.. they referred me to a pediatric neurologist. MY THIRD CHILD AND YOUNGEST WHO IS 25 MONTHS OLD IS DEMINSTRATING SOME VERY WORRING BEHAVIORS SUCH AS NOT EATING, CRIES AND SAYS OUCH WHEN PICKED UP OR HELD. Nothing works. I feed him bottles even in his sleep twice a night to try to keep some calories not ran off. He still gags/throws-up when we introduce many new foods. Sure enough, my daughter didnt want to be different from her peers and that forced her to try new things when she was out with her friends. We have had him tested to see if he's Autistic they said no he had general anxiety disorder! He will eat Doritos as long as there only Nacho and I am relived that other people are going through this! It is clear he has learnt by refusing food he will be offered a preferred meal of weetbix or yoghurt and is holding out for this. cancer fighting, prevention of heart disease and helps brain developement. My son show all the signs of autism or maybe its all in my head. My son was exactly like your daughter - would only eat smooth yogurt, milk and apple sauce. We have him up to 65 lbs. Use plain or stir in a small pinch of garlic powder, chopped chives and salt. Maybe if he eats a treat it will get his eating groove going. At one point (after baby food) he was eating vanilla ice cream & vanilla yogurt & smashed up bananas & then one day he just stopped. So it is very rich and filling. Please Help! Yet she has an addiction to cheese and will eat any kind. My son will eat chips, crackers, cookies, peanuts all the time. Now he only eats pediaSure, milk, vanilla pudding with strawberry flavoring added and what he calls Mac N Cheese soup (cream, milk and the powdered cheese) He inspects every bite of the "soup" and pudding to ensure there are "no pieces" He rapidly went from eating Mac N Cheese with noodles, to just swallowing the noodles rather than chewing them, to just the liquid. He refuse to eat meat, vegetables or even fruits. We've tried everything--every food, texture, temperature, spoon/fork/cup/bottle, z-vibes, chewy tubes, adjusting eating posture, rigid routines, oral massage, you name it! That's all she will eat at school. He has had every test known to man and even dfs took him qt one point and we had to fight to get him back which we did because they can not find a real medical reason as to why he doesn't eat. Just keep introducing new foods in small quantities. Feeding tubes are often a temporary solution and a person can eat along with a feeding tube. His father Craig, a lorry driver said: "Bobby is really lively and bright but he is under weight and very tiny and it's because he won't eat other food. He wouldn't normally just ask for any of those things on his own. jist a prescription of ibuprofen as pain reliever. There is hope. We now have a pump and an NG tube at home. I would love to hear suggestions or talk to people in similar situations. Let the child eat what he wants. I just looked at it. My son is 5 and he lives almost exclusively on pediasure. This has been my life for the past 2.5 years. I was told his feeding delay was due in part to his apraxia and poor oral/motor planning. Can someone give me a suggestion on what to do?? It would be really nice to have someone to talk to about David and the issues we deal with concerning his lack of eating. Im so worried about him ending up needing a feeding tube because I know he would tear it out. Is offered a cup of milk but never drinks it. By touching & smelling the food as he serves himself, he is working on some sensory issues before he even eats. No one can help us. My son is nearly 3 years old and he doesnt like to eat nothing . He loved french fries and chips, both of which cause HEATOX/Acrylamide. We are out of ideas. Does anyone have this problem to the same extreme; can ANYONE help us? 1. My name is Lauren my son is 7 and we have been dealing with him not really eating for almost 7 weeks now. I get worried that she will be like this forever, is there an end to this problem? He has been diagnosed with severe case of autism, and has never eaten, or tried solid food. We took our son to a gastrointestinal doc about a year ago but our little guy doesn't have it. He's almost 7 years old, and he only eats blended food from a bottle, but now he has stop eating his blended food. he eats only certain brands of yogurts and just banana baby food stage 2. She would sit at the dinner table and everyone else was done eating. My daugther will be 4 in May and she is 100% dependent on Kids Essential 1.5 Vanilla flavor. MY 10 YEAR OLD ONLY LIKES EATING PIZZA WITHOUT CHEESE ONLY TOMATOE SAUCE,FRENCH FRIES,PEANUT BUTTER,PEANUTS AND HOME MADE SOUPS. Has anyone had this and then finally