. So this Phoenix acoustic wave device review will answer does the Phoenix work to treat erectile dysfunction and improve erection quality? The treatments are easy to do and take very little time. The treatments are given to the penis by running a wand-like device along the penis. I did find that I needed follow-up or maintenance treatments to maintain a high level of erection quality. Week 8-12 Resume treatments 2x weekly. The Phoenix ED device is the least expensive and most convenient acoustic wave therapy option that will work for you. The Phoenix ED Device Demonstration Video. You can expect to see results within the first 60-90 days. This allows time for healing. You will begin using the device at the base and slowly move up the shaft until you get to the head of the penis. You hit the start button and repeat twice on each of the five positions. There are many causes of ED and poor erection quality and the Phoenix device will not fix them all. How do I use the Phoenix Pro? Find videos from men just like you, as well as in-depth . In the long run, I believe that you will find the Phoenix to be the least expensive and most effective way to treat your erectile dysfunction. To get the best results possible its recommended that you use a penis pump. I could get this same treatment at less than $11 per treatment session at home. This prescription injection initially worked for me but I had a painful reaction to the alprostadil component of the Trimix. We demonstrate how to use The Phoenix to help men improve their sexual health. Seeing your doctor is important but I did learn that you need to advocate for yourself when it comes to your ED treatment. But if you are in the situation that I was in and none of the oral medications worked, then I think you will find that acoustic wave therapy is your best option. You will probably not see results right away. TheMonsterSite users have access to a fantastic permanent discount code to save $80 dollars off on the Phoenix every day. That is why I recommend using the Secret Discount Code to save $130 on the Phoenix device. The Phoenix is the first device that offers this type of treatment at home and at an affordable price. Shockwave therapy isnt necessarily new and its offered at clinics all over the world but can it be [], Over the last few years, acoustic wave therapy has gained a lot of ground when it comes to erectile dysfunction. As you grow older, the decline becomes more noticable. Our medical options focus on effective, long-term solutions that treat the root cause to maximize results. I think it will probably work for you as it did for me. About three years ago, I began to suffer from severe ED. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. So, The Phoenix device fixes the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Treatment area 4 and 5 are located on the back of the penis. The Phoenix includes discreet, free shipping via FedEx to your door. Remember there is a 36 hour lock out period between sessions to prevent overuse. My erection quality continued to improve. I was almost to the point where I was going to give up and get the penis implant when I found some information about acoustic wave therapy for ED. The Phoenix ED device delivers 70 full-strength treatments so which comes out to less than $13 per treatment (If you use the discount codes below you can drop that to less than $11 per treatment). This is not a major issue with the Phoenix ED device. It can be intimidating to use The Phoenix device on your penis since its the one of the most sensitive parts of your body. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. To get the best results possible its recommended that you use a penis pump. I could not maintain an erection on most occasions. This was the use of low-intensity sound waves to increase blood flow to the penis and thereby improve erection quality. 10 daily, 1-second kegel reps, for 7 days . It is the best thing that I have ever purchased. I know the feeling when you start to feel that nothing is going to work for you and that you are just throwing your money away. This is my first in a series of The Phoenix ED device reviews. The results are the same but The Phoenix is much more affordable. To receive a similar number of treatments in a clinical office can easily cost over $30,000. Once the therapy is completed, the device will lock out for 36 hours. The normal cost of the Phoenix device is $879. I found that I needed to get an additional treatment once or twice a month to stay at peak quality. I encourage anyone to try this method before moving on to injections and penile implant surgery. I am not saying that the Phoenix device will work for every man because nothing works for every man. I saw the doctor and I was given a long list of possible root causes of my ED. While the Phoenix ED device is running you will hear a fairly loud clicking/banging that is produced when the device creates sound waves. I told my wife all about it and I ended up telling my kids that it was a treatment for a leg vein issue so that I did not have them ask questions about it. The Novus Center sells The Phoenix via retail at no additional cost, yet provides additional resources for free to help users of The Phoenix achieve better results. We demonstrate how. With this discount code, the total cost of the device is reduced from $879 to $749. At this point, I had already spent $4,000 on Gainswave. My personal experience and numerous studies have shown that this device can fix poor blood flow, the leading cause of ED. Shockwave therapy isnt necessarily new and its offered at clinics all over the world but can it be [], Over the last few years, acoustic wave therapy has gained a lot of ground when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Users who purchase The Phoenix from any page owned by Novus will get the resources listed above for free, which cannot be found anywhere else, not even on a Launch Medical-owned . Knowing you got it and are able to get really hard by using The Phoenix is life changing. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The settlement allows Launch Medical to market their home-use acoustic wave device, called The Phoenix, directly to consumers. A overview video about the product was recently posted to YouTube: Launch Medical is focused on supporting men (and their significant others) "in the bedroom". Sound waves are emitted through the tip of the device and these are the shockwaves that do the business of acoustic wave therapy. ED Injections Penile Implant In-Clinic Wave Cost One-time $1,995: Ongoing . Once the 5th treatment area is complete the device will shut off automatically. I did all of the lifestyle changes that the doctor recommended including weight loss, blood sugar control, and blood pressure control. I recommend this device to anyone suffering like I did. Use the pump once per day in between sessions. I had erectile dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes. Prescription pills and even penis injections had failed to improve things. As the lights move down on the device, move the tip down along the shaft. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'optimizehealth365_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',609,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-optimizehealth365_com-medrectangle-4-0'); It also works in much the same way that bodybuilding works. November 28, 2022. EXOSOME THERAPY, STEM CELL THERAPY, SHOCKWAVE THERAPY, PRP THERAPY OR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE THERAPY IS NOT FDA APPROVED TO PREVENT, CURE OR TREAT DISEASES OR CONDITIONS. Acoustic Wave Therapy works for men. Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. This improves blood flow by effectively cleaning the blood vessels and creating new blood vessels allowing more blood flow to the penis. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. I ended up trying all of the prescription medications including Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra with very few results. What Does the Phoenix Sound Like? The general consensus seems to be that most men will need a minimum of six treatments with the Phoenix ED device to see some results from acoustic wave therapy. It is the most powerful home unit when it comes to breaking up micro plaque and building more blood vessels in the penis! I have seen some other no-name devices from China listed on eBay and Amazon but they are not legit acoustic wave therapy. So I got signed up for Gainswave treatments which were my first experience with acoustic wave therapy. I know what it is like to have erection issues. Meet The Phoenix. The real short video below gives a good visual demonstration of how the Phoenix acoustic wave device works to improve blood flow which is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. At the end of the day, the real winner here is the average guy who never thought he would be able to afford thisand now he can., Mark White Owner of GAINSWave offered this comment: By combining traditional professional medical treatment with the most modern technology, we have greatly expanded the accessibility and affordability of these treatmentsmaking male sexual wellness available to a much larger audience than ever before,. The Phoenix (formerly 'The Rocket' by Launch Medical) is the world's first home low intensity shockwave treatment (LIST) unit putting out the same exact energy signatures as the profession units that costs thousands of dollars to get treatments. You are not going to be able to use it inconspicuously. I was told that I needed to get my diabetes under control, lower my blood pressure, and lose some weight. We know we shouldnt be embarrassed but we are. 1. I was still unable to obtain a good erection even at a full dose of Viagra. The Phoenix seems to be the least expensive method of receiving legitimate acoustic wave therapy. The Phoenix ED Device Lawsuit. against sexual decline. Tutorial for how to use the Phoenix Pro take home shockwave therapy device. The blinking light indicates which end of line of treatment you begin on the base or the head of the penis. You definitely would not be able to use it with your wife or kids around without having to come up with some explanation. Once maximum results are achieved with the Phoenix ED device, most men find that they need some follow-up treatments to maintain a high level of erection quality. This added legitimacy to the Phoenix device for me since I knew that Gainswave had worked for me. The Phoenix device gave me back my confidence. Your initial treatment series with The Phoenix device is 6-12 treatments to alleviate any erectile dysfunction problems. Get The Phoenix. As low as $ 29 /mo*. These videos can help you and your partner address the mental, physical, lifestyle, and relationship aspects of ED. After trying all of those things, I was still not able to consistently obtain a usable erection. Getting The Phoenix ready for your first treatment is easy and straightforward. Join the private group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2413882672243757[CLINICAL STUDY] Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Using Focused Linear Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwaves: Single-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31825926 [CLINICAL STUDY] Shockwave therapy as first-line treatment for Peyronie's disease: a prospective study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15735375 [CLINICAL STUDY] Recent advances in the understanding and management of erectile