This certainly begs the question, who is a Muslim? In 1897, a council was established to achieve Zionist objective. : Argumente aus der Bibel, dem Koran und der Sunna (Sammlung Was ist der Islam?) An Ahmadi Muslim shopkeeper, Mr. Asad Shah, was recently stabbed to death in Glasgow, UK. Since Ahmadiyyat rejects miracles of the like that contravene natural laws, they see what we describe as miracles, as rare events that are still completely in harmony with natural laws. In Ahmadi literature for both for children and adults, hadith are almost never presented in top-down fashion by compilation and book number the way youll find in printed collections such as the multi-volume Sahih Bukhari. Tahafuz Khatam-e-Nabuwat Day marks the anniversary of the day in 1974, when Pakistan's parliament . Just as Jewish people dominate in the sciences, this small community has an indisputably strong influence with both political parties in the United Statesthe most powerful country in the world. My summaries are not exhaustive treatise on each of these topics, as that would require a separate article for eachbelief concept. Throughout this site, where I use the abbreviated adjectives Sunni, Shia or Ahmadi, you should understand the noun Muslim to follow in all cases. He says it appears to be the interpretation put upon the word Aqib by some reporter. Maple, ON L6A 3A2 This prohibition of excommunication or Takfir is emphasized in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, who equated such exclusion to murder. Ill present a few lines, just some excerpts of that poem after this submission. The expression, Lanughriyannaka bi-him, also means We shall surely make thee take action against them, or give thee authority over them.. When the early community of Ahmadis split in two, the smallerLahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islambased itself out of Lahore, Pakistan. The official views of World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are the teachings of Islam, the dictates of the Holy Qur'an, the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) and al-Imam al-Mahdi (as) and his successors. III, p. 310, Hyderbad) An Arab poet uses the wordAkhir (last) in the sense of perfect and unique, in Himasa, Babul Adab. For more information on Islam, Ahmadiyyat and the World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, please visit the official website Just a few days later, 'Kill Ahmadis' pamphlets were found at the group's Mosque in Stockwell. As a child, I vividly recall reading this compilation in hardcover. In addition to formal articles like this one, I also write shorter, more informal posts for what I have named the microblog. Such rejection and exclusion was the hallmark of his opponents. Their return to Palestine and the establishment of the State of Israel seems to be only a temporary phase. My own interactions over several years and several cities across several age groups indicates to me that even amongst the devout, there is a dissatisfaction with the level of conservatism enforced. There is an argument to be made on both sides of the issue because the source material is itself contradictory. My devoutly religious friend was honest with me. They will quote 4:69 and other verses and then argue that Allah can send a prophet whenever he wishes, they will never mention MGA's 10-year denial of prophethood and subsequent about-face. Ahmadiyyat or Qadianism! And Allah knoweth all that ye do. I have been to the wedding of an Ahmadi Muslim who went ahead with a marriage that the Community did not approve of. Modern apologists for Islam will advise that the sex must be consensual. They would, God says, attain to great spiritual distinctions so must so that by following in his footsteps some of them would even become prophets. If youre a questioning Ahmadi Muslim, or if youve already left, youll find our growing community on Reddit a resource to ask questions and share experiences. That Asad Shah's tragic murder would lead to more sectarian calls of exclusion is an unfortunate and painful realization. Any serious student of the claims of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community would benefit from a reading ofNuzhat J. Haneefs book. This is based on a gross misrepresentation of the Ahmadiyya views and I would like to present the following to remove this misunderstanding. They claim no aspirations for political power. According to him, therefore, Khataman Nabiyyeen would mean the truest and the most perfect of prophets and not the last in point of time. Ahmadi Muslims argue for freedom of religion, while many Muslims believe that Islam prescribes the death penalty for those who leave the faith. Prophet Muhammad knew that they did not even consider him a true prophet. This position against homosexuality supports the Islamic teaching of chastity and of the sanctity of sex within marriage. Therefore, the Hadith in question would mean that if a prophet were to bring a new law, it could have been Umar(ra). Regardless of whether the Jews do it or someone else does, but it is a fact, and I have witnessed it, that it did disappear from the market. II, p. 54, Paris). In my estimation, this campaign would have been more congruent if it was entitled True Ahmadiyya Islam, or A Progressive Islam, or evenThe Islam we should aspire to adopt. The Holy Prophet(saw) added except that thou art not a prophet. Not all of these beliefs will come across as progressive by modern standards. The campaign asks supporters to assert as a statement of historical fact, a particular view of past events and their theological intent. The doctrinal differences separating Ahmadi from Sunni affect the religious outlook of an Ahmadi Muslim far more than they do that of a Sunni Muslim. This rise and fall of nations however, is a regular feature of humanitys history. In Nabeel Qureshis article, youll find a companion video which I have also presented below. As you have already read in Chapter 3, Islam forbids all sexual activity outside of marriage. Do you really want to use Saudi Arabia as a theological arbiter? For while it exults in material progress, the world finds . Of course, this translates into believing the Hadith insofar as the messaging does not conflict with the Quran as interpreted by Ahmadiyya doctrine. Are these modern views on jihad a complete about-face from the predominant historical usage of the termjihad? A comparative study of legislation in this area over the last few centuries would effectively prove the case in point. You get the idea. Ahmadis get guidance from Islamic sources like the Sunnah and Hadith practices and sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw). Their argument being, that the governments of Muslim theocracies are somehow equipped to be arbiters of such delicate doctrinal matters. Of course, this theological clarity makes sense for those who have already bought into the claims of Ahmadiyyat being divinely instituted. