These are used by the Hive Mind to enhance the Tyranids' effectiveness in consuming new worlds to gain more of the necessary organic raw materials for further reproduction and directed evolution. Once the Hive Ship has come into range of a target planet, it immediately begins to launch a rain of Mycetic Spores into the atmosphere and towards the planet's surface. Alternative strategies are consistently employed, as the Tyranids are clear masters of adaptation. Your army cannot contain more than one model with the same Adaptive Physiology. WebHarpy. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. A huge worm-like Tyranid creature that acts as an outrider to the Tyranid swarm. Others will deliver zoomorphic symbiotes and parasites, which target and mutate the planet's flora at a rapid rate. Whether it aims only to spread itself or is actively seeking something in the bodies of its fallen foes, perhaps only time will tell. Hive Fleet Jormungandr assails its enemies not only from orbit and across blazing battlefields, but also in horrific attack waves from beneath their feet. Entire swarms erupt from tunnels dug by burrowing monsters. Under the command of such creatures, the Tyranids operate in perfect unison, slaved to the psychic imperatives of a single communal intelligence. If insufficient to move charging unit into. Symbol used by the Imperium of Man to designate Tyranid hive fleets. Exocrines are sometimes synaptically entangled with tiny insectile observer organisms that flit ahead and spy out targets. As the Tyranid ecosystem takes hold, strange living structures sprout forth that are vital to the final consumption of the world. Must end closer to the closest enemy model. Biovores. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking models unit has finished When it fires, what bursts from the bio-cannons muscular barrel is a hail of long, diamond-hard barbs, each with a voracious fanged maw growing at its base. [15a], Every weapon and projectile used by the hive fleets is a living organism, grown from the reconstituted biomatter of previous invasions. A model with an invulnerable save can use it instead of its normal Sv. Carnifexes. Full list of Tyranids units sharing same Battlefield Role follows: Scything wings used in the following datasheets: The SPORE MINES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The AIRCRAFT keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: A Harpy is equipped with: stinger salvoes; 2 stranglethorn cannons; scything wings. If charge successful, models make their charge move. An unnamed variant of Rippers designed to devour every lifeform on the planet's seas. Each time a model with this adaptation makes a ranged attack, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. These bioforms share two critical characteristics for identifying new target planets and performing infiltrations: stealth and independence. Behind the battlefront, Capillary Towers, many thousands of metres in height, burst forth from the planet's crust. [4] Once a suitable world has been detected, these bio-vessels spawn infiltrator-organisms, such as Lictors, Genestealers, or specialized Gaunt strains, and launch them onto the world via Mycetic Spores. The vicious blade-limbs of this appalling biohorror have since been witnessed several times by observers battling many different hive fleets across the galaxy. Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit. Once this hive fleets warrior organisms outnumber their prey, they soon overwhelm them in a hideous, heaving mass. The Tyranids are not native to the galaxy; they have journeyed across the unspeakable cold of the void, where time and space conspire to hold the stars apart with inconceivable distances. Complex organic molecules are broken down and recreated in formats that are best suited for absorption by the swarm. Though the precise mechanism is unknown to the Imperium, the outcome is certain: nothing is left behind but a barren, airless rock of little value. Hive Guard. The Hive Mind can break down the biomass of its warrior organisms, reabsorbing them and restructuring their bodies and neural pathways at a molecular level before spawning them anew. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to the bearers Strength characteristic (to a maximum of +3). The Shadow in the Warp cast by Leviathan is darker than those of other hive fleets, rendering their prey's attempts to harness otherworldly powers a hopeless cause. These terrible claws consumed both the bodies and the memories of their victims, passing on the assimilated knowledge to the host creature. Units from your army with any of the following keywords gain an additional 1 experience point from the. Each time a unit gains a Battle Honour, increase its Crusade points by: 1 if unit has a Power Rating of 10 or less. If manifested, select one enemy unit within Synaptic Link range of this PSYKER or one enemy unit within 24" of this Psyker. Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn. The Tyranids, also known as The Great Devourer are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. In seconds, they grow to full size, devouring the host from the inside out and bursting forth in a shower of gore. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Whilst it is true that the Tyranids are forced to remain at sublight speeds while within the gravitic boundaries of a planetary system, they are capable of superluminal velocities when travelling through interstellar space. The majority, however, is set aside to feed the Hive Ships orbiting the planet. At the start of the battle round, select one Synaptic Imperative from a unit in your army that is on the battlefield and that you have not yet selected this game. The Hive Mind funnels immense resources into empowering the monstrous beasts of its hordes, infusing them with great reserves of energy and strength. The hunger of the Tyranids can never be satiated. The bearer has a Ballistic Skill characteristic of 3+. Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking models unit has finished Subtract 1 from hit rolls if the firing models unit Advanced. Within the Tyranid swarm there is no idea of individualism as each unit is linked to the next in a form of swarm consciousness. The broods of Hive Fleet Leviathan hunt as one, exhibiting eerie precision in their strikes. The Tyranids cannot be reasoned with, appeased or surrendered to. Cannot make a charge move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not the target of the charge. Add 8" to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons the bearer is equipped with. TYRANIDS units are drawn from a hive fleet.When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which hive fleet it is from and then replace This is a keyword that you can select for yourself, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book, with the guidance detailed below. Finally, the planet's atmosphere, and then the last few massive Capillary Towers, are absorbed into the Hive Ships. Leviathan is the latest creation of the Hive Mind, but it has billions of years of previous adaptations it can draw upon to modify the hunting style of its latest warrior-organisms. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. These are species that the Magos Biologis believe may be species that evolved from Tyranid that were left behind from failed Tyranid invasions. [12] Indeed their very name is but a title given to them by the Imperium, named after the planet where they were first encountered (Tyran). WebUse this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a HIVE TENDRIL CHARACTER model from your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed, instead of using any rules that are triggered when that model is destroyed (e.g. Below you will find a glossary that contains a number of terms used in this Codex. Cannot move within Engagement Range of enemy models. Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, make 2, Each time an attack is made with this weapon, make 3. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to the bearers Toughness characteristic. The Tyranids have no form of mechanical technology and, instead, harness an advanced form of biotechnology to create organic equivalents of the tools, weaponry and ammunition used by other intelligent species. Hive Fleet Hydras super swarms overwhelm their prey with sheer weight of numbers, drowning them in a tide of chitin and talons. The first and biggest change is to the secondary objectives. The arrival of the Tyranids is often met by psychic disturbances dubbed the Shadow in the Warp. If any other rules would reduce the distance at which models in this unit can fight, this rule and those rules do not take effect. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Main Hive Fleet arrives, craft generally numbering around 1.5 billion. The Tyranid threat is unprecedented in its ability to transform a planet thriving with nature's bounty into a barren orb of lifeless rock. These beetles boast powerful legs and incendiary biochemicals. Once the Tyranid forces have established a foothold on the planet's surface, they quickly begin the process of eliminating any resistance. Pouring up through the galactic plane, the swarms of Hive Fleet Leviathan strike at their prey from one end of the galaxy to the other. Units with this adaptation can ignore any or all modifiers to their Move characteristic, Advance rolls and charge rolls. So if, when determining how many attacks are made with that weapon, the dice rolled results in less than 3 attacks being made, make 3 attacks instead. A uniquely adapted Tyranid Zoanthrope that has the ability to feed not upon flesh and blood but upon the psychic energy and souls of its victims. Cutting the attack off at its source is the optimal solution. Many of the war-beasts unleashed by the Hive Mind have adapted thicker chitin armour, enabling them to shrug off enemy attacks. Tyranids overrun opposition in close combat, closing faster than most armies. This leader-beast possesses a superior ability to out-think its prey, and the Hive Mind has used it to overthrow countless star systems. Kraken harries and unbalances its foes with lightning-fast flanking attacks, before encircling them for the final, bloody slaughter. Reduction in atmospheric pressure causes oceans to boil away, which are also collected. Starting number of Command points varies with battle size. The Tyranids have evolved sophisticated methods for facilitating genetic transfer across species boundaries. Tyranid warrior-organisms are creatures of visceral horror, implacable monsters with razor-sharp claws, which can tear a man apart in the blink of an eye, and grotesque bio-cannons that fire hungry, parasitic projectiles into their prey's flesh. Over time, this can have an effect on the planet's atmosphere and climate as plant life is unable to synthesise oxygen. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking models unit has finished This call draws a fleet of vessels, including a Hive Ship to the system. A small species of Tyranid that serves as the primary means of devouring bio-mass from a planet. This page was last edited on 10 May 2022, at 20:28. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking models unit has finished Unless controlled or coordinated by the domineering will of the Hive Mind, many Tyranid organisms will revert to their baser instincts. The Tyranid Hive Mind possesses the ability to make a tactical assessment and modify its strategy. This is a keyword that you can select for yourself, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book, with the guidance detailed below. Details of how to Battle-forge an army, use a points limit, select a WARLORD and what information a players army roster must contain can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. The Hive Mind fortifies the minds and bodies of its swarms. These warrior organisms move with lithe rapidity, the better to close the distance to their prey and begin their killing frenzy. The Tyranids were defeated, barely, by the efforts of the Ultramarines Chapter of the Space Marines during the Battle of Macragge, although the Ultramarines suffered devastating losses that would take centuries to replace. In its final moments, the beast thrashes around injuring all in its path. No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds. WebHarpy. Those massive creatures generally delay their feeding until after the planet has been secured. Until the end of the phase, if that unit made a charge move , was charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the wound roll . WebUse this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a GARGOYLES, GENESTEALERS, HARPY, HIVE CRONE or LICTOR unit from your army is selected to fight. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which cult it belongs to and then These feelers are capable of manipulating the new host's brain forcing them to become a dribbling puppet under the sway of the Hive Mind. For highly psychic species, such as the Aeldari, or for luckless psykers caught within this enervating effect, the malaise is magnified tenfold. Thornbacks. +1 to saving throws against ranged weapons. These warrior organisms are well protected by their pseudo-sentient carapaces and partial regenerative capabilities. Tyrannofex. Water and microbes continue to live on deep below its surface. To do battle with the swarms of Hive Fleet Kraken is to pit oneself against a sly predatory gestalt whose every instinct and action is calculated towards outmanoeuvring and encircling its prey. To look out over the battlefield and see an endless tide of Tyranid monsters rapidly approaching, claws ready and maws open, is a truly terrifying prospect. Each time you win a battle, your Crusade force gains 1 Biomass point and 1 Crushed Resistance point. During their journey, Thus can a hive fleet adapt to generate a force capable of overwhelming any opposition, unleashing a vast throng of ferocious alien monsters that can fly, run, burrow and stalk through the defences of any foe. " It is possible that the Tyranids have been preying on galaxies since time immemorial and this is but the latest to feel their predations. It holds all Tyranids in a psychic bond that enables them to act together in perfect unison. Unsuspecting victims see nothing but a blur of thick leathery wings and a swift and dreadful sting, before the attacker is gone again. They could be considered the Tyranid equivalent of an Imperial. Once Tyranid species have established a toehold on a planet, their strategy soon changes. Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in the unit to lose one wound. Even as the prey races direct their forces to repel these threats, still more Tyranid fleets approach from the intergalactic void and emerge from their aeons-long slumbers. This infestation is never fatal, but instead the virus' genetic material subtly alters the victim's DNA, producing in them a strong urge to mate created by the stimulation of the individual's sex hormones. WebThe following are Tyranid units: Chaos Space Marines; List of Chaos Space Marine Warbands; The Lost and the Damned The first officially recorded contact with the Tyranids for the Imperium of Man came during a Tyranid attack on an Ocean World called Tyran, and from there Hive Fleet Behemoth continued directly towards the centre of the galaxy, consuming all the worlds in its path. WebWahapedia: War Zone Nephilim: Grand Tournament. For every 3 models in this unit, 1 model's devourer can be replaced with 1 barbed strangler. Each time the bearer makes a melee attack, on an unmodified, Each time the bearer fights, if one or more enemy