In point elasticity, we make use of derivatives in place of finite changes in price and quantity. We know that for the angle equal to 360 degrees (2), the arc length is equal to circumference. An arc (noun) can be free-floating. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I've checked the dictionaries and both words have a common meaning: arc - a shape or structure resembling an arc. As a native speaker why is this usage of I've so awkward? Are the verbs "parlay" and "draw on" interchangeable? Please briefly explain why you feel this answer should be reported. Currently, there are over 30 different kinds of welding methods, and some are a lot easier than others. Do you have a citation for this claim? Rob Johnstone:These are the definitions I found on my favorite online dictionary ( for these two terms. An arc is also a sparking discharge conducted from one electrode to another. Here, easily we can define Q = Q 1 - Q 0 and P = P 1 - P 0. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join over 40,000+ subscribers. ANSI sizes are more frequently used for engineering drawings and technical purposes. Arc . Any deflection of the arch follows a circular arc with the radius of curvature considered to remain large compared to the dimension of the cross section. Slim, light, and ready to travel, Microsoft Arc Mouse is designed to conform to your hand and snaps flat to fit easily in your bag. Arc is a part of a curve. (geometry) A continuous part of the circumference of a circle (circular arc) or of another curve. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. I am a native French speaker, and a translator. I think a medium arc is a nice compromise between looks and functionality. Share 18 Privacy policy Advertisement Exception: This arcing translates to heat, which can break down the insulation surrounding individual . Arc flash describes the event from an experiential perspective. To form or bend into the shape of an arch. Arch comes form the Old French arche, which means bow or arc. Radius Draws the minor arc counterclockwise from the start point (1) to the endpoint (2). Arch verb. Try thisDrag one of the orange dots to change the height or width of the arc. arch Arch adjective. In short, this article explains the terms arc and arch. An arc is often one of a circle's component sections. Part of speech: noun Definition: A curve. Free Download eBooks, Notes, Templates, etc. An arc flash is an electric arc or an electrical explosion from an arcing fault and is defined as a sustained luminous discharge of electricity across a gap in a circuit or between electrodes which produces both radiant and convective heat with the potential to ignite clothing and burn workers with severe consequences including death. An arc is a particular component of a circles circumference. (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension. These are the two main types of welding used in different joining process. Piers or abutments support the entire arch at its ends. Price then changes to P 1, when demand also changes to Q 1. noun [ C ] (CURVE) the shape of part of a circle, or other curved line. I'd like to make a short terminology comparison. In this sense arches are segmental, round (i. e., semicircular), or pointed. is that arch is ( senseid )an inverted u shape or arch can be (obsolete) a chief while arc is (astronomy) that part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon. Arches may be synonymous with vaults, but a vault may be distinguished as a continuous arch forming a roof. The strongest constructions are arches. The Arc Mouse does more and is using more expensive . The concept of narrative arc as we know it today was created by Gustav Freytag, a German novelist and playwright who closely analyzed ancient Greek writing, along with William Shakespeare's . Arch adjective. The Surface Arc Mouse is $30 more, priced at $79.99. Pointed arch e.g. To build it I drew an arc and then built my arch. An arch-shaped arrangement of trapezoidal stones, designed to redistribute downward force outward. To talk about Highline Curve, it can flush at the same rate as the Highline Arc but quietly. Some of the real-time examples where. Radius of an arc or segment Definition: The radius of an arcor segmentis the radiusof the circle of which it is a part. [He] spoke his request with so arch a leer.; a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening, a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially arches of the feet), (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it. Are there breakers which can be triggered by an external signal and have to be reset by hand? arc is not an actual structure: it serves only to define the shape of the real structure (the sky). If you have a look around the back, there's a chance of your TV having an . The process of becoming an architect can be as confusing as it is extensive. Name of a play about the morality of prostitution (kind of). Look at where your arch should be. 8. the point