got a diagnosis and been able to eat?? She just tried prosciutto for the first time and is now having prosciutto Paninis with tomatoes, lettuce and mayo!!!! It is a huge commitment, 8 weeks five days a week, 8 hours a day. I know how frustrated you are - I'm feeling the same. Please be sure you remove all neurotoxic foods! I have a three year old boy that only likes to eat popcorn, chips, apples, and gogurt. I have a 11 year old son with SPD. No ones situation is exactly the same. Gn, I have a 3year old daughter who barely eats she is getting taller but no weight adding on she may eat luncheaon meat sausage nuggets tuna mash potatoes sweet potato then stops eating just use pediasure because its no mummy i dont want that eww lol like a song. Many blessings to you and your family :). For those children experiencing Acid Reflux. But he resisted any introduction to solids from 1 year on.he would try to eat and then just throw his whole meal up. Is your son on a medication for the regurgitation? And he has specific brands he want to eat any other brand or change in taste will not eat. Thank you for your posts! We have him in a special school program which understands that my son will only eat 2 things and although they work with him and encourage him to eat what the other kids are eating, they understand that this has happened through no fault of anyone's. My son will be turning 4 next month and he has never ate real food in his life Only drinks lactose free formula ( he doesn't like chocolate milk or cow milk), he eats oatmeal cookies (and other kinds of cookies),and veggie chips, ice cream (every now and then) and that's it. Very stressful. I would love to talk to you. The reasons a toddler won't eat are unique to each kiddo and situation, so I'm going to try to be as comprehensive as possible here. I am nearly in tears reading this! People advise us to just starve himhe will eat. All my friends think its behavioral but I just can't accept that - he wants to eat so bad - Johns Hopkins agreed with me. He then went on eating jags of yogurt, vanilla cake or veggie sticks. The only problem is that after enough time went by, she tired of it and stopped drinking them. I too have a three yr. old son who cannot chew. Search for signs and. It may be an issue with teeth or gums. OK, so my eight year old boy does eat. I was the one making the diagnosis. and our feeding therapist trying the Sequential Oral Sensory approach. If you can share a little regarding the kinds of oils you've used and the benefits you've seen, I would be grateful. Our 4 yr old son stopped eating and grunted instead of talking in sentences. He went for 5 days and hardly ate a thing. :), Another great source of support and information is the facebook group "ARFID/SED Stateside Support Group" ARFID is a newly recognized diagnosis and stands for Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Have tried progressing with fruit size in his custard and he just spits it out. Years later I was told she gave the food she did not want to her sister and brother. Like your son, my 7 yo daughter eats very little and gets all her nutrients from Pediasure. I'm really concerned because he will only take small bites of a stage three and he hates it. I am so upset about this. I asked her to tell me if she wanted to buy her lunch and she said no. Act fast but take food intro slow. If any one knows how to get these kids into the habit of taking their meds pls let me know. I thought I was the only one dealing with this! She is losing to much weight that I get sick from my stomach. Then he suddenly quit eating. I'm just trying new things so happy he welling to try some things still no solid food intake tho. I have come across what they call SED (selective eating disorder) go to this website and you will see a lot of info. The dr/nutritionist put him on Pediasure. I have a friend whose son did that and now eats some foods at 14. The woman who spoke about vaccines- I absolutely believe vaccines and antibiotics at a young age affected / brought on my daughters SPD! Nothing has helped. My daughter is almost 21 months and has fought eating from the very beginning from breastmilk, fortified breastmilk, all different types of formula, all different types of pureed food and all textured foods. Anyone who has a kiddo with feeding difficulties like those we've discussed here can benefit with looking into Arfid. For insurance coverage, you have to prove the problem is a ?medical? We took him to the ER and they did a probe up his nose and down his throat and there was nothing going on. According to Eat This, Not That!, eating more yogurt can support weight loss, gut health, and overall bone health. He's