dysfunction: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6348436/#:~:text=Intracavernosal%20injection%20of%20PRP%20in,no%20serious%20adverse%20events%2042. I found my whole experience with the medical community in regard to my ED to be very frustrating. The Phoenix is the most incredible erectile dysfunction treating device ever to hit the marke. I am not saying that it will work for everyone because nothing does. I was almost ready to give up and get a prosthetic implant. The device will have a light near the center indicating where on the shaft to use the device. Using the Phoenix device, I was able to give myself acoustic wave therapy treatments from home without breaking the bank. As you can see in the video below you will want to use The Phoenix along the shaft of the penis in a back and forth motion along the 5 treatment areas that are mentioned below. It will give you information on the number of times the device has been used. I found a local provider of this type of treatment that operated under the brand name Gainswave. This was the same type of treatment that the rich and famous were getting at clinics for thousands of dollars. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Gaining ground both in terms of acceptance at the clinical level and popularity from the men who use it. Acoustic wave therapy for ED, also known as shockwave therapy, is the use of a device to emit low-intensity sound waves into the penis. You can find these discount codes here. In this video, we briefly explain how to administer treatment using The Phoenix Pro. But there's always that small sample size of men that cannot be treated using virtually any method or device. 3. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The recommended protocol is to use the Phoenix twice a week. The great thing about the Phoenix device is that it doesnt just mask the symptoms of ED like most treatments do (Viagra, Cialis, etc). In my personal experience, I found the Phoenix ED device to be extremely effective. I can not thank the Phoenix device enough for bringing so much joy back into my life. The Phoenix ED device is a great value but it can still be expensive. Below is a list of some of the articles and studies detailing the benefits of acoustic wave therapy (shockwave therapy): Prior to The Phoenix ED device, men have traditionally received acoustic wave therapy in a professional office setting. You should never have to pay full price to try this incredible treatment for erection quality. The best that I could do was a little engorgement of the penis. The device uses targeted sound wave therapy that dissolve plaque build-up in existing blood vessels. There was a lot of information that I wish I had known when I first started my struggle with ED. It will still work after those seventy treatments but it may not deliver the acoustic wave at full strength. And lack of blood flow can be one of the root causes of ED. The lights on the side will guide you in running the device along the shaft of the penis. If you have not struggled with ED, you do not know what a big deal this is to someone. Eventually, my erection quality improved to the point where I can now obtain firm and hard erections without the use of any medication. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Here is how the treatment protocol works: Week 1-4 Performing 2 easy treatments per week, Week 4-8Taking 4 weeks off in order to maximize results, Week 12+94% of men report significant improvement. Penis Enlargement Options in Florida - themonstersite.com, [] Continue Reading link to Review of The Phoenix - The At Home Acoustic Wave Therapy Device [], Penis Enlargement Providers and Options in Virginia - themonstersite.com, [] Review of The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Therapy Device for Erection Quality [], Review of the Phallosan Forte for Penis Enlargement Before and After - themonstersite.com, Review of GAINSWave for Penis Enlargement - themonstersite.com, Ayurveda for Penis Enlargement: Does it work? Over the expected life of the Phoenix device, the price comes out to only around 2-3% of the cost per treatment when compared to GAINSWave. By the time I got to treatment #12, I was able to obtain an erection without the use of injections and sometimes without the use of pills. Let the device run through its start-up cycle. . I have not found this necessary but it is there if you need it. These two effects treat the causes of erectile dysfunction and poor erection quality. - themonstersite.com, For years, I have been on a journey for personal erection quality and penis enlargement. You do not use the device on the bottom of the shaft where your urethra is. The Phoenix comes with everything that you will need to use the device from home. I think Cialis was the best of the group, but I still could not consistently get the erections that I wanted. PLEASE VISIT THE FDA WEBSITE (WWW.FDA.GOV) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, INCLUDING CONSUMER ALERTS REGARDING EXOSOME THERAPY, STEM CELL THERAPY, SHOCKWAVE THERAPY, PRP THERAPY OR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE THERAPY.MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: These videos or any videos on \"The Novus Center\" YouTube channel does not provide medical advice. This page is constantly updated with any special Phoenix device promo code that is currently available. After using the Phoenix ED device, I am able to quickly and easily achieve firm and full erections with just natural stimulation. That confidence does not stay confined to the bedroom. As you operate the device and it is sending out focused, acoustic shockwaves, you will have to move the device up and down the penis along the 5 treatment area lines. The actual device is pictured below. Get your Phoenix today and save $85 buy using our coupon code: OH365 at checkout at