YAM, R.; GUAN, J.; PUN, K.; TANG, E. (2004). (2018). Journal of International Marketing, 16(1), 438. Academy of Management Journal, 48(6), 9991015. The purchase price includes $178.0 million of cash and $7.0 million of equity. However, technological capability was found to be negatively related to SMEs learning capability; contrary to the views of previous studies (Zawislak et al., 2013; Ray, 2008). The new competitive advantage of automobile manufacturers. DOSI, G. (1998) Sources, procedures, and microeconomic effects of innovation. Effect size indicates the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable due to the changes in the statistical value of R2. Stan Indicators (2005 edition). Where IT investment will likely improve key capabilities versus investment in niche capabilities, How technology change can impact the business, for example replacing a Content Management System may impact an organization's online presence, but it may also show the impact on how we deliver support services to customers. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(3), 9851000. How organizational learning affects a firms flexibility, competitive strategy, and performance. Similarly, technological capability negatively relates to SMEs learning capability (=0.437; t=8.170; p=0.000). Meanwhile, the average number of AI capabilities that organizations use, such as natural-language generation and computer vision, has also doubledfrom 1.9 in 2018 to 3.8 in 2022. (2016). Through relational capability SMEs develops efficient collaborative relationship to acquire new techniques, knowledge. Although the effects of common method bias were not significant in this study, employing multiple sources to collect data may provide a substantial insightful data related to the relationship of these variables under study. Organizational learning capability: A proposal of measurement, Market orientation, learning orientation, and innovation capabilities in SMEs: An extended model, European Journal of International Marketing, How hyper-collaboration accelerates ecosystem innovation, Theory of planned behaviour approach to understand the purchasing behaviour for environmentally sustainable products, Research and Publications WP No. The result of the univariate test reveals nine potential univariate outliers. Similarly, no significant positive relationship of technological capability and SMEs learning capability was reported. These components of technological capabilities are responsible for significant positive variation in firms performance (Bergek et al., 2008). Kumar, B. Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. Geisser, S. (1974). Therefore, technological capability and relational capability are essential dynamic capabilities that enable firms to achieve and maintain sustainable competitive advantage and superior performance in competitive global business environment (Yang, Xie, Liu, & Duan, 2018; Wang, Lo, Zhang, & Xue, 2006; Teece et al., 1997). Technological capability concerns directly R&D activities, which facilitate the creation of new products. DOI:10.1016/0024-6301(93)90208-W, DE BRENTANI, U.; KLEINSCHMIDT, E. J. This is essential for SMEs in developing economies that are constrained by a chain of insufficient human capital, inefficient technological, collaborative and innovative capabilities. However, small and medium-sized . R A high level of technological capability can prevent product innovation due to the U-shaped (Zhou & Wu, 2010) or bell-shaped relationship (Wu, 2014) that is influenced by the type of innovation (incremental or radical) used by a company (Zhou & Wu, 2010). The aim of this article is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the role of technological capability in company internationalization and new product success (NPS). The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 24 (4), p. 316-334. European Journal of Training and Development, 39(7), 628640. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(2), 178184, Available from: https://doi.org/10.1057/jibs.2009.88. With greater technological capability, firms have more unique resources and skills and engage in more strategic activities and thus can gain competitive advantages and increase their profitability while enhancing their organizational performance. Technological Competences: A Systematic Review of the Literature in 22 Years of Study. ISIC rev. Santos, J. The aim of this article is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the role of technological capability in company internationalization and NPS. Akgn, A. E., Keskin, H., Byrne, J. C., & Aren, S. (2007). Nevertheless, it may not be easy for a firm to exploit such strategic benefits without relational capability. Strategic learning capability: Through the lens of environmental jolts. Haeussler, Patzelt, and Zahra (2012) studied the role of strategic alliances in generating partnerships of higher value. NPS in a market depends on the ability of a firm to combine resources (including technology) and turn them into valuable products by facilitating their marketing (Nerkar & Roberts, 2004). In this sense, the local operations of the firm can be a strategic limiter, affecting NPS and the intensive use of technological capability by the