Gordon Dean II. Australia Rail Map Traveling on a. Canadian National Map This is an interactive system map of the Canadian National (CN) Railway, a class I rail carrier in the United States and Canada. Hang-up handset or press the EndCall softkey to end a call. In these circumstances, ez was invited by the opposition Social Democratic Power (Podemos) alliance to stand as a candidate in Beni circumscription 61 (Cercado) alongside Fernando vila. Ultimately, however, the violence did not escalate, and demonstrations died down after they proved unpopular among ordinary Bolivians. [259], ez married lawyer Tadeo Ribera, with whom she has two children: Carolina and Jos Armando. Round trip. [84] Amid increasing pressure to reverse course, she abrogated the decree on 28 November, justifying that the government had "achieved the long-awaited pacification". Over 11,000 five-star assets. Lincoln, Nebraska. MagnitudeDistributions is a package developed to facilitate the analysis of frequency A great reference for testing with your pipeline or simply checking out the quality of Mocap Online offerings, this Free Demo Pack download has you covered. Find this & other Animations options on the Unity Asset Store. Free animated FBX 3D models for download, files in fbx with royalty-free license and extended usage rights. There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? For this, she was charged with resolutions contrary to the Constitution and laws, uneconomic conduct, and breach of duties. [243] Both the defense and prosecutors announced that they would appeal the decision. The coup II case covers Rodrguez's complaint surrounding ez's succession to the presidency, for which she stands accused of resolutions contrary to the Constitution and laws and breach of duties. When Costas' civic group Truth and Social Democracy (Verdes) established itself as a regional political party in 2011, she attended its departmental congress as a representative for Governor Ernesto Surez and Santa Cruz Mayor Percy Fernndez. The time spent analyzing the pleawhich was ultimately rejectedled the court to extend the recess into the following day, delaying the trial for the second time in a row. With that, she was returned to her cell at FELCC. Free. Full member Area of expertise Affiliation; Stefan Barth: Medical Biotechnology & Immunotherapy Research Unit: Chemical & Systems Biology, Department of Integrative Biomedical Sciences Instead, they proposed that a new president be elected from among the MAS legislators or, if the new president be of the opposition, that it be Senator Zamora; both solutions were deemed unconstitutional. [251], In a separate case, ez was charged for appointing an unqualified official to the Bolivian Food Company (EBA). On the other hand, social sectors related to MAS declared their own series of mobilizations with the aim of reversing the "coup d'tat" and returning Morales to power. We will update you on new newsroom updates. 2. Create First Post . close. A new online library of affordable general-purpose mocap moves ActorCore is an online library of general. Wrap-up codes are the disposition options that agents see in a script. [141] The government also pledged to pay domestic electricity and water tariffs from April through June 2020 to ease families' economic burdens. For things like "how to initialize FBX SDK", please check the sample code yourself, the "ImportScene" sample would be very useful in this respect. Use System DefaultDefers to the setting specified in the enterprise parameter Advertise G.722 Codec. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please disconnect immediately from this website. Free animated FBX 3D animal models for download, files in fbx with royalty-free license and extended usage rights. humpty dumpty after the fall read aloud enable vulkan android; unreal engine file structure. [101] On 23 November, the Senate unanimously approved the Law on the Exceptional and Transitory Regime for General Elections, consisting of twenty-four articles and five provisions that were subsequently passed by the Chamber of Deputies and promulgated by ez on 24 November. Among these were the Ministry of Cultures and Tourism and the Ministry of Sports, which were merged with the Ministry of Education, a move that provoked backlash from indigenous groups and members of both the MAS and opposition. Due to her state of health, ez's defense and family requested that she be transferred to the Clinica del Surlocated two blocks from the prisonfor examination. [131] In addition, the repressions of Sacaba and Senkata and instances of racism in her government had a tremendous negative impact on the entire opposition's ability to gain support from Bolivia's indigenous population. AnimationMixer (gltf. Get your 3D character in the ring with pounding offensive blows, brutal hits and knockouts, while dodging and weaving your way to the title. [209] Instead, she was once again taken to the Thorax Institute, where a cardiological evaluation recommended by IDIF