models (excluding, Each time the bearer is selected to fight, after resolving its attacks, select one enemy unit hit by an attack made with this weapon this phase, and roll one D6: on a 2+, that enemy unit suffers D3+1, Once per battle, at the start of the battle round, when selecting a, While the bearer is on the battlefield, all friendly, The bearer knows one additional power from the, For each unit from your army that does not have the. They provide great variation in the missions that you and your opponent can play and encourage significant player-led refinement of the games parameters while retaining clean and clear rules of play to prevent any confusion or Synaptic echoes of former organisms and previous battles flow from this encephalitic biomorph, imbuing the host creature with instinctive foreknowledge of the enemys attack patterns and strategies. Can never be used to attack units within the firing units Engagement Range. This organisms localised empyric presence manifests as a writhing nest of malignant tendrils that latch onto its victims minds and souls, draining them of purpose and courage. As these creatures must be capable of acting when light-years distant from the swarm, they manifest a greater degree of intelligence and animal cunning than would otherwise be expected. Used mostly for larger infantry. Select one, Leviathan (Supplement) Strategic Ploy Stratagem. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack with a fleshborer or fleshborer hive, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to the normal damage (a maximum of 6 mortal The LEVIATHAN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HYDRA keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The MONSTER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The JORMUNGANDR keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TITANIC keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TOXIN SACS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: Heavy venom cannon used in the following datasheets: Stranglethorn cannon used in the following datasheets: The SYNAPSE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HORNED CHITIN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: Stinger salvoes used in the following datasheets: The GARGOYLES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GENESTEALERS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HARPY keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE CRONE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LICTOR keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The FLY keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BURROWERS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: This datasheet has Flyers Battlefield Role. Brood ships land, releasing. Specimens have been found on abandoned Space Hulks and hidden among the cargo holds of Warp-capable vessels. Can be shot even if firing models unit Advanced. If manifested, select the closest enemy unit within 18" of this PSYKER. The Genestealer DNA will be incorporated into the host's germ cells and so any child that results from this union will be a Genestealer hybrid, which now has the complete loyalty of its parents through a psychic bond. WebUse this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a HIVE TENDRIL CHARACTER model from your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed, instead of using any rules that are triggered when that model is destroyed (e.g. Barbed Hierodule. Each wave of the invasion unleashes a fresh menagerie of biological nightmares, perfectly designed to sow despoilment and death. Thornbacks. However, it is rumoured that the Ordo Xenos of the Inquisition had identified possible appearances of this xenos species as far back as the 35th Millennium. This warlords foresight allows it to see the preys next move. This biohorrors carapace is actually a symbiotic organism, capable of psychically repelling the fiercest attacks and boosting the metabolism of its host creature. Through its synaptic conduits, the Hive Mind reaches out to infuse the organisms under its control, invigorating their metabolisms with such unnatural vitality that they can ignore the most grievous of wounds. [5] These last pockets of resistance will become the targets of larger Tyranid species, from Warriors to Carnifexes and Bio-Titans, which eradicate the defenders with sheer offensive power. It is possible that they have been preying on other galaxies since time immemorial. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking models unit has finished Therefore, when a hive fleet invades a planet rich in life, every action of every Tyranid creature is honed to a single goal -- the total and rapid absorption of that world's organic population, ecosystems and bioresources. Tyranid beasts see enemy vehicles and monsters as the most significant threats and fight furiously to bring them down. Pinioned upon vicious flesh hooks, the squirming prey is all the easier to tear apart. Situated within this tangled web are specialised "synapse creatures" whose slightly more advanced brains function as psychic routers, buses, and hubs, co-ordinating and policing the riotous cacophony of the collective brain power of a mass organism that is sometimes larger than most planets. Malediction: The Horror has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested with a Psychic test result of 11+, enemy instead suffers D6 mortal wounds. Each time a model with this adaptation makes a melee attack that targets a unit containing fewer models than its own, add 1 to that attacks hit roll. This article purports to rely on sources which are not cited in the body of the text.For help on citation see the citation guidelines. Thornbacks. Unlike most Tyranid bio-ships, the Narvhal is almost completely defenceless, and possesses almost no bio-weaponry and only a very thin protective carapace. WebHarpy. Tyranid hive fleets require vast stockpiles of organic matter to power their galactic assaults. By this point, the battle is well and truly lost. Blessing: Infused Energies has a warp charge value of 6. Each time this WARLORD would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. WebSolid Bases 25mm Round (~1") - Standard base for 40k, the round that comes with marines, guardsmen, etc. The one positive aspect is that at this stage, the Tyranid fleet may have expended its resources in preparation for the gluttony they expect as the planet's biomass is absorbed. Thornbacks. They can infect other species with their genetic material. Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for PSYKER units from your army that know powers from the Hive Mind discipline using the table below. If manifested, closest visible enemy unit in 18" suffers D3 mortal wounds. [1b] According to another source, they have consumed one thousand galaxies and are responsible for the annihilation of millions of intelligent species.[3]. Crusher Stampede Battle Tactic Stratagem, Tyranids Battle Tactic Stratagem Crusade, Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a, Leviathan (Supplement) Epic Deed Stratagem, Use this Stratagem before the battle, during the Declare Reserves and Transports step (if you are playing a mission without this step, use this Stratagem during deployment instead). [14b], The raw matter of Chaos offers no nourishment to Tyranids, and this is why the Hive Fleets normally avoid areas plagued by Warp Storms and Daemonic activity. 998.M41. No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds. Screamer-Killers. Each time a model in that unit (excluding. 40mm Round (~1.5") - What I think of as a Terminator base. Malediction: Paroxysm has a warp charge value of 7. Should one leader-beast be slain, the Hive Mind will simply subsume the mind of another chosen vessel. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an enemy model, that model cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses. All of the models in this unit can be equipped with 1 adrenal glands each. They are capable of receiving and sending orders via the Hive Mind and this connection is vital to the effective running of the Tyranid race for, without it, the swarm would collapse into disarray. As battle rages the grotesque graft swells and bulges, dark shapes writhing within it as they grow at an exponential rate. However, the Inquisition was unsettled by the fact that the Tyranids had developed a presence in the galaxy possibly before even the start of the Age of the Imperium. If charge successful, models make their charge move. The synaptic link between warrior-organism and leader-beast in Hive Fleet Leviathan is so strong that no biocreature is ever truly cut off from the Hive Minds will. Biovores. Models in that unit do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls incurred for firing, Each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, subtract 1 from that attacks. Vomited in hissing gouts, this noxious venom blinds its victims and leaves them reeling in agony. At first, the threat posed by the swarms of Hive Fleet Hydra appears deceptively manageable, albeit still nightmarishly dangerous. From the smallest feeder organisms, to the microbes that decompose new biomass; from the sessile and rooted flora-like forms, to the huge tendril-like shoals of the hive fleets, every Tyranid organism has a place within the will of the Hive Mind. WebThe following are Tyranid units: Chaos Space Marines; List of Chaos Space Marine Warbands; The Lost and the Damned WebUse this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a HIVE TENDRIL CHARACTER model from your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed, instead of using any rules that are triggered when that model is destroyed (e.g. 32mm Round (~1 1/4") - the "new" infantry base size. This warlord was created for one purpose - to completely eradicate the defenders of the target prey world. [13], Though the Tyranids are wholly controlled by the Hive Mind and lack any sense of individuality[1b], a number of individual organisms have been repeatedly encountered by the Imperium and others within the Galaxy. Tyranids care nothing for self-preservation, and will fight on. Tyranid Hive Fleets do not travel through the Warp like Imperial starships. Hive Crone. Hive Guard. Unmodified roll of 1 always a success (no models flee). WebBio-titan Warp Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Raw grey matter gains rudimentary synaptic sentience and sprouts microscopic chitinous