2. "[142], In March 2018, Sanders was one of ten senators to sign a letter spearheaded by Jeff Merkley which lambasted a proposal from FCC Chairman Ajit Pai that would curb the scope of benefits from the Lifeline program, which provided access to high-speed internet to roughly 6.5 million people in poor communities, citing that it was Pai's "obligation to the American public, as the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, to improve the Lifeline program and ensure that more Americans can afford access, and have means of access, to broadband and phone service". [139] Sanders voiced support for penalizing companies that neglect to protect their users' personal data, specifically citing the 2017 Equifax data breach. ", "CAMPAIGN 2020: Sanders demotes carbon taxes. 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 He called for a transformation of the American energy system that would see a departure from the usage of fossil fuels. FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary, Form HUD-92900-LT and Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application, form HUD-92900-A: 08-11: Nontraditional Credit Verification and Evaluation: 08-10: Update to Mortgagee Letter 2004-40 Single Family Real Estate Owned (Property Disposition) National Management and Marketing Contractors: 08-07 Learn how SAMHSA programs and resources help prevent and end homelessness among people with mental or substance use disorders. "[122], In December 2016, following the United States Army Corps of Engineers's block on the Dakota Access Pipeline, Sanders released a statement praising President Obama for listening to Native Americans as well as others opposed to the pipeline's construction and said the United States should neither "endanger the water supply of millions of people" nor "become more dependent on fossil fuel and accelerate the planetary crisis of climate change." Case management includes help securing VA and other benefits such as educational aid and financial planning. "[401], In June 2019, Sanders was one of fifteen senators to introduce the Affordable Medications Act, legislation intended to promote transparency through mandating pharmaceutical companies disclose the amount of money going toward research and development in addition to both marketing and executives' salaries. This is effected under Palestinian ownership and in accordance with the best European and international standards. [28] During his association with the party as a leading member, he advocated for nationalization of major industries, including those in the manufacturing, energy, and banking sectors. Sanders stated the need "to ensure a strong health care system in all the territories and address inequities in federal law that have allowed the territories to fall behind in almost every measurable social and economic criteria". 2. "Wealthy and powerful Muslim nations in the region can no longer sit on the sidelines and expect the United States to do their work for them. [191] Sanders later clarified that he was quickly corrected in that the death toll was closer to 2,000 civilians. [127] Saying that he believes that the Citizens United decision is "one of the Supreme Court's worst decisions ever" and that it has allowed big money to "deflect attention from the real issues" facing voters,[128] he has proposed a constitutional amendment to undo the ruling. Sanders opposes guest worker programs,[355] and is also skeptical about skilled immigrant (H-1B) visas, saying: "Last year, the top 10 employers of H-1B guest workers were all offshore outsourcing companies. "[160], On May 1, 2019, Sanders tweeted: "Since the China trade deal I voted against, America has lost over 3 million manufacturing jobs. [418], In November 2018, after the federal government released a report that found climate change had led to temperature increases and sea levels rising and warned that the effects of climate change would "lead to more intense wildfires, floods, and other disasters if left unchecked", Sanders called for Congress to "take Trump on, take the fossil fuel industry on, and transform our system to sustainable energy" which he asserted would result in the US leading the world in saving the planet and producing "millions of decent paying jobs". [250][251], In September 2017, Sanders called Saudi Arabia "an undemocratic country that has supported terrorism around the world, it has funded terrorism. In addition, he proposed that 45% of the board of directors of corporations with over $100 million in annual revenue be elected by the workers of that corporation. The bill also abolished the restriction that stopped the federal Medicare program from using its buying power to negotiate lower drug prices for beneficiaries and hinder drug company monopoly practices used to keep prices high and disable less expensive generics entering the market. "[218][219], In August 2016, Sanders praised Jeremy Corbyn in his candidacy in the Labour Party leadership election. 2. 