was carried out instead of the Doppler echocardiography that her family had requested. Page 2 Quick Reference Guide (Cisco Unified IP Phone 8841) Cisco 8841 Phone Schematic Tips and Shortcuts Release Button Ends a connected call or session. She was supported by CN, which presented her for consideration as a pre-candidate for the nomination due to her history as a human rights defender and her preexisting connections in the department. [120] In an opinion piece for The New York Times, journalist Sylvia Colombo stated that, in announcing her candidacy, ez "not only broke a promise but also took away from her interim government the best argument to convince skeptics that the departure of Evo Morales was not a coup". One way trip. Wrap-up codes allow agents to disposition calls by choosing a call outcome tailored for the campaign. ", "Tribunal de Sentencia deja sin efecto el auto de apertura del juicio de Jeanine ez", "Trial against Bolivia's former president Jeanine ez suspended", "Expresidenta de Bolivia sufre crisis en inicio de su juicio", "La primera jornada del juicio contra ez supera las 12 horas", "Justicia excluye 35 pruebas de defensa de ez y ella pide a oposicin viabilizar juicio de responsabilidades", "El juicio contra ez se suspende hasta que el TCP responda a recurso; la Fiscala ve una medida dilatoria", "El TCP rechaza la accin de ez que impeda su sentencia en el caso Golpe de Estado II", "Defensa de ez presenta recurso en busca de frenar sentencia prevista para esta semana", "El TCP rechaza solicitud de ez, el lunes se reinicia el juicio por el caso Golpe de Estado II", "Caso 'golpe II': Suspenden audiencia por descompensacin de ez", "ez dice que entiende el 'apuro' por sentenciarla, pero pide 'consideracin', "Justicia niega cesacin de detencin preventiva para ez", "Tribunal vuelve a declarar receso en el juicio contra ez hasta las 14.00 del mircoles", "Former Bolivian President Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison", "Defensa de ez apelar su sentencia y acudir a tribunales internacionales", "Jair Bolsonaro dice que "trabaja" para ofrecerle asilo a Jeanine ez", "Bolivia fustiga a Bolsonaro por ofrecer asilo a expresidenta ez en Brasil", "Prisin preventiva para Jeanine ez: el gobierno de Bolivia presenta 4 nuevos juicios contra la expresidenta", "La Fiscala activa en 48 horas cuatro procesos contra ez por 7 delitos", "Jeanine ez se abstiene de declarar en dos casos ante la Fiscala boliviana", "Fiscala General convoca a la expresidenta ez para que declare por caso crdito del FMI", "TSJ remite a la ALP la acusacin para juicio de responsabilidades a ez", "En el caso EBA, Tribunal falla a favor deez", "El MAS pierde los dos tercios y est obligado a negociar con opositores", "La oposicin de Bolivia se abre a aprobar el juicio de responsabilidades contra ez si se incluye a Morales", "Gobierno dice que ez es procesada como exsenadora y no corresponde juicio de privilegio", "Jeanine ez: la Fiscala de Bolivia presenta una solicitud para acusar de genocidio a la expresidenta interina", "Tribunal Supremo acusa a expresidenta ez de 'genocidio' ante el parlamento boliviano", "Mesa dice que consultar con su bancada para viabilizar juicio de responsabilidades de ez", "Camacho pide reunin con Mesa para viabilizar juicio de responsabilidades ante el pedido de ez", "Muere exesposo y padre de los hijos de ez", "Alcaldes Municipales de la ciudad de la Santsima Trinidad", "Fallece el padre de los hijos de la presidenta Jeanine ez", "Dan el ltimo adis al exesposo de la presidenta ez", "Futura presidenta de Bolivia est casada con poltico colombiano", "El colombiano que se rob el corazn de la presidenta de Bolivia", "ez adopta un perro callejero y le pone de nombre 'Pitita', "Muri 'Vicente', una de las mascotas de la presidenta ez", "Con un decreto reglamentario, la presidenta ez pone en vigencia plena la Ley 700 de proteccin a los animales", "And to those who celebrate the Aymara New Year in I don't know what month, I don't want to see you drunk tomorrow saying 'Happy New Year', "Ethnic Rifts in Bolivia Burst Into View With Fall of Evo Morales", "Could Bolivia's current politics be fueling indigenous discrimination? Your continued use of this site indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions specified. [93][94], On 14 November 2019, ez announced the government's intent to call for fresh elections as soon as possible and by "any mechanisms necessary". Following the verdict, her defense conveyed its intent to appeal, as did government prosecutors, seeking a harsher sentence. During this time, she served as second vice president of the Senate from 2015 to 2016 and in 2019 and, briefly, was president of the Senate, also in 2019. For the fourth and final case, ez was accused of granting illegal concessions to the Fundempresa company and was charged with a fourth count of resolutions contrary to the Constitution and laws. [214] After eight days, her lawyers reported that she was suffering from paresthesia in the mouth, legs, and feet due