a lot smaller than his age, we enrolled him in different sports like soccer and baseball to see if he's going to be tired and hungry and want anything or something but still did not succeed. I'm so glad the program worked well for ur son! she just said make the pudding and put butter in it. It is very frustrating and if others judge we have to let it roll of off our shoulders and understand they just have no clue. I have been searching for answers for my own son who is 3 1/2 years old. Since your daughter likes things that are smooth in texture it should be very easy to "sneak" unsaturated fatty foods into foods she already likes. Ive just gotten my daughter (finally) off the sippy cup- she now takes her pediasure with a straw except for her nighttime one (she has a pediasure in middle of the night STILL and has never slept through the night)and it makes me feel better that there are others who go through this! Big hugs. However, one study found that babies under 12 months old should be given yogurt only if they have an allergy to cow's . I feel I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I'm just afraid of sending him to school next year. Best wishes! If they eat, then we can focus on healthy. She has been getting her vitamins threw chocolate milk and pediasure. 1. Well did not workback fired. But they say she seems fine that they cant find nothing wrong with her. (We are in the UK). If the list is smaller than 20 foods, it might be very helpful to reach out to a feeding therapist (like my friends at Sunnyside Up Nutrition or Thrive with Spectrum. Feel free to email me if you'd like. We have lived every word that you spoke; plus some. . A two-year-old boy has driven his parents to despair by refusing to eat any food apart from yoghurt. And now. she has became a licker. Been to feeding therphy had gi scope done we dont know what to do he only eats a few breads or grain products or yogurt & not alot & not all the time. But when a toddler won't eat, whether at the family table or not, it can throw off even the best of intentions. She cant do textures of any kind or she vomits. Its ridiculous. I wrote the post several years after we started therapy to see if anyone else was dealing with it and wAs amazed at so many responses. I understand you. I have been back and forth to doctors , speech therapist , occupational therapist Everyone. That was in March 2009. We have tried everything you can imagine. For the person below - thats your opinion and youre entitled to it but as a nurse and a mom of five (my only son was V injured) I will never V my kids again!!! We have similarities and we offer suggestions but not in a judgmental way. Do not blame your spouse- they are feeling as helpless as you- you need to lift each other up! OMG I am so relieved reading these comments. HE HAD A ENDOSCOPY,BARIUM SWALLOW,STOOL TEST, SEVERAL BLOOD TEST. Within 6 months he started eatng more normal but he reverted some if he stopped. He won't try new foods or even drink water. It is nice to find a web site to share info with other concern mothers. Im spending $540 monthly just on babyfood & soy formula alone, not to mention the cereal & water. One thing we do is use an electric toothbrush - I've read that it can help with oral defensiveness. Near us there is a hospital that does an inpatient 30 day program called "Happy Mealtimes" which teaches kids w SPD how to eat but it has a long waiting list. e.g. My son is 3 years old. Sorry to hear so many people going through this. Sure, we'd all like to have our kids eat whole foods and use fancy oils but we can't starve our kids or force feed them because the problem is beyond being a picky eater and it crushes us daily. So, we've made progress but took some steps back after he got so nervous that he vomited his milk twice. I feel your frustration and disappointment as we have undergone many tests, therapies and feeding therapy to no avail. She has been in therapy for a year and a half, with no improvement. Th earlier the intervention, the better. or, "have you tried starving him until he agrees to eat or drink from a cup.". He gag and try to make himself throw it up!Help please. He is almost 4 and weights 33 lbs on a good day. My 3 years old son has autism and I believe spd also as well. My son is only taking pediasure plus and water.. No solid ever since.. His OT insist he has mouth sensory issues and teach me some massage to desensitize him.. We tried different sensory bins activities at home and i did not see any changes.. If he is just not getting his appetite back at all, go back to the prescribing doctor and ask to try another medication. Join us on Facebookfor other foodie bits and pieces. So, I tried