1.3 was where I started and is fine. Cheers, Casey Robison March 28, 2020 Note: Any specific brands mentioned were at the request of the bartender or have been recommended by me for consistency. Friction Gnome Enterprises 2022 Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. I just finished brewing Jamil Z's 70 SSA. I promise youthey are worth it. Got Trub, at 1.5 vol would you feel this is too much for this style ? To the extent that we care about differences between beers and how those beers are produced, that's really all that matters! Scottish Style 70 Shilling Beer Recipe Craft Brewing [irp] Wee Heavy Brew Your Own Brewers Best Scottish Ale Beer Making Kit Recipe Home Brewing Recipe Scottish Ale Extract Blog The Daddy Mac Scottish Ale Extract Kit Scotch Ale Recipes Beer Styles Home Brewing Blog By Beersmith [irp] Scottish Ale Beer Recipe Kit Brewof Brewing Ing Supply Karl S Ninety 90 Shilling Scottish Ale Homebrew . This alone means that there is significant regional variation even between beers made with the same recipe.It is estimat . Maris Otter Pale - UK malt. To obtain this character, a higher mash temperature should be used, around 158F (70C). Here is his 60 Schilling recipe: I brewed alot of JZ's 60/- when I dialed in my new system - It's great for that as you use minimal ingredients. Sessionable doesn't have to mean flavorless, so I looked through some flavorful beer styles that were sub 1.040. Colour: gold. How these are combined and which are used is a matter of experimentation. For a mere 25 euros, I'll create a bespoke recipe for any day of the year you like. This, the fourth version, is actually a recipe from Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer's book Brewing Classic Styles. For the partial extract brewers, this Scottish ale recipe is full of caramel malts both in the extracts and As homebrewers, it is a must that you use temperature control and ferment in the mid 60s (18 19C). If its not Scottish its Crap! Has anyone else brewed either his 60, 70, or 80 ? [s. = shilling, worth 12d.] It is generally held that the classic Scottish ale is referred to as an 80/- (eighty shilling) while a stronger Scotch ale of today is often known as a 90/- (ninety shilling) or "Wee Heavy". Fermentables. Description Clean malty beer that finishes on the dry side. Though commonly refered to as "heavy" ales, beers advertised as "70 shilling" are typically in the 4.0% ABV range. SRM: 8.5. Now if you want to complicate things you could cut the base malt down to around 90% and build the other 10% out of Crystal, Chocolate, Black, Roast Barley, and wheat. All Grain, ABV 4.78%, IBU 23.62, SRM 14.18, Fermentables: (Maris Otter Pale, Munich Light, Caramel / Crystal 40L, Honey Malt, Caramel / Crystal 120L, Pale Chocolate) Hops: (Kent Goldings) Calorie Goal 1830 Cal. All three bear similar hallmarks of Scottish ale flavors: caramel, biscuit, and minimal hops. Scottish 70 Shilling beers generally have a grainy, dry finish due to small amounts of unmalted roasted barley. The Men are allowed a Pot of Ale per day, and the Women a Pint, besides table-beer. That base and crystal lay down some solid caramel, bready, and toasty flavors. Scottish Heavy All Grain homebrew recipe. Scotch ale recipes beer styles home wee heavy brew your own stylistically speaking scottish ale scottish ale beer recipe kit brewof. Yeast A yeast that is clean and neutral with minimum flavor additions should be used with Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale yeast or White Labs Edinburgh Scottish Ale, both being a good choice. ABV: 8.70%. It's not essential that you simply use an English or Scottish ale yeast. Following an all grain procedure, I will boil the first gallon of runnings off of the mash for an hour and then add the rest of the first runnings/sparge to make a full boil for a 5 gallon batch size. I could just start noticing the "bite" with 1.5 and it was easily discernable with 1.7. There aren't any tasting notes logged yet, {"RecipeId":27341,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":104357,"Name":"70 Shilling","Description":"","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"14B","StyleName":"Scottish