to a lack of magnesium and potassium, and a decrease in sugar. [20] However, when the list of nominees was presented to be voted on by the full Senate, CN Senator Gerald Ortiz broke with the rest of his caucus and presented himself as a candidate for the position of second vice president. Ngn sch $10-50 3D Animation , Unity 3D, HTML5. Give us input on what youd like to see in a Sword Pack - but not just. Declare Class Variables. [200][203] After visiting her in her cell, Amparo Carvajal, president of the Permanent Human Rights Assembly of Bolivia (APDHB), reported that ez was experiencing severe depression and suicidal thoughts. The information contained on this site is the opinion of G. Blair Lamb MD, FCFP and should not be used as personal medical advice. As a result, neither Antelo nor ez managed to reach their originally prescribed positions, with the MAS electing Jimena Torres as second vice president and Antezana as second secretary on 24 January. Use System Default. Everyone is encouraged to see their own healthcare professional to review what is best for them. [57] Greeting a crowd of supporters, ez emerged onto the balcony dressed in the traditional presidential regalia, including the sash and historic presidential medal. [152] A multitude of criminal processes, including charges of terrorism, sedition, and dereliction of duty, were levied against over 100 former officials, including many of the "strongmen" of the Morales administration, such as Juan Ramn Quintana and Javier Zavaleta. Hi domc. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. "She doesn't want to fight. BOOK YOUR TICKETS ONLINE. Ngn sch $10-50 3D Animation , Unity 3D, HTML5. Jeanine ez Chvez (Spanish pronunciation:[anine aes taes] (listen); born 13 June 1967) is a Bolivian lawyer, politician, and television presenter who served as the 66th president of Bolivia from 2019 to 2020. Get information on latest national and international events & more. With that, those present made their way to the hemicycle of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, where she proceeded to install a new session of parliament, in which no MAS legislators participated. [182] Around 9:00a.m., she was referred to the Prosecutor's Office to take her statement but appealed to her right to silence because she did not have a lawyer. [207], Shortly after her period of preventative detention was extended by six months, ez was briefly transferred to the Thorax Institute to undergo a cardiological check-up on 11 August. (1) Verify that you are on an active call (not on hold). Bangkok Sky Train Information. As a result, the MDS was allowed to designate candidates in Beni and Santa Cruz and, on 27 June 2014, eznow the party's spokeswomanannounced that it had nominated her to go to reelection as its candidate for senator for Beni. [96] Morales, however, claimed that doing so would contravene the 2009 Constitution. Please note that some processing of your personal data may not require your consent, but you have a right to object to such processing. Download our Free T.C. A MESSAGE FROM QUALCOMM Every great tech product that you rely on each day, from the smartphone in your pocket to your music streaming service and navigational system in the car, shares one important thing: part of its innovative design is protected by intellectual property (IP) laws. We will guide you on how to place your essay help, proofreading and editing your draft fixing the grammar, spelling, or formatting of your paper easily and cheaply. [For] many of us who are in this sector, it's the first time that we're participating in politics, and that's why we're here with the best intentions And if you want this Assembly to be foundational, then you'll have to redraft and consult the regions if you intend to belong to this nation that you're going to refound. [159] On 21 January 2020, she and her foreign minister received U.S. UK trains map. MoCap Online's FBX 3D Character Animation Library. (2) Highlight the participant's name and press the Remove softkey. In Bolivia, a second round is avoided by one candidate either reaching 50% of the vote or achieving a 40% plurality with 10% more votes than the next closest competitor. [255] Nonetheless, on 26 August 2021, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice accepted a petition from the Prosecutor's Office to send an indictment against her to the Legislative Assembly in order to open a trial of responsibilities on charges of genocide, serious and minor injuries, and injury followed by death. Yes, All the imported character need to have the rest pose same as the Mocap rest pose. [c] As such, shortly after Salvatierra stepped down, ez reported to UNITEL that the task of assuming the presidency corresponded to her: "I am the second vice president, and in the constitutional order it would be up to me to assume [the presidency] with the sole objective of calling new elections". [234], Nearing the end of the trial, ez's defense filed an appeal of unconstitutionality of the process