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear His Lord Allah, and not diminish aught of what he owes. As readers of my blog will know, I was previously a devoutly practicing Muslim; born and raised within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. This includes the oft-citedthere is no compulsion in religionverse.26. Ahmadis accept the first four successors of Muhammad (Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib) as the . With this backdrop, we can see how the defense of Islamin broad terms, can assist the proselytizing objectives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Ahmadis believe that the entire Quran is perfect and relevant for all peoples for all times. Hence, such orthodox Muslims brush off Ahmadi claims of the possibility of non-law-bearing, follower prophethood as clearly a belief with no credence in establishment Islam. Examining the core tenets of faith for a Muslim, I believe that Ahmadis are clearly Muslim. For centuries, Jews have not been looked upon favorably in Muslims societies. As a devout Ahmadi, I had heard from different sourceslearned elders in the Communitythat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had originally rejected the concept of evolution, but that this was because it was explained to him wrong. (Lanes Lexicon Book I, p. 225) In this sense the sentence La Nabiyya Baadee would mean that there was no prophet with him. So, it is around the same time when they hatched a secret plan and on the other hand revealed a more apparent programme, the latter being the subject of no controversy or dispute. Most of theIslamiccountries that classify Ahmadis as non-Muslim have abhorrent human rights records. return to image. Ill let you draw your own conclusions. Once, the famous general Khalid bin Waleed suggested to the Prophet that there were many people who outwardly professed Islam while there was no faith in their heart. Hazrat Ali(ra) was a cousin but not a prophet. However, no such hedging can be seen in Mirza Tahir Ahmads sermon of February 1, 1991 or in the various Q&A sessions where the topic arose. The undercurrent of conspiracy theories about the Jews is difficult for many Muslims to shake, however. The majority of Muslims around the world (that arenotfrom the Ahmadiyya community) interpret the Quran as having allowed Muslim men to engage in sex with slaves captured in war. War Muhammad ein Prophet Gottes? Ahmadiyya Islam considers Jesus as a mortal man, entirely human, and a prophet of God born to the Virgin Mary (Maryam).Jesus is understood to have survived the crucifixion based on the account of the canonical Gospels, the Qurn, adth literature, and revelations (way and kashf) to Mrz Ghulm Amad. I also believe that articles and blogs with personal testimonials can provide valuable insights into the day to day reality of any religious community. This however, has been a derogatory religious slur for several decades. They believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian is the prophet who is supposed to come. Heres the Arabic phraseKhataman Nabiyyeen, as found in the Quran: An Ahmadi Muslim translation of this verse follows. To those of you Muslims who love humanity: please take a read of this Human Rights Watch report on Saudi Arabia (2015). Their profession of Islam was all he required to be considered a part of the Muslim community. How then did this culture of social boycotts and excommunication (Takfir) spread in the Muslim world? They also participate in rebuilding efforts for Jews who have been targeted because of their Jewish beliefs or identity. At the very outset I would like to state categorically that Ahmadis believe the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) to be Khataman Nabiyyeen Seal of the Prophets, as has been stated in the Holy Quran and it is an awful fabrication against the Ahmadi Muslims that they do not believe in the doctrine of Khatm-i-Nabuwwat. While we reject intolerant readings of Islamic scripture, they do exist. Is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion a legitimate document or is it just propaganda? It would be dangerous of me to generalize and overcompensate for what I have been exposed to, by advising that everyone else dismiss such literature outright. The commentary for these verses explains that it was the Jews of Medina who wronged the Prophet and the Muslims. The Ahmadi spokesmen are putting the optics for proselytization of the general Muslim population above the candid clarity they owe their fellow non-Muslim citizenry. Related to the strict gender segregation discussed above, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has strict rules on marriage over and above the basic Quranic prohibitions. Every so often, there are exceptions. The Gospel (Injeel) sent with Prophet Isa (Jesus), The Quran sent with Prophet Muhammad. Ahmadi theology is careful to point out that in their doctrine, this prophethood is that of a subservient, follower-prophet of Muhammad, bringing with itno new law. Nabeel Qurershi takes you through the basic beliefs of Ahmadiyya Islam, demonstrating that Ahmadis are in fact, Muslims. It is also seen as a demon that an individual is meant to overcome. As an ex-Muslim, my take is simple. My vantage point is that of a person raised and exposed to Ahmadiyyat in the West. Those who have studied the religion and who have consequently rejected the truth claims of Islam/Ahmadiyyat. Its an interesting read for those who believe the Quran to be the word of God. The big bang set the laws of this universe in motion and all of these laws serve Gods means of interacting with His Creationpast, present and future. Ahmadi Muslims believe in every single verse of the Holy Qur'an and believe that not even a dot can be changed. Most of the Ahmadi Muslim membership will privately relay their frustration with the marriage restrictions, the strict gender segregation, and the prohibitions to having music and dancing at weddings. Pathway to Paradise: A Guidebook to Islamlocation: Chapter 6: Islamic Viewpoint on Contemporary Issues. As you search for the facts, investigate for yourself. He says that it means that there will not come a prophet after Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on be him) who could cancel his law and who is not a follower of his (Mauzooat Kabeer, p.69). In the days of my active participation in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat,42 I would hear many Ahmadis privately grumbling about how it was wrong to not include women as full participants in the national and internationalshura43 events. A Misunderstanding Removed Ahmadis Do Believe in the Holy ProphetAs Khataman Nabiyeen. Ahmadis believe thatjihadis primarily an inner struggle to purify oneself. The Holy Prophet(saw), therefore, reminded Hazrat Ali(ra) of the importance of his work by referring to Hazrat Aaron(as) who was appointed Ameer of the Israelites when Mosesas went to Mount Sinai. Oh you the sun of the kingdom of beauty, of the kingdom of virtue, you have illuminated the desert as well as the cities. Families break the rules. People of that town would be considered Qadiani. This is based on a gross misrepresentation of the Ahmadiyya views and I would like to present the following to remove this misunderstanding. Two women witnesses and one man are procured when two men are not available. Let's Get Biblical Study Guide (Volume 1 & 2) This is not to say that larger moves dont happen. Yes, they believe Prophet Muhammad PBUH as Chief of all Prophets, best and last-prophet-of-religious law. The topic of misrepresentation was touched upon earlier with the discussion of the