Heavy","BatchSize":5,"BoilSize":5.75,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":0.85,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1469893099177)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.041703125,"Fg":1.011676875,"Srm":15.699136597247684,"Ibu":17.19955469946936,"BgGu":0.41242843790409905,"Abv":3.8733862499999994,"Calories":138,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"72","Amt":"4.75","Ppg":"38","L":"3","Use":"Mash","Id":"132924","IngId":"15","Name":"Maris Otter Pale - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"11","Amt":"0.75","Ppg":"36","L":"60","Use":"Mash","Id":"132925","IngId":"42","Name":"Caramel/Crystal 60 - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"6","Amt":"0.375","Ppg":"37","L":"25","Use":"Mash","Id":"132926","IngId":"542","Name":"Honey Malt - CA","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"6","Amt":"0.375","Ppg":"35","L":"20","Use":"Mash","Id":"134123","IngId":"476","Name":"Aromatic Malt - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"3","Amt":"0.1875","Ppg":"35","L":"120","Use":"Mash","Id":"132928","IngId":"46","Name":"Caramel/Crystal 120 - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"5"},{"Per":"2","Amt":"0.125","Ppg":"34","L":"425","Use":"Mash","Id":"132929","IngId":"507","Name":"Chocolate - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"0.7","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"6","Ibu":"17.1995546994694","Id":"137291","IngId":"39","Name":"East Kent Goldings","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.72","Id":"38426","IngId":"168","Name":"White Labs Edinburgh Ale WLP028","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[{"Heat":"Decoction","Temp":"158","Time":"60","Id":"17921","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Steps":[]}, https://brewgr.com/Media/img/mug/16_d.jpg, https://brewgr.com/Media/img/mug/16_t.jpg. There's more to this beer than taking your Scottish Light recipe and adding a few more gravity points. "Jamil's 80 Shilling Scottish Ale" Scottish Export 80/- beer recipe by Taylor Perry. Instead, I sub in another half-pound each of chocolate rye for the pale chocolate (to add some spicy malt flavors along with the touch of drying roast) and some malted wheat for a smooth breadiness. It was taxed according to the ABV. 1 week ago vikingsmashbrewing.com Show details . Start recirculating wort. East Kent Golding hops provide a low hop bitterness. Scottish Style 70 Shilling Beer Recipe Craft Brewing Maple Scotch Ale Recipe Extract All Grain E C Kraus per Week, for the females, and 12s. Goldings hops. Add the darker malt and raise the temperature to 168 F (76 C) for 15 minutes. . Traditionally,Scottish 70 Shilling ales require a cool fermentatioand a low attenuating yeast to achieve the flavor profile. by | Jun 2, 2022 | george kittle brother ohio state | Jun 2, 2022 | george kittle brother ohio state Scottish and Irish Ale - Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) homebrew beer recipes and ingredients. References: Information for this page was adapted from the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines, Brewing Classic Styles, 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew, by Jamil Zainasheff and John J. Palmer, the article Scotch and Scottish Ales in All About Beer Magazine, by Ray Daniels, and the GABF Style Listings for Scottish Style Light Ale. Scottish ales commonly fall into four general types: Light, Heavy, Export and the Scotch Ale. Try to condition at or around 40F (4.4C) for at least two months to allow this beer to mellow and clean itself up. Fat 67 g--/67g left. All in all a great brew day. We have found he has a way with Scottish ales, and this is his 90 /-. 90 Shilling Stout Recipe Specifics --------------------- Batch Size (Gal): 5.25 Total Grain (Lbs): 11.63 Anticipated OG: 1.064 Mash the Golden Promise and flaked barley at 158 F (70 C) for 60 minutes. These ales use a pale malt and are low on hoppiness. It will also exhibit low to moderate carbonation, sometimes a bit creamy, but often quite dry due to use of roasted barley. The numbers commonly associated with brands of this style (60/70/80 and others) reflect the Scottish tradition of listing the cost, in shillings, of a hogshead (large cask) of beer. Scottish Heavy 70/- Recipes. 