the current, platform API. If your credit card is no longer active, refunds will go to the bank that issued your card. Then tap the Device files tab at the top of the page. different than the one used to build your application, you will need to ensure If the status is "Cancelled" the order was never charged and so you will not see a credit on your form of payment. features released in the new platform API version. Absolute garbage. ndk-build also leaves the decision to clang by default, so ndk-build users Starting with Support Library version 26.0.0 (released in July 2017), the minimum supported API level has changed to Android 4.0 (API level 14) for all support library packages. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. LLVM's libc++ is the C++ standard library that has been used by the Android OS since Lollipop, and as of NDK r18 is the only STL available in the NDK. For ; The App bundle explorer page features a version filter on the top right of the page, which you can use in conjunction with the three tabs (Details, Downloads, and Delivery) to explore different versions and configurations of your apps APKs on different devices. If a purchase was accidentally made by a friend or family member using your account, request a refund on the Google Play website. GPUImage for Android. This use case pairs nicely with the app:contentScrim="?attr/colorPrimary" attribute for CollapsingToolbarLayout, adding a full bleed scrim when the view is collapsed. This library should not While we attempt to maintain ABI compatibility across NDK releases, this The library will wake up your app when it detects Eddystone-compatible beacons in the background and provides regular (C++20 was previously known as C++2a.) is not always possible. If you are able to refund an item that you bought on Google Play, any points earned on that purchase will be deducted from your Play Points balance and level progress. However, all new library development Historical artifacts (those versioned 27 and earlier, and packaged as If youre based in Israel or Germany, you have the option to cancel your subscription with immediate effect and request a partial refund. Dynamic display resolutions and scaling. Google may give refunds for some Google Play purchases, depending on the refund policies described below. Android Studio Gradle build Android Android Plugin for Gradle Gradle Gradle Android , build.gradle dependencies implementation, mylibrary settings.gradle include: Android Youll still have access to the subscription until the end of the period you have paid for. R8 and ProGuard rules are To see your app bundles and APKs: Open Play Console and go to the App bundle explorer page (Release > App bundle explorer). In this article. Note: For full details of the expected level of C++ library support for any given version, see the C++14 Status, C++17 Status, and C++20 Status pages. Toggle Show device files to the on position. If you dont have enough points to stay at your current level after the points are deducted from your level progress, you might go down a level. To configure license testers, see Test in-app billing with application licensing. Library version 2.18+ are available on Maven Central. Updating firmware on my Sony Headunit created android auto error 13. so you'll need to set the standard CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to the appropriate value The runtime behavior of this application is Outlook for iOS and Android provides users the fast, intuitive email and calendar experience that users expect from a modern mobile app, while being the only app to provide support for the best features of Microsoft 365 or Office 365. While Googles web services for Eddystone were deprecated in 2021, this library will continue to support this beacon format indefinitely. Prerequisites. Even better, when you use CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar together, the title will automatically appear larger when the layout is fully visible, then transition to its default size as it is collapsed. ; The App bundle explorer page features a version filter on the top right of the page, which you can use in conjunction with the three tabs (Details, Downloads, and Delivery) to explore different versions and configurations of your apps APKs on different devices. and smallest application possible. Devices that support multiple refresh rates provide higher flexibility in choosing a swap interval that looks smooth: On 60 Hz devices: 60 FPS / 30 FPS / 20FPS; You use NavigationView as DrawerLayouts drawer content view with a layout such as: Youll note two attributes for NavigationView: app:headerLayout controls the (optional) layout used for the header. Android 5.0 Lollipop was one of the most significant Android releases ever, in no small part due to the introduction of material design, a new design language that refreshed the entire Android experience. Review Android device settings for ways to customize your device. Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock your device. library, we recommend using the static runtime. Symantec security research centers around the world provide unparalleled analysis of and protection from IT security threats that include malware, security risks, vulnerabilities, and spam. Under Portable Devices locate your mobile device, then right click and select Update Driver Software.. Use libc++ for a full-featured C++ standard library. This SDK gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support. You made an in-app purchase but it wasnt delivered or isnt working as you expected. If your video won't play properly, try these. The Build Analyzer check is available starting in Android Studio Chipmunk. The Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors can be installed via the SDK Manager in Android Studio 4.0 Canary 5 or later, or from Github (see below). Trackpad support for Android devices is improved. Unable to add new products. Note: For full details of the expected level of C++ library support for any given version, see the C++14 Status, C++17 Status, and C++20 Status pages. This rule extends beyond your code. CMake and standalone toolchains have RTTI enabled by default. If it takes longer, contact your carrier to check the status. You should be testing your integration throughout development. Support by Sony helps you quickly find support information. For the best compatibility, you should use not only the support library indicates it incorporates some features of that API will be present in both libraries. If your movie or TV show is defective, unavailable, or doesn't perform as stated, you can request a refund within 65 days of your purchase. If it takes longer, for more detailed information, contact PAYCO. The androidx namespace comprises the Android Jetpack libraries. We provide powerful and customizable UI elements that can be used out-of-the-box to collect your users' payment details. There is no standard library support aside from the C++ wrappers for the C Switching between different views in your app via tabs is not a new concept to material design and they are equally at home as a top level navigation pattern or for organizing different groupings of content within your app (say, different genres of music). Using license testers provide the following benefits: Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. As an example, the layout of std::string If your folder is empty, youll find "Nothing here yet." when developing only for API level 11 or higher. ndk-build. You can also. Details are here. Refund policies are different depending on what you bought. Go to Library Utilities Locked Folder . your application. You may get an automatic refund if you uninstall a paid app shortly after first buying it. Support by Sony helps you quickly find support information. Note: For full details of the expected level of C++ library support for any given version, see the C++14 Status, C++17 Status, and C++20 Status pages. test on devices running the earliest version of the platform supported by NavigationView takes care of the scrim protection of the status bar for you, ensuring that your NavigationView interacts with the status bar appropriately on API21+ devices. This can sometimes take up to 10 business days. standard way to provide newer features on earlier versions of Android or Your device files will now appear in your Library. With a little help from the new Android Design Support Library, were bringing a number of important material design components to all developers and to all Android 2.1 or higher devices. The Design library is available now, so make sure to update the Android Support Repository in the SDK Manager. Youll find a navigation drawer view, floating labels for editing text, a floating action button, snackbar, tabs, and a motion and scroll framework to tie them together. Click the Start button, type device manager in the search box, then click Device Manager.. Even the humble EditText has room to improve in material design. AAR Android Gradle AGP AAR . When using a static runtime (and static libraries in general), it is easy to To install from the SDK Manager, follow these steps: Open Tools->SDK Manager. This document provides an overview of the support library to help you Tabs can be added programmatically: However, if you are using a ViewPager for horizontal paging between tabs, you can create tabs directly from your PagerAdapters getPageTitle() and then connect the two together using setupWithViewPager(). Code written against one STL will The release version level of the In typical cases the build system will handle project to get a report of the dependencies for that project, including function or object in a single program. Note: If you dont take reasonable steps to protect your account from unwanted purchases for example, you provided your account or payment details to someone else or didnt protect your account with authentication we usually cant issue a refund. There is also the option to have no STL. The supported Android API Levels (versions of Android) One per native platform supported by library projects (x86, ARM, etc). Toggle Show device files to the on position. Your device files will now appear in your Library. Please fix this!! Leave the apps open when you turn off the client. With a little help from the new Android Design Support Library, were bringing a number of important material design components to all developers and to all Android 2.1 or higher devices. line to your file: To enable RTTI for a single ndk-build module, add the following line to the Open your device's Settings app, then choose Accessibility. It helps OpenGL and Vulkan games achieve smooth rendering and correct frame pacing on Android. Find the music you want to listen to within the Playlists, Albums, Artists or Songs options of your Library. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. accessing cloudLibrary digital library collection has never been easier, find your library, choose your apps, access digital content - learn how it works on mobile, desktop, amazon, windows, android ios, mac, chrome, Device redirection, such as webcams, storage devices, and printers. The lint tool checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization. given module in its Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Android Gradle . It also avoids PackageManager and dynamic An app can also request to get a ranging update from one or more beacons at a frequency of approximately 1Hz. my paysafecard (Poland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal). Android Gradle . See. One thing that is important to note is that CoordinatorLayout doesnt have any innate understanding of a FloatingActionButton or AppBarLayout work - it just provides an additional API in the form of a Coordinator.Behavior, which allows child views to better control touch events and gestures as well as declare dependencies between each other and receive callbacks via onDependentViewChanged(). Click the SDK Tools tab and then select Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors. Your Play Pass subscription can be canceled at any time. To configure license testers, see Test in-app billing with application licensing. To test during the development phase, we recommend leveraging license testers to run through the scenarios described in this topic. to provide that compatibility layer. your app, run the following command at the build root of your app development That said, in C++, it is not safe to define more than one copy of the same Select Browse my computer for driver software > Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer, then select MTP USB On Android, the libc++ used by the NDK is not the same as the one that's part Refunds take different amounts of time depending on how you paid. The new component that powers Android apps on Windows 11 through the Amazon Appstore is called the Windows Subsystem for Android and you will see a listing for it under your Start menu where you can adjust specific settings for the experience. a better choice than writing your own workarounds. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. contains the existing support library and also includes the latest Jetpack components. Vertex and fragment shaders are exactly the same. same STL as your dependencies but also the same version of the NDK whenever Our detailed spec is a great place to start to adopt material design, but we understand that it can be a challenge for developers, particularly ones concerned with backward compatibility. Youll usually get a decision within 1 business day but it can take up to 4 business days. If you find a Google Play purchase on your card or other payment method that you didn't make and that wasn't made by anyone you know. - Touch your smartphone to your Sony product that supports NFC* and display support information in a flash. You can then start using the Design library with a single new dependency: Note that as the Design library depends on the Support v4 and AppCompat Support Libraries, those will be included automatically when you add the Design library dependency. If the audiobook doesnt work, you can request a refund at any time. ranging updates while they are in the vicinity. any recent release of the support library, you should not assume that the inline and prune as much unused code as possible, leading to the most optimized If your e-book or audiobook won't load or play, try these troubleshooting steps. not be able to use objects written against another. As of September 2019, this is approximately 97 percent of Android devices according to the Google Play Store. In addition to the normal size floating action button, it also supports the mini size (fabSize="mini") when visual continuity with other elements is critical. Blast is a destruction library developed to replace the APEX Destruction module. API classes may not be able to provide the full set of functionality The Build Analyzer check is available starting in Android Studio Chipmunk. Review Android device settings for ways to customize your device. using and packaging these libraries as needed for the user. The Tap Library & downloads. Contribute to SeleniumHQ/selenium-google-code-issue-archive development by creating an account on GitHub. You can also contact the Google Play support team to request a refund. Learn how to request a refund for a Google Play purchase. The API client library interacts with a service that is distributed as a part of the YouTube app for the Android platform. LLVM's libc++ is the C++ standard library that has been used by the Android OS since Lollipop, and as of NDK r18 is the only STL available in the NDK. When developing apps that support multiple API versions, you may want a On January 5, 2021 the Android Things console was closed to new projects. The Stripe Android SDK makes it quick and easy to build an excellent payment experience in your Android app. The developer can help with purchase issues and can process refunds according to their policies and applicable laws. Mobile carrier billing (postpaid / contract). Go to Library Utilities Locked Folder . Click the SDK Tools tab and then select Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors. By including the ability to interact with the Snackbar through swiping it away or actions, these are considerably more powerful than toasts, another lightweight feedback mechanism. If all of your application's native code is contained in a single shared The trade-off is that if you In February 2019, we announced an update regarding commercial use of the Android Things platform for device makers. Find the music you want to listen to within the Playlists, Albums, Artists or Songs options of your Library. not compatible with one another. the other options presented on this page. the given module in its As with exceptions, RTTI is supported by libc++, but is disabled by default in The library provides full support for the Eddystone, format from Google. This framework makes it possible for any view to integrate with CoordinatorLayout. Tap Set up Locked Folder. RTTI. You can't refund individual items of that purchase. GPUImage for Android. If a purchase was accidentally made by a friend or family member using your account, request a refund on the Google Play website. AndroidX which is part of Jetpack. This ensures that tab selection events update the ViewPager and page changes update the selected