where a tangential line touches the arc of a circle, 1.1 A shape or structure resembling an arc: Arc elasticity concept is easy to grasp. A mechanical arrangement of bricks in the shape of blocks is referred to as an arch. A building with an inverted U shape represents an arch. @SovereignSun I would suggest that usage of arc is rather uncommon and is somewhat metaphorical in comparing the shape of a thing to the shape of a part of a circle - I would encourage you to look at the examples provided on your link. 7. Sorry, you do not have permission to add a post. It creates any arc, major or minor, clockwise or counterclockwise, beginning with the start point (1), and ending at an endpoint (2). Kali comes with a user Interface as compared to Arch which has no GUI. In general, it is a part of a circle's circumference. As verbs the difference between arch and arc is that arch is to form into an arch shape while arc is to move following a curved path. My worthy arch and patron comes to-night.; To form a voltaic arc, as an electrical current in a broken or disconnected circuit. And for geometry as well it is Arc. 1. Among vs. (Newsday), Nor do I think a front row seat would make it any easier to relay the arc of the show as really, there is none to speak of. The primary benefit of an arch or an arc is its support. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Arc vs Arch (as nouns) So both arc and arch come to us from Old French arc (arch through the feminine arche). The story arc or narrative arc or dramatic arc is the path a story follows. 1. An arch is employed in curved or symmetrical structures. TIG stands for tungsten inert gas and MIG stands for metal inert gas, while arc describes the distinct process that welders use to join metals together. (n.) A curvature in the shape of a circular arc or an arch; as, the colored arc (the rainbow); the arc of Hadley's quadrant. (geometry) A continuous part of the circumference of a circle . - Did we make a mistake? Something can be done or not a fit? When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. 9. a bow in the sky). (n.) An arch. Thus, the difference between the start and end points does not affect the calculation results. An arc is an imaginary mathematical shape defined by a section of a circle. Arch doesn't come with any user interface and the whole installation is command line based. the shape of a structure resembling an arc. 1. the huge arc of the sky. Examples of frauds discovered because someone tried to mimic a random sequence. A continuous section of any curve. Nowadays, arc is pronounced like "ark" and refers to the mathematical shape, while arch (as a word, not a prefix) is pronounced with the "chew" ch sound and refers to an actual physical object/structure that is based on that . I attempted to hide my emotions, but an arch remark escaped my lips.; (transitive) To shape into an arc; to hold in the form of an arc. An arc can be a portion of some other curved shapes like an ellipse but mostly refers to a circle. (The Huffington Post), A POLICE facts sheet has revealed the moment two officers doing a routine search discovered a seemingly innocuous iPhone was allegedly an illegal taser that let off a loud and visual electrical arc at the push of some buttons. electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field. The verb forms of arc are arcs, arced and arcing. Steel arches, ii. (architecture) An architectural element having the shape of an arch. The story's arc is created through this rise and fall movement. The arc is defined as a straight line that joins two points together. HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) is a protocol introduced by the people behind HDMI (the HDMI Licensing Administrator, which if you're ever curious, have a list of companies banned from using HDMI) with the 1.4 version of their cable.It's featured on some 4K and modern HD TVs, as well as soundbars or audio systems. Point elasticity A to B. This also has a good package management system. If your foot looks more arched than your wet test footprint, you have flexible feet. noun [ C ] (SHAPE) something that has the shape of an arch, often used for decoration: No. form an arch or curve; her back arches her hips curve nicely. Here is the Oxford Dictionary definition for arc that you referred to: 1A part of a curve, especially a part of the circumference of a circle: It only takes a minute to sign up. Arc is weaker than an arch in construction. (ambitransitive) To move following a curved path. Azure Arc provides a centralized, unified way to: Manage your entire environment together by projecting your existing non-Azure and/or on-premises resources into Azure Resource Manager. Any place covered by an arch; an archway. Arc. How are they different? If you are alright with a single flush, this is the one for you. Gas welding uses flammable gases to generate heat. Azure Arc Secure, develop, and operate infrastructure, apps, and Azure services anywhere Products AI + machine learning AI + machine learning Create the next generation of applications using artificial intelligence capabilities for any developer and any scenario - Do you have feedback or suggestions on how we can improve? Arc noun something curved in shape Arch adjective Chief; eminent; greatest; principal. 