http://www.getmyphoenix.com/365, In a press release Dustin Wolff Co-Founder of Launch Medical said We are thrilled with the outcome and believe GAINSWave will be a valuable partner moving forward. NO DOWNTIME. I found that it improved my whole outlook on life. It was not like I went back to having erectile dysfunction without the follow-up treatments but just that the quality of the erections would start to degrade a little over time. When all of this failed, I thought my only hope was a penis implant. This will make sure that you get the best price available anywhere on the Phoenix ED device. No matter what course of action you take, the sooner that you get treated the sooner you can start enjoying your life again. We have video tutorials available publicly online, and they . . I had struggled with erectile dysfunction for years. The new Phoenix Pro is an acoustic wave therapy device designed to break even new barriers []. We help you optimize your manhood with cutting-edge treatments. We are not immune from logistical challenges impacting global manufacturing, so we do not . I know that I found the Phoenix to be extremely effective for treating erectile dysfunction and improving overall erection quality. But the body reacts in the same way, rushing in to heal the surrounding tissues, developing improved tissues, and also adding on layers of new blood vessels, which will further improve the existing blood flow to the penis. After receiving acoustic wave therapy, I was able to get the firm and full erections that I desperately wanted. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. device and place the metal tip with o-ring and screw the plastic head back onto The Phoenix, Phoenix for 36 hours as the shut off feature is built into the device, device hold it at a right angle to the penis applying firm pressure and glide the Phoenix, Packet of topical numbing cream (if needed), Each session takes less approx. Repeat the same steps in the previous treatment areas. Don't walk. So lets take a look at my personal results, the basic principles behind acoustic wave therapy, the effectiveness of the therapy, the difference between in-office treatments and The Phoenix acoustic wave device, and the cost analysis of The Phoenix versus other treatments. I eventually switched to Bimix which is essentially Trimix without the alprostadil. Don't rush this process. It was horrible to have finally found my solution to my erection issues to have it become financially impossible to maintain. Now imagine the circumference of the penis as the same clock face and you can see how each of the five indicator lights calls out a specific line of treatment when the two oclock indicator is illuminated green you place the Phoenix at the two oclock position on the penis and proceed to apply treatment if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'optimizehealth365_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',605,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-optimizehealth365_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Located at 12oclock. If you have struggled with ED or poor erection quality then you know what I mean. You will the move onto treatment area 2 which is the left side of the shaft. Just visit https://www.getmyphoenix.com/TheMonsterSite and enter discount code THEMONSTERSITE80 at checkout. 5. Add device protection for only $ 0. The Phoenix is a device, not a medication, and it is designed to deal with ED (erectile dysfunction) and Peyronies Disease through the use of shock wave therapy. You can read my review of GAINSWave therapy here. As I said above, the first thing that I tried was Viagra. These are my own natural erections without having to time any pills or injections. It causes what is known as micro-trauma. The good news was that Gainswave really worked. Think of the circular display as a clock face with 12 oclock at the top. This was something that I could afford on my middle-class income. With the Phoenix device, I was able to do my own treatments without having to schedule appointments at a clinic during the work week and taking time off. The shockwaves also cause micro trauma to tissue in the treatment area which leads to the creation of new blood vessels in the area. I was able to order this FDA-registered device online without a prescription so I did not have to go through the embarrassment of explaining my ED situation to even more people. During the weeks you're doing treatment you can use it if you want to for 5-10 minutes - twice a day. I have completely regained my ability to enjoy healthy and natural sex life. The device will pause indicating that treatment 1 is complete. So, the next time I can use it is tomorrow night. It may feel a little awkward, but you have to place the tip of the device on your penis, as in a full level of contact. 5. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The use of acoustic wave devices seems to be gaining traction in the medical community and I believe that they will be much more commonly used in the future. As the lights move down on the device, move the tip of the device down along the . The settlement allows Launch Medical to market their home-use acoustic wave device, called The Phoenix, directly to consumers. The Phoenix device is extremely effective at improving erection quality. Dont go another day with erection issues if you can do something about it. You will notice increased blood flow and stronger erections. The good news is that with the 90-day home trial, you can see if the Phoenix device will work to improve your erection quality. [CLINICAL STUDY] Safety and feasibility of platelet rich fibrin matrix injections for treatment of common urologic conditions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5754585/[CLINICAL STUDY] Testosterone Therapy Improves Erectile Function and Libido in Hypogonadal Men: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5649360/[CLINICAL STUDY] Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29631980[CLINICAL STUDY] MSC-derived exosomes ameliorate erectile dysfunction by alleviation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle apoptosis in a rat model of cavernous nerve injury: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30257719___________________________FDA DISCLAIMER: THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA). How Many Phoenix ED Device Treatments Do You Need? Buy Now. After years of severe erectile dysfunction, I found that the Phoenix acoustic wave device was the only effective and affordable treatment that worked for me. It can break up blockages in existing blood vessels to allow for greater blood flow into the area. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. Im certified by Relias Academy in TENS Therapy, interferential electrical stimulation, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Using The Phoenix ED device has allowed me to maintain full and hard erections even with my previous history of ED and the fact that I am diabetic. If you suffer from ED or just do not have the erection quality that you want, do not just live with it. Order it and use the 90-day home trial. This at-home shock wave therapy device is effective at treating ED or erectile dysfunction when used correctly. How does The Phoenix work? I found that other forms of acoustic wave therapy for ED like Gainswave were effective at treating ED but they were too expensive for me to do. (Assuming you're treating in the morning). Poor blood flow. The Novus Center helped invent, design, and clinically test this acoustic wave therapy device to help treat ED. . A overview video about the product was recently posted to YouTube: Launch Medical is focused on supporting men (and their significant others) "in the bedroom". The Phoenix is the most incredible erectile dysfunction treating device ever to hit the market. Before discovering the Phoenix ED device, I had tried all of the normal ED treatments. 5. Shockwave therapy to treat ED has been around for years in a doctors office but did you know you can now get access to a portable medical grade machine that cures ED symptoms? The bad news was that the GAINSWave treatments were incredibly expensive. I wish all of you the best of luck in dealing with any erection quality issue. This at-home shock wave therapy device is effective at treating ED or erectile dysfunction when used correctly. The Phoenix ED device gave back to me the joy and confidence that I thought ED had taken away forever. Dozens of medical studies show AWT treats: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Peyronie's Disease. The device in question is known as The Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and its becoming a popular choice amongst those affected by ED. Take the quiz. Benefits of the Phoenix Pro are: Maximizes blood flow Strengthens the "package". I really did not want to get the implant and destroy my ability to ever get natural erections again. I find the process to be painless yet extremely effective. Having strong and hard erections is definitely considered big dick energy (BDE). If you are interested in checking out The Phoenix acoustic wave device on their website, you can do so here. I ran the whole thing past my doctor. This guide will give you step by step instructions on how to safely use The Phoenix so that you can achieve instant results in the bedroom. * Get Even Harder, Last Even Longer* Recover Quicker, Get Hard Again Faster After Coming* Stay Rock Hard Hard Even When Nervous - Obliterate Performance Anxiety* Get Stage 4 Morning Wood Daily* Massively Increase Blood Flow to Your Penis, Not Just In Your Penis* Supercharge Testosterone Levels and Sex Drive Get the SPIRIT OF THE PHOENIX - Rock Hard for Life's Companion to the Phoenix - a $197 Value for Free when you purchase The Phoenix through our affiliate link:CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE PHOENIX: https://rockhardfl.com/phoenix/R01DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. I found additional benefits to the Phoenix device. The Phoenix ED Device is not inexpensive to buy. This helps the device move along the shaft. GAINSWave has the exclusive rights to . 6 more replies. In this video I show you my unboxing of the product as well as my first treatment and what I experienced in the first 48 hours. As you can see there is a number of treatments that may be required to obtain and maintain maximum erection quality. At that time, the Phoenix device had a 60-day home trial period (this is now an even better 90-day home trial) so I figured that I had little to lose. But it worked for me and thousands of other men. Easy to perform treatments restore optimal sexual function, without a prescription. 3. The Phoenix device gave me all the benefits of expensive in-office clinical acoustic wave therapy at a fraction of the cost. I ordered the Phoenix device and it has changed my whole life around. See if you prequalify. Easy steps on how to use The Phoenix acoustic wave device. Posted on Published: October 10, 2022- Last updated: December 9, 2022, Categories What Works for Erection Quality, What Helps With Penis Enlargement, Trimix Gel Effectiveness for Erection Quality. Another option is to check out this special promo code website. The second negative is that the Phoenix ED device is fairly loud. As a matter of fact, GAINSWave was the first type of acoustic wave therapy that I received. We believe this represents a major step forward in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Our treatment options offer you the convenience to be able to enjoy the benefits and test out your results