against her. Please read this section carefully. ! They should work with most applications that support FBX format. ez almost immediately filed an objection, arguing that it would be unfeasible to "forc[e] almost six million people to take to the streets in a single day in the midst of a pandemic"; she demanded that the TSE's September recommendation be approved instead. nection Messaging System", tap the * on your key pad. [232] The trial was reinitiated virtually at 9:00a.m. on 4 April and lasted more than twelve hours, analyzing and resolving procedural complaints made by the defense and the Attorney General's Office. ez, who planned on retiring upon the completion of her term, was tapped to assume the position with all the powers it entailed. [197] On 19 May, it was extended by a further three months. [198] France24 noted that at the current rate, ez's trial could last at least three years. Web. GET 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE TODAY - ENTER DISCOUNT, Thanks: 1 times. In the first case, ezalong with her minister of government, Jos Luis Parada, and the former president of the Central Bank of Bolivia, Guillermo Apontestood accused of having accepted a loan of $360 million from the International Monetary Fund that generated $5 million in interest. [89] After failing to present himself three separate times, the Legislative Assembly voted to censure Lpez, an action that entailed the minister's dismissal. [106] Though the TSE was initially mandated to set a date for new elections within forty-eight hours of taking office, it was later extended to ten days in order to grant its members the proper amount of preparatory time to organize the electoral calendar. A former member of the Social Democratic Movement, she previously served two terms as senator for Beni from 2015 to 2019 on behalf of the Democratic Unity coalition Jeanine ez was born on 13 June 1967 in San Joaqun, Beni,[4] the youngest of seven siblings born to two teachers. [234] In response, Mesa stated that he would consult with the Civic Community caucus to discuss the viability of initiating such a process. . Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale, with whom an intent to exchange ambassadors for the first time in over a decade was agreed to. [53] Yaquez argued that the MAS felt unsafe because civic leader Luis Fernando Camacho had announced a siege of the Plaza Murillo hours prior. OpenRailwayMap - An OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure. After delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing protests, new elections were held in October 2020. The brunt of these demonstrations were centered on the Chapare and El Altotwo historic centers of MAS supportwhere MAS-affiliated cocalero groups and trade unions threatened to impose blockades and cut off basic services to Cochabamba and La Paz if their demands were not met. [38] In January 2019, it was UD's turn to appoint the head of the Second Secretariat to close out the 20152020 Legislative Assembly. [74] Nonetheless, Minister of Justice Ivn Lima assured that the TCP's ruling definitively proved that ez's actions in assuming the presidency constituted a coup d'tat. In this case, Daz T pose needs to be the rest pose as well. The prefix is 587 for metallic colours. ez stipulated that these new authorities must be "honest, transparent professionals", though she accepted that the MAS "will have the opportunity to elect the authorities they want, that they decide, because that is their right". Follow the voice prompts. [186], According to political analyst Marcelo Arequipa, "the Bolivian political crisis was supposed to have been resolved with the general elections last year, [but ez's arrest] has brought us back to a scenario of social polarization". [202] A freedom action filed by ez's lawyers in order to transfer her to a public clinic was accepted by the Tenth Sentencing Court, but the decision was reversed upon appeal by the Prosecutor's Office, which requested that she be treated by personnel from the Institute of Forensic Investigations (IDIF)dependent on the Prosecutor's Officeor by doctors from public hospitals transferred to the prison. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Web. Between 31 March and 1 May, the Chamber of Deputies and Senate sanctioned a law delaying the election by ninety days from their originally scheduled date, setting 2 August as the new date. Unity-Humanoid-Mocap-CSV / RecordAnimation And if you check out the Unity Asset Store for example for the FBX Mocap Library, you will see that there are hundreds and thousands of character animations that you can download, integrate into your projects and use to animate humanoid characters Unity will retarget the animation to actually work with. [158] Visa requirements for Israeli nationals entering the country were waived on 11 December, in conjunction with the elimination of the same restrictions on U.S. [265] Hincapi was a frequent candidate in multiple Colombian elections, running for senator for the Conservative Party in 2018, where he won just 1,066 votes. Dial either 2222 or 2226 (911 and 9+911 will be directed to 2222). Saving Just Animations.The FBX file format supports files that only contain takes. The five-page document was put into consideration at an emergency session of the Legislative Assembly. 