6. Also called Ark of the Covenant. Fast, powerful, and always up to date, Manjaro provides all the benefits of an Arch operating system, but with an especial emphasis on stability, user-friendliness and accessibility for newcomers and experienced users. Arche (Fr) is used to describe a large, primarily bow structure, typically in a bridge or a large space. An arch is a curved structure that spans an opening and usually supports a bridge or roof. 8. 5. Any place covered by an arch; an archway . Arc de Triomphe, in full Arc de Triomphe de l'toile, massive triumphal arch in Paris, France, one of the world's best-known commemorative monuments. Is Energy "equal" to the curvature of Space-Time? It is basically a part of the circumference of a circle. (The Prague Post), His last message to his teenage daughter said that he was in St. Louis, by the Gateway Arch, and was ultimately heading to Hollywood. Arch may describe many parts of the human body, such as the arch of the foot. Connects via Bluetooth. Arcked and arcking are technically correct forms, but rarely used. An arc or arch utilizes for the supply of doors, windows and cupboards. The arc stays the same, but the value being represented by the arc changes. While it often refers to a circle, its form resembles an ellipse. An arc is an imaginary mathematical shape defined by a segment of a circle, while an arch is an architectural solid, often, but not always, based on one or more arcs. In this modern era, people always prefer vast openings. ARCH is concerned about modeling the volatility of the variance of the series. 3. An arch is a curved structure that spans an opening and usually supports a bridge or roof. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Grammarist is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Arc flash happens when there is a breakdown of electrical resistance (or impedance) in the air surrounding a conductor. When discussing motion, algebra, or sketching, you might use the word arc.. Lightning is an electric arc between two clouds; The architect used a compass to draw an arc in the design. I think that a faucet with some height looks nicer than a low faucet (just my opinion, of course), but one downside, especially with the high-arc, is that it can get in the way when you want to lean over and rinse off your face. In the past, arches were developed to build steps. Arc comes from the Old French arc meaning bowed or curved. These elements press against one another. Arc Definition: (n.) A portion of a curved line; as, the arc of a circle or of an ellipse. Lost your password? Other confused words. The calculated area is shown. Ark noun often Ark (Bible) The chest containing the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets, carried by the Hebrews during their desert wanderings. Any place covered by an arch; an archway; as, to pass into the arch of a bridge. The main difference between HDMI ARC vs eARC comes down to bandwidth. . Cost MIG welding equipment is generally more expensive. What is HDMI ARC? 2. Ventral Arc, Subpubic Concavity, and Ischiopubic Ramus What are the differences between 'variation' and 'variant', "Except" and "Besides" when they are interchangeable. The term arc is a geometric expression. arch and arc are both proposed to uphold loads of the wall. However, when I asked my sarcastic high school son the difference between and arc and an arch, he replied: Well, the first one is a big boat filled with pairs of animals. Where might I find some pictures illustrating the use of winding sticks? Quantity increase from 200 to 300 = 100/200 = 50%; Price falls from 4 to 3 = 1/4 = -25%; Therefore PED = 50/ -25 = - 2.0; Mid Point (Arc) Elasticity A to B Arc noun (Mathematics) A segment of a circle. When would I give a checkpoint to my D&D party that they can return to if they die? 3. 6. the arc itself is a path of electrons that flow across an air gap which results in heating and ionization of the air molecules resulting in an emission of photons that produces a bright light. Arc temperature is high; it exceeds 6000 degrees Celsius. arc Also Read: Difference between Architecture drawing and engineering drawing. Solid and Plywood Cherry Darkening at Different Rates, Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To. Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve; used to support the wall or other weight above an opening. 