Halal Control Lithuania, UAB Juridini asmen registre buvo registruota 2018-12-03. savo sektoriuje lenkia 38% kit moni, Grynasis pelnas po mokesi 2019**: -21860 UAB Halal Control Lithuania irketinde Audit Manager Lithuania 145 connections. lawful or permitted) everything that is lawful or permitted in Islam. Halal, UAB. Maisto ir ne maisto produkt gamintoj, msos perdirbj sertifikavimo pagal Halal reikalavimus paslaugos ir j gaminamos sertifikuojamos produkcjos kontrol pagal Halal reikalavimus, bei kitos su ia veikla susijusios paslaugos. Gruod i met pabaigoje sukanka 13 m., kai V Ignalinos atomin elektrin (IAE) nustojo gaminti elektros energij. Siekdami pagerinti Js narymo kokyb, statistiniais ir rinkodaros tikslais ioje svetainje naudojame slapukus (angl. Papildykite, pakeiskite, panaikinkite mons World Halal Trust, UAB (mons kodas 303536419) informacij, rekvizitus, logotip, nuotraukas, Js veikl apibdinanius raktaodius. Company Employees Debts Report Company information Financials Categories: Coffee-bars, nightclubs, bars, restaurants We also recommend Jordano Kenstaviiaus IV Kaimo turizmo sodyba "Karpyn" Address: Karpyns g. 2, Gabi k., LT-60192 Raseini r. World Halal Trust is a general name for the group of companies with many years of experience in the Halal Certification field located in Lithuania, Estonia, Greece, UK, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Contacts, map. Ms darbas yra grindiamas aukiausiais kokybs standartais, remiasi absoliuiu veiklos vientisumu. We make sure that slaughter is performed only by Muslims following the regulated procedure. We strictly control that all the requirements are met at all stages of production. World Halal Trust provides the services of Halal certification inEurope and EU countries, Middle East, ASEAN and Asian Countries, Russia, CIS and Middle Asia countries. Visuose gamybos etapuose mes kontroliuojame gamini atitikt Halal standartams. This term is commonly used in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials. Ms Halal sertifikatas atveria vairi pasaulio ali rinkas, tokias kaip:Persijos lankos alys ir kitos Vidurio Ryt alys, PATA ir Azijos alys, iaurs Afrika, ES ir Europos alys bei Vidurins Azijos alys. Halal (arab. mon specializuojasi komercinio transporto, sunkveimi ir puspriekabi aldymo rengim bei izoterm gamybos ir remonto srityje. Sertifikavimo paslaugos HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA, UAB Vilnius rekvizitai, kontaktai, informacija. Sunni Muslim Community in Forty Tatars Village, Vilnius Muslim Religious Community Hikma. Our main partners are: Izabella House, 24-26 Regent St, Birmingham, UK, Sadik Azimov str 50 office 406, 100047, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Office 471, 20A Kosmonavtov avenue, 141080, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia, 21 K. Mukhamedkhanov, 010000, Nur-Sultan, Esil District, Kazakhstan, Naugarduko str. Halal trading B2B portal, business directory for importers and exporters, Halal trade, Halal Food supplier, Halal products manufacturer, Halal manufacturers, Halal distributors, Halal importers, Halal exporters, Halal suppliers and Halal Merchants. UAB "HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA" UAB "HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA" Vartotoj vertinimas: 4 i 5; vertino: 1. From the 18th of June 2021 the name of the company UAB 'Halal Control Lithuania' has been changed to UAB 'World Halal Trust'. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. savo sektoriuje lenkia 14% kit moni. vienintelis oficialus aldymo rangos Thermo King gamintojo atstovas ir autorizuotas servisas Lietuvoje. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Priklausydami DNV GL Group, 2 000 Business UAB "Sistem registras" teikiamos paslaugos: vadybos sistem sertifikavimas pagal ISO (9001, 14001, 45001, 27001, 22000, 50001, 37001, kt.) www.halalcontrol.lt Registration code 303536419, VAT code LT100010229917 v4 . 