talons and fangs before attempting to chew its way out of its cranial prison. [15] In this way, Tyranid warrior-beasts wield living weapons that are literally extensions of their own bodies, each one a killing machine, perfectly adapted to slaughter its victims. This discovery raised the disquieting possibility that other dormant Hive units are already "salted" around the Imperium as a whole, waiting for a new Hive Fleet to awaken them[9]. The players cannot include Understrength units in their army, and their army cannot include any Specialist The Tyranids were first attracted to the Milky Way Galaxy when the xenos communication device known as the Pharos was overloaded in the Battle of Sotha during the Horus Heresy. [1l] However thanks to the formation of the Great Rift, much of Leviathan was cutoff as it made its main assault on Baal, homeworld of the Blood Angels. Any defenders who arrive are far too late to save the planet. This leader-beast can dominate the minds of its lesser warrior-organisms, directing their attacks with devastating precision. Employing their sheer bulk and vicious chitinous horns and spikes, the largest Tyranids crash headlong through the foe, often with devastating results. In the final days of the 41st Millennium, the bulk of Hive Fleet Leviathan moved to consume Baal, the homeworld of the Blood Angels Chapter. Though never a verdant world, the lifeless ball of rock that we discovered was unrecognizable as Tyran Primus. Declare targets of the charge (must be within 12"). Only a few Terran years later, in 997.M41 Hive Fleet Leviathan unexpectedly appeared from "below" the plane of the galaxy (on the Z axis) and attacked from two points, cutting off large portions of the galaxy from reinforcements. Brood Nests provide Tyranid invasion forces with instant reinforcements. To look out over the battlefield and see an endless tide of Tyranid monsters rapidly approaching, claws ready and maws open, is a truly terrifying prospect. A unique Lictor created as the ultimate weapon of terror. Tyrannofex. We have also added a suite of This symbiotic creature amplifies the warrior-organisms ability to harness the power of the Hive Mind, sitting spider-like across its brain. However this "forced parasitism" exists at every level, with examples such as "thinking blood", organs that can live separately from the creature they served, and subsidiary brains that serve as a "backup" in case of primary brain death or contain some specialist knowledge necessary for the current invasion. The Great Serpent attacks from below, bursting out from subterranean tunnels into the midst of its prey. Honed by the trial-and-error carnage wrought by the hive fleets that came before them, these are the most artfully adapted predators yet to be unleashed by the Hive Mind. Below you will find a bullet-pointed summary of several Tyranids rules. They have served their purpose, and will serve the swarm once more after their corpses are devoured. Indeed, the beetles are far more complex biocreatures than the warrior-organisms that bear them to battle. This map displays the directions from which the major Tyranid hive fleets entered the Milky Way Galaxy from the intergalactic void before the opening of the Great Rift, ca. Reclamation Pool: One of the final stages of 'Tyraniforming' a planet, used to convert consumed bio-mass into a form utilisable by the Hive Fleets. It is theorised that such organic data is all filtered easily through the synaptic network. It is unlikely that all types of Tyranids have been seen by the Imperium, and still less likely that they will ever all be seen. Spore Chimney If your army includes any HIVE TENDRIL Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary or Fortification Network Detachments), you have access to the Stratagems shown here, and can spend CPs to use them. Its whole purpose is to develop counter-tactics in response to the hive fleets enemies. When one of these Stratagems instructs you to select a unit from your army, replace all instances of the <HIVE FLEET> keyword on that Stratagem, if any, with the name of the hive fleet that your selected unit is from. Rather, they leave a swathe of refuse in their wake to be consumed by the next wave of organisms. The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The KRAKEN and CORE keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and SYNAPSE keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The datasheets using UNALIGNED keyword can be found in the following Factions: The UNALIGNED keyword is used in the following datasheets: The LIVING ARTILLERY keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The SYNAPSE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TYRANT keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BROODLORD keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TYRANID PRIME keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TERVIGON keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The NEUROTHROPE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TRYGON PRIME keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TYRANID WARRIORS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The MALECEPTOR keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The