doing one thing that I'm sure most of the parents would disagree. It was a good experience. We recently stopped (strongly recommended by OT) and was referred to nutrition specialist. Aloha! I have a 3yr. I was actually excited and hoped he would eat the dog food. Jen kyser stl, mo, Hello everyone! I'm sop sorry for what you are going through. I too have a picky eater. He will look at my food, and gag and run away won't even try it. He was a very healthy little boy until 10 months old then he just stopped eating. Grab a mold, be it a muffin tray, ice cube mold, or something else, and scoop in a small portion of yogurt into each space. I get so scared for us sometimes, that im not sure what we r going to do to make it by. Thanks. From there, the "picky eating" only got worse. My son eats Trix Yougart ONLY! We are designed to eat. How? He can only stomach 2 cans of Pedia sure through his feeding tube, anything more than that will make him throw up. Is it a problem to give your baby a lot of yogurt? I cant come up. He ate very normally the first year and progressed mentally fine. thank you to whomever posted the info on ARFID/SED Stateside Support Group! Thats the last option they have as far as i know.Use to she would eat bout anything and now she wont. We have been going to feeding therapy at all children's for 2 years to no avail we have had countless numbers of tests and barium swallow studies they are armed isn't a physical reason why she cannot will not eat. My son's main food is still gogurt but we've slowly began getting him to accept new foods: pepperoni cooked until they're crispy, hash browns from Burger King. thanx. My son will be 3 in September weighs 23 pounds. will it resolve itself? Never the less unless your in our situation who are you to judge!!! He ate all baby veggies and fruits and cereals. He still only drinks Pediasure with 3 spoons of rice porridge in a bottle. I can see her picking the burnt edges off of her fries. Our big, fancy therapy word for this is oral motor skills. Royalty-Free Stock Photo. We can see his body change just after a few days of not drinking them. I just got him to eat mac and cheese but it has to be mashed up. Be blessed this holiday season. did you guys recently move to Asia? Never touches it. Good luck to all you other moms out there! I finally see light at the end of the tunnel for my sweet baby boy. Very helpful but when insurance stops paying.
We use Young Living Essential oils and honestly they have been life changing!!! Now he is seven and eats easily a full pizza or 12 meatballs and a plate of rice with veg for lunch. Ezra will be 2 on the 17th. If he stops the Pediasure we will be in big trouble. she is a very happy easy going child despite all this. Here is more info on ARFID https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/arfid, Dear Lisa, please know that you are doing everything right! Help! She started doing the not wanting to eat a six and was skinnier than her older sister and younger brother. Perhaps there is someone that is reading this and their child is just starting down this path and maybe just maybe they will look at it differently. Added sugar. Your child will only eat from a specific bowl, using a specific spoon. He never really "ate" though. He has since decided he no longer will eat any puree or yogurt. She will drink water and rice dream (she's allergic to dairy) but that's all she will drink. He isn't losing weight, he is thriving better in school, his behaviour is actually better as well. CAN OMEBODY GIVE ME SOME INSIGHT OF WHAT MIGHT BE WRONG WITH MY SON AND HOW TO GO ABOUT GETTING HIM TO EAT. Our son is 6 now and he'll eat, it at least try, just about anything. Lost and confused, Hello. My son is my world, n now im sitting & wondering where will we go n worse how will we get there? Its so frustrating to feel like there is nothing you can do. My son is ASD and will only eat yogurt apart from weetabix in the morning. That is my daughters life blood! He was diagnosed at age 1. Hello everyone. please email me at tongangirly@yahoo.com. Talk to your Pediatritian. I'm constantly amazed at the strides he's taken with his food. He only wants Weetbix or yoghurt, which I often give him to ensure his appetite is satisfied before bed. Hi! Everything he eats I puree in a blender. We are awaiting our appointment at the local developmental center for our 19 month old. She will only drink liquids like Pediasure, yogurts, juice,.watee. I called the Pediatrician and they told me to get Pediasure so that he will continue to get the nutrients and calories. She feels different enough as it is, me adding to that will simply take a toll on her self esteem. This is a