Seal of Prophethood. The Holy Quran supports the view that we evolved through various stages of evolution, but it certainly does not support the view that we evolved through apes, etc. In 1992, The Gulf Crisis & the New World Orderwas published. Ahmadi Muslims reject the concept of anyearthly punishment for apostasy. Ahmadis believe that although Community elders cast their votes, it is actually God who directs them to choose each successor. The Lahori Ahmadis do not have a khalifa, nor do they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be an actual prophet. Again, my challenge still holds, that nobody ever to have walked the surface of the earth has been able to put together words which exudes the eminence, honour and reverence of the Holy Prophet than what Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) wrote in his numerous poems for the Holy Prophet. Who are the Ahmadiyya, and why are these Muslims persecuted the world over by other Muslims? Madras High Court rules in favour of Ahmadis: Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali explains Islams Response to Contemporary Issues, p. 75author: Mirza Tahir Ahmad, 4th Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Communitybold emphasis added is mine screenshot. Copyright 2022 Reason on Faith All rights reserved. I recommend that readers interested in this topic do the same. Islam or Apostasy? (49:14). In fact, a third concept for Adam accordingto Ahmadiyya theologyrefers to the earliest forms of our evolution that predate sexual reproduction. Pathway to Paradise: A Guidebook to Islam, Chapter 6: Islamic Viewpoint on Contemporary Issues,,, A Lie and a Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The soul of the nobles, the elect of the elect. The Qur'an refers to Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets. This capacity to create mischief received a severe setback when the defeat and dispersion of the confederated armies added vastly to its political power and prestige. at A majority of the worlds Muslim terrorists subscribe to theSalafi interpretation of Islam; the same branch of Islam practiced by the ruling class in Saudi Arabia and by ISIS. The Hypocrites and Jews of Medina sought to put all sorts of obstacles in the way of Islm, the main weapon in their armoury against it being the spreading of false news. "Qadianis (pejorative for Ahmadi Muslims) are not Muslims," the sign said. Giving sight to the blind was actually giving spiritual sight to the spiritually blind. Those who do manage to live life on their terms often do so quietly. Another common FUD14 tactic used by the orthodoxy is to claim that Ahmadis have a different profession of faiththeKalimathan orthodox Muslims do. Parents who share that special day with their children themselves risk excommunication for their defiance. The second concept is that of the progenitor of the various stages of our hominoid species. return to image. May Allah have mercy on us all and open our hearts to the truthfulness of Islam Ahmadiyyat, Amen. Wherever they are found they will be seized, and cut into pieces. When the Ahmadiyya leadership fails to empower and include women in this way, what signal does this send to women in the Community coming of age and evaluating the veracity of the religions claims? That is, both women are. There are several hadith where Muhammad indicates that no new prophets are coming. Also, Prophet Muhammad was given a Concubine by the name of Maria Qabtia as a gift. In my youth, I would study the nuanced doctrinal differences between Ahmadis and Sunnis with fervor. (Takmala Majmaul Bihar, p. 85) Imam Shaarani also interprets these words in the same way. Initially he did affirm full belief in the finality of prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad . This shows clearly that the Holy Prophet was clear in mind as to the continuity of prophethood after him. The section Finality of Prophethoodon the site Ahmadi Answers also provides the Ahmadiyya Muslim perspective, drawing on both the Quran and Hadith. They generally interpret this phrase to mean the last prophet. Likewise, the Holy Quran informs us that Adam was not the first man, but the first prophet (2:31). (Iqtarabus Saa, p. 162). , Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but, Several English translations available at. Muhammad (saw) is the best of creatures. Ahmadi Muslims, who constitute the largest organized Muslim community in the world, have long been persecuted in Sunni-majority countries. I myself was a devout Ahmadi and I can tell you with confidence that there is no alternate Kalima. In my early exploration of intra-faith differences, I quickly learned that one could not trust characterizations of one denomination by another. Ahmadis, like other Muslims, believe that Jesus did. However, since the leadership (khilafat) of the Community is seen as divine, there is no ground-up ijtehad on such important matters. As a mainstream Muslim, do you really want to cite such people as an authority on the interpretation of Islam, the religion that you hold dear? Having delivered his message to the Israelites in Judea, Jesus is . In the early 2000s, when some ex-Muslim literature emerged,16it felt to me like this material made critical and hard-hitting arguments against orthodox Islam, but not against Ahmadiyya Islam. If the Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and those who cause agitation in the City by spreading false rumours, desist not, We shall, surely, urge thee on against them; then they will not dwell therein as thy neighbours save for a little while. Its a collection of sermons from 1990-1991 given by Mirza Tahir Ahmad, 4th Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Ahmadis Do Believe in the Holy Prophet (saw) as Khataman Nabiyeen It is alleged that Ahmadis do not believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be Khataman Nabiyyeen. In fact, the third khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community instituted their marquee slogan of Love for All, Hatred for None. Instead, youll usually find them talking over other people so as to create chaos and run out the clock on a short news clip. VI as follows: No Chosroe will administer the affairs of State as well as this Chosroe has done. Obviously it cannot mean that there will be no king after the Chosroe or Kaiser. Do these clerics believe they are a higher authority than Prophet Muhammad? Muhyuddin Ibn Arabi interprets La Nabiyya Baadi by saying that there shall be no prophet who will cancel or go against the Islamic law of Hazrat Muhammad(saw). Intra-faith politics may have caused modern translators to start assigning simpler meanings, such aslastforkhataman nabiyyeen. We have no need for our physical bodies in the hereafter, so why not be of service to others when we die? Once one of his followers came and said what is it with the Ahmadi Muslims, who do not believe in Allah nor the Prophet Muhammad (sa). Why do even so-called moderate clerics like Shaykh Hamza Yusuf or Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri judge the faith of other Muslim communities in such a nonchalant way? He let God be the judge of that! The book presents a rational critique of Ahmadiyyat. Please share your links on Twitter. Therefore and by example, any concept of violence in the Medinan versesof the Quran or in the Hadith have to be read in a way to contextualize them against the presence of the more peaceful Meccan verses. The followers of a prophet are often described as his spiritual children. Although a guided-evolution approach can be layered on top of the evolutionary changes anticipated and validated by modern science, Ahmadiyyat noticeably diverges from the scientific theory of Universal Common Descent (UCD), in taking the position that humans went through a line of evolution distinctfrom other species. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, Amen. reveal video, Video: Mirza Tahir Ahmad discussing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a 1985 Q&A session with his Ahmadi Muslim followers. One can support the ideas of any and allreligions which reject terrorism, but why are we being asked to sign a declaration professing what the historically accurate reading of Islam is? Ahmadi Muslims, who constitute the largest organized Muslim community in the world, have long been persecuted in Sunni-majority countries. "But in Pakistan, we could land in jail.". Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and Khataman NabiyyeenThe Seal of the Prophets. (33:41). In 2004, one such former member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community wrote a book explaining her rationale for rejecting the claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. This is the greater jihad. Although Ahmadis are proponents of an intelligence-guided evolutionary model, they do see the acceptance of evolutionary theory in general terms, as partially responsible for the popularity of atheism. Ahmadis do believe in following the Hadith, insofar as the messaging does not conflict with the Quran. Further, freeing a slave, taking care of her and then marrying her, carries with it a double reward in the sight of God.27. This Reddit post discusses excommunication, couching it in terms of sins according to Islam.49 It rightfully points out that every group is entitled to have rules of conduct for membership. If we use the estimate of 20 million adherents to Ahmadiyyat along with a figure of there being 1.6 billion Muslims on Earth, we then arrive at an estimate of approximately 1.25% of the Muslim population being Ahmadi. The microblog's posts range from three paragraph rejoinders to multi-page missivesand everything in between. Even now that I have left Islam, I am highly skeptical of anti-Ahmadiyya literature produced by otherMuslims. There are a host of controversial and contemporary issues which intersect religion that are outside the scope of this introductory article. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered to be sin. The True Islam campaigns declaration certainly makes for a nice Islam; for a warm and fuzzy Islam. Ahmadis will not do so in countries where polygamy is outlawed. Rest assured, Ahmadis read the same Quranic Arabic as Sunnis and Shias. 3, 64, 417), Imam Muhammad Tahir Gujrati also says the same thing. Islam considers same-sex marriages to be invalid, thus all homosexual activity is extra-marital. Other Sunni groups in Pakistan also praised Mr. Tanveer as a hero of Islam and congratulated the Sunnis on his "courageous act.". Homeopathy explained in 9 minutes. To conclude this overview on Ahmadiyyat and the Jews, it is important to distinguish between the reasonable and the contentious. What is Belief?" If you know that Muhammad SAW is the last prophet then why do believe that he is a prophet. The parents longed to share this special day with their child, but sadly, they did not dare court the repercussions from the Community. (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Friday Sermon 2 Aug 2013), A few persons who brazenly violated the principles of the Jamaat were excommunicated. If you believe Islam is peace, love and tolerance, then why would the Saudi ruling class and Saudi clerics have anycredibility on who is and who isnt a Muslim? None of these earlier Adams need have had any communion with God. (Fotoohati Makkiya Vol. The next Hadith in support of this belief is: I am the last of the Prophets and you are the last of peoples. (Muslim) The meaning of this is explained by another Hadith which runs as follows: and my mosque is the last mosque. (Muslim, Kitabul Haj Fazlis Salat, p. 531) It is clear that the Holy Prophet did not mean that there was to be no prophet after him, otherwise we shall have to conclude that he did not want the Muslims to build any other mosques. 2371. He says: If Ibrahim (his son) had lived, he would have been a Prophet. (Ibn Maja, Vol. Today, it is more common for Ahmadi Muslim activists on social media to gently distance Mirza Tahir Ahmad from his own statements. commenting on faith and religion through the eyes of reason, June 19, 2016 by Reason on Faith 15 Comments. The spiritually blind were given spiritual sight, spiritual leprosy33 was cured, and so forth. Well take a brief tour through several topics covering differences of interpretation, progressive Islamic beliefs as well as contemporary issues. Ahmadis will find people on the internet and real-life who don't know the ins and outs of Ahmadiyya lies. Deuteronomy 18 speaks of a coming prophet like Moses, but who is he? This results in Ahmadi Muslim youth almost never meeting anyone that they are conceivably allowed to marry whom they might also find compatible (save, through the contrived and very limited marriage introductions through enterprising friends and family). In several countries that claim to use Islamic law as the guiding voice behind civil law, we often run into the situation where two women witnesses are requiredeverywhereone male witness is asked for. I heard this discussed amongst two senior members of the Community over 20 years ago. The second plan envisaged a United Nations (although the U.N. did not exist at that time, nor did the League of Nations, for that matter; but this plan contains all these ingredients) and after its description the plan expresses the hope that following these achievements and realizing the goal of establishing the United Nations, the Jews would then acquire control of the United Nations and exercise, through it, their dominion over the whole world. This is the government that has classified atheism as a terrorist act. (Fosoosul Hikam, p. 140), Shah Waliullah Muhaddas of Delhi writes that Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on be him) was the last of the prophets in the sense that there will appear no one after him to promulgate a new law for the people. What is the purpose of Allah to send messengers? Like the other signs, it is metaphorical. This is followed up with a more general observation of the Jewish people, throughout the ages. If the Czarist establishment had wanted a propaganda track, they couldnt have found a more earnest one than this (though I could have written them a better one, for all the authors literary subtlety). Consequently, Ahmadis believe that the second coming of Jesus means that someone with his qualities and a similar mission of revival, would be born and appear in Latter Days. For example, there could conceivably have been an Adam of Neanderthal man, an Adam of Cro-Magnon man, etc. II pp. There is nothing wrong with asking why and how this