3. Give us input on what you'd like to see in a Sword Pack - but not "just. [150], As reported by The Washington Post, "[after] being sworn in, the fiercely anti-socialist ez presided over the detention of hundreds of opponents [and] the muzzling of journalists". Sword Animations that we started back in 2017. Disabled. (1) While on a call, press the transfer soft key. Looking for a map that shows all of the GO Transit lines? After that, ez settled in Santa Cruz in order to further her education, completing secretarial, computing, and some English courses. ez is sworn in at an extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly, 12 November 2019. 16R = Isis Green interior for a Premier. Instead, the judge ordered that ez receive treatment from inside the prison. Off Campus, dial (585) 395-7000 to retrieve Voice Messages. Following the completion of that historic process, ez ran for senator for Beni with the National Convergence alliance, becoming one of the few former constituents to maintain a political career at the national level. [192] Attorney General Wilfredo Chvez appealed the decision, stating that four months did not grant prosecutors sufficient time to investigate the coup d'tat case. In my case I wanted a mixed banner, part pixel-art, part text.For the pixel-art I wanted an old console style character that looked like me, so I chose a head-shot photo of mine. [221], The primary process against ez is the coup d'tat case, in which she was initially accused of conspiracy, sedition, and terrorism. [237] The defense's request was rejected by the TCP shortly thereafter, paving the way for the trial to be resumed without further interruptions. To date, only Mesa responded, only to affirm his right not to testify. India in the American Imaginary, 1780s-1880s. [138] In response, on 14 May, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) deemed the decree excessive and requested that the ez administration modify it in order to "not to criminalize freedom of expression". Click on the train icons to see the cities of each country and click on the routes (the lines in between 2 train icons) to see travel times. [171], One day later, spokesman Jorge Ribera revealed that ez had agreed to run as a candidate for governor of the Beni Department on behalf of Ahora!, an alliance between the National Unity Front and Let's do it for Trinidad. In May 2021, the Prosecutor's Office admitted a lawsuit by President of the Senate Andrnico Rodrguez, which expanded the case to include new processes against her for allegedly illegally assuming the presidency of the Senate in 2019. As the prosecution presented its final arguments, ez once again began suffering health problems, with medical staff stating that she was experiencing back fatigue. [34] Two weeks later, on 25 July, the TSE certified her substitute, Donny Chvez, as the titular senator for Beni. As a result, two days later, the Second Anticorruption Court ordered that ez be allowed to leave prison in order to be transferred to the German Clinic to undergo a medical evaluation. Jeanine ez announces her intent to drop out of the presidential race,17 September 2020. They argued that according to a report issued by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia (GIEI-Bolivia)appointed by the IACHRhuman rights violations occurred between September and December 2019, a period that includes the mandates of both Morales and ez. Lift the handset and press the pad arrows to select a, (3) Select either First Name, Last Name or Number. [175] Shortly after election day, Unzueta was declared the winner in the first round, with MAS candidate Alex Ferrier reaching second place. Location: Sydney Joined: 09-July 06 Posted 13 November 2006 - 04:27 PM These, psychological effects of romantic rejection, This 4 bedroom, 3 bath home is located in the Rolling Ridge neighborhood and is only minutes to all of the shops and restaurants of Hamilton Place. [271][272] Shortly after ez was sworn in, her opponents circulated numerous tweets directed at indigenous peoples dating back to 2013. [165] Additionally, the country's disassociation from the Bolivarian Allianceled by Venezuela and Cubaand its withdrawal from the Union of South American Nations were also announced, though the latter organization had already effectively ceased functioning. Once in the Senate, the National Convergence caucus quickly fragmented, leading ez to abandon it in favor of the emergent Social Democratic Movement, an autonomist political party based in the eastern departments. [71] However, in a separate, unrelated ruling issued on 15 October 2021, the TCP clarified that automatic succession only applied to cases of vacancy in the presidency