serious, physical medical condition. They can be VERY healing for fears. All she eats is apple banana and strawberry baby GERBER FOOD. He will eat yogurt,he eats frys but the eats gave them be took off. My prayers are with you all! He has a pulmonary stenosis. We thought he may have a texture issue but he will eat oatmeal. Our 5 year old non-speaking grandson will only drink pediasure, and only vanilla. With my son we ended up seeing a developmental physician who gave a number of tests (more psychological, physical) and she had an intense interview with me and then they diagnosed him w/ SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). Off pizza. When your baby reaches 6 months and begins eating solid foods, you can safely give them full-fat yogurt that is not flavored or sweetened. Child eating yogurt stock image. Miralax for bowel movements seizure meds medicine that makes her hungry it's all so terrifying! I order $300 worth every month online and Walmart delivers it to my house. My son's ARFID is not vaccine related. The issue is, pediasure is his main source of calories because other than that he eats bread. Im scared he will become unhealthy. Could be silent. According to the Mayo Clinic, hypertension can lead to various health problems, including heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, dementia, and more. Im in the same boat. Love to you and your family. Cant even get him to play with it. hello iam a parent to a 6 year old child that nearly choked a couple of weeks ago.he stopped eating all his favorite foods and cried when he tried, because he said he was afraid of choking again.well thanks to my husband my son is eating again. My son will at least take pediasure and currently eat 3 solids. I dont know. I'm in the process of considering taking him to a specialist. On friday (4 days ago) he quit eating the bottle and won't eat period. i know children with mental disorders have trouble eating but i know in my heart theres nothing wrong with him like that. Now we have to have our own meals and if he says he wants anything he says we can try him . I feel so stressed out every time we go OT, because feel like they blame me for not offer enough opportunities for my son to eat hard, crunchy foods and self feed himself. He was under weight at the age of 3. If they don't want it sit it on a table that is about as high as there waist. I see most parents post that their child will eat a fry or bread or eggs. We have had this problem for about 7 years now. Please give me some hope . You may feel it is judgmental but it is actually me trying to help. Without knowing more details about your personal situation and your little mans health we can only provide suggestions of a general nature that may help with food refusal rather than individualised advice. We have had little luck. The other day, my son picked up a niblet of dog food from the dog bowl and held it to his mouth like he was going to eat it. Do you even have a child with sensory issues, or do you just want to rant against Big Business? He has had this issue since the age of two. My daughter was on waiting list but once she stopped outpatient therapy she had to be removed. I obviously knew he had some quirks or specifics but Dr kept saying he'll eat when he's hungry. my mom is getting old and she is horribbly sick at times.. OkayI guess what I should of done was share what things has helped my granddaughter and a friends son. Noone really cares. Keep doing food therapy and once she becomes 10 or 12 look into therapy for ARFID. Image of smiling, stained - 31600739. "We have had advice from a child psychologist who says we shouldn't worry and eventually he should grow out of it. Hi my son is 17 months old doesn't open his mouth for eating anything I have to forcible sit him hold his hands & feed, even though he is hungry he won't eat anything not even a chocolate, biscuit ice creams etc. His pediatrician told us he was just being stubborn and to offer him new foods and that he would start eating. If you grind thin enough it will go through, make sure you always follow with water to rinse out stomach tube. I wanted to that w my daughter, the intensive feeding program! My som daughter told me to take everything from he and he will eat.Why would I starve my child. Little happy child eating yogurt I have an non-eating child thats only on a pedisure diet and she's nineteen months, we are currently on a waiting list to be enrolled in to a feeding clinic that will help resolve this problem, Im very interested in talking to any parents with similar problems, about what they are doing to help their child cope with these issues. It helped a bit. Making sweets taboo will only