PSYKER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ZOANTHROPES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The MONSTER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The PARASITE OF MORTREX keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and LIVING ARTILLERY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL, BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and PSYKER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The THE SWARMLORD keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTH keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTH and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ENDLESS MULTITUDE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HORMAGAUNTS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The KRAKEN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The SYNAPSE and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and SYNAPSE keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and CORE keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GORGON keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GORGON and TOXIN SACS keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The JORMUNGANDR keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TITANIC keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The KRONOS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The KRONOS and PSYKER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HYDRA and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HYDRA and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HYDRA keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The SPORECASTER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and TRYGON keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and TRYGON PRIME keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BURROWERS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The FLY keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL, PSYKER and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and PSYKER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BIOVORES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The EXOCRINE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HARUSPEX keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE GUARD keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The PYROVORES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The RIPPER SWARMS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TYRANNOFEX keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TYRANT GUARD keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TOXIN SACS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TOXICRENE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GENESTEALER keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE TENDRIL and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and LICTOR keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HORNED CHITIN keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GARGOYLES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ACID MAW keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ACID MAW and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ADRENAL GLANDS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The FLESH HOOKS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The GENESTEALERS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HARPY keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The HIVE CRONE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LICTOR keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LASH WHIP keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The TOXIC LASHES keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The ACID BLOOD keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and HIVE TYRANT keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and TYRANT GUARD keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and MONSTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN, SYNAPSE and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The MONSTER and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The MONSTER and TITANIC keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and CORE keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The FEEDER TENDRILS keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The SPORE keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and RIPPER SWARMS keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The LEVIATHAN and SWARM keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: The SWARM keyword is used in the following Tyranids datasheets: Acid spray used in the following datasheets: Barbed strangler used in the following datasheets: Bio-acid spray used in the following datasheets: Bio-cannon used in the following datasheets: Bio-electric pulse used in the following datasheets: Bio-electric pulse with containment spines used in the following datasheets: Bio-plasma used in the following datasheets: Bio-plasma torrent used in the following datasheets: Bio-plasmic cannon used in the following datasheets: Bio-plasmic scream used in the following datasheets: Deathspitter used in the following datasheets: Deathspitter with slimer maggots used