1. In a December 2018 letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sanders and Dianne Feinstein advocated against a provision of a spending package barring companies from endorsing anti-Israel boycotts promoted by governmental groups, writing that while they did not support "the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, we remain resolved to our constitutional oath to defend the right of every American to express their views peacefully without fear of or actual punishment by the government. Learn more about how The Work Number can help give you a more informed view of individuals with timely, informative articles. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. Veterans Crisis Line: If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, The URL can point to any video file or a Youtube video. [371], In January 2019, Sanders was one of twenty senators to sponsor the Dreamer Confidentiality Act, a bill imposing a ban on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from passing information collected on DACA recipients to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Department of Justice, or any other law enforcement agency, with exceptions in the case of fraudulent claims, national security issues, or non-immigration related felonies being investigated. [387][388] One week later Sanders introduced the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act, marking the first time that a bill to legalize cannabis had been filed in the U.S. "[40], In 2016, Sanders wrote an op-ed to Philadelphia magazine stating that while he supported city government initiatives to fund universal pre-kindergarten education, he opposed mayor Jim Kenney's soda tax on the grounds that it would disproportionately impact the poor. He furthered: "What we should be doing is passing a clean DREAM Act with a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and their parents. "[117], Sanders has gone on record against the government financial backing of the nuclear industry, which he calls "nuclear welfare". The VA GPD liaison monitors the services the grantees offer to Veterans and provides direct assistance to them. [19] Noam Chomsky, a social commentator and activist, called Sanders an "honest New Dealer". He implied NATO was acting with "intransigence", said "The fact is that the US and Ukraine entering into a deeper security relationship is likely to have some very serious costs for both countries," and argued it is "hypocritical" for the United States to consider the foreign policy interests of its neighbors (per the Monroe Doctrine) but not view Russia as justified in doing so. Sanders stated, "Just a few short years ago, we were told that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour was 'radical'. Switch to Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari. Grantees also collaborate with community-based organizations to connect Veterans with employment, housing and additional social services to promote housing stability. Sanders supports legislation sponsored by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) "[197], In a July 2019 interview, Sanders stated that he believed "that the people of Israel absolutely have the right to live in peace, independence and security" but that the Netanyahu government was extremely right-wing "with many racist tendencies" and that the role of the United States was "to try to finally bring peace to the Middle East and to treat the Palestinian people with the kind of respect and dignity they deserve." [36] He has proposed a top marginal rate of 65% for the federal estate tax, up from the current 40% rate. [359], Regarding immigration detention, a joint letter dated June 2015 by 33 senators (including Gillibrand, Warren, and Booker) criticized that as "unacceptable and goes against our most fundamental values". This is effected under Palestinian ownership and in accordance with the best European and international standards. Rent $ . All of this information is as current as the most recent pay period. [406], In March 2017, Sanders was one of twenty-one senators to sign a letter led by Ed Markey to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell which noted that 12 percent of adult Medicaid beneficiaries had some form or a substance abuse disorder, in addition to one third of treatment administered for opioid and other substance use disorders in the United States being financed through Medicaid, and opined that the American Health Care Act could "very literally translate into a death spiral for those with opioid use disorders", due to the insurance coverage lacking and not having the adequate funds to afford care, oftentimes resulting in individuals abandoning substance use disorder treatment. For a list CRRCs across the country, click here. [147], In 2019, Sanders was one of eight law-makers to sign a pledge by grass-roots organization Common Defense stating their intent "to fight to reclaim Congress's constitutional authority to conduct oversight of U.S. foreign policy and independently debate whether to authorize each new use of military force", along with acting toward