reinforce his desire to eat it. Eats snacks all morning how can I say no to food when I know hes had next to nothing since the day before? He had a PEG inserted at 8mths which was replaced with a mic-key when he was a year old. Little Bobby Glarvey eats his way through 14 pots of his favourite dairy food every day and refuses to eat anything else that his parents put in front of him. I give him vitamins and he occasionally will drink milk for me, but lately he eats very little and complains that his stomach hurts or he's gonna throw up. My son only eats vanilla pedicure as well.We get him to eat those puff things for baby's that melt fast in his mouth.He goes to feeding speach an of therapy's. He has been diagnosed with SPD. He will lick EVERYTHING! Is there NO ONE out there with the same issues me??? please help. That sounds like my son too. As a baby he only started eating table food at 19 months and did not do pure food. It's hard to believe there is someone else out there with my same situation. So if you were offended on your own behalf I'm sorry. Dear Sharon, please take your 5 year old to the dentist. Will eat custard so I mix in pures fruit so he at least gets some. He is 10 years old, weighs less than 50 pounds, and is about 50 inches tall. Kindergarten, I believe, is what changed him. This has been going on since early childhood. You are back to square one He is too been on pedisure..We are trying. Yep, you can buy it online while stocks lasthere. All we can do is try and continue to try, gently and patiently and keep a trusting and open relationship with our children. My biggest helper has been bribery! I've tried adding a little rice cereal per her nutritionist and I've tried adding a lot per her pediatrician and neither has helped. but I think the problem it was because my mother made so much pressure to eat, that I was stressed when I was watching the food, so later becomes a bad habit of not eating. Q: Hi, my very fussy 19 month old refuses to eat his dinner. I honestly thought we were the only ones who had it this severe with out son. He associated throwing up with the drink. Food therapy has not been successful and he needs extra help (which has a waitlist). He had the flu/norovirus and stopped drinking his nutritional drink which is 99% of his calories. By : Jess | 2 Comments | On : March 9, 2015 | Category : Blog, Fussy Eaters, Tips & Tricks. I've taken her to a ent and her pediatrician numerous times in the last week. At first we thought this would be something he would outgrow in time. He can eat a grilled cheese made home or mcdonalds. I have literally tried everything. She is on 12hr feeds through the night and just started bolus feeds 2days ago. Hi everyone my son is a very fussy eater most of the time he will pulverize it with his fingers than throws it away. We go back on Feb 15th for an airways clinic where he meets with a GI, an ear nose and throat doc, and a pulmonary specialist where they will probably have to do the test with the tube down his nose while he's awake which brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. I hope they find out whats wrong so my daughter will eat again. I would encourage early intervention and that you read up on sensory processing disorders as much as possible (the out of sync child is a good book to start with) and that you pray and have a close friend you can vent to. For more on gut health, listen to my podcast episode with dietitian Kate Scarlata. How many serves of fruit does my child need? The neurotoxins get ya craving, sure, but did you know that we need to get organic sodium, calcium, amino acids etc from Alkaline green foods? He won't drink any nutritional shakes. I have to make a paste of food & make him to eat even though he doesn't like it. SPD is sensory processing disorder. A recent study found that babies as young as 9 months old may be able to eat yogurt. The sooner she starts, the better since with your daughter the refusal of food has to do with the trauma that occurred w the cough drop. Her physician has told me that a child will never die of starvation as long as food is available. I get frustrated because I want her to eat. He can and will eat with his hands only cookies and cheerios though. She will eat at O'Charley's but she only eats their pasta and she puts all the parsley on her napkin.She had her first date last night and when he asked her where she wanted to eat she responded with "McDonald's." Yes you read that correctly.. a year. It helps because you have something concrete to show your insurance and the school your child will attend. He eats the inside only of croissants which we buy in bulk at Costco,red grapes and sometimes small oranges. She will have minced clams spinach garbanzo beans scrambled egg prune juice milk avocado and banana all pureed into a liquid rather than eat one piece of a banana. He ate for a week and then quit. And to boot, he still puts toys and fingers in his mouth. She has slowly tried other things she used to eat like babyfood bananas. They just keep trying and we do too. He still really doesn't eat that much of a variety but is more willing to try. At this point he is growing normally, but my pediatrician did have me switch his formula to an older baby/toddler formula for more accurate nutrition for his age. That resulted in her becoming dehydrated and losing weight and strength. 