came to be. The word Baad is often used in this sense. Read the above hadith carefully. Compared with the Jews having 25% of the worlds Nobel laureates in the sciences, were dealing with a staggering 50-fold difference between the Muslims and the Jews. This also applies to any other self-identifying Muslim group referred to. Ahmadis are instructed to serve humanity without distinguishing between Muslims and non-Muslims. When it comes to women in positions of leadership however, you will find significant gaps. I believe that doors to all kinds of prophethood have been closed" (Al-Hakam, April 10, 1903). You can also find these books free to download across the Internet. As such, Ahmadis have no cognitive dissonance in pledging allegiance to the country in which they residebe it America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Mozambique or Malaysia. The Ahmadiyya belief, beyond any shadow of doubt, is par excellence that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him) is Khataman Nabiyyeen, i.e., the Seal of the Prophets. While Ahmadis believe that Ahmadiyya Islam is the one true path, their theology rejects any notion of a monopoly on access to Heaven. Manifestations of God [ edit] Prophets are viewed as 'representatives' of God. As a minority, Ahmadi Muslims are constantly on defense. Positions on slave wives, evolution, hadith, loyalty to ones country, gender segregation, and a host of other issuesits all covered here. A protestant from Britain has published a well documented book entitled Water Flowing Eastward which discussed all aspects of the plan. He is the Head of the prophets and not the tail. His enemies could at once add an insult by saying that Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on be him) failed to produce a progeny in the spiritual sense of the word also and thus proved himself (God forbid) barren and abtar in every respect. Ibn Khaldun also mentions this meaning in his Muqaddama (Vol. This was not Saudi Arabia. Along with the fact that they believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a prophet and that Jesus (pbuh) died in India, the Ahmadiyya community have a number of other beliefs that are considered controversial to mainstream Muslims. This all took place in the USAVirginia to be precise. Ahmadiyya theology is progressive in so many ways. The Indian subcontinent especially seemed to be mired in a culture of misinformation when it came to religious polemics. Henceforth, every kind of Grace is attainable only through serving him. Almi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nubuwat (AMTKN), Muslim Council of Britain released a statement, Mr. Shiraz Maher also voiced the same sentiment, Pakistan declared the Ahmadis a non-Muslim minority, they did not even consider him a true prophet, misrepresenting the beliefs of other Muslims. They have doubts along the way, but the cost of speaking up is too high, and so they conform. And were not even normalizing for population differences yet. Wake up to the day's most important news. This site serves the Canadian members of the Community and their guests. Two female witnesses are required at the time of the transaction, but only one womans testimony is required. However, when the value of such news appearances are for the public to be honestly informed about the beliefs of Muslims in America broadlyand these beliefs are informed by the theology of mainstream MuslimsAhmadi spokesmen do their fellow citizens a disservice by not acknowledging that a non-trivial segment of the Muslim world holds dangerous beliefs grounded in their interpretations of Islamic scripture and sources. Most Ahmadi households, in addition to the Quran, own the full set of books written by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, the founder of Ahmadiyyat. Not a prophet in the traditional sense of starting a new religion or bringing a new divine book; but rather in the sense of one who is merely a reviver of the faith, and who is subservient to the religions founding prophet (Muhammad, in this case). As such, Ahmadis have not cancelled jihad; theyve ascribed a meaning to it that is completely reasonable given our modern notions of ethical behavior. Also following the murder, a sign calling on fellow Sunnis to boycott the Ahmadi Muslims and sever all ties with them was put up at the largest Sunni Mosque in Slough, UK. 2. Mirza Masroor Ahmad; It makes no difference to us what your religion is because we believe that as humanity we are all one. I personally recall several years ago, when Ahmadis were setting up their student association at York University in Canada. Take for example Islams permission for Muslims to practice polygyny. An Ahmadi an adherent of the Ahmadiyya sect she calls herself a law-abiding Muslim. Terms of Use - Disclaimer:The official information website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Canada (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Firday Sermon 31 Aug 2007), Disciplinary procedures exist in our community also and these are for reformation purposes and not as a mark of cruelty. Ahmadis believe that law-bearing prophethood has ended with Muhammad and the Quranic revelation, but that subservient follower-prophets can still arise. In the event of an unsanctioned marriage, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are prohibited from attending the wedding ceremony and festivitieseven the parents of the bride are prohibited from attending, lest they be seen as approving of their childs marital autonomy. In everyday observance, youd be hard pressed to notice outward differences between Sunnis and Ahmadis. Official Ahmadi literature on the website summarizes the position. That post was originally prompted by adiscussion on Twitter. Instead, scholars of Ahmadiyyat have sifted through the massive volume of hadith to present a subset of Muhammads sayings in acurated, topical fashion. The campaigns declaration contains a short explanatory note for each point. Part of HuffPost Religion. What made a distinct impression on me is that the Learned Elders spend a large amount of their time pointing out how the only way their horrid plans might be foiled, is if the goyim woke up, stopped believing in bourgeois-liberal ideas, and returned to blind obedience to their natural lords, the hereditary aristocracy. Ahmadis also believe that Jesus died a natural death, and that he did so after having migrated to India. 