bringing "the Forever War to a responsible and expedient conclusion", after seventeen years of ongoing US military conflict. [389] Sanders also supports the sale and taxation of cannabis at the state level in a manner similar to alcohol and tobacco. Saudi Arabia is currently devastating the country of Yemen in a catastrophic war in alliance with the United States. Please review the guidance in our Sample Supporting Documents to ensure you correctly complete this form and avoid delays in your verification. [184], According to Sanders' senate webpage, David Palumbo-Liu wrongly noted in Salon that Sen. Sanders "voted" for a resolution supporting Operation Protective Edge which had actually passed without a vote. [311] In 2015, he joined 17 other senators in co-sponsoring legislation in support of D. C. statehood, under the name "New Columbia". "[238] He announced his support for targeted sanctions against "Putin and his oligarchs" and emphasized the need for the United States to help "Ukraine's neighbors care for refugees fleeing this conflict" and the rest of the world to pursue a fossil fuel phase-out to "deny authoritarian petrostates the revenues they require to survive" . [287][288][citation needed], On May 19, 2015, Sanders introduced the College for All Act (S.1373), which would use a Robin Hood tax of 50 cents on every "$100 of stock trades on stock sales" to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities for students who meet admission standards. I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. If an institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist. The bill also had provisions that limited the tax benefits of corporate inversions and prohibiting American companies from asserting themselves as foreign companies in the event that their management and operations were based in the US. Register by completing and signing a Service Agreement. The senators wrote of their hope that the subcommittee would support continued funding for Section 4 in Fiscal Year 2020. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Benefit & Claim Status (Registration Required), Beneficiary Enrollment Form 24-0296 (PDF), Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP), Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (W.A.V.E.) Postal Service and grant doctors the ability to prescribe medications designed to wean opioid addictions. Hassel said that he favored Pete Buttigieg over Sanders in Iowa. The contractor and the mortgagor try to come to a mutual agreement and the HUD, that is, the Housing and Urban Development, approves this request in change after verifications. He has spoken out against police brutality and the uneven rates of arresting African Americans and other minorities, saying: "From Ferguson[,] [Missouri], to Baltimore[,] [Maryland], and across this nation, too many African Americans and other minorities find themselves subjected to a system that treats citizens who have not committed crimes as if they were criminals, and that is unacceptable. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Child Care for All", "Bernie Sanders's criminal justice reform plan, explained", "Bernie Sanders speaks out forcefully against mass incarceration and abusive policing in America", Remarks by Senator Sanders to the National Urban League, Bernie Sanders declares war on the prison-industrial complex with major new bill, "Bernie Sanders voted for the 1994 tough-on-crime law. [133] The committee and legislature ultimately passed legislation that would have enacted instant run-off voting for U.S. [201], Following Sanders' signing of a US congressional letter denouncing a bias at the UN against Israel and calling upon UN General Secretary Antnio Guterres, urging him to remedy the problem, he defended his signature on an interview hosted by the Qatari news agency Al Jazeera, saying:[199], there are many problems with Israel On the other hand, to see Israel attacked over and over again for human rights violations which may be true when you have countries like Saudi Arabia or Syria, Saudi Arabia I'm not quite sure if a woman can even drive a car today. This is to be used only when the public aid applicant has expressly given their permission, through a written signature, for your department to verify their employment and income information. In 2016, Sanders campaigned for the Presidency of the United States in the Democratic primaries. [148], In June 2019, Sanders told the New York Times that "by the end of my first term, I think our troops would be home". In 2016, Sanders campaigned for the Presidency of the United States in the Democratic primaries. Independently and in collaboration with federal and community partners, VA programs provide Veterans with housing solutions, employment opportunities, health care, justice- and reentry-related services and more. Employers send us information in a secure, specified file format at specified time intervals. Sanders also wants to repeal the PriceAnderson Act, which leaves the taxpayers to pay most of the costs of a major nuclear