80 shilling scottish ale beer recipe southern highlander wee heavy beer scotch ale recipes beer styles home wee heavy brew your own. Heavy or 70 shilling Scottish ales should have an original gravity between 1.035 to 1.040. The "shilling" beer designation began in Scotland in the late 1800s, and roughly corresponds to the strength of the beer. 3. This blog is reader-supported. Scotch Ale The flavor and aroma of Scotch ale are complex with notes of earth, roasted malt, and hints of plum or dried fruit. Description. Getting a tad cardboardy in time, some fabrics, clay and vase water. For the partial extract brewers, this Scottish ale recipe is full of caramel malts both in the extracts and specialty grains used. It is a great beer. Wyeast Scottish Ale 1728 homebrew yeast. Scottish 70 shilling: re-brew Out of the 3 beers I sent in to NHC, . Maple 80 Shilling is a Scottish Ale brewed with Grade B Maple Syrup. While the mash rests, collect and heat sparge water. Scottish Heavy 70 Shilling Ale Recipe 70 Schilling Scottish ale This recipe was adapted from 'Scottish 60-Shilling Ale' in the December 2001 BYO magazine. Whether you are a Bruce or a Wallace, This 80 Schilling Scottish Ale is perfect for windy nights on the Moor. 70 Shilling by MattCory on 10/12/2017. Take 15% Off Sitewide: Add any eligible products to your cart (*Some exclusions apply) Use code EXCLUSIVE COUPON CODE ON YOUR POSTCARD at checkout. There are essentially three "weights" of standard Scottish ales (the Wee Heavy or Strong Scotch Ale is so far beyond these that it shouldn't even be spoken of in the same breath): Light, Heavy, and Export (sometimes known as 60 shilling, 70 shilling, and 80 shilling, respectively, for the rate at which they were traditionally taxed). last edited by blipp 10/4/2017. This is a simple recipe with an added component to the brew day. Yield : 5 Gallons. This medium-bodied, lightly smoked Scottish amber ale is an Award-winning recipe. Scottish Heavy Recipe - 70 Shilling Advanced Search. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. . Recipe Info. Strong scotch "wee heavy" ales have very high gravities in the 1.070-1.130 range. Hopping is still restrained - this is, after all, Scotland - and 20 IBUs of anything at all in the 60-minute addition will be fine. Scottish ales, even the light ones, are noted for their malt profile and kettle caramelization. IBU: 31. Mild and pale ales were 54/- and 60/- while export beers were sold as 70/- and 80/-. Brewed with both English and American barley and many, many specialty malts allowing hints of roasted chocolate, caramel and raisins with very little hop presence. An * next to an ingredient Indicates a prepped item that can be found in the back of the book. Beginner 5 Gallon Beer Recipe - Viking Smash Brewing . Boil the wort for 90 minutes, adding hops at the times indicated in the recipe. Scottish 70 Shilling jumped out at me. The Scottish Heavy or 70 Shilling or 70/- ale will be a good starting point for me. . These names come from price per barrel that these beers would cost. 60 shilling and 70 shilling were the most common beers available at that time with 90 shilling being sold in 8 oz bottles and . 34 early modern europe, 1450-1789 On the eastern and southern shores of the Baltic, powerful nobles were also the most important group politically and economically. 170/2000Cal left. The higher carbonation level is a drag on the Light, which has more-delicate malt flavors, but the Heavy can handle it and, I think, benefits from it. Anextensive period of cold conditioningis helpful with these beers. I was thinking 1.25 was where I was headed anyway, just a thought. Advanced Search. Scbs Scottish 80 Shilling. Somewhere in between an 80 /- and a Wee Heavy, ninety also refers to the length (in minutes) of the boil. This goes back in time to the price of a hogshead (a large cask of about 64 gallons), which was based on the strength of the beer. Scottish and Irish Ale - Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) homebrew beer recipes and ingredients. woman killed last night; baking soda and bleach bath; the walking dead makeup artist jenna; Payroll Services NaN%--Fat. For a mere 25 euros, I'll create a bespoke recipe for any day of the year you like. All Grain Scottish Heavy homebrew recipe. . Category: Recipes; This is a new style for me. Dec 26, 2013. For his 6- (ahem 7-) pack, Tom Kehoe of Yards Brewing Company still finds inspiration from the beers that formed his early opinion of craft beer, but he also takes the time to explore new flavors and search for something that could become a new favorite. Everything is