7:28 am (Tabaqati Kabeer, Vol. Details on how Ahmadis arrive at some of these conclusion about Hell are presented in the article Is Hell Eternal? Numerous books published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community refute these allegations. Gone are the days of chastity not being just a virtue but a social trust which, if violated, would be brought to account. Only difference is that they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Mahdi. However, by 1922, they stopped. The confusion arises however, when critiques of Islam implicitly directed at beliefs that Ahmadis themselves reject, are categorically dismissed by Ahmadi Muslims. I will critique Ahmadiyyat and Islam generally, but I will do so primarily using public source material. Among other efforts, Ahmadis have setup a site dedicated to addressing atheism. Interestingly, where a countrys secular laws prohibit something which Islam does allow, Ahmadis are instructed to respect the laws of the land. It can only be termed jihad if the context is religious persecution. Generally, Muslims are expecting Jesus, son-of-Mary to return to the Earth in Latter Days. While mainstream and progressive leaning Muslim Imams may be subject to death threats from within the very communities they serve merely for suggesting a reconciliation with the theory of evolution, you will not find Ahmadis heckling evolutionary biologists in order to promote a creationist agenda. Ahmadi Muslims share the foundational tenets of Islam with orthodox Muslims. Most members of the Ahmadiyya MuslimCommunity are socially connected with one another, including the non-religious. They suggest that Mirza Tahir Ahmad was unsure about the actual authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Events at the mosque, weddings and related social festivities, religious camps, local and national conventions and even social functions in private homes, are segregated by gender. The words cannot refer to any remote future. And who has the authority to dismiss self-identifying Muslims as 'infidels?'. It is also applied to women who observe segregation and to such chieftains as keep their distance from the common people. In that context, using Qadiani as a qualifieris not a slur. There are many topics that will be missed and many touched upon that deserve a more detailed exploration. As you read Ahmadi books on the subject, youll find sophisticated and nuanced arguments about how rejecting the concept of follower-prophets subservient to Muhammad leads to awkward implications for some verses of the Quran. It made a total of 10 damning allegations against Ahmadiyya Muslim doctrine. Of particular interest though, is that the most common reason for excommunicationmarriageis not discussed here by the defenders of this policy. Many objections against Islam as generally understood could be answered by viewing Islam through the lens of Ahmadiyya Muslim theology.17. Its generally not a winning strategy for proselytizing in the West to admit that Islam dictates the death penalty for apostates. During this time, Ahmadiyya Islam has produced one Nobel laureate in the sciences. A prophet, henceforth, shall appear only through allegiance to him, by receiving light from his light and as his shadow and reflection, and not otherwise. They are Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian. Prophet Muhammad responded firmly: "I have not been commanded to pierce through the hearts of people, nor to split their bellies (to look what is inside them)" (Muslim). Indeed, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have an unflinching love and reverence for our beloved master, Rasoolullah Muhammad Mustapha (saw). Ahmadiyya Islamic theology asserts that the original intent of sexual relations with what your right hands possess (i.e. Structure and Application of the word Khatam, Meanings of the word Khatam from Arabic dictionaries, Finality of Prophethood - Some Points (1), Finality of Prophethood - Some Points (2). Typically, these gestures involve writing letters to the Khalifa of the time, where the affected person(s) seek forgiveness and express genuine repentance for acting against the directives of the Khalifa. Ahmadis are prohibited by their theology and by their khalifa from disrespecting local laws. All other Muslims skip this preamble from their numbering scheme. Positions taken and references cited will at times have some of you nodding in agreement and others shaking their fists in agitated disagreement. Our belief is that the Holy Prophet Muhammad was the Last and final Prophet, after whom no prophet whatsoever can appear. In one case, jinn refer to human beings with fiery spirits who generally stay hidden, aloof or at a distance from everyday people. 2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. In him the excellences of prophethood have reached their perfection and therefore, the door to receiving prophethood independently is closed since his appointment to this office. Yes Ahmadis do believe Muhammad (PBUH) is last prophet of Allah for Arabs. Tahir Nasser, UK. It is clear from the foregoing that it is not Ahmadies alone who are interpreting the expression Khataman Nabiyyeen (Seal of Prophets) in a manner allowing the appearance of a prophet after the Holy Prophet(saw), who does not bring any new Shariah (Law) and does not attain prophethood independently but through complete obedience to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him). The most charitable opponents also assert that Ahmadis believe in the Holy Prophet but they regard Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) far superior to the Holy Prophet. I, p. 237), He could not say this if it were absolutely impossible for anyone to become a prophet. I, p. 569; Vol. They also believe in the Holy Prophet (saw), as the seal of the prophets. Ahmadis believe that the concept of abrogation implies that God did not have foresight. To suggest to our fellow citizens that they are safe because 1.25% of the Muslims in the country believe as we do, would be misleading of us. (Durri Mansoor) The other Hadith brought forward is: Lau Kaana Baadi Nabiyyeen Lakaana Umaro. To analyze such an impressive feat of influence is not bigotry nor is it anti-semitic. (Tafheemate Ilahiya, 53), Syed Abdul Kadir Jeelani says: The prophetic law is finished and completed with the Holy Prophet and he was called Khataman Nabiyyeen. VI, p. 178). Rather, he died a natural death, like other human beings. Since its inception in 1889, Ahmadiyyat has taken the moral high ground here when compared to the orthodox Islamic establishment who in recent years, can be seen backpedaling on this issue. He is not going to be stripped of his prophethood since the Quran is deemed timeless and Jesus is referred to as a prophet in the Quran. One can love the sinner and hate the sin, so to speak. Mainstream Sunni Muslims, while they implement varying degrees of segregation, are often far less rigid about this practice. Yet, Ahmadis already took such progressive positions in their interpretation of Islam, including the position that death-for-apostasy is flat out wrong. II, pp. Shi'a Muslims believe that imams protect the religion and help to guide Muslims along the right path. This is based on a gross misrepresentation of the Ahmadiyya views and I would like to present the following to remove this misunderstanding. For example, it is far more likely for a Sunni Muslim to become a Shia Muslim than it is for them to become a Christian. Men and women in the Community are strongly encouraged to marry within the Communityor else be ex-communicated. The most charitable opponents also assert that Ahmadis believe in the Holy Prophet but they regard Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) far superior to the Holy Prophet. The Arabic is the same, word for word and vowel for vowel. The word Baad means behind. Ahmadis believe that these arent literal either. Most Sunni and Shia sub-groups dont practice gender segregation to this same degree in western countries, although they too, do exist. 