9. This product was recommended for her doctor to help her gain weight since she was only bottle feeded and was not gaining weight and almost Failure to Thrive. I feel out of ideas to try. Same thing for me. Hi, you are going to have to talk to your doctor if He/she does not remember how to eat or drink with their mouth. Trust with your child is the most important thing. He just clenches his mouth closed and turns his head. And if I was given only liquid (in a bottle) I'd probably gag eating any foods as well, duh it's common sense. In terms of eating healthier, it can be helpful to eat yogurt every day for weight loss as well. She has now progressed to many many more foods but the key is to keep trying. Im really worried about her. im totally praying for you and your son. It has a smooth texture and a somewhat sour flavor due to its lactic acid concentration. and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell them he can't eat. There is a plate on Amazon that deals with this issue. :). 4 year old son won't swallow or spit out saliva, refuses to open mouth to speak. Thank you. Rationale: A child gains only about 5 to 6 lb (2.5 kg) and 5 in (12 cm) a year during the toddler period, much less than the rate of growth during the infant year. How frustrated and helpless you must feel! My son was put on the Autism Spectrum with sensory problems in his mouth. The things she will lick and might eat are chips and pretzels, lol dog kibble if she gets into it, a little spaghettishes been evaluated by early intervention as well as eating disorders clinic after doc suggested it. Our daughter is 10 and at one time she would only eat gogurt, rolled up ham and pickles. If you haven't tried them I totally recommend you do. He survives on graduates soy formula with baby cereal & stage 2 baby fruits in a bottle about every 2 to 3 hours. He eats very little. Lots of great advice there on SPD and eating issues. He sometimes will pick the food up or smell it or do messy play with it--but as soon as they try to get him to bring to his lips, he shuts down. Self feeding with a spoon he will not do. She was diagnosed ADHD at 5 but not ASD. ", By
We have been advised by the diagnostic team to take him to UCLA's partial hospitalization program. She rejects most veg, fruit and many dishes like bolognese/pies/stews which include hidden veg. Fortunately for us, he is robust and healthy which is why I don't think his Dr. was concerned. Make sure you have a set mealtime - we always eat at 5pm; Give your child guided options - for example let them have strawberries or a yogurt (but not chocolate!) I have a daughter who is 19 months old. My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. It's expensive and her eating disorder doesn't qauilfy as a problem to relieve assistance or insurance coverage. I have a 19 month old with a food aversion. His speech therapist was supposed to help with the food issue, but it never helped. This may need to be longer in your case, particularly before dinner. Reading all of your comments it sounds like they might work for some of your children. i remember grabbing on the the table anytime i would swallow. We tried to put him on OT, but it doesn't work. Then 1 day he refused baby food (at the end he was down to 2 selections). I was told he is on a waiting list for home services. A container of yogurt can contain up to 26 grams of sugar, making it easy to exceed daily intake recommendations. Sometimes I don't want to live! Any ideas? Oh man, finally others in the same boat! I felt my eyes fill with tears. She will dip a fry into ranch and only lick the ranch. If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding the nutritional adequacy of your childs diet or their health and wellbeing please consult a medicalpractitioneror an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) for individualised advice. Diagnose that he had several patients with same problem. First off No child in History has Ever been reported for "Starving themselves to death"!!! 