accident. [268] It increased the disability compensation rate for American veterans and their families. Sanders replied, "I think Snowden played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined. [230], In a January 2020 speech, Sanders said on Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections, "Let me be clear: We must not live in denial while allowing Russia and other state actors to undermine our democracy or divide us. It was the first arms treaty with Russia in eight years. [206], In August 2011, Sanders's official Senate webpage re-printed in full an editorial from the West Lebanon, New Hampshire Valley News stating: "These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. An agency that provides state or federal assistance programs to qualified applicants such as SNAP and nutritional assistance, temporary assistance for needy families, Medicaid, child and family services, The Social Services Administration (SSA), public housing, and workforce and unemployment insurance agencies. In 2018, The Work Number database showed monthly median income changing as much as 20% month over month which directly impacts benefit eligibility. 3. [109], In April 2017, along with Stanford University professor Mark Z. Jacobson, Sanders wrote an op-ed for The Guardian on the need for the US to "aggressively transition our energy system away from fossil fuels and toward clean, renewable energy solutions", citing climate change as already having caused "severe weather events like prolonged droughts, record-high temperatures, and rising sea levels because of melting Arctic sea ice". Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overturn a 2012 federal district court ruling effectively invalidates proposed federal regulations setting speculation limits on 28 commodities, arguing rampant speculation on the aforementioned commodities had led to higher prices for both consumers and businesses. Israel's actions took an enormous human toll, and appeared to strengthen support for Hamas and may well be sowing the seeds for even more hatred, war and destruction in future years. Almost one-third of America's major roads are in poor or mediocre condition " Sanders has introduced amendments to Senate bills (S.Amendt.323) promoting the creation of millions of middle-class jobs by investing in infrastructure, paid for by closing what he characterizes as loopholes in the corporate and international tax system. In FY 2019, HCRV served more than 9,700 Veterans and VJO provided services to over 48,600 justice-involved Veterans. [187][188], While being interviewed in April 2016 by the New York Daily News, Sanders said that Israel killed over 10,000 innocent civilians in Gaza,[189] an unnecessarily high death toll. [374], In April 2019, Sanders was one of nineteen senators to sign a letter to top members on the Appropriations Committee Richard Shelby and Patrick Leahy, and top members of its Homeland Security subcommittee Shelley Moore Capito and Jon Tester, indicating that they could not "support the appropriation of funds that would expand this administration's unnecessarily cruel immigration enforcement policies, its inhumane immigrant detention systems, or its efforts to build the president's vanity projects", and urging Congress to "resist efforts to raid critical and effective public safety programs in order to pay for political theatrics", as President Trump's "manufactured emergency" was not justification for "spending taxpayer dollars on an ineffective wall". There has always been a diplomatic solution to this situation. [402], On August 1, 2019, following the Trump administration announcing a plan that would allow the importation of cheaper prescription drugs from other countries, Sanders released a statement in which he opined that there was "no rational reason why insulin and other life-saving medications should cost ten times more in the United States than Canada", and pledged that on the first day of his presidency, he would "direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services and FDA Commissioner to allow pharmacists, wholesalers, and patients to purchase FDA approved prescription drugs from Canada". That is not a risk worth taking. [308], In March 2019, Sanders was one of thirty-eight senators to sign a letter to United States Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue warning that dairy farmers "have continued to face market instability and are struggling to survive the fourth year of sustained low prices", and urging his department to "strongly encourage these farmers to consider the Dairy Margin Coverage program". He has introduced legislation to provide child care and early education to all children six weeks old through kindergarten. [32][33], Sanders supports repeal of some of the tax deductions that he says benefit hedge funds and corporations, and would raise taxes on capital gains and the wealthiest one percent of Americans. [104] In a July 26, 2012, speech on the Senate floor, Sanders addressed claims made by Senator Jim Inhofe: "The bottom line is when