relative, though, so it's worth noting that there are differences between this style and its close relative, the Scottish Light Ale. Recipes may include peat-smoked malt, which can lend smoky, earthy tones to the aroma and flavor. After flying eight or nine operations from Malta, being on the receiving end of over 400 air raids, and escaping punishment for punching a military . Dale's Scottish 70. It may not display this or other websites correctly. To Receive 15% Off Your Order: Add any qualifying merchandise to your cart (* Some exclusions apply). A Scottish Ale Partial Extract Recipe 60/- Style. What's so ironic about the Scottish Heavy Ale? Try a liquid Scottish ale yeast for that true smoky characteristic! Even though the beer is light in alcohol, it still has a soft and chewy character. 94 Show detail Preview View more Scottish Style 70 Shilling Beer Recipe Craft Brewing . Put two gallons of water into your pot and bring it to about . Scottish Heavy. Ahs Scottish Heavy 70 Shilling Ale 9b Extract Homebrew Scottish Light Style Characteristics Brewing Tips History Rochester S Iconic Rohrbach Scotch Ale Is Turning 25 Scotch Ale All Grain Recipe Kit Packs Beer Home [irp] Brewer S Best Scottish Ale Growfresh Organics Organic Wine Beer Making Kits Extract Scotch Ale Wee Heavy For Homebrewing Overly smoked versions would be considered specialty examples. These beers are called heavy, but they are by no means heavy by most Americans standards. The mineral makeup of water, beer's principal constituent, varies from place to place. Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. Serving Size: 1 oz. You will usually not notice any hop aroma or flavor in Scottish 70 Shilling session beers. But Scottish Heavy is definitely a style that requires a deft hand, and nailing the "heavier" but still "Scottish session ale" elements is important. You can add a small addition (a quarter-ounce or 7-8 grams) of East Kent Goldings or Fuggles at the end of the boil for a bit of floral, earthy British hops character, but it's an accent at most. Extract Kit. mon - fri 8.00 am - 4.00 pm #22 beetham gardens highway, port of spain, trinidad +1 868-625-9028 Roasted Barley Malt was substituted with Chocolate Millet Malt. Nose: not bad, grainy but brightly so, some lactic notes, damp cereals, porridge. 125, 132, 134, 141.) We'll enter whichever one is better. Mostly that it's not exactly what you'd call heavy - it's actually one of the lighter beers you'll find, at least in terms of gravity. Because we're dropping out the kettle caramelization completely and mashing at our usual temperature (152F/67C for me). Brewgr is an online homebrew community and recipe calculator to help homebrewers find, create and share homebrew recipes with other homebrewers. . Due to the high starting gravity of this kit, we recommend pitching multiple packs of yeast or . per Week for males.Perhaps all the servants on a large establishment may be reckoned at an average of 10s. The name comes from the taxation rates for barrels of beer created in Scotland. Science Museum (1) Scotch Ale (135) Scotland (653) Scottish Ale . While the Heavy may not be heavy in comparison to almost anything else, it's heavier than the sixty-shilling light ales of Scotland. Sparge slowly with 170 F (77 C) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 6.5 gallons (25 L) and the gravity is 1.076. Odell Brewing Company 90 Shilling Ale. Hop flavor or aroma should not be perceived. . Original Gravity : 1.049. This Scottish ale is a little higher in ABV and body than the 60 Shilling Scottish Light Ale. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. Scottish Heavy All Grain homebrew recipe. The strain I used is supposed to be more attenuative (77-80%) compared to the other two (WLP028: 70-75% and WY1728: 69-73%), so you might want to reduce the mash temp by a few degrees to compensate if you use another yeast. IBU: 27. If you must, enter the beer in the other smoked category. Find beer recipes for your favorite Scottish Ales. Use a goodEnglish variety of hopsand just enough to keep the malt from being too sweet and cloying. As well as the recipe, there's a few hundred words of text describing the beer and its historical context and an image of the original brewing record. If you prefer to use a traditional Scottish yeast, feel free - for that matter, I've had some fun results with