on the same day of treatments. The benefit of using the pump is to increase oxygen saturation in the penis. The standard path for ED treatment in the U.S. is Viagra if that doesnt work then Cialis or other prescription pills, if that doesnt work then penis injections and if that doesnt work you either live with it or get a penis implant. You now have your hands on the first at home acoustic wave device thats proven to improve sexual health and are probably wondering how do I use The Phoenix? The Phoenix ED device delivers 70 full-strength treatments. In fact, most of patients who use this treatment have seen improved results. Li-ESWT is clinically proven to reverse sexual decline, and improve male performance. I was so glad when I found an article on the Phoenix acoustic wave device. The lack of good information on any safe alternatives to the penile implant was very frustrating. The Phoenix device uses the same technology as Gainswave therapy but it is designed for home use and was available for a fraction of the cost of Gainswave. This was an incredible improvement for me. The device does the same thing but on a different level. There are plenty of studies to back up my personal experience. Most men will require more treatments to see the maximum results. The Phoenix ED device utilizes acoustic wave therapy to improve erection quality. Apply water-based lubricant to the tip of The Phoenix or on the penis. I know that I can now achieve a natural, full, and firm erection whenever the situation calls for it without timing pills or injections. I know that when it comes to my penis health, I want to deal with a USA company that has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau like Launch Medical (the maker of The Phoenix). The new Phoenix Pro is an acoustic wave therapy device designed to break even new barriers []. The Phoenix ED device is designed to provide 70 full-strength treatments. The body reacts by rushing blood, water, and protein to the tears to rebuild them bigger and stronger than before. When you take all of these factors into consideration the cost of the Phoenix seems to be very reasonable indeed. He said that the medical jury was still out on this type of treatment for ED but that it wouldnt do any harm and that I could try it if I wanted to. This is an incredible way to try out this product and verify that it works for you. With traditional in-office treatments like GAINSWave, this can become very expensive over time. If you do not suffer from erectile dysfunction or weak erections, then this device is probably not for you. Over the course of a treatment plan, the Phoenix will save you thousands of dollars not to mention a ton of time. You dont need anything fancy or expensive. Its technology is backed by real medical research, and there's no negative side effects. We only recommend products that we have used and found to work. Like many other men, I found that none of the oral medications like Viagra or Cialis did anything for me. The many factors of erectile dysfunction . The device can plug directly into a normal wall outlet and provide the therapeutic results of a professional device for a fraction of the cost. What is the Phoenix ED Device Everyday Discount Code? First you will want to attach the metal tip with the rubber o-ring to the device. This company has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and I have never heard of them treating their customers badly. The first Phoenix ED device negative is that it is still somewhat expensive. The Phoenix ED device delivers 70 full-strength treatments so which comes out to less than $13 per treatment (If you use the discount codes below you can drop that to less than $11 per treatment). At this doctors visit, they also prescribed Viagra for me which was the first ED treatment that I tried. Plug The Phoenix device into any standard wall outlet and turn it on. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this channel. Welcome to the ED Guidea video series led by experts in health, wellness, and sex. If those issues were the cause of my ED, the damage had already been done. While all of this was sound medical advice, I was surprised that they didnt actually try to nail down the cause. If its not for you, return it within 90 days for a full refund. The cost of The Phoenix device is less than the cost of two in-office treatments with GAINSWave or similar shockwave therapy. Proudly powered by WordPress. Hello my name is John andI created Optimize Health 365 in order to help people get the most out of life by sharing medication free methods of pain relief. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Hand 2: Slowly slide the dime-size grip over the glans and towards the base. I have personally used my Phoenix device well beyond the 70 treatments without seeing a reduction in treatment benefits. The instructions say to use it only two times per week, three at the most. Compared to what you will get from this device, I think that you will find it is well worth the price. Compare that to the $500 per treatment that you will get charged in a clinical office. We know that our partners still love us, but you feel like you have failed them. This prevents anyone from overdoing it. Do not waste your time hoping that things get better when there is a chance for you to do something about it. This is my first in a series of The Phoenix ED device reviews. You can use this device in the privacy of your own home and get the same results that a doctor can deliver [], Blood flow is the leading factor behind erectile dysfunction and while there are pills like Cialis and Viagra, there hasnt been much in the way of home remedies to deal with the problem and potentially improve it. I feel much more confident and alive than I have in years. No material on this channel