22 34. Expertcivil is the world's leading learning platform for civil & architectural engineers. Since HDMI 2.1 has a higher bandwidth than HDMI 1.4, it can transfer more data faster. London has the Marble Arch. (astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon. In this article, we'll demystify a crucial component of the path to a career in architecture: what degree you should. Japanese Temple Geometry Problem: Radii of inner circles inside quarter arcs, MOSFET is getting very hot at high frequency PWM, Typesetting Malayalam in xelatex & lualatex gives error. Both TIG and arc welding are electric arc welding techniques that use an inert gas, typically argon or helium, around the weld joint to prevent oxidation. Difference between Architecture drawing and engineering drawing, CNC Laser Engraving Machine - Fundamental and Models, Water Content Of Soil - Oven Dry, Infrared, Chemical and Dielectric Method, 80 Construction Management Terms: Glossary, Tendering Process in Construction - Types, Benefits and Software. The rubber protection cover does not pass through the hole in the rim. A curve with the ends down and the middle up: the arch of a raised eyebrow. The apparent arc described, above or below the horizon, by the sun or other celestial body. Arch: An arch is a curved structure that spans an opening and usually supports a bridge or roof. A geological or architectural feature is an arch. arc: [noun] the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body (such as the sun). arch noun [ C ] (CURVED STRUCTURE) a structure, consisting of a curved top on two supports, that holds the weight of something above it. The terms "electric arc" and "arc flash" are interchangeable. A circu. This means your low arches are brought on by weight-bearing and a medium arch insole will work best for you. Ask & get answers from experts & other users. The arc elasticity will always fall somewhere between pair of point elasticities, calculated at lower and higher prices. Definition: (n.) A portion of a curved line; as, the arc of a circle or of an ellipse. A structure, especially one of masonry, forming the curved, pointed, or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway. Are reluctant and hesitant interchangeable? Well, more broadly, it's in a vertical plane and standing on, Help us identify new roles for community members. The short answer is that in British English a 'character arc' is usually referred to as 'character development'. Arch is more stable as compared to packages of Debian. (electrics) A flow of current across an insulating medium; especially a hot, luminous discharge between either two electrodes or as lightning. It is simple and doesn't add unnecessary adjustments or additions. (n.) An arch. Azure Arc simplifies governance and management by delivering a consistent multi-cloud and on-premises management platform. Arch may describe many parts of the human body, such as the arch of the foot. The direction is determined from the start point. A continuous mapping from a real interval (typically [0, 1]) into a space. The Surface Mouse is $49.99, which is relatively affordable for a premium, standard mouse. I hope this can somehow help & that no one will be upset this little linguistic invasion of mine. The difference between these three welding techniques is arc usage. An arc is a curved shape or the curving path of a moving object. In contrast, the obturator foramina in females have more of an oval shape, similar to an egg on its side. Sorry, you do not have permission to ask a question, You must login to ask a question. 6. A curve with the ends down and the middle up: the arch of a raised eyebrow. (astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon. Arc noun (astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon. The Tour de France bicycle race ends near it each year, and the annual military parade marking July 14known both as French National Day and . Hydraulic press works on which principle ? Statues and trophies, and triumphal arcs.; Any curvature in the form of an arch; as, the arch of the aorta. Why the arc elasticity matters to pass into the arch of a bridge. The choice of paper size also often depends on the software used to create the plans. It gives a story a definite form, one with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Character Arc (American) Character Development (British and American) It seems basically to be a 'spelled'/ 'spelt' situation. This particular tester is based on the concept that the durable materials which are exposed outdoors experience the most weathering damage from the short-wave UV. Are there conservative socialists in the US? We can differentiate these in following aspect. Audio Return Channel (ARC) is a type of audio transmission that links up your speaker output to your television controls, via an HDMI cable, meaning you don't need a separate. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Hope Collegedekho helped you to choose what's right for you. 3. A structure, especially one of masonry, forming the curved, pointed, or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway. Does a 120cc engine burn 120cc of fuel a minute? Debian installation methods offer an automatically configured approach to installation. In general, an arc is one of the portions of a circle. A segment of several other curved shapes can form an arc. 2. Normal arch (medium) If the middle part of your arch is about half filled, this means you have a normal arch. 5. Answer: An arc is electrical current that is sustained across a break in an electrical circuit. An arc is a 2D geometric object in the circumference of a circle. (n.) The apparent arc described, above or below the horizon, by the sun or other celestial body. Difference between Arc Welding and Gas Welding: noun [ C ] (SHAPE) something that has the shape of an arch, often used for decoration: Share Improve this answer Follow An arch is a 3D-shaped architectural solid. Your arch naturally supports your body weight and pronates, or rolls in, under a normal load. Add a new light switch in line with another switch? It visually evokes the idea that every story has a relatively calm beginning, a middle where tension, character conflict, and narrative momentum builds to a peak, and an end where the conflict is resolved. Last refers to the shape of the sole and the footprint the shoe is built . Suppose the demand curve for a commodity is as shown in Fig. I have nearly finished an arch between my dining room and another room in my house. Kali Linux is not a daily driver OS as it is based on debian testing branch. Even though it is economical in using water, the class five flush allows a strong flush to keep the bowl clean and tidy. It also requires an extra gas cylinder for the shielding effect. (anatomy) Curved part of the bottom of a foot. Michael Dresdner:Yep, Rob said it best. Let us assume at a price Po demand is Q 0. An arc is also a sparking discharge conducted from one electrode to another. 4. An arch is a vertical curved structure that spans an elevated space and may or may not support the weight above it, or in case of a horizontal arch like an arch dam, the hydrostatic pressure against it. Obturator Foramen Differences in Males and Females. These joining processes are used in joining same or different metal by application of heat. Arc length formula The length of an arc depends on the radius of a circle and the central angle . These openings form an arch or an arc in your home. It doesnt matter how the points are set. Arc Flash vs. Flame Resistant While the gear can sometimes seem interchangeable, there's a key difference to remember: all arc rated (AR) clothing is flame resistant (FR), but not all flame resistant clothing is arc rated. A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U. Answer: ARC or Airline Reporting Corporation is an organization that does basically the same, but in the US, and also Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. Difference Between Arc and Ark Arc noun Something shaped like a curve or arch the vivid arc of a rainbow. Arch : It is a distribution of Linux for computer systems that have a processor configuration of x86-64. On Paris' Champs lysees, you have the Arc de Triomphe, Rome has the Arc de Titus, which both are rather Arches (Fr) really by their dimensions, but for that kind of monument Arc is the traditionally used terminology. arch - a curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening and typically supporting the weight of a bridge, roof, or wall above it. The term "arc fault" refers to a situation in which loose or corroded wiring connections create an intermittent contact that causes an electrical current to spark, or arc, between metal contact points. Definition A boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood . The term has become associated with the dangerous event, but it is interchangeable with "electric arc." Obturator foramen (foramina = plural): Because the male pelvis is narrower and taller, the obturator foramina have a rounded look. An arc is often one of a circles component sections. Country But Arc (Fr) is just generic or for smaller construction elements. A circular arc. The structural elements i.e. Whereas Point Elasticity is the elasticity at a finite point on the curve. However, there is evidence that a character arc is more specific than character development. A curve contains an arc. Was this article helpful? retain/sustain, are they interchangeable in the give sentences? To form an electrical arc. Arch is based on one or more arcs. 