Northern English yeasts that are a bit ester-crazy, too, but you might end up with a fun beer that doesn't match the style parameters! Parts of this recipe stay the same. East Kent Goldings hops. Clarrie kept a straight face as he passed the purser, and walked into a cold, Scottish, May evening. Partial Mash Beer Recipe Kits Love2brew Com Homebrew Supply. Pics of : Scottish Ale Recipe. The crystal and chocolate malts we're using will provide enough residual, unfermentable sugars, and there's no particular need to add the bit of flavor and color development that kettle caramelization would impart. - Town Hall Head Brewer Mike Hoops. The name, like other Scottish ales, pays homage to a previous era of beer in Scotland, while adding a modern touch with the maple syrup. They are in fact light session beers that are very drinkable and enjoyable. Wee bits and pieces of OBE but not excessively so. Mash and boil and chill as usual, and pitch your yeast into a nice, cool wort. It can be a hard needle to thread, which makes this even more ironic: the Scottish Heavy might be the easiest of the three to make. A full-bodied ale, rich in malt complexity. To the extent that we care about differences between beers and how those beers are produced, that's all that matters. This alone means that there is significant regional variation even between beers made with the same recipe.It is estimated that beer is . Get the best brewing tips, techniques, and recipes in your inbox. Anyway, poured into my Smuttynose "Balloon" glass it shows a light mahogany color with chestnut red highlights and a sticky looking cream colored head. Science Museum (1) Scotch Ale (135) Scotland (653) Scottish Ale . Follow the temperature recommendations with any yeast that you pick. And I stick with the Irish Ale yeast on this one (Wyeast 1084) for the same malt-friendly effects we're looking for in the Scottish Light Ale. How did it turn out ? Banyai Scotch 70 Shilling 2814: 3 gal: 3.56%: 24.47: 1.038 : 1.011 : BIAB . It's also a great way to yeast farm - I pitched JZ's Robust Porter onto the cake from one batch of 60/-. . Like Fuller, he flew briefly from England before being posted to the war in the Mediterranean. SoCo 70 Shilling Scottish Heavy Ale - All Grain A low ABV easy drinking malt forward beer with caramel and light chocolate flavors. Bottle reads 70 Shilling Scotch Ale (same as picture), which I believe is a different recipe than the 90 Shilling with a lower ABV, so I'm not sure why this is listed as an alias. NaN%--Protein. This homebrew recipe uses the following ingredients: Maris Otter Pale - UK, Caramel/Crystal 60 - US, Honey Malt - CA, Aromatic Malt - US, Caramel/Crystal 120 - US, Chocolate - UK, East Kent Goldings Hops, White Labs Edinburgh Ale WLP028 Homebrew Yeast. Add grain to strike and mix to achieve a uniform temperature of 150-152 F. Rest the mash at this temperature for 60-90 minutes. Stores and prices for 'Zillertal APA Beer' | tasting notes, market data, where to buy. So, why do I say this beer is the easiest of the three to make? The recipe in the book scales between a 60, 70, or 80 Shilling Ale. Transfer 12 gallons (45.42 L) to fermenter. Light or 60 shilling Scottish ales should have an original gravity between 1.030 to 1.034. Hops do not play a huge role in this style. However, I leave out the Victory and higher-lovibond crystal malts here - we don't need to "fake" body and flavor quite as much, given the extra gravity we get to play with. Some recipes have been adapted for ease of home execution. This homebrew recipe uses the following ingredients: Maris Otter Pale - UK, Carafa I - DE, Crystal 60L - UK, Goldings Hops, Wyeast Scottish Ale 1728 Homebrew Yeast. Options: DME LME $24.99 to $29.99 & FREE Shipping on orders over $59& FREE Shipping on orders over $59 OR $7.99 flat rate shipping.. Then continue the runoff, collect 16 gallons (60.57 L), boil for 90 minutes. The mineral makeup of water, beer's principal constituent, varies from place to place. Cregar Well-Known Member Joined May 7, 2006 Messages 699 Reaction score 4 Location Phoenix, AZ So, for this 60-Shilling beer, heat 6 quarts (5.7 l) of water to 173F (78C) and mix in the crushed malts. Recipe Type: All Grain. session ale blackcurrant barrel aged rum ba nitro maris otter export chips . Go From Scottish 70 Shilling Back to Scottish Ales. The Export starts to resemble the ESB or American Pale Ale in strength and intensity. Most beers finish fairly dry considering their relatively sweet palate, and as such have a different balance than strong Scotch ales. Maple scotch ale recipe extract all grain e c kraus wee heavy brew your own scotch ale recipes beer styles home brewing blog by beersmith wee heavy scotch ale style profile brewing tips. [irp] 851532 Oatmeal Stout Partial Mash. ABV: 5.30%. 