company. Goh, S. C., Elliott, C., & Quon, T. K. (2012). Specifically, Bauchi state was selected from north-east, while Kano and Niger states were selected to represent north-west and north-central, respectively. Customer focus, supply-chain relational capabilities and performance: Evidence from US manufacturing industries. REICHERT, F. M; BELTRAME, R.; CORSO, K.; TREVISAN, M.; ZAWISLAK, P. (2011). (1986) Determinants of new product outcome in a developing country: A longitudinal analysis. OECD (2011). technological capability, firm economic performance, emerging economy, low-technology intensity. However, SMEs in Nigeria must adjust their strategic technological planning to ensure substantial investment in R&D, continuous training and applying innovative technology to problem solving process that improves learning to enhance performance. Strategic Management Journal, 17 (nmero especial), p. 109-122. Research Policy, 15, 285-305. Technological capability allows SMEs firms to enhance internal process, which ultimately minimize the cost of operations, logistic and manufacturing processes for achieving competitive performance (Song, Nason, & Di Benedetto, 2008). The lack of technological capability accumulation (Jonker, Romijn & Szirmai, 2006) can compromise firm internationalization (Kylheiko et al., 2011). KIM, L. (1999). Prieto, I. M., & Revilla, E. (2006). Learning capability and Nigerian SMEs marketing innovation: The moderating influence of dynamic business environment. Technological capability is crucial to firm internationalization, allowing the formation of joint ventures and strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions (Duysters & Hagedoorn, 2000; Haeussler, Patzelt & Zahra, 2012; Garca, Avella & Fernndez, 2012), increased productivity (Tsai, 2004; Jonker, Romijn & Szirmai, 2006; Garca, Avella & Fernndez, 2012), a level of international competition, entry of foreign investors, increasing exports (Lall, 1992), launching new products (Hsieh, Tsai & Hultink, 2006; Hsieh & Tsai, 2007), and profitability. ***Significant at 0.01, Predicting relevance Q2 (StoneGeissers). Very quickly it is possible to see details such as: Technology weaknesses (i.e. SMEs firms deliberately design and form strategic collaborative relationship to improve the source of competitive advantage (Ziggers & Henseler, 2009). Journal of Business Research, 64 (8) p. 911-918. -M., Aaltonen, K., & Haapasalo, H. (2017). Technological capability has been observed as an important element in the economic growth of a nation, since the development of an enterprise depends on the capability to introduce new products over time. SCHUMPETER, J. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Others have defined technological capability as the ability of firms to manage and generate technological changes (Bell 1984 ). The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), 195213, Available from: https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/3.3.537-a. Determinants of absorptive capacity: The value of technology and market orientation for external knowledge acquisition. The formation of strategic alliances, for example, can be important for product differentiation in global markets (Rao, 2001). Technological capability, agglomeration economies and firm location choice, Regional Studies.This paper argues that a firm's ability to produce and absorb technological knowledge, or technological capability, influences its choice of location among regions characterized by different types of agglomeration. Gray, C. (2006). ZAWISLAK, P. A., ZEN, A. C., FRACASSO, E. M., REICHERT, F. M. and PUFAL, N. A. Economic Analysis Review | Observatorio Econmico | Gestin y Tendencias. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 15, 183-195. The associations among market orientation, technology orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance. A study of success and failure in product innovation: the case of the US electronics industry. The result indicates that technological capability positively and considerably relates to SMEs performance (=0.603; t=8.043; p=0.000), thus H1 is supported. ICT and the New NSW Syllabus Documents Students live in a rapidly changing technological world. The Learning Organization, 13(2), 166185. Rafique, M., Hameed, S., & Agha, M. H. (2018). Technovation, 24, 979-993. Jansen, J. J. P., Van Den Bosch, F. A. J., & Volberda, H. W. (2005). (2011). A five Likert scale survey questionnaire (strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree and strongly agree) was developed to collect the data. Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance. Learning has been established to influence other environmental factors to enhance performance (Escrig, Broch, Gmez, & Alcam, 2016; Malln, Chiva, Alegre, & Guinot, 2015; Hooi & Ngui, 2014; Alegre & Chiva, 2008; Akgn, Keskin, Byrne, & Aren, 2007; Keskin, 2006): Learning capability mediates the relationship between technological capability and SMEs performance. Internationalization has a positive impact on company performance (Vtnen, Podmetina & Pillania, 2009), however, this relationship was not perceived clearly like New Product Success. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 9(4), 2035. These capabilities are therefore considered essential to the adaptation and assimilation of new knowledge and techniques to improve performance. Engaging relevant partners in the process of new product development is strategically sensible, giving the exceptional expertise and resources the firm cannot independently provide. Strong technological capabilities can inhibit the release of new products, increase NPD costs, increase the risk of investment, and generate negative results. Feature Papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and undergo peer review prior to publication. Alegre and Chiva (2008) established that learning capability enhances employees emotional intelligence and job satisfactions. Because out of the box, the BI system doesnt do anything but analyze data. The main limitation of this study is that it only used four databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, and Science Direct). ARCHIBUGI, D.; PIANTA, M. (1996). An assessment of technological competencies on professional service firms business performance. Managing potential and realized absorptive capacity: How do organizational antecedents matter? E-commerce and tech capabilities are typically fragmented across different departments and lack integrated solutions. In this study, relational was established to impact positively on performance through learning capability. Journal of Business Research, 59 (2), p. 225-232. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2005.08.002, CALANTONE, R. J.; DI BENEDETTO, A. The last may or may not relate to national development objectives. Thus, this study hypothesizes that: Technological capability significantly relates to SMEs learning capability. The third step was the choice of search terms, which is carried out in three phases. Hence, learning and knowledge are crucial factors responsible for significant changes in overall performance (Prieto & Revilla, 2006). Bhatnagar, J. (2006) and relational capability and performance sought by Sukoco et al. Currently, to achieve success in the competitive environment, organizations are increasingly developing new products for international markets (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2004). For example, one application could be used for payments to customers, or to run marketing promotions, but could equally be used to do a whole host of other things. Consequently, the stream of future studies should consider replication of this study in different cultural environment, and consider the potential role of other firms strategies, orientation and capabilities such as marketing, absorptive, innovation and management practice. An Organizational Learning Perspective. The survey measurement items of all the variables in this study were adapted from previous literatures. DECAROLIS, D.; DEEDS, D. (1999) The impact of stocks and flows of organizational knowledge on firm performance: An empirical investigation of the biotechnology industry. [tr1] Finally, final considerations arising from the research are approached along with limitations and recommendations for future studies. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 20 (6), p. 444-467. Hence, African countries under the banner of the African Continental Free Trade Agenda have demonstrated commitment to improve the economic and commercial activities of the region through the enhancement of the SMEs firms competitive advantage locally and at global front. 193198). (2014) investigated the moderating effect of technological capability in relation to the performance of new products and strategic direction. The diversification of a companys product portfolio if it operates in the international market increases the chances of selling the products in new markets (Zahra, 1996; Kang & Montoya, 2014), thus contributing to an increase in NPS rates (Ernst, 2002; Nerkar & Roberts, 2004). Journal of Small Business Management, 47 (3), p. 331-369. . Organizational learning capability and battlefield performance: The British army in World War II. This has also been underscored by Ghane and Akhavan (2014), who mentioned that relational capability is critical to the execution of strategy and programs aimed at reducing customers complaints, creating cordial relationship and enhancing satisfaction. 2 International Business Review, 21 (6), p. 1099-1111. International Journal Production Economics, 128, 127-135. (2006) The relationships between resource configurations and launch strategies in Taiwans IC design industry: An exploratory study. Technological capability can be defined as the capability to intensive knowledge to jointly mobilize different resources [tr8] to enable the firm to develop innovative products of success through the implementation of competitive strategies and value creation in a given environment (Garca- Muia & Navas-Lopez, 2007). HALL, L.; BAGCHI-SEN, S. (2002). Ortega (2010) examined variable technological capability in relation to the formation of competitive strategies and firm performance. Technology intensity definition. Looking for research materials? Through technological capability SMEs firm can efficiently acquire, operate and upgrade technologies that can be used to provide product that meet up the changing market demands. Complementary role of organizational learning capability in new service development (NSD) process. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509533. Therefore, SMEs ability to accurately predict and adjust to technological changes, making sufficient investment in research and development, plays a significant role in acquiring, operating and upgrading technological skills, which ultimately improve performance. Cillo, Rialti, Bertoldi, and Ciampi (2019) urged that to survive and succeed in todays rapidly changing technological environment, business firms must effectively develop the capability to exploit and transform idea, information and knowledge from the environment into valuable technological innovation. Firm internationalization can be understood as an antecedent variable of technological capability (Tseng & Chen, 2014). Sukoco, B. M., Hardi, H., & Qomariyah, A. Table V demonstrated a small, substantial and medium effect size of learning capability, technological capability and relational capability on SMEs performance, respectively, based on Cohen (1988) criterion. The second search phase used keywords related to the investigated theme such as: "moderate", "moderating", "moderation", "technological capability", "technology transfer", and "success". Technological capability is key to gaining competitive advantage (Afuah, 2002; Teece, Pisano & Schuen, 1997; Tsai, 2004), as multinational companies seek to accelerate the transfer from technology units located in developed countries to its subsidiaries positioned in developing countries (Niosi, 1999; Chakrabarti & Bhaumik, 2010; Si, Liefner & Wang, 2013), for example: China (Yin, 1992; Chakrabarti & Bhaumik, 2010; Li, 2010), Russia (Vtnen, Podmetina & Pillania, 2009), Mexico, Brazil, and India (Chittoor & Ray, 2007; Dechezleprtre, Glachant & Meniere, 2009). Gesto da Inovao: conceitos, mtricas e experincias de empresas no Brasil. The effect of R&D investment on firm value: An examination of US manufacturing and service industries. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31 (3), p. 516-534. Therefore, it is necessary that a firm seeks internationalization (Garcia, Avella & Fernndez, 2012), since it will open new markets (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2004), increasing the chances of successful innovations (Markman et al., 2005), and therefore the higher success rate of new products (Ernst, 2002). Latent variable techniques of PLSSEM were employed to evaluate the hypotheses developed in this study. (2002). Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que a capacidade tecnolgica pode ser utilizada como varivel moderadora; capacidade tecnolgica considerada um importante elemento de crescimento econmico; facilita a internacionalizao da empresa; pode proporcionar o sucesso de novos produtos; a transferncia de tecnologia auxilia na formao de capacidade tecnolgica, por meio do conhecimento tcito, habilidades e competncias dos funcionrios; em regra, empresas exportadoras apresentam maior capacidade tecnolgica. DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.01.002, HSIEH, M-H.; TSAI, K-H.; HULTINK, E. J. The move will strengthen Accenture Song's (formerly Accenture Interactive) ability to help clients tap data insights and performance marketing to accelerate growth and innovation across Australia and New Zealand. (1995) Trade, Technology and International Competitiveness. (2012). However, learning capability was measured with seven items adapted from the work of Hailekiros and Renyong (2016), which evaluates the degree of SMEs commitment toward the promotion and support of the firms learning process to directly enhance performance and influence other capabilities to improve competitive advantage and performance. Fernanda Maciel Reichert, This press release features multimedia. Technological capability is the ability of the company to execute any relevant technical function, including the ability to develop new products, processes, and technological knowledge in order to obtain higher levels of organizational efficiency (Tsai, 2004). Jan 2020 - Present3 years. However, the company should be cautious with the decision to keep "mature products" and/or generate "new products", because performance portfolios influence companies financial results. Por fim, foi proposto um framework terico, limitao do estudo e sugestes para pesquisas futuras. Song, M., Nason, R. W., & Di Benedetto, C. A. Otherwise f2 shows the variance between Furthermore, the study contributes theoretically, by testing the mediating role of learning capability on relationship between technological capability and performance as suggested by Wang et al. Accordingly, Table VI shows a substantial effect size for both technological capability and relational capability on SMEs learning capability. While many companies have implemented a number of methods and techniques to improve NPD (Montoya-Weiss & Calantone, 1994; Barczak, Griffin & Kahn, 2009), some absolute progress has been developed in recent years to improve the success rate of new products (Barczak, Griffin & Kahn, 2009). The survey results suggest that technological capability can be used as a moderating variable; technological capability is considered an important element of economic growth; it facilitates company internationalization; can provide NPS; technology transfer assists the formation of technological capability through the tacit knowledge, skills, and competencies of staff; as a rule, export companies have greater technological capabilities. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The investment will be made in two new manufacturing facilities at LEAP Lebanon Innovation and Research District of Indiana in Boone County. The fifth step was the preparation of the literature review with a brief conceptual overview, the main gaps, and convergent/divergent results in order to allow a better reflection on the subject investigated. Stone, M. (1974). ([1911] 2008a). SMEs firm that efficiently develop its relational capability creates effective collaboration, which enhances its competitive position. It also impacts positively on firms financial performance (Lado et al., 2011). DOI:10.1016/S0969-5931(01)00033-6, REDDY, N. M.; ZHAO, L. (1990) International technology transfer: A review. Leveraging new knowledge with relational capabilities: An investigation of rural school libraries in southern Portugal. Companies operating internationally have greater profitability and productivity compared to companies selling products only in the domestic market (Vtnen, Podmetina & Pillania, 2009). It is the ability to leverage different IT resources for intangible benefits.[1] The financial performance effects of IT-based supply chain management systems in manufacturing firms, Journal of Operations Management, 25, 806-824. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(4), 1068-1075. Some studies show the technological capability variable with moderating effects (Jabar, Soosay & Santa, 2011), direct effects (Hsieh & Tsai, 2007; Tzokas et al., 2015), or both (Renko, Carsrud & Brnnback, 2009). Pham, T. S. H., Monkhouse, L. L., & Barnes, B. R. (2017). UN-2 The analysis of the result indicates eight factors, which jointly explained 78 percent of the entire variance, with the strongest predictor accounting for 25.964 percent which is substantially below the 50 percent (Kumar, 2012), hence no single factor explained majority variance (50 percent) (MacKenzie & Podsakoff, 2012; Kumar, 2012). Learning capability and business performance: A non-financial and financial assessment. Chen, I. S. N., Fung, P. K. O., & Yuen, S. S. M. (2019). Building . Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. Thus, this study hypothesizes that: Technological capability positively relates to SMEs performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 27 (2) p. 217-233. Research Method for Business, John Wiley, & Sons, Chichester. Mat, A., & Razak, R. C. (2011). in order to improve the attainment of better performance due to the fear of loss of control. In collaborative relationships, information resources of partner firms are integrated and activated through cooperation and interaction with each other to create and share valuable information (Ngugi, Johnsen, & Erdlyi, 2010). Specifically, the six measurement items of SMEs performance adapted from the work of Santos and Brito (2012) examine the extent to which SMEs achieve its main goals of satisfying the needs of various stakeholders. ZAWISLAK, P.; ALVES, A.; TELLO-GAMARRA, J.; BARBIEUX, D.; REICHERT, F. (2012). Research and Publications WP No. (1985) The new product learning cycle. A.; AKBAR, H.; AL-DAJANI, H. (2015) Absorptive capacity and performance: The role of customer relationship and technological capabilities in high-tech SMEs. The last step of the research process involved the development of the synthesis and analysis of results related to the following topics: study limitations, further research, and closing remarks. DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.10.007, DAVIS, J. S. (1988) New Product Success & Failure: Three Case Studies. Cillo, V., Rialti, R., Bertoldi, B., & Ciampi, F. (2019). Technological capability building (TCB) is the process in which development of the abilities to adopt and create new technologies are enhanced (Bhalla, 1996). DOI: 10.1002/smj.4250171110, GROSS, U. Furthermore, the analyses of none response bias between the early and late respondent reveal no significant difference. However, relational capability as VRIN and dynamic capability efficiently influence firm performance with effective complementary capability (Mavondo & Matanda, 2015; Jansen, Van Den Bosch, & Volberda, 2005). O objetivo deste artigo realizar uma reviso sistemtica da literatura sobre o papel da capacitao tecnolgica para a internacionalizao da empresa e sucesso de novos produtos. The existence of risk associated with NPD should not be overlooked (Ernst, 2002). International Marketing Review, 16 (6), p. 476-503. Data of the study were collected once a time on a self-reported technique. A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), Sage Publications, LA, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington, DC and Melbourne. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Wu et al. How the order of market entry influences the relationship between market orientation and new product performance. The impact of technological capability on firm performance in Taiwans electronics industry. The study contributed significantly to the body literature on technological and relational capabilities and performance. (2017), to ascertain how SMEs develop effective collaboration with strategic partners to access information and resource which cannot be independently provided to effectively satisfy the market needs. Introducing a new pioneer product in the market can increase the success rate. UNICAMP, Campinas. Technological capabilities, and firm performance: The case of small manufacturing firms in Japan. Hooi, L. W., & Ngui, K. S. (2014). Does learning capability mediate the relationship between technological capability, learning capability and SMEs performance? A review of technological capability and performance relationship in manufacturing companies. In the first step the overall goal of the study was prepared, as previously mentioned. Relational capability is an essential strategic capability that enables business firms effectively identify, access and acquire technologies and knowledge as well as skills which the firm cannot personally provide (Hietajrvi, Aaltonen, & Haapasalo, 2017). The moderating effect of technological capabilities has been commented on in topic 2.4 of this study. A study of R&D, innovation, and business performance in the Canadian biotechnology industry. (2012) Strategic alliances and product development in high technology new firms: The moderating effect of technological capabilities. The CAL will be a member of the department leadership team responsible for generating work, advising on technical capabilities, and mentoring in the area of OT Counter Measures. The Learning Organization, 19(2), 92108. Learning capability supports firm in improving productivity, sensing market opportunities, adjusting business activities, minimizing cost and new product delivery methods to the market (Sok & OCass, 2011). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090560610702768, of the aircraft engine control system. Hailekiros, G. S., & Renyong, H. (2016). In: HAQUE, I.U. Sok, P., & OCass, A. This is because, fundamentally, software comes in two flavors: the first is designed to do one thing and one thing only, straight out of the box. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99120, Available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/014920639101700108. Technological capabilities and late shakeouts: Industrial dynamics in the advanced gas turbine industry, 1987-2002. Import-led technological capability: a comparative analysis of Indian and Indonesian manufacturing firms. Technovation, 24 (12), p. 979-993. The second contribution indicates that there is theoretical evidence for the moderating effect of technological capacity, as argued by Ortega (2010), Garca, Avella, and Fernndez (2012), Haeussler, Patzelt, and Zahra (2012), Renko, Carsrud, and Brnnback (2009), Wu (2014), and Hsu et al. International Journal of Manpower, 35(7), 973995. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24(4), 573590, Available from: https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/MRR-09-2015-0216. LTC, Rio de Janeiro. (1981). Intense competition has undermined the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies as they try to expand the scope of their operation and market. Inaccurate results can happen for a few reasons: the use of different analytical elements influencing the strength of the moderating variable technological capability; the sample size of the study; geographical restriction of the search and segment; size of the companies surveyed; and the complexity of the relationship between the analysis variables. The influence of relational capability and marketing capabilities on the export performance of emerging market firms. Garca, Avella, and Fernndez (2012) examined the moderating effect of companies with technological capability on the relationship between exporters and productivity. Errors or poor planning during technology transfers can cause some problems, such as environmental pollution (Madu, 1989), dependence on a country importing technology (YIN, 1992), the use of inappropriate technology (Calantone & Di Benedetto, 2012), or selling technology packages (Wei, 1995). Furthermore, the nine items used to measure relational capability in this study were adapted from Pham et al. Technical Capabilities themselves are drawn from industry best practices and specific business needs and are defined for each IT function within the business. Using our . Technovation, 27 (1), p. 30-46. DOI:10.1016/0019-8501(93)90034-5, COOPER, R. G.; KLEINSCHMIDT, E. J. Journal of Business Research, 67 (7), p. 1360-1367. Organizational learning capability and organizational innovation: The moderating role of knowledge inertia. Suggestions for future research are in line with the revised theoretical framework, which can be summarized as follows: i) proposed framework should be tested to verify the theoretical findings shown in this study; ii) further research should be carried out with technological capability as a mediating variable and as a direct effect; iii) it should perform further study on technology transfer, since it affects with technological capability; iv) carry out new studies involving the moderating effect of technological capabilities on the direct relationship between strategic direction and firm performance; v) expand studies on technological variables such as, technological turbulence, technological complexity, and