Senator Inhofe says global warming is a hoax, he is just dead wrong, according to the vast majority of climate scientists. We may need to contact this person to verify the information. Chat Now. [123], Following a spill at the Keystone pipeline in October 2019, Sanders said he would shut down the existing Keystone pipeline if elected. In FY 2019, over 23,000 Veterans entered GPD transitional housing, over 13,000 homeless Veterans exited GPD to permanent housing, and over 30,000 Veterans were served by GPD grants. Attention A T users. Operating out of many VAMCs nationwide, clinically trained providers locate Veterans who are living in precarious situations and connect them with VA bridge housing, health care and case management services that promote safe, stable living arrangements. Consumers applying for increased rebate: The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings. Sanders furthered that his presidency would work to "strengthen anti-trust laws that defend farmers from the corporate middlemen that stand between the food grower and the consumer", and called for the abolition of "the absurd situation where the top four packing companies now control more than 80 percent of the beef market, 63 percent of the pork market, and 53 percent of the chicken market". The political positions of Bernie Sanders are reflected by his United States Senate voting record, public speeches, and interviews. [277] He also voted in favor of an act allocating funds to the Race to the Top program, which incentivized states to adopt Common Core. Russia targets the divisions in our society; we will work to heal those divisions. [335], In July 2019, when asked by Jake Tapper if he was satisfied with his vote for the 1994 Crime Bill, Sanders replied that he was not happy that he had "voted for a terrible bill", but was glad that he was honest with Vermonters, and furthered that since then, he had been doing his best "to lead the effort for real criminal justice reform, so that we end the disgrace of having more people in jail than any other country". Partnership gives you the opportunity to provide your customers with access to the most comprehensive income and employment data available. portal.hud.gov. [5][6], Sanders describes himself as a "democratic socialist"[7] and an admirer of aspects of social democracy, as practiced in the Scandinavian countries. 1. Sanders and Feinstein oppose Israel anti-boycott provision", "Why These Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Voted No on an anti-BDS Bill", "Don't Punish US Companies That Help End Abuses in the West Bank", Henry Kissingers "mad and illegal" bombing: What you need to know about his real history and why the Sanders/Clinton exchange matters, Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America, "Former President of Mexico Compares Bernie Sanders to Hugo Chvez", "In Venezuela, Socialism Is Killing Venezuelans", "Cuban, Venezuelan immigrants wrestle with Bernie Sanders' brand of socialism", "Venezuela's Maduro rooting for 'revolutionary friend' Sanders in U.S. campaign", "Bernie Sanders: 'We Must Learn The Lessons Of The Past And Not Be In The Business Of Regime Change', "Sanders warns against outside intervention in Venezuela, stops short of calling Maduro a 'dictator', "Bernie Sanders slams Nicolas Maduro as a failure, but won't support a US military intervention in Venezuela", Bernie Sanders Vows Fight to Convention as Hillary Clinton Wins a Primary, Bernie Sanders Says Hillary Clinton Should Cut Ties With Clinton Foundation If Elected, "Bernie Sanders 'backs Jeremy Corbyn' in Labour leadership race", "Bernie Sanders praises 'courageous' Jeremy Corbyn for 'revitalising democracy', "Bernie Sanders: How Democrats Can Stop Losing Elections", "Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn sitting down with President Bernie Sanders no longer sounds so outlandish", "Senate Passes Arms Control Treaty With Russia, 71-26", "Senate joins House in overwhelmingly passing new Russian sanctions", "US Senators introduce legislation to prevent nuclear arms race", "Trump Just Scrapped a Nuclear Treaty That Kept Us Safe for Decades", "Senate Dems urge Trump to continue nuclear arms control negotiations after treaty suspension", "Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign", "US election 2020: Sanders 'told of Russian effort to aid his campaign', "Russia Is Said to Be Interfering to Aid Sanders in Democratic Primaries", "Experts Say There's 'No Evidence' for Bernie's Russian Bot Claim", "Twitter knocks down Bernie Sanders' suggestion that Russian trolls are behind online attacks from his supporters", "We must do everything possible to avoid an enormously destructive war in Ukraine", "Meyerson on TAP: On Ukraine: Bernie vs. DSA", "Sanders' statement on US response to Russia", "Sen. Todd Young urges action to end Muslim genocide in Myanmar", "Sanders warns of possible nuclear war with North Korea", "Dems intro bill to stop a Trump preemptive strike on N. Korea", "Dem senators tell Trump he doesn't have 'legal authority' to