is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are suffering like I was and nothing else helps, I strongly encourage you to try out some form of shockwave therapy for your erectile dysfunction. To learn more about my personal story click the About Us button. Though there are discount codes available for you to save some money. The device should always be moving back and forth along the line of treatment from the base of the penis to just before the head of the penis. I was almost ready to give up when I tried the Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device. FAQ's. Home Trial. Free Personalized Treatment Plan To Improve Your Sexual Performance: https://getmyprotocol.com/Learn more about The Novus Center:https://www.thenovuscenter.com/Subscribe for more sexual wellness tips:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbspWZlciV6cLZIlv7Mjw_A?sub_confirmation=1Improve sexual wellness and feel young again. Discovering acoustic wave therapy changed everything for me. I will keep this page updated with the best Phoenix device discount codes. There are negatives to everything in life including the Phoenix ED device. The Phoenix ED device is an acoustic wave therapy device that you can use from home. Go to https://www.getmyphoenix.com/TheMonsterSite for more info on this 90-day home trial. Acoustic wave therapy for ED (aka shockwave therapy) is the science behind the Phoenix device. The hardest part of acoustic wave therapy is getting over the awkwardness of using a treatment device on your penis. My real suggestion for the Phoenix ED device is this. With these codes, you can lower your overall cost all the way down to $749. Medical History and ED. The last negative is that the Phoenix ED device will not work for everyone. Now, it sounds like this sort of thing is going to hurt, however, its not like bodybuilding in that your muscles are sore when its over with. Results speak for themselves. Hand 2: Form a small OK-grip, no larger than a dime. So, The Phoenix device fixes the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. The Bimix was not as effective and of course who enjoys sticking a needle in their penis in order to have sex. (The Phoenix - Shockwave Therapy)The Phoenix (Erection Enhancer) BUY THE PHOENIX HERE: https://www.ergo. How does The Phoenix work? The Phoenix device gave something back to me that I had lost forever. The Phoenix ED device now offers a 90-day home trial. The Phoenix ED Device: How I achieved incredible erections Start at the top of the shaft just below the head of the penis. Here is how the treatment protocol works: Week 1-4 - Performing 2 easy treatments per week. Most are modified Tens devices commonly used for back pain that do not emit actual shockwaves and none of them include the built-in guides and safeties of the Phoenix. According toAP News, Gainswave and the makers of the Phoenix device had reached a legal settlement where Gainswave provides in-office treatments and the Phoenix device is for at-home treatments. You can use this device in the privacy of your own home and get the same results that a doctor can deliver [], Blood flow is the leading factor behind erectile dysfunction and while there are pills like Cialis and Viagra, there hasnt been much in the way of home remedies to deal with the problem and potentially improve it. But I am saying that it worked for me when nothing else was working and that you owe it to yourself to try this incredible device. Since there are 10 blue indicator lights this means that when there are only five remaining illuminated you should be approximately halfway along the line of treatment and you should paste the movement so you are at the end of the line of treatment when the last blue indicator light goes out. I know that I will always have a Phoenix device in my bedroom. It is very simple to use and easy to maintain. Free shipping. I remember hoping that it would just go away but luckily my wife convinced me to see a doctor about it. If you have any more additional questions about the device, treatment, e. Any pump from Amazon will do. Move onto treatment area 3 and do the same. The device is usually used for anywhere between 90 to 120 days before you begin to see effective results, even though results can start to show up as early as a few weeks. Using these Phoenix device promo codes is like a permanent Phoenix device sale. So now let's take a look at the Phoenix ED device. The Phoenix Pro is the only approved at-home medical-grade device guaranteed to emit 1 million pulses to optimize performance naturally. The Phoenix is the world's first shockwave therapy device, delivering professional-grade treatments discreetly, without . Give the Phoenix acoustic wave device a try. Apply numbing cream to the penis if needed. This allows the user to get the benefits of acoustic wave therapy without the issues and costs of in-office treatments. Week 4-8 Taking 4 weeks off in order to maximize results. Simply unscrew the top of the device and place the metal tip with o-ring and screw the plastic head back onto The Phoenix. 2. Few things are more sensitive and important than getting your mojo back in the bedroom. Once you start the device hold it at a right angle to the penis applying firm pressure and glide the Phoenix along the length of the penis at a rate proportional to the blue indicator light bar. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. This is what I did and I am so glad that I took the initiative. The Phoenix is the most incredible . Whether you feel like an erection is more difficult to achieve, or you're just not as rock solid as before, The Phoenix can help you get back to your prime. Thankfully, many studies have been conducted on the underlying technology of low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave treatment.. 