0 Search for a thread Anonymous My 19 month old girl who used to eat EVERYTHING will now reject most food given to her. Why does he hate food and will he ever eat again? I was told by doctors that he has neurological delays.He sits now but cannot walk yet and he says Dada and Mama but cannot speak yet. She have been tested for everything i can think of every year, and still all test are negative. Even now though, he gags frequently when trying new food, but he's trying! He will puke if there is any sort of lump even if its,a soft one. It's the combination of a few things that will usually lead to a diagnosis. There may be something going on in the brain that doctors aren't finding. But if they see through it, your up a creek. You get frustrated because, well, such a mess! One day last June (2011) he stopped eating ALL food & has therefore been on Pediasure for the last year. Hi there I am a mum to a lovely 8 year old girl. Good luck to you as well Leticia! this is not your fault and if school is on your case just print out the string of messages on this board begging for help. He's not losing weight and his pediatrician isn't much help. Should I just give it some time since he just injured himself. He is not anorexic because he does not fear fat but he fears new foods. I care very deeply for each and every parent and child going through this, that is why I take the time to research, read and post. He currently eats stage 3 baby food, yogurt and baby rice cereal. Our daughter would literally starve if not for the pediasure. Will she try home made protein shakes or green smoothies? My 4 year old autistic son. He won't eat the gummie vitamins either. I'm so desperate just for him to eat that I let him eat m&ms before he goes to school just so he has something in his stomach because he doesn't eat during the day. But now i have nothing to replace it with and I'm kind of freaking out as it's been almost a week of this and noticing weight loss. His go too foods are bread and milk usually. She only put three to four foods in her mouth and we know she has a sensory problem but are still experimenting with docttors to try and fixso far no luck. He literally has never had anything beyond pured food and a little stage 3 but he gags and vomits which makes me so sad. One day he just stopped eating. Irrational fears. start with red;pomegranit range juice. At least she won't starve to death! The process started when she was about 12 and really blossomed when she started high school a year and a half ago and was exposed two different friends and different foods. He will lick foods and take 1-2 bites but constantly requests pediasure. He can't drink fast at all and has a cough after he drinks (nothing serous but she felt it was notable). She is tested for celiac once a year, and it is always negative. i lost a lot of weight in a bad way. Feeding therapies were not working because he does not follow directions or pay attention to what people are asking him to do. But we still struggle Don't give up hope.Please try Young Living Essential Oils. I hope that your daughter thrives well soon and I hope you continue to know just how awesome you are! They may be hungry but something within them will not allow themselves to eat or try the new foods. You seem awful judgemental. I feel so defeated most days. He'll lick crackers and munchers and that's about it. If your child prefers, say, a particular sugary cereal, try crushing it to make a crumb powder. There is nothing physically wrong with my 4 1/2 year old; he just will NOT chew/eat ANYTHING but Pediasure, smooth, vanilla yogurt. Well he didn't, finally went to a bigger hospital where they tested him and found out he had sensory deprivation/dysphagia. Try getting her involved with preparing her food/drink. But we CANNOT get him to eat anything else! That is usually the age the symptoms start so the earlier you get intervention, the better! Hello, I have a beautiful 3 and a half year old boy that does not eat any thing with texture. She gets to where she won't even drink at times. Good luck other moms the forcing my child to eat backfired and he didn't eat a thing for almost a month so yeah if he's getting pedia sur down it keeps him off the tube and he's at least eating the listed above so thanks moms for making me realize we are not the only ones! I have an autistic child, he only eats 3 times a day his food liquified in a bottle, malanga and chicken. well, almost. Lots of breaded items. I will keep looking but it helps to know that YOU guys understand. Try putting the food put in the blender!Have him also play with the blended food before eating it!
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