'The horse arched his neck.'; Arc noun a continuous portion of a circle Arch verb To form into an arch; to curve. An arch may also be a decorative feature. A symmetrical and curved structure that covers an opening is called an arch. Are can and could interchangeable in probabilistic situation? Arc elasticity yields the same elasticity value, whether the price moves up or down to a certain level. Difference between would/will. The bending moment at any point on the arch is the difference between simple span bending moment and product Hy" . One nice thing about the ANSI sizes is that a half size 1722 set prints our perfectly on regular printer paper (8.511). We use the midpoint (mean) as the denominator to calculate the change in quantity demanded and price. TIG welding uses a tungsten electrode that produces the electric arc between the torch and the metal workpiece. Narrative arc is a term that describes a story's full progression. State any two advantages of reinforced brick work. Arc elasticity measures the mid point between the two selected points: Example of Difference between Point and Arc Elasticity A to B. Arc In Mathematics, an "arc" is a smooth curve joining two endpoints. Arch adjective. In French, arc's first meaning is "bow" (cf. (mathematics) A continuous mapping from a real interval (typically [0, 1]) into a space. What are moment of inertia and its importance in civil engineering? Gas welding temperature is limited to 3300 degrees Celsius, which is lower than arc temperature. What Is the Difference Between Arc And Arch? The next generation of our best-selling Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse, Microsoft Arc Mouse features numerous refinements, including the ability to scroll both vertically and horizontally. You may already be familiar with one classic example of the story arc . (TA) Is it appropriate to ignore emails from a student asking obvious questions? Arch vs Arc. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. In general, arch construction depends on wedges. I have the Delta Cassidy, which I would . The xenon arc is basically an attempt to reproduce sunlight from 295 nm- 800nm. In these regions, ARC is an accounting entity that belongs to airlines and covers all transactions between agents and carriers. 7. For instance, a freestanding monument. (of persons) highest in rank or authority or office; his arch rival. 8. Both models are related to economic forecasting and measuring volatility. 559 864. (n.) The apparent arc described, above or below the horizon, by the sun or other celestial body. Openings in the wall are always necessary in any construction. Arc Thermal Performance Value (ATPV) is the incident energy level (measured in calories) a fabric or material receives that results in sufficient heat transfer through the fabric or material to cause the onset of a second-degree burn based on the Stoll curve . Arch comes form the Old French arche, which means bow or arc. That is the reason, it is also known as BA. Is this an at-all realistic configuration for a DHC-2 Beaver? (Investment News), Even though the first 50 years of the 20th century were pretty barbaric due to two extremely bloody world wars, I still believe the arc of history bends towards progress and the pace has accelerated in the last 50 years. Walk in/walk into -- meaning difference, and whether there interchangeable in the given context. A formula and calculator are provided below for the radius given the width and height of the arc. 4. A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U. I would like to know what the difference (mathematical anyway) is between an arch and an arc. ATPV indicates the level of protection provided by flame resistant (FR) clothing as . arc noun [ C ] (CURVE) the shape of part of a circle, or other curved line. Safeopedia What is the difference between arc flash and flame resistant clothing? (The St. Louis Post-Dispatch). Are "expecting" and "expected" different? ANSI E. 34 44. While it often refers to a circle, its form resembles an ellipse. (The Sydney Daily Telegraph), The area has several notable attractions including the largest natural sandstone arch in Europe, a rock chapel, castle ruins and a well-preserved village. Arches always support the weight of structures above them. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. rev2022.12.9.43105. arch ( plural arches ) An inverted U shape. So, arc and arch play a key part in construction to assure customer desire. Difference between Debian and Arch : When you hear a light switch or outlet buzzing or hissing, you are hearing arcing as it happens. Between 7. Spark noun A short or small burst of electrical discharge. Arc AB is the name of the arc in the image below. Properties of a Circular Arch : Referring to Fig. Arch may also be used as a verb, arches, arched and arching are verb forms. Arc elasticity is the elasticity of one variable with respect to another between two given points. An Arch bears the weight of the wall, roof, or bridge above it. A curve contains an arc. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Enter your E-mail address to subscribe. So, it can be used to represent an arc. Ark noun How to set a newcommand to be incompressible by justification? The definition in the Oxford dictionary would be better written as. As adjectives the difference between curve and arch is that curve is (obsolete) bent without angles; crooked; curved while arch is ( senseid) knowing, clever, mischievous. The most arch act of piteous massacre.; her back arches; her hips curve nicely; Cunning or sly; sportively mischievous; roguish; as, an arch look, word, lad. This temperature can melt down any metal. 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