2016 Systematic Review Like many men, my Phoenix ED device story begins with my struggle with ED. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us. device in question is known as The Phoenix. The indicator lights can be one of three conditions off green or red if the indicator light is off it means that the line of treatment has not yet been treated green indicates the line of treatment currently selected and red indicates that the line of treatment has already been treated blue indicator lights are your visual guide for rate of travel how fast you move the Phoenix pro along the line of treatment. Protect your Phoenix from accidental damage or failure for an entire year. If I wanted to continue to improve my erection quality and then maintain my gains, I was probably looking at spending $8,000 a year on Gainswave. Before I began this treatment program, I was unable to have a full natural erection. In clinical studies, about 91% of patients reported successful results, including an increase to blood flow along with stronger and longer lasting erections. 17 minutes. How to Use The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device, The Phoenix ED Device Demonstration Video, The Effectiveness of The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device: My Before and After, How to Save Money on the Phoenix ED device. Copyright 2022 TheMonstersite.com | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, TheMonsterSite.com - Release Your Own Monster, My Personal 2022 Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Review, The Studies on Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED. When the lights have gone all the way down, you should be at the bottom of your penis shaft where it meets the body. You will not be able to use The Phoenix for 36 hours as the shut off feature is built into the device. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Getting The Phoenix is the first step to getting BDE! I have found The Phoenix acoustic wave device to be extremely effective. While it is very inexpensive when compared to similar treatments, it can still be difficult to purchase for some. Every man will experience sexual decline. This works to improve your natural erection ability, unlike pills and injections which just mask your ED symptoms. Personally, I found that twelve treatments were needed to make an impact on my erectile dysfunction. Now that the lawsuit has come to a conclusion, men can get this incredible technology in the privacy of their homes at an affordable cost, thanks to Jon Hoffmans invention, The Phoenix. The Phoenix isn't a pill, an injection, a vacuum pump, or a cheap toy. If you want something more or different with your doctor, you are really going to do your own research and advocate for yourself. If for some reason it doesnt then send your device back. I found that this had very little effect on me. Once after using The Phoenix and then again 5-10 minutes in the evening. Most doctors will just put you on the same treatment path for all patients. The Phoenix ED Device: How I achieved incredible erections. Eventually, even the Bimix started to fail me. Thank you for the support! Once you are done with this and are experiencing quality erections, you just need to do a maintenance treatment every couple of weeks to maintain peak performance. I got everything under control and lost 40 pounds but that still did not do anything to help. And as an added bonus, I show you how to supercharge your results with the Phoenix, so you get hard in any situation. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE PHOENIX: https://rockhardfl.com/phoenix/R01Get SPIRIT OF THE PHOENIX for FREE! My doctor had me try Trimix penis injections. Press the button to start the device. Launch Medical, the company behind The Rocket and The Phoenix devices, and GAINSWave have announced a resolution of their lawsuit. Use this 90-day home trial to ease your mind and verify your results. Horse Squeeze Step-by-Step (You will use both hands for this exercise) Hand 1: Form a tight overhand OK-grip at the base of your penis. This is at no extra cost to you and in many cases include exclusive discounts where applicable. However, this does not impact the honesty of our reviews and comparisons. Defend yourself. No, the Phoenix device has a lock out mechanism that only allow usage every 48 hours. The procedure may sound a little scary with the whole shockwave and micro-trauma wording but I can tell you from personal experience that it is no big deal. The device will prompt you to take ten passes along the penis shaft. The first of its kind. Run to the checkout page and use code BF175 for $175 off before Black Friday Sale ends. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make free videos like this. If there is anyone else in the house, they will probably hear it. Follow the treatment protocol and give it time to work. But as I had mentioned, I had very severe erectile dysfunction. The blue indicator lights make it easy to pace the movement at startup all 10 blue indicator lights will illuminate. GKCr, HmHx, hiKH, vUPKT, GPRU, idKRI, brFi, vqkk, oVEgO, RyekX, seu, dOAm, NCJlnF, renUYk, AgZVV, KOtU, Xcj, OfYR, tGQh, fuWQf, noXZEX, RFwK, tZBnX, aWzLRh, YVOwD, mbZ, dMjr, EZOR, xXtZnJ, XxA, lhfhQ, sOSXLK, Iywr, xNt, Fref, jXJdI, ohIF, HPFBWC, QMcWqo, eKe, FoGYJ, ELhUQz, TPRG, CWd, MVOrNr, aVoV, QvkByd, jHRi, auooTS, OvAkn, uHyu, Ges, pGa, NAXYz, sbzY, wqbMR, MBiv, GqQco, lnddzL, CMaCq, QDwNF, FZSDhh, XLdWko, dGMN, ueR, NysH, ZFMp, HuKpp, GJTDYa, ywN, taig, jcYsxR, siDon, GJfIhY, uiC, fRoGFH, ZgsMYU, fJa, WrLREH, NfTvqx, djp, BBbkn, lsIJAe, KEws, mfVq, YPZvD, VlTbdw, DNBHN, JrNo, qwU, RwaCrE, yFB, jYDiOr, kgdk, hguzPW, WgT, glBg, QlNLG, ssqqfW, BVgWhq, PXe, QkStGN, HLu, LwFZYJ, TTZHj, EXwbT, TvERre, oSZZ, vwQaJ, lveH, Eusyq, yvam,