or vice presidency, not in cases of vacancies in the legislative chambers, due to the fact that the regulations of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies specify that all resignations must be first dealt with and accepted. Was thanked: 1 time (s) in 1 post (s) I have seen this. Monday, January 28 32 are available to download for free in FBX format with settings matched to common DCC software and game engines, including walk, run, idle and combat animations. According to journalist Pablo Ortiz, the controversial ez administration broke one of the "first foundational myths of anti-Evismo: they were capable of committing the same acts of corruption and abuse of power as the MAS". Flanked by her two children on either side, as well as senators and civic leaders, she delivered a short speech pledging to "restore democracy to the country": "I am going to work this short time because Bolivians deserve to live in freedom, they deserve to live in democracy, and never again will their vote be stolen", she said. 3. [249], On 12 June, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice delivered formal indictments to the Legislative Assembly requesting liability trials for the first, second, and fourth cases. [116], Nonetheless, discussions regarding her possible candidacy permeated, and her party, the Democrats, began to promote it following its failure to reach an agreement with Camacho, who launched his own campaign. [189], After being apprehended, ez was subsequently transferred to the Special Crime Fighting Force (FELCC) facilities in La Paz. Grand Lodge:. [225], On 12 January 2022, Minister of Government Eduardo del Castillo announced that the first oral trial against ez for the coup II case would commence in the ensuing days. At the time, the move was in response to the ez government's decision to charge former president Morales with those crimes. In response, former deputy Rafael Quispe pointed out that the Constitution grants legislators immunity from being criminally prosecuted for actions carried out in the performance of their functions. The Commission reminded the Bolivian State that lethal force could not be used as a means of maintaining or restoring order and called on the government to implement measures to prohibit the use of force as a means of controlling public demonstrations. [147] In January 2020, ez implemented a new government logo for usage by all ministries and vice ministries of the State. . Lift handset (or press New Call or speaker button) and dial a number. On all other Premier models the dash and pads are painted matt versions of the body colour.. [273] Agence France-Presse verified most of the circulated tweets to be genuine, though it could not verify the authenticity of an especially egregious comment in which ez allegedly stated that she "dream[s] of a Bolivia free of satanic indigenous rites". [44][45], Amid the vacuum of power, ez, as second vice president of the Senate, became the highest-ranking remaining member of the Senate's directive. Nonetheless, ez has recalled that she "had a beautiful childhood, very free" and affirmed that the town's conditions made children "grow up more open, freer, enjoying nature". [145] Additionally, her government incorporated the flag of the Patuj floweremblem of the indigenous peoples of eastern Boliviaas a co-official flag in all official acts at the national level. [67] Among members of her party, Governor Rubn Costas conveyed his hope that ez find "success in her crucial mission of leading the nation" while Senator scar Ortiz stated: "God bless and enlighten the new president of Bolivia". In one dated 20 June 2013, ez refers to the Willkakutithe Aymara New Yearcalling it "satanic" and stating that "no one replaces God!" [191] Judge Regina Santa Cruz of the Ninth Criminal Investigation Court of La Paz agreed with that assessment on the grounds that the former president had attempted to evade capture, was arrested at an address different than her own, and was discovered with packed suitcases. The opposition was ultimately unable to find consensus, leading the MAS to decide for it, electing members of both opposing blocs to different posts. 1313 Timbercrest Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421 | MLS# 2427618 | Redfin Search Overview Property Details Sale & Tax History Schools Street View See all 24 photos 1313 Timbercrest Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421 $399,900 Est. Type Train Number or Name in "Train Route / Running Status" Form. Many chronic pain conditions are part of a larger syndrome such as fibromyalgia. Using the National Rail map, along with our Journey Planner, you can get an idea of when, where and how you can travel to your destination. Map Steam railway station (Train station) detailed map of the area (basic, tourist, satellite, panorama, etc. [185] After reviewing her case file, Human Rights Watch found the evidence against ez to be "unclear". Having succeeded in ousting Morales, civic leaders like Camacho and Pumari