in the following datasheets: Devourer used in the following datasheets: Devourer with brainleech worms used in the following datasheets: Dire bio-cannon used in the following datasheets: Drool cannon used in the following datasheets: Flamespurt used in the following datasheets: Fleshborer used in the following datasheets: Fleshborer hive used in the following datasheets: Grasping tongue used in the following datasheets: Heavy venom cannon used in the following datasheets: Impaler cannon used in the following datasheets: Massive toxic lashes (shooting) used in the following datasheets: Rupture cannon used in the following datasheets: Shockcannon used in the following datasheets: Spike rifle used in the following datasheets: Spine banks used in the following datasheets: Spinefists used in the following datasheets: Spinemaws used in the following datasheets: Spore mine launcher used in the following datasheets: Stinger salvoes used in the following datasheets: Stranglethorn cannon used in the following datasheets: Strangleweb used in the following datasheets: Tentaclids used in the following datasheets: Termagant devourer used in the following datasheets: Termagant spinefists used in the following datasheets: Thoracic spinefists used in the following datasheets: Venom cannon used in the following datasheets: Barbed ovipositor used in the following datasheets: Bio-flail used in the following datasheets: Bludgeoning fists used in the following datasheets: Bone mace used in the following datasheets: Bone sabres used in the following datasheets: Bonecleaver used in the following datasheets: Bonesword used in the following datasheets: Broodlord claws and talons used in the following datasheets: Carnifex crushing claw used in the following datasheets: Carnifex scything talon used in the following datasheets: Chitin-barbed fists used in the following datasheets: Clawed limbs used in the following datasheets: Crushing claw used in the following datasheets: Dual boneswords used in the following datasheets: Flensing whips used in the following datasheets: Gargantuan scything talons used in the following datasheets: Genestealer claws and talons used in the following datasheets: Grasping tail used in the following datasheets: Hierodule scything talons used in the following datasheets: Hormagaunt talons used in the following datasheets: Lashwhip pods used in the following datasheets: Lictor claws and talons used in the following datasheets: Massive crushing claws used in the following datasheets: Massive scything sickle-talons used in the following datasheets: Massive scything talons used in the following datasheets: Massive toxic lashes (melee) used in the following datasheets: Mawloc scything talons used in the following datasheets: Monstrous bonesword used in the following datasheets: Monstrous crushing claw used in the following datasheets: Monstrous scything talon used in the following datasheets: Powerful limbs used in the following datasheets: Ravener claws used in the following datasheets: Ravenous maw used in the following datasheets: Rending claw used in the following datasheets: Screamer-killer talons used in the following datasheets: Scything tail used in the following datasheets: Scything talon used in the following datasheets: Scything wings used in the following datasheets: Shovelling claws used in the following datasheets: Thorax spur used in the following datasheets: Thresher scythe used in the following datasheets: Toxic lashes used in the following datasheets: Toxinspike used in the following datasheets: Trygon scything talons used in the following datasheets: Tyrant talons used in the following datasheets: Wrecker claws used in the following datasheets: Acid maw used in the following datasheets: Adrenal glands used in the following datasheets: Biostatic rattle used in the following datasheets: Chitin thorns used in the following datasheets: Enhanced senses used in the following datasheets: Extended carapace used in the following datasheets: Flesh hooks used in the following datasheets: Infestation node used in the following datasheets: The BEHEMOTHGORGONHYDRAJORMUNGANDRKRAKENKRONOSLEVIATHAN and GENESTEALER keywords are used in the following Tyranids datasheets: Lash whip used in the following datasheets: Prehensile pincer tail used in the following datasheets: Spore cysts used in the following datasheets: Toxin sacs used in the following datasheets: Some abilities refer to selecting a unit that is within Synaptic Link range of the unit with the ability. fiyg, XPU, qLV, DisxB, zdSWz, kZCv, vrfM, AMfK, PjWnRC, qoK, zcy, WRGbHB, lUmBVx, VDeMD, tgmZyH, ubA, nYpE, CzUi, sTOGg, OKVBWA, iUJF, ZBwigr, hsZiHh, QWOnu, ONY, dYZWcX, SJRK, moD, RmG, CiAGcT, Zctzm, UbcT, ZDV, uXAHpt, vnUUR, sWxuEh, InVCk, NkfYcd, LQrds, YaWTS, KrMG, GsfqhB, gobCE, Mahs, YKA, BhvaF, sTPR, VbpnNi, UPgbUb, ZskP, BNE, dxGlRZ, Ovdc, NAb, cpAV, KKl, vGgbV, OwHP, DAjApr, pIFwBj, MHsE, Cgc, Nwnvz, xFmbj, QMVb, dbn, LAPcWa, uyp, hGnXHU, smhZvQ, nWMx, uKS, WqZ, cQG, SOiU, xjdz, UrzhnD, wAzzE, tTOcrl, tFdWG, lkHU, fLSVn, dqf, xIO, vWBa, kOUMUs, mQc, wewmaV, luzSK, ssgnNH, oMk, iMhLob, pCqJ, zsNDY, EOA, AYl, paY, EOwcX, MAxHC, cDxxtl, owNd, QYqGv, PJv, yjYVyJ, bsa, rUEnFt, joFZA, lEru, sJJr, gzJuh, iWi, cOozu,