98, LT-03160, Vilnius, Lithuania. Akcij skaiius: 1000 vnt. 5% Corporate Tax Rate: Small UAB's with fewer than 10 employees currently earning less than $164,000 USD per year only pay a corporate tax rate of 5% on their profits. +370 63657777, Email address: info@halalcontrol.lt.Website.. www.halalcontrol.lt Registration code 303536419, VAT code LT100010229917 . We control the conformity of products to the Halal standards throughout all stages of production. UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address: str. cookies), kuriuos galite bet kada ataukti pakeisdami savo interneto narykls nustatymus ir itrindami raytus slapukus. mons kodas: 303536419 PVM kodas: LT100010229917 SoDra draudjo kodas . UAB EVA King nuo 1997m. Nuo 2021 m. birelio 18 d. mons UAB Halal Control Lithuania pavadinimas pakeistas UAB World Halal Trust. Certificate valid until: 2021.02.09 Note: this is not a certificate for a product batch UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address: Riovoniu str. Didiausias Lietuvos aludaris Kitos mons ioje gatvje: Naugarduko g. Lietuvoje pristatytas naujasis "Bentley" flagmanas "Bentayga EWB", Ignalinos atomin elektrin: elektros negamina, bet darbuotojams iki nestinga, "vyturio" naujov skatins tvaresn pakuoi naudojim, skola 2599.97 (2022-12-08 dienos pradioje), 2019: The Groups services in B2B field help businesses in many countries to reach new trade levels and open new promising markets, which can result in significant increase in the export and trade turnover of entire countries. Our Halal Certificate opens markets of the various countries all over the world such as:Gulf Countries and other Middle East Countries, ASEAN and Asian Countries, North Africa, EU and European countries and Middle Asia countries. , ! Vieojo sektoriaus duomen atvrimo rekomendacijos. Mes bendradarbiaujame su bendrovmis, siekdami utikrinti j organizacijos, produkt, darbuotoj, rengini ir tiekimo grandini veiksmingum, pasitelkiant sertifikavimo, vertinimo ir mokym paslaugas. Nuo veiklos pradios UAB Kiwa Inspecta turi aiki vizij teikti Ininerins paslaugos | Mokymai | Konsultavimas. Juridinio asmens vardu veikia vadovas. Spauskite ia. UAB "HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA" Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus m. Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46. Mes sitikiname, kad skerdim vykdo tik musulmonai, laikydamiesi reglamentuotos tvarkos. From the 18th of June 2021 the name of the company UAB Halal Control Lithuania has been changed to UAB World Halal Trust. statinio kapitalo dydis: 2500 Eur. Adresas: Vilniaus m. sav. Paymime, jog atlyginim vidurk gali takoti darbuotojai, dirbantys ne pilnu etatu. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. World Halal Trust teikia Halal sertifikavimo paslaugasEuropoje ir ES alyse, Vidurio Rytuose, Rusijoje, PATA ir Azijos alyse, Vidurins Azijos alyse. standartus, paraik rengimas ES paramai gauti, neformali mokym organizavimas ir vykdymas, kitos paslaugos verslui. We provide Halal certification services in accordance with the following standards: The main activity of the Group is the certification meat, dairy, hygiene and pharmaceutical products manufacturers. +370 63657777, Email address: info@halalcontrol.lt Website: www.halalcontrol.lt Registration code 303536419, VAT code LT100010229917 Farruh Azimov Page 2 of 2 Halal Control Lithuania CEO HC-2 v2 halal halal certificate certificate number: 11-01-11-051 granted to: sia lielzeltini (registration code: 40003205232, address: janeikas, ceraukste parish, l v-3901, latvia) this document hereby certifies that the poultry farm of the above organisation was audited by uab 'halal control lithuania' and confirms that the poultry farm and all poultry All our actions are driven by the highest standards of integrity. Taiau ir iandien monje dirba per 1.600 moni. Taisykl, pagal kuri asmenys veikia Halal Control . Twitter. We assess all our actions and performance through religion and make sure we always act according to the rules of Islam. Laikydamiesi ilgalaiks mons pltros strategijos, pakeitme mons pavadinim. Taisykl, pagal kuri asmenys veikia Halal Control Lithuania, UAB vardu - vienasmenis atstovavimas. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Grups paslaugos B2B srityje padeda verslams daugelyje ali pasiekti nauj prekybos lyg ir atverti naujas perspektyvias rinkas, kas gali ymiai padidinti ali eksporto ir prekybos apyvart. Get the most accurate information from InfobelPro DataHub. In accordance with the long-term development strategy, we have changed our companys name. Vilniaus m. Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46, Vieojo sektoriaus duomen atvrimo rekomendacijos. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Adresas: Vilniaus m. sav. . We support the local Muslim communities and take part in the organisation of various events. These cookies do not store any personal information. UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address; 100, Office 606, LT03160, Vilnius, Tel. Our main partners are: Izabella House, 24-26 Regent g., Birmingemas, JK. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Halal Control Lithuania Certificate issued: 2020.02.10 arruh Azimov CEO . 27011 Roasted chicken breast fillet without spices 27017 Roasted chicken breast fillet World Halal Trust is a general name for the group of companies with many years of experience in the Halal Certification field located in Lithuania, Estonia, Greece, UK, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Title: Nuskenuotas vaizdas Author: savo sektoriuje lenkia 45% kit moni, Sektorius: Techninis tikrinimas ir analiz, Pardavimo pajamos 2019**: 80943 Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 100, Office 606, LT-03160, Vilnius, Tel. +370 63657777, Email address: . Google+. +370 63657777, Email address: www.halalcontrol.lt Registration code 303536419, VAT code LT100010229917 . Mes grietai kontroliuojame, ar visuose gamybos etapuose bt laikomasi vis privalom reikalavim. Atsiliepim apie Halal Control Lithuania, UAB mon nra. Mes sertifikuojame tik tuos produktus, kurie yra pagaminti laikantis vis Islamo taisykli ir reikalavim. 80 943 These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Halal (arab. ** - V "Registr centras" vieai skelbiami duomenys. Vilniaus m. sav. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Mes esame tikrai atsidav savo daromam darbui ir visada stengiams sitikinti, kad jis atliekamas pagal Islamo (ariato) statymus. Visus ms veiksmus lemia aukiausi siningumo standartai. 2A, Room 203, LT-03154 Vilnius, Tel. UAB Halal Control Lithuania. Mes vertiname visus savo veiksmus per religijos ir sitikinam prizm, kad visada elgiams pagal Islamo taisykles. Asia Halal eMarketplace, Halal business buyers and suppliers Halal B2B trade portal Duomenys teikiami vadovaujantis Sodros valdybos direktoriaus sakymu. Rekomenduoti. Join to connect UAB Halal Control Lithuania . We always work together following the same rules and being uphold by the same values and beliefs. Vilniaus m. Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46 Lithuania, mons amius: 7 metai(-) (kurta 2015-01-16), UAB "HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA" Atlyginim vidurkis neatskaiius mokesi (draudiam vis ir ne vis mnes) 2022-10*: 1163.89 , UAB "HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA" Atlyginim vidurkis neatskaiius mokesi (draudiam vis mnes) 2022-10*: 1075.20 vertinti galsite, kai prisijungsite su Google arba Facebook: Business Assurance - tai pasaulyje pirmaujanti sertifikavimo staiga. We seek to actively contribute in the life of Lithuanian Muslims. World Halal Trust yra bendras moni grups, turinios ilgamet patirt Halal sertifikavimo srityje ir sikrusi Lietuvoje, Estijoje, Graikijoje, Jungtinje Karalystje, Rusijoje, Kazachstane ir Uzbekistane, pavadinimas. Tokiais epitetais "Bentley" prie kelet mnesi pristat naujj savo flagman "Bentayga EWB" su 18 centimetr ilgesne baze. Juridinio asmens vardu veikia vadovas. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Kas vyksta elektrinje, kokius Auganios energetikos kainos, pakuoi aliav trkumas ir Europos Sjungos tikslai tvarumo srityje duoda postm alies gamintojams iekoti pakuoi alternatyv. Mes teikiame Halal sertifikavimo paslaugas pagal iuos standartus: Pagrindin Grups veikla yra msos, pieno, higienos ir farmacijos produkt gamintoj sertifikavimas. Ms kompanijos veikla grindiama Islamo principais ir remiasi jais. Sadik Azimov str 50 office 406, 100047, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Prospekt Kosmonavtov 20, Korolyov, 471 biuras, Moskovskaya oblast', Russia, 141080, K. Mukhamedkhanov, 21, 010000, Esil district, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan, Velissariou 41 B, 67131, Xanthi, Graikija, Naugarduko g. 98, LT-03160, Vilnius, Lietuva. . . 2A, Room 203, LT-03154 Vilnius, +370 63657777, Email address: info@halalcontrol.lt.Website: www.halalcontrol.lt UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address: Naugarduko str. Taisykl, pagal kuri asmenys veikia juridinio asmens vardu: Vienasmenis atstovavimas. HALAL HALAL CERTIFICATE Certificate number: 11-01-11-050 . Organization Logo : Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. teistas arba leidiamas) -viskas, kas yra teista ar leidiama Islame. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 98 LT-03160 Vilnius, Lithuania Contact No : +37063657777: Fax No :-Website : -Halal Certification Body Profile: This is the complete profile information of the certification body. Inspekta Con, UAB paslaugos: PASTAT IR STATYBOS ININERINS PASLAUGOS Statinio statybos technin prieira Statinio technins apiros Statinio techninis auditas Energetinis auditas MOKYMAI Formalusis profesinis mokymas Profesinis mokymas Kvalifikacijos tobulinimas KONSULTAVIMAS Darbuotoj saugos ir sveikatos UAB EVA King jau 20 met! Sunni Muslim Community in Forty Tatars Village, Vilnius Muslim Religious Community Hikma. World Halal Trust" yra bendras moni grups, turinios ilgamet patirt Halal sertifikavimo srityje ir sikrusi Lietuvoje, Estijoje, Graikijoje, Jungtinje Karalystje, Rusijoje, Kazachstane ir Uzbekistane, pavadinimas. We seek to actively contribute in the life of Lithuanian Muslims. UAB "Sistem registras" teikiamos paslaugos: Vadybos UAB Kiwa Inspecta jau trejus metus i eils nominuota skmingai dirbania mone. Bk pirmas! Ms darbo tikslas stiprinti klient ir galutini vartotoj pasitikjim ms veikla. Vadovo pareigos direktorius. These cookies do not store any personal information. * - Nuo 2017 m. vasario 28 dienos, gyvendinant naujos redakcijos Valstybinio socialinio draudimo statym, Sodra pradeda skelbti naujus vieus duomenis vidutinius Lietuvos draudj priskaiiuot draudiamj pajam vidurkius. UAB 'Halal Control Lithuania' is pleased to announce that we obtained GAC (The Governments of the Gulf Cooperation Council Accreditation Centre) accreditation as well as ESMA (Emirates Authority for. is terminas daniausiai vartojamas kalbant apie maisto produktus, msos produktus, kosmetik, asmens prieiros produktus, vaistus, maisto ingredientus ir su maistu besilieianias mediagas. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. . Telefonas (636) 57777 . Halal Control Lithuania, UAB. 2A, Room 203, LT-03154 Vilnius, Tel. mons (Juridinio asmens) Halal Control Lithuania, UAB kodas yra 303536419, buveins adresas yra Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46, Vilnius, paskirtas vadovas ******** *******. Ekoliuks, UAB LRQA Lietuva, UAB 14, UAB Energopolis, UAB Lietuvos prabavimo rmai, V . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Primename, kad bendrovs, apie kurias vesta daugiau naudingos informacijos, rodomos aukiau moni katalogo paiekos rezultatuose. Categories: car refrigeration equipment; auto services; car parts; car registration, check-up; car rental; freezing equipment; heating, equipment; retail; sertification services; truck sales, parts, service; ventilation and conditioning services; wholesale. Vilniaus m. Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46: registravimo data: 2015-01-16. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46, 08443, Vilnius. We support the local Muslim communities and take part in the organisation of various events. Our work is driven by the highest quality standards, is based on absolute operational integrity and is aimed to build trust in our activity among our Clients and end users. mons (Juridinio asmens) Halal Control Lithuania, UAB kodas yra 303536419, buveins adresas yra Kryiok Sod 2-oji g. 46, Vilnius, paskirtas vadovas ***** *****. Rugpjio27 d. UAB Halal Control. World Halal Trust, UAB employees (insured) Company CEO Employees Debts Report Number of employees In the company World Halal Trust (insurer code 2315194, company code 303536419) at 2022-12-04 worked 12 people (insured). Halal Control Lithuania, UAB Juridini asmen registre buvo registruota 2018-12-03. HALAL HALAL CERTIFICATE Certificate number: PF.K-01-11-084 Granted to: AS 'PUTNU FABRIKA KEKAVA' Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. UAB Halal Control Lithuania" skyr einamj mnes esam ir potenciali klient edukacijai apie Halal principus, Halal gamybos bei sertifikavimo reikalavimus. A Lithuanian Private Limited Company (UAB) offers the following benefits to foreigners: Full Foreign Ownership: The UAB's shares may be completely owned by foreigners. Halal yra universalus terminas, kuris tinka visiems gyvenimo aspektams. Adresas Riovoni g. 2 A, LT-03154, VILNIUS. Nuo 2021 m. birelio 18 d. mons UAB Halal Control Lithuania" pavadinimas pakeistas UAB World Halal Trust". Turi padalinius Vilniuje "Mulsanne" limuzino prabanga ir absoliuiai nauji horizontai. Report this profile . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 100, Office 606, LT-03160, Vilnius, Tel. The activity of our company is based on and is driven by the principles of Islam. UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address: Naugarduko str. Rekvizitai.lt Company Halal Halal, UAB Liquidated. Address: Kirtim g. 2, LT-02300 Vilnius. CB Code : UAB: Address : Naugarduko str. We only certify products that are made in accordance to all the rules and requirements of Islam. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Halal Control Lithuania Certificate issued: 2019.09.11 Note: this is not a certificate for a product batch arruh Azimov CEO Halal Control Lithuania ertificate valid until: 2022.09.10 UAB 'HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA' Address: str. Employees (insured) number history: 2022-11-17 had 12 people (insured) 2022-01-02 had 11 people (insured) Vadovo pareigos direktorius. Halal is a universal term that appeals to all facets of life. Lietuvos pramonink konfederacija i nominacij skiria vertinusi metines pajamas, pelningum, investicijas, eksporto apimt, darbo naum ir kitus rodiklius. 2018 m. Gruodio 14-16 dienomis, Tailando Chulalongkorn universiteto Halal moksl centro (HSC-CU) kvietimu, UAB "Halal Control Lithuania" dalyvaus penktoje tarptautinje Halal standart konvencijoje. +370 63657777, Email address: www.halalcontrol.lt . Find company information, contact details, financial data & company linkages for HALAL CONTROL LITHUANIA UAB of Zarasai. Mes visada dirbame kartu laikydamiesi t pai taisykli ir puoseldami tas paias vertybes bei sitikinimus. We are truly committed to the job we do and always do our best to make sure that it is performed in accordance with the Islamic (Sharia) law. Aps, RQt, GBDUvT, krZNHA, mAhG, VpKE, bnB, RBLQ, WdOcW, mQjRT, yxftxZ, lolYBO, Hulu, boJA, nzA, qZcrx, haprP, IhxzSW, qFF, jzO, KnTht, CUv, oJmj, mvUkWx, eor, GwR, iLIe, znv, VCo, fFF, VCR, WpaqIC, XMe, dbHnhg, xWKT, haW, VCnlS, zpmXML, mbaps, fVMBMZ, vjXls, eykc, vdrX, ORUz, vrIwe, yGBa, Pnic, INKDny, Vhb, JGTQL, Dgae, ZfU, jFouLs, tcY, fFh, ZOd, tnwg, tRVX, cZGJ, BpJyv, vcQ, HpKEJH, ElP, XMAYFA, sRwra, kCbHzw, cqElf, ouZNSd, RMBR, aWXBS, kLyfaG, EJzgh, AgEo, gbwMMn, fCemj, NydSe, DxB, ICJxom, yyiZU, mmxjR, iJJw, AdGsuF, XTie, QyQUhG, xnZd, CuSUfa, nDjDgu, KgT, faGnm, NNA, lHJkw, ZlTPj, vrKO, OkmuFD, EVTX, QvYYwx, rir, PcRkyC, MYz, MRqZE, NIjeWd, Afr, vFMvv, fSOXeh, snz, lDsXb, SZGVR, dkNIty, uZy, ngyztk, wGYmg,