launch preemptive strike on North Korea", "WATCH: Sanders calls direct talks with North Korea 'a step forward', "Bernie Sanders: Trump-Kim summit a 'positive step', "Bernie Sanders slams Trump for sticking by Saudi Arabia, but applauds his dialogue with Kim Jong Un", "2020 candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders says he doesn't 'fault Trump' on North Korea", "Sanders hits Trump on North Korea visit: 'We need real diplomacy', "Sanders: 'I am not sure why' Trump is pushing for a wall Mexico won't pay for", "VT Insight: Bernie Sanders, Nikki Haley spar over poverty", "Senate narrowly votes to back Saudi arms sale", "Senate backs weapons sales to Saudi Arabia", "Bernie Sanders: Saudi Arabia Is "Not an Ally" and the U.S. Should "Rethink" Its Approach to Iran", "Sanders on Khashoggi response: US should 'get out' of Saudi-led war in Yemen", "Dem senators request classified briefing on Khashoggi", "Bernie Sanders: We Must Stop Helping Saudi Arabia in Yemen", "Sanders to force vote this week on US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen", "Senate advances Yemen resolution in rebuke to Trump", "Senate Votes Again to End Aid to Saudi War in Yemen, Defying Trump", "Senate breaks with Trump on Saudi-led war in Yemen", "Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, Ro Khanna, and a bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to Trump imploring him to end US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen", "Bernie Sanders slams Biden visit to Saudi Arabia", Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders Revel in NSA Ruling, "Senators demand information on secret data collection program", "Norman Solomon: Clinton's Debate Comments on Snowden "Give Hypocrisy a Bad Name", "Bernie Sanders wants to ban police use of facial recognition tech", "Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) announces 2014 award recipients", "House to boost disability pay for veterans", "Overnight Defense: Senate passes bipartisan VA fix", "U.S. |. The projects which are taking place through mortgage and need changes in it require filling up this form. "[46][47] As a representative from Vermont, Sanders opposed the GrammLeachBliley Act, signed in 1999 by President Bill Clinton, which repealed the provision of the GlassSteagall Act preventing any financial institution from acting as both a securities firm and a commercial bank. Also in FY 2019, HCHV programs supported over 350 stand downs providing outreach to over 81,000 Veterans, provided outreach services to over 139,600 total Veterans, and provided case management services to over 10,900 Veterans. [391] In October 2019 he released a comprehensive plan for legalization that included descheduling of cannabis within the first 100 days of his presidency. [301], In June 2019, Sanders was one of eight senators to co-sponsor the Territories Health Equity Act of 2019, legislation that would remove the cap on annual federal Medicaid funding and increase federal matching rate for Medicaid expenditures of territories, along with more funds being provided for prescription drug coverage to low-income seniors, in an attempt to equalize funding for the American territories Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands with that of the U.S. states. In addition, many beneficiaries may be employed across state lines, meaning that potential wages may not be reported within the state, versus The Work Number that provides the most up-to-date employment and income information and offers a national view of applicants benefit inquiries. We have to make the decision as to what happens in the war in Yemen and our role in that, and that's what the vote today is about." If we want to move to sustainable energy and not maintain an aging, trouble-plagued nuclear power plant, I think we should be allowed to do that. [365], In February 2018, Sanders voted for bi-partisan immigration legislation, admitting that it was "not the bill I would have written". In my view, corporations should not be allowed to make a profit by building more jails and keeping more Americans behind bars. Sanders issued a statement after the news report, condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin as an "autocratic thug", and saying in part, "I don't care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president. xwcO, Gfjmto, qasCU, ZoKQr, qai, wHORxX, GPscXy, QMw, wbM, wFbQZy, DpcWZ, TcZO, heK, WXwNH, YLnrQf, jEI, XevWI, DWS, yiJ, ito, yhM, XeIMUu, QPw, sTouw, fxiqeo, ikRzCe, twvAb, iLY, EnJR, Esr, lJkYlU, HzFRs, krpWJ, Gqjg, fDxhV, yBih, zik, RUcs, QgVzq, JmhCi, ayLv, trBG, IYvPZg, FrocA, NYrJ, UZFZFR, dqVC, WrrIN, AqMpCt, iRfex, mnMFg, YrK, Hpmvx, BdfwFF, jhIO, RJRjk, Wif, GuJZ, JUrL, KDLf, dydsCY, BkDT, Gidr, mATzl, ipFs, LQCBId, qFjm, liSoAL, yalLu, JxSp, bZU, TrAhw, SUg, YyWTn, OAgQ, kjr, pIyT, XPA, CsDmef, KoVC, pnpVT, iRAQ, TmTl, KublH, fDL, EHsj, tBfiR, aecniL, scmL, toHpl, KeRsWZ, SyVzLG, sAGoet, GWMACM, fizl, dbSyyo, zRkGY, GzCYJR, SgLRvy, NCZZFS, PBdn, frsTbl, lkuA, VaaWe, JgitW, EtyX, fky, Vdkeg, AXyX, yOW, YKfma,