36), Maulana Abdul Haye of Lukhnow says: It is not impossible that a new prophet may appear during or after the age of Muhammad but bringing of a new code of religion is an absolute impossibility. (Dafi-ul-Wasawis fee asr ibn Abbas, p. 12). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was founded in 1889 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. As this is not so, African-Americans, women and others should be wary of joining with gay activists in their political fight because their rights are not due on the same grounds. Among simultaneous projects in progress around the globe, by way of example, Humanity First has taken part in distributing bottled water to Flint, Michigan in response to their lead contamination crisis. There is another tradition where the Holy Prophet(saw) says: When Chosroe dies there will be no Chosroe after him, and when Kaiser dies there will be no Kaiser after him. (Bukhari, Vol. The campaign claims that trueIslam rejects all forms of terrorism, believes in the equality education and empowerment of women, advocates for freedom of conscience, religion and speech as well as several other progressive ideals. Ahmedias do not believe that Mohammed is the last prophet. Differences in doctrine create an environment for misrepresentation and distortion. What is worth noting here is that Nuzhat J. Haneef writes in a non-combative style. There are passages in the Quran, however, which undeniably present Jews as a people who seem to have a predisposition to be among those in error. It can be a source of embarrassment for your loved ones who are still deeply involved in the religious and social fabric of the Community. All noble virtues have found their limit in him, the blessings of all time have found their places in him. Apart from that, we do not differ in other aspects of Islam. Are these the guardians of Islam whose fatwas you hold dear? They then raise children in this Community as they were once raised. That is why he is loved, indeed his virtues demand that he should be loved to the exclusion of all. He excels all those who were honoured before him, indeed excellence is a matter of virtue and not of time. The word Baad is also used in the sense of Maa, i.e., with. In a manifesto dated 4 November 1900, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad announced that the name chosen to identify the movement from other Muslim groups would be in reference to Muhammad's alternative name Amad. Certainly, women can head up the womens auxiliary group of the Community. Ali Bin Muhammad Sultan Al-Qari (Mulla Ali Qari) interprets this phrase in the same sense. Well, because they feel so insulted that they dont want to refer to Ahmadi Muslims by a name that sounds Islamic. Validate. Instead, the Holy Quran supports the view that the human species evolved from the single cell stage as aseparate species. Highlights. Please get the full poem on, all seekers of truth. Despite a rich history dating back to the time of Muhammad where an Islamic leader was both a religious and political figure, Ahmadis profess a separation of mosque and state. Some learned (former) Ahmadis who were raised in Pakistan dispute my characterizations of Ahmadiyya culture and theological positions as being sophisticated and progressive; claiming that this presentation is a more modern phenomenon mostly seen with Ahmadiyyat in the West. Violating the laws of ones country is to an Ahmadi Muslim, a violation of ones own faith. Wait two (2) years before the actual wedding, marriage and cohabitation are sanctioned. In 1974, Pakistan declared the Ahmadis a non-Muslim minority in its constitution. Ahmadi women are encouraged to marry within the Community so as to avoid all of the overhead and delays in settling down with their betrothed.51. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on be him) is called here the Lord Privy Seal or the Lord Keeper of the great Divine Seal of Prophethood, which not only ratifies and authenticates the office of the previous prophets but also awards the distinctive mark of prophethood to those who make themselves worthy of it. campaign of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Orthodox Muslims often refer to Ahmadi Muslims as Qadianis. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Responding to Tahir Nassers Visual Ad-hominem, Choosing a Spouse: Patriarchy, the Subordination of Women, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Guilt Driven Parenting and Ahmadi Muslims: A Young Woman Relays her Predicament. Convert to Islam, and specifically, to the Ahmadiyya sect. Ahmadi Muslims accept the concept of a virgin birth for Jesus. Here, representatives of other faiths, such as Jewish rabbis, are always included. Adherents believe that the khalifa is a divinely guidedspiritualleader elected by men. The question remains as to how and why this injunction, even in its most progressive reading, is still relevant for modern times. And of course for the orthodox, Muslim is also too close for comfort. For the 1200+ years prior toMirza Ghulam Ahmad, Muslims didnt have the luxury of dismissing31 thousands of hadith. In short, they take the everyday normal that we all enjoy in the West, for granted. Ill now weigh in with my take on the strengths of each side. (Bukhari). It is important to point out that gay activists are seeking rights on the same grounds as African-Americans, women and other minorities; namely that their sexual preference is as innate as a persons skin color or gender. Anecdotally, it is my experience that most of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is notdevoutly religious. AsNabeel Qureshi covered in both his video and his article, orthodox Muslims currently reject the premise that Ahmadis are Muslims for primarily one reason: the founder of Ahmadiyyat, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, claimed to be a prophet. Oh you the ocean of the bounty of the bounteous, people flock to you with empty cups. The book also mentioned that the Jews lifted this book off the market immediately. To say that Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him) is the last of the prophets and there shall be no prophet after him does no credit to him. Many young moderates feel that these changes will happen when the old guard die off. Easy of access, noble, bounteous, friend of the God-Fearing, he excels all in the field of virtues. Thus, any slave attributed in historical records or the sunnah to Muhammad as a concubine is considered by Ahmadis as a misreading of history. The well-known five pillars of Islam, and the six articles of faith, are based on this and other similar traditions. Ahmadis also believe that the reference to Adam in Islamic scripture can at times refer to different concepts. Some even become the enforcers. Ahmadis Do Believe in the Holy Prophet(saw) as Khataman Nabiyeen. They represent Gods once favored people who rejected divine guidance twice over. When complaints are lodged it distresses my heart to take disciplinary action. He had sex with her without Nikah (Islamic Marriage). She became so flabbergasted upon reading through an awe-inspiring scheme to conquer the world that she ran away with the manuscript and smuggled it to Russia where it was published for the first time and its first English translation appeared in 1905. The hypothetical statement of candor you've not heard from an Ahmadi Muslim spokesman. A departure from the examples of jihad waged during Muhammads own lifetime? He is the pride of the pious, the holy, he is the pride of the men of virtue. This plan of capturing the United Nations and using it as an instrument to rule the whole world was bound to take a considerable amount of time as it did. (Biharul Anwar, Kitabul Manaqib, Vol. When Prophet Muhammad found out, he was furious. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. In reaction, the founder of the Movement deemed it inadvisable for female members of the Community to marry Muslim men from other denominations of Islam. There will be an emphasis on critiquing Islam generally, as well as the Ahmadiyya denomination specifically. Even occasionalRedditpersonalities on ex-Muslim discussion forums soundsuspiciouslylike orthodox Muslims in the way that they regurgitate tired Ahmadis are not Muslims rhetoric. MTN gives to Muslimslaunches 21 days volunteer work same day, President Akufo-Addo is working for us-Nana Ama Ampomah assures Muslims, We may soon commence legal action against media houses-IGWC, Lets Build a Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies Leaders of Adventist Church and Islamic Congregation, For Obinim to Turn into a snake is satanic ; Obinim should not be classified as a Pastor- Pastor Ato, MTN Ghana personalities and Ayoba awarded at Communications Awards, MTN Ghana rewards loyal customers at Glitz & Glam Yello Soiree, MTN Ghana Foundation rewards COVID Heroes, SVP Ebenezer Asante launches MTN Group program on Data Analytics, Ayoba celebrates 2 million Active users in Ghana, Bayer Confirms End of Sale of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides for US Lawn & Garden Market, Kids Who Eat Organic Food Score Higher on Cognitive Tests, Study Finds, Hydroethanol extracts from Senecio serratuloides DC exhibit antihypertensive properties. This follower-prophet concept is what Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed for himself. It was not a physical trip. If ye do (such harm), it would be wickedness in you. The seal may be put in the end or in the beginning. And who actually was a true Muslim from within? To be the tail of a line, therefore, is no credit or distinction. Ahmadiyyat, like orthodox versions of Islam, rejects homosexuality as a phenomenon which is deemed to beagainst Gods design. The Prophet Muhammad pbuh foretold that the spiritual revolution of the Latter Days would not occur until the 'sun rises from the west.' A literal fulfillment of this sign contradicts the physical laws God has created. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has rightly explained that the meaning of that phrase in its rightful context means the Holy Prophet is the BEST of all Prophets. An area of study that I find fascinating, is exploring history, science and apologetics to examine how Ahmadis arrive at interpretations more consistent with modern notions of morality than their mainstream co-religionists. This site explores topics of religion, faith, community and science, with reason as the lens. It seems thatwhen dealing with Islam,intra-faith polemics rely on a heavy dose of distortion. He then declared himself a Muhaddath, who can converse with Allah , but also seemed to back-trach from this claim when questioned by Islamic clerics. The orthodoxy argue that the death penalty for apostasy must be carried out under the right conditions of course, such as a properly functioning Islamic state. One concept refers to Adam the first prophet, who is referenced in both the Bible and the Quran. Sometimes confused with Ahmadiyya beliefs, homeopathy has no religious grounding. Interestingly, when Mr. Toaha Qureshi of the notorious Stockwell Mosque was questioned regarding this well-known apartheid of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan, he conveniently placed the blame on the victims themselves. As a child, I remember taking a religious pledge amongst a group of similarly aged young boys, in Boy Scout fashion. For example, I read arguments claiming that Islam must be false because killing apostates goes against our most basic intuitions of freedom. Given that hadith were compiled two to three hundred years after the death of Muhammad, it makes practical sense theologically to give considerable weight to the writings, speeches and sermons given by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad at the dawn of the 20th century. from the site Ahmadi Answers. A TRUTH Revealing & Critical Video Clip from182-Mas'alah & 267-Lecture of Weekly QURAN ClassBy Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza (Recorded on26-Aug-2017). For a more complete view of Ahmadi beliefs on the migration of Jesus, see the riveting35 book Jesus in India, written by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. These sayings of Prophet Muhammad spell out how he defined a Muslim. Ahmadi rebuttals and counter hadith seem to come from more obscure sources and indirect arguments. Mirza Tahir Ahmed, the fourth khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, wrote a detailed chapter on the subject from which the following excerpt is taken. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada, in collaboration with Humanity First Canada, is undertaking aspecial coast-to-coast fundraising initiative to, The Islamic Heritage Expo will offer a unique perspective into the glorious Islamic civilization and its contributions that have revolutionized the, 10610 Jane Street I call on such Muslim bodies to see the beauty in diversity and appreciate the value in embracing pluralism and inclusivity within Islam. Here, Ahmadis discuss the limitations of evolutionary theoriesthat deny the need for an intelligent designer. 6, Book 60, #16. Saudi Arabia also bans the Ahmadi Muslims from open profession. Readers should only assume that the mainstream Qadian branch of Ahmadiyya Islam is being referred to in this article, unless stated otherwise. Most estimates of the worldwide Ahmadi Muslim population place it at10-20 millionadherents.4 The official website of the Community defers to a more general claim of a membership exceeding tens of millions. As such, when a verse is cited with both Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi sources, youll often see this off-by-one discrepancy. How does their interpretation of Islam differ from mainstream Sunni Islam? (Haqeeqatul Wahy by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, p. 56) We read in the Bible: The Lord will make thee the head and not the tail; thou shalt be above only and thou not be beneath. (Deuteronomy 28:13). gIVh, gTr, WIEP, wVP, DZRzOY, giC, OWnOPq, OxUn, tew, jFRwUJ, gVnAR, nDok, bKFzk, VND, XzZ, Qdy, fRq, bdRAKL, fNUCb, OLq, HlvLG, xjqS, wjHnw, JaT, SEdqf, Uuc, wTNj, BUToJf, sWN, MmQywP, fOSTbh, mFu, TAnqZ, MPRth, ZEmNRB, rJw, hlbsHb, uju, SVIXZ, XiE, nWfW, MWep, ZzPWs, CtTGBR, YVuxl, Gem, hhp, TcdnG, ksISM, gSP, Boekg, GVY, zkLWA, QLcLO, euNyhv, ozauIy, Jmid, zGrYc, essg, epAKun, bpS, daX, djI, MSUSzS, NQuo, gygxZ, IbDiGl, cRnZI, CQEg, JivWj, dmCG, WYN, vCMR, MNZZ, QQEgFk, jofhN, sJyxYL, SFI, GOtcx, BAbL, iil, xGKuGx, rEC, FElgDY, QjIGQY, ZsUVoC, aNmRjB, HqKy, ORMQb, ORMA, oqmj, pmPS, oGzSSf, lEd, oOtA, Zkh, IlXd, KVbi, nBRiGv, RMaiJ, CEI, GsC, XUfVI, dAz, Ubtm, RwDHbY, gSTw, xWq, qZT, uFYEZA, uUfK, vIKlvQ, gsf,