speed technology; vi) develop new research involving the direct relationship between company internationalization and NPS, which may become more obvious factors that contribute to the successful launch of new products in foreign markets; and [tr12] vii) develop new studies on how market orientation and innovation speed can generate important contributions for firm performance. Ziggers, G. W., & Henseler, J. Lado, A. Who are the winners and losers in Africas Continental Free Trade Area? Akeyewale, R. (2018). A set of identified and defined Technical Capabilities is referred to as a Technical Capability model. Factorial analysis of capacity-building needs of small- and medium-scale building contractors in developing countries: Ghana as a case study. Technological capability and firm performance. DOI: 10.1111/1540-5885.1250392, JABAR, J.; SOOSAY, C.; SANTA, R. (2011) Organisational learning as an antecedent of technology transfer and new product development: A study of manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Technological capability is more than the education and training of the firm's employees and includes the learning undergone by the individuals in the course of working with the enterprise and the methodology by which the firm combines and motivates the employees to function as an organization. Technovation, 26 (1), p. 121-134. They refer to applications and infrastructure concepts and are agnostic of any specific business activity. Technological capability is a core resource and distinctive competency that enables firms to create firm value. Each technical capability is unique for the business and is completely product agnostic. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2009.00331.x, BESSANT, J.; RUSH, H. (1995) Building bridges for innovation: the role of consultants in technology transfer. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed., L. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10(1), 4266. Personnel Review, 37(6), 680701. Research Policy, 29 (7-8), p. 895-911. Eli Lilly and Company has announced plans to make an investment of $2.1bn to expand its manufacturing footprint in Indiana, US. 3. Innovation Research Center, Management School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 24(2), 119133, Available from: https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/MRR-09-2015-0216. Thus, SMEs firms in Nigeria may have been experiencing less competitive advantage in relationship with major competitors, who are out to maximize their market shares. In the second step, we tried to select the font search[tr6] , in other words, the databases used for selection and downloading of articles. (2015). Therefore, the creation of strategic relationship encourages efficient communication by ensuring the accuracy and the speedy spread of information and knowledge (Santos-Vijande, Lpez-Snchez, & Trespalacios, 2012). DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.02.033, VTNEN, J.; PODMETINA, D.; PILLANIA, R. K. (2009) Internationalization and Company Performance: A Study of Emerging Russian Multinationals. No reviewed study investigated the moderating effect of technological capabilities on company internationalization and NPS, making this research relevant to academia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(17), 217225. The statistical result shows that technological capability is strategic SMEs capability, which significantly improves performance in todays dynamic and competitive market environment. R&D Productivity: the econometric evidence. CA applications to technology in general, and to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in particular, have also become increasingly widespread. Positive financial results do not mean NPS; however, recent studies show contradictory results (Davis, 1988; Maidique & Zirger, 1985; Nerkar & Roberts, 2004; Baker & Sinkula, 2007; Homburg & Kuehnl, 2014; Gross, 2014). Cluster sampling is a probability sampling technique that is being used in a study that covers a wide geographical area (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013). Therefore, to sufficiently generate rent from relationship with external partners, firms generative learning and integration ability must be effective to create value (Albort-Morant, Leal-Rodrguez, & De Marchi, 2018). Ahmad, N., Othman, S. N., & Mad Lazim, H. (2014). RUFFONI, J.; STEFFANELLO, M.; REICHERT, F.; DE ROSSI, G.; PUFAL, N. (2012, August). One of the world's poorest countries, Vietnam has begun rehabilitation following the Vietnam War. Technological perspective provides insight into how technology works, which informs a constructively critical view of technology, avoids alienation from our technologically-based society and enables Measuring organisational learning capability among the workforce. The result indicates the significant role of learning capability in influencing the negative relationship of SMEs relational capability and performance to significant positive relationship. Technological capability is the ability of the company to execute any relevant technical function, including the ability to develop new products, processes, and technological knowledge in order to obtain higher levels of organizational efficiency (Tsai, 2004). A., Paulraj, A., & Chen, I. J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-627X.2009.00274.x, RODRGUEZ-PINTO, J.; CARBONELL, P.; RODRGUEZ-ESCUDERO, A. I. NIRP (2014). Through effective technological capability, a firm creates and delivers new products and services in better and efficient way that best satisfies the customer needs, thus enhances the overall success of firms new product development and performance (Wang et al., 2006). DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2006.00197.x, HULTINK, E. J.; ROBBEN, H. S. J. If the business prioritizes a specific area, how does that map onto IT systems and processes? Journal of Business, & Industrial Marketing, Available from: https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-03-2017-0081. 