60 shilling creates a good English Bitter style bitter beer although it comes from a Scottish recipe. 1. Scottish heavy ale will have a medium degree of malty, caramel-like, soft and chewy character in flavor and mouthfeel. 60 shilling scottish ale recipe. (From Warren O. Ault, Open-eld Farming in Medieval England: A Study of Village By-Laws [London: George Allen and Unwin, 1972], pp. Mouthfeel: A Scottish 70 Shilling will have a medium-low to medium body even though it low in alcohol. At the judging table, we're looking for something with more apparent bulk and flavor than the Light, but we still want to be able to see some restraint. Adjust the mash temperature with hot or cold water to 158F (70C). Very good approximation of a 70 shilling ale..although the alc is a touch on the high side. 851314 Scottish Ale 70. Brewgr is an online homebrew community and recipe calculator to help homebrewers find, create and share homebrew recipes with other homebrewers. A Scottish Ale Partial Extract Recipe 60/- Style. 70 Shilling Scottish Ale from Two Kilts Brewing Co. Beer rating: 3.67 out of 5 with 8 ratings. [irp] Scottish And Irish Ale Strong Scotch Beer Recipes. The Heavy, though, lands in the middle of the range, and it can be hard to make one that stands out if your approach is just "make it a little stronger." umbraco get content by document type; Income Tax. Posts may contain affiliate links. According to the authors, the difference between a 60, 70, and 80 Shilling ale is the amount of base malt. and the other one with 1728 Scottish ale yeast which I got from Alameda. DIRECTIONS Mash the crushed grains at the rate of 1 pound (454 g) of malt to 1 quart (946 ml) of water that is 15F (8C) higher than your desired mash rest temperature. W5 Scotch Whisky (70 proof, Aird Blenders, 1970s) A blend I couldn't tell you much about I'm afraid. Our base grist is still mostly Maris Otter (six pounds/2.7kg) and Munich (one pound/0.45kg), and the half-pound (0.23kg) of British 65L crystal stays the same. One major departure for me is that I like to carbonate to about two volumes of CO2, which is higher than cask/pub versions of the style, but I think it brings out the aromas nicely and improves the mouthfeel, making it more substantial. SAVE RECIPE Login or join to save this . The Light is the lightest, of course, and is designed to "overperform" in flavor terms given its (sometimes almost-non-alcoholic) gravity level. Scottish Style 80 Shilling Ale Recipe Craft Beer Brewing. Roasted Barley Malt was substituted with Chocolate Millet Malt. We increased the grain bill 30% to match the OG of the original recipe. Using low hopping rates will keep the beer focused on the malt which is where it belongs in the Scottish 70 Shilling. I brewed JZ's 60 last year and won a couple of ribbons with it. mind posting the recipe might be my next one. Historically, Scottish 70 Shilling ales require a cool fermentation and a low attenuating yeast to attain the flavour profile. Its not critical that you use an English or Scottish ale yeast, a good neutral ale yeast and cool fermentation temperatures will emulate the clean profile of most Scottish 70 Shilling ales. You can, but you're missing out on the opportunity to make a distinctly worthwhile beer! Shilling Bridge 70 shilling scottish ale. Offer valid online through Sunday, January 1, 2023, and cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, or discounts. Recipe is for 13 gallons pre-boil, 11.5 gallons post-boil, all grain. The beers in the Scottish Ales category are so similar that they have the same descriptions. Even though you may read otherwise, it isnot appropriate to use peat maltin these beers. The Board Wages of Servants in general, when the family is absent, is 10s. You are using an out of date browser. NaN%--Carbs. Specialty malts: Carapils, chocolate malt, English Crystal, black roasted barley, peated malt, Golden Promise Featured hops: Kent Golding O.G.