announced an end to mobilizations in Santa Cruz and Potos in order to lift pressure on the government. When your hear the announcement for Cisco Unity Con- Lift the handset and press the pad arrows to select a nection Messaging System, tap the * on your key pad. But we request the highest guarantees so that we can hold a session", said Betty Yaquez, leader of the MAS caucus in the Chamber of Deputies. In response, ez threatened to deploy police and military personnel the quell the protests, accusing demonstrators of causing the deaths of COVID-19 patients due to the inability to transport supplemental oxygen. ! (2) To retrieve call, either press the Resume softkey or Hold button . In 2009, President Morales cut off relations and labeled Israel a terrorist nation after it launched an offensive into the Gaza Strip that resulted in the deaths of over a thousand Palestinians. chevy truck bench seat dimensions; pomeranian in ga; steve whatley wife icom 7100 agc; squidward walking sound the socks in italian remote homes for sale. 1. In 2021, a judge determined that ez be prosecuted by ordinary means. ", En los Umbrales de la Asamblea Constituyente 2011, "Bolivia instal histrica Asamblea Constituyente", "Crisis en Bolivia: quin es Jeanine ez, la senadora opositora que puede asumir la presidencia", "Bernard Gutirrez presidir bancada de la oposicin en Cmara de Senadores", "PPB-CN califica de 'traidores' a senadores Ortiz y Antezana", "El MAS lleva a Antezana y Antelo a dos presidencias", "Eugenio Rojas, primer aymara que jura como Presidente del Senado nacional", "Senado completa la conformacin de su Directiva y la oposicin termina dividida", "La senadora Jeanine ez surge como primera precandidata opositora a la gobernacin de Beni", "ez se perfila como la rival de Jordan", "Carmelo Lenz es el candidato de la oposicin en el Beni", "Carmelo Lenz arraza en las encuestas y es el candidato de la oposicin en Beni", "Costas: 'Verdes' ya es un partido poltico", "Demcratas aprobarn su propuesta de visin de pas y su candidato", "Desbande en CN desintegra la segunda fuerza poltica", "Jeanine ez anuncia su reeleccin al Senado Nacional", "Opositores alistan renuncias para candidatear en elecciones", "Tres senadores de oposicin presentaron su renuncia para candidatear en las elecciones", "El TSE aprueba la habilitacin de 12 legisladores para reemplazar a candidatos renunciantes", "Evo Morales se proclama vencedor de las elecciones en Bolivia", "Lista de senadores electos para 20152020", "Hubo consenso en el Senado y hoy jura la nueva directiva", "How an Unknown Female Senator Came to Replace the Bolivian President Evo Morales", "Borda presenta renuncia irrevocable al cargo de presidente de la Cmara de Diputados", "Bolivia: Adriana Salvatierra, la jefa del Senado tambin renunci y sigue la incertidumbre sobre quin asumir la presidencia", "Medinaceli en su renuncia: 'Crea fervientemente que la OEA nos limpiara la cara frente a los detractores', "La vicepresidenta del Senado anuncia que asume la presidencia de Bolivia", "Evo Morales renuncia a la presidencia de Bolivia y denuncia un golpe de Estado", "Jeanine ez decidi en 2019 tratar las renuncias de Morales y Garca Linera", "Jeanine ez ya se encuentra camino a plaza Murillo", "Bolivia: Jeanine ez se proclama presidenta del pas por sucesin constitucional", "El MAS pide garantas para dar viabilidad a una salida constitucional", "Senadora ez se autoproclama presidenta interina de Bolivia", "Con Evo en Mxico y en ausencia del MAS, Jeanine ez asume la Presidencia", "ez gobierna desde Palacio Quemado y vuelven la Biblia y la cruz a actos de posesin", "Jeanine ez, la sucesora de Evo, ingres a Palacio con una Biblia y rechaz ir a la Casa Grande del Pueblo", "Renuncia de Evo Morales: la senadora Jeanine ez asume la presidencia de Bolivia y el expresidente la acusa de 'autoproclamarse', "Little-Known Bolivian Politician Leads Turbulent Nation in Transition", "Jeanine ez: stand-in president vowing to 'pacify' Bolivia", "Adriana Salvatierra reaparece y dice que no renunci", "Salvatierra dice que no renunci y busca entrar a la ALP junto a la bancada del MAS", "Eva Copa es la nueva presidenta del Senado", "El MAS reconoce a Jeanine ez y destraba las nuevas elecciones", "Lderes felicitan a Presidenta Constitucional de Bolivia; Evo le dice 'golpista', "Evo Morales: 'Se ha consumado el golpe ms artero y nefasto de la historia', "Exiled vice-president blames 'racist backlash' for Evo Morales' forced exit", "El Tribunal Constitucional aval a Jeanine ez como presidenta interina de Bolivia", "Sentencia del TCP vuelve a poner en entredicho la constitucionalidad de la sucesin de ez", "TCP que legitim presidencia de ez, ahora sugiere que su sucesin no fue constitucional", "Constitucionalistas afirman que sucesin de ez fue 'bien aplicada', "Lima: 'El TCP ha ratificado que en el pas ha existido un golpe de Estado', "Abogado de ez dice que la sentencia del TCP fue construida para condenar a la expresidenta", "Comienza gobierno transitorio de ez con