2 Company internationalization is important to the launch of new products and contributes to their success. The third theoretical contribution refers to the importance of technology transfer for the formation of technological capability. Uma teoria evolucionria da mudana econmica. Capability Lead - Technology & Intelligence. 2019 Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Facultad de Economa y Negocios. Biometrika, 61(1), 101107, Available from: https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/61.1.101, Ghane, S., & Akhavan, P. (2014). A comparative study of internal and external integration practices in new product and new service development. The influence of relational competencies on supply chain resilience: A relational view. For example, a real estate company buys and sells properties, manages rentals, often has a finance division arranging mortgages, and so on. Nevertheless, extant literatures have established that technological, relational and learning capabilities are valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources and dynamic capabilities that enhance the sustenance of competitive advantage and performance in rapidly changing environment (Yang et al., 2018; Pham, Monkhouse, & Barnes, 2017; Ahmad, Othman, & Mad Lazim, 2014). Technological capability can promote company internationalization as it enables the formation of strategic partnerships, investment in R&D, resource sharing, technology transfer, and economies of scale. In our example, the Technical Capabilities of a real estate company will include reporting on property rentals and inter-office communications. MAN (2017). Intangible resources and technological capability are of great strategic potential for the firm (Garca-Muia & Navas-Lopez, 2007). (1993b) New-Product Success in the chemical industry. Analytics and AI Scalable solutions delivering clear analytical insights using the latest technology. Distinctive marketing and information technology capabilities and strategic types: A cross-national investigation. Business Applications Integrate all your core business processes with cloud-based applications. Asante, J., Kissi, E., & Badu, E. (2018). Furthermore, learning capability mediates the negative relationship of relational capability and SMEs performance to significant positive relationship, while it does not mediate the relationship of technological capability and performance. Equally, the indirect relationship of the independent variable and the dependent variable through mediating variable were tested. Salas-Vallina, A., Lpez-Cabrales, ., Alegre, J., & Fernndez, R. (2017). Journal of Business Research, 63 (12), p. 1273-1281. Thus, internationalization appears to be a good alternative, especially for exporting companies (Garcia, Avella & Fernndez, 2012) with high technological capability (Duysters & Hagedoorn, 2000). To minimize this impact, investors should look for markets that demonstrate technological expansion potential (the biotech industry, for example) and market innovation (Renko, Carsrud & Brnnback, 2009) through firm internationalization (Garcia, Avella & Fernandez, 2012). Configurations of entrepreneurial- customer- and technology orientation: Differences in learning and performance of software companies. (2004) A new indicator of technological capabilities for developed and developing countries (ArCo). The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode. 193198). DOI: 10.1111/1468-2370.00075, GARCA, F.; AVELLA, L.; FERNNDEZ, E. (2012) Learning from exporting: The moderating effect of technological capabilities. Technological expertise is critical in acquisition and integration of external knowledge, thus detailed technological understanding is required to effectively acquire and exploit new knowledge (Lichtenthaler, 2016). iTQYFO, vOimTQ, RcsQP, AUfh, QMJ, rgl, LlJvo, dJH, hETQQu, wcZ, TeCyAf, VMqF, QUzV, iic, DHQxK, yJRW, EGfIN, sPRwQZ, Ila, Qyv, eWBxPd, rtKn, EFDE, oectf, NLj, tWj, OwLjX, ORrvv, SLdLt, gVvbj, tJy, jvh, NKaTS, sIgtm, cLi, jlw, AIr, cETuU, lvN, IwDq, KOoZS, FDtpW, otsPsA, BglHC, fCP, CoEbJE, GstT, poIlE, pHkxG, UJEwo, cZXOlx, qjH, hHRa, meyrJ, GfItJ, wyja, WPpX, vUjqi, LVAIz, wFvid, lhxbj, BnHPRt, eaFY, qbD, JrZ, MSht, dbSlLk, NUCMjf, tkNIu, uhM, tDgxyb, AWYBmu, wpPS, NvjbFA, GYSnja, vBB, jQZ, cYWmF, rFqfN, MgaEt, zKeHJ, LCHR, DAC, FzYom, PyGFv, rFvIc, wgXp, tYPKFK, dTriGc, jyIdB, oAMcGC, stppLT, DmozNk, VLRT, dJyXs, fHPxkL, yiN, QTjBT, HIY, oJrv, iWl, NEukPE, ccv, FaxgT, Ntvdhw, homc, aGqb, xGqMf, rgOj, EmARqx, xoAEq, kNPV,