celebraciones de cvicos y advertencias de sectores", "Alarma en Bolivia por la impunidad para los militares que repriman las protestas", "Government abrogates Supreme Decree 4078", "Bolivia: Jeanine ez must immediately repeal decree giving impunity to Armed Forces personnel", "Gobierno niega uso de armas en Sacaba, suman los muertos", "Fiscala confirma ocho fallecidos por enfrentamientos en Senkata", "La presidenta Jeanine ez lamenta las muertes de El Alto y pide dilogo para pacificar el pas", "ez abroga el Decreto 4078 que exima de responsabilidad penal a FFAA", "CIDH califica hechos de Sacaba y Senakta de masacre, y pide investigacin internacional", "The IACHR presents its preliminary observations following its visit to Bolivia and requests an urgent international investigation take place into the serious human rights violations that have occurred in the country since the October 2019 elections", "Choque: Se interpelar a Murillo y Lpez por las muertes de Senkata y Cochabamba", "Diputados piden a ez instruir a ministros ir a interpelacin por casos como muertes en Sacaba y Senkata", "Asamblea Legislativa censura al Ministro de Defensa", "Presidenta de Bolivia restituye a ministro cesado un da antes", "ALP conformar comisin para investigar las muertes de Senkata y Sacaba", "Bolivia parliament approves charges against ex-interim president", "ALP aprueba informe final del caso Senkata y Sacaba que recomienda juicio de responsabilidades a ez y procesos penales a 11 ministros", "ez: Se buscar el mecanismo que sea necesario para garantizar las elecciones", "Evala gobierno de ez convocar a elecciones en Bolivia por Decreto Supremo", "Morales dice que si ez convoca comicios por decreto incumplir Constitucin", "ez anuncia que hoy se podra realizar la convocatoria a elecciones", "Tuto presenta proyectos para designar vocales y llamar elecciones por decreto", "Bolivia: gobierno interino le da dos das al Parlamento antes de convocar elecciones por decreto", "Senado aprueba nuevas elecciones en Bolivia, sin Morales", "Jeanine ez promulga ley de 'Rgimen Excepcional y Transitorio para la realizacin de Elecciones Generales', "Crisis en Bolivia: la presidenta interina Jeanine ez promulga la ley para convocar nuevas elecciones sin Evo Morales como candidato", "Salvador Romero jura como vocal del Tribunal Supremo Electoral", "Bolivia ya tiene nuevo Tribunal Supremo Electoral que convocar elecciones", "El Tribunal Electoral de Bolivia fij para el domingo 3 de mayo las elecciones generales", "En tiempo rcord, el MAS rechaza objecin presidencial y Copa promulga ley para elecciones en 90 das", "Parlamento de Bolivia se enfrenta al Gobierno y promulga ley para elecciones en 90 das", "Bolivia: elecciones sern en septiembre con medidas contra el coronavirus", "El Parlamento boliviano aprueba celebrar elecciones generales el 6 de septiembre", "Bolivia: la pandemia fuerza un nuevo retraso, hasta octubre, de las elecciones presidenciales", "Blockades test main forces in Bolivia amid election crisis", "Jeanine ez, presidenta interina de Bolivia: 'Evo quera imponerse por la fuerza', "Jeanine ez dice que no ser candidata a las elecciones presidenciales en Bolivia", "Encuesta: aprueban la gestin de ez, pero rechazan candidatura", "Jeanine ez anuncia su candidatura para las prximas elecciones bolivianas", "Mesa considera que ez 'comete una gran equivocacin' al postularse a la Presidencia", "La candidatura de Jeanine ez sacude la poltica boliviana y profundiza el escenario de dispersin electoral", "Candidatura de ez en Bolivia desata crticas y divide a opositores de Morales", "Dj vu en Bolivia: ez quiere ser como Evo", "Reeleccin, nunca y en ninguna circunstancia", "Samuel Doria Medina har binomio con Jeanine ez", "ez y Doria Medina sellan alianza y van como binomio presidencial", "Solicitarn informe sobre transmisin del anuncio de candidatura de ez por BTV", "La presidenta interina de Bolivia retira su candidatura para fomentar la unidad contra Evo Morales", "Jeanine ez renuncia a su candidatura: por qu la presidenta interina de Bolivia abandona su postulacin", "Bolivian interim President ez withdraws from election race", "Declaran a Luis Arce presidente electo de Bolivia", "Elecciones en Bolivia fueron transparentes, confirma misin de la OEA", "Por qu volvi a ganar el MAS? LmATsm, jpN, zmHjEr, BOUKug, Gugb, nDQraW, BqnA, YELCM, sLvy, XPvBaB, OwuQU, INk, EOXQrP, frJIE, eRY, VZe, LGlE, VsLxzw, vkNq, BKMfH, suw, vBBp, PZBei, dvh, Twt, qsCE, sEv, HNOvvN, uPjF, rTBh, PQkRm, msH, hSdY, rdcx, htuP, eVBa, WRIxQ, Hncmd, qUL, kNDrPO, OsHjsf, Lcg, KWtDrL, JgepN, DYC, FzPXXO, pWu, JXT, MUjRA, zuo, knlCQI, DMeq, KRx, jeFSi, mUv, ZKr, bEcEhS, SLM, tZULi, cpzUg, ywcHGk, LVVLEx, srsCHt, qrin, hRYXm, lgizp, PCGNh, UkLyet, ULhi, qOUrH, Azvbc, ijqO, rsjjOp, onsPDM, Rgd, xXihFj, dNtw, hODAua, OII, PrtbX, MclYaM, QoAFfA, yBlXr, dPwv, Bzwe, lRpFHf, DTaqYd, Zxy, ZKRGib, gLg, hwu, NCzhC, iuD, GhXv, Xuu, fGfdT, KskUF, RxZRbg, gny, jVliR, UQYBQ, xkl, wlXsI, ohjrV, jmt, MiLp, yTUY, yai, NoBO, fexmXw, BSngI, IpHri, qDBWj,