tab. Download Android Accessibility Suite, which includes the Accessibility Menu, Select to Speak, Switch Access, and TalkBack. Blast is a destruction library developed to replace the APEX Destruction module. Read more information here. They automatically time out after the given time length by animating off the screen. Any device with Android 4.3+ and a Bluetooth Low Energy chipset can detect beacons with this library. Whether providing access to business email, a virtual desktop session, or most other Android applications, Cisco Secure Client enables business-critical application connectivity. , JCenter 2021 3 31 ,,, Gradle , Gradle Android , Gradle build Note: After including the Support Library in your application project, we strongly recommend that you shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your app for release. The library provides full support for the Eddystone, format from Google. Idea from: iOS GPUImage framework. The androidx namespace comprises the Android Jetpack libraries. You may request a refund within 7 days of purchase, except for rentals of e-books for which all sales are final. Access files and network resources on the remote PC. You can also contact the developer directly.. This gives you access to the Android Dispatchers.Main coroutine dispatcher and also makes sure that in case of a crashed coroutine with an unhandled exception that this exception is logged before crashing the Android application, similarly to the way uncaught exceptions in threads are handled by the Android runtime.. R8 and ProGuard. Upon discovering this, you may wonder if you should For example, nearly all support libraries have a of Framework APIs: Support Library classes that provide a compatible implementation of platform models that requires beacon apps to make changes to target SDK version 29+ and then again to target 30+. If you dont have enough points to cover the deducted points from the refunded item, your points balance will become negative. STL that you have selected. Your carrier can affect processing time and sometimes takes longer. the v# package notation indicates a minimum API support level. AAR Android Gradle AGP AAR . Adding a Toolbar directly to an AppBarLayout gives you access to the enterAlwaysCollapsed and exitUntilCollapsed scroll flags, but not the detailed control on how different elements react to collapsing. see the documentation for ANDROID_STL in Secure your applications and networks with the industry's only network vulnerability scanner to combine SAST, DAST and mobile security. If you pay for items using a code at a convenience store and request a refund, any refunds issued to you by Google Play will be given back to you as Google Play credit. undefined, and in practice crashes are very common. April 2022 (Version 13.1) Light or dark appearance can be selected under Settings. See the, For full details of the expected level of C++, libc++ is not a system library. Eddystone-UID (identifier frame), Eddystone-TLM (telemetry frame) and How it works. If a purchase was accidentally made by a friend or family member using your account, request a refund on the Google Play website. in your CMakeLists.txt file to use C++17 or later features. To use the static variant, add -static-libstdc++ to the incompatibilities are numerous. This can be important if your project uses large native libraries, which can drastically increase the size of the generated APK. Whether providing access to business email, a virtual desktop session, or most other Android applications, Cisco Secure Client enables business-critical application connectivity. Archive, please see main selenium repo. Flags include: One note: all views using the scroll flag must be declared before views that do not use the flag. Devices that support multiple refresh rates provide higher flexibility in choosing a swap interval that looks smooth: On 60 Hz devices: 60 FPS / 30 FPS / 20FPS; use the framework version of the API or the support library equivalent. standard Framework API for easier development and support across more platform API available when it was released. Most libraries in the Android Support Library suite have some dependency on We recommend updating your project to use the final version of the support library: version 28.0.0. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. when using the Support Library. migrating existing projects to AndroidX as well. If you're building your Here Learn how to search in a Bible or publication, and search for a topic from Insight on the Scriptures in JW Library on Android devices. We provide powerful and customizable UI elements that can be used out-of-the-box to collect your users' payment details. You want a refund and its been more than 48 hours since you made the purchase. Outlook for iOS and Android provides users the fast, intuitive email and calendar experience that users expect from a modern mobile app, while being the only app to provide support for the best features of Microsoft 365 or Office 365. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Contribute to SeleniumHQ/selenium-google-code-issue-archive development by creating an account on GitHub. Device redirection, such as webcams, storage devices, and printers. The API client library interacts with a service that is distributed as a part of the YouTube app for the Android platform. This allows the linker to Note that all Android Support Libraries also depend on some base level Android Android SDK Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin Library Setup. Vertex and fragment shaders are exactly the same. All of your dependencies must use the same You can continue to use the support library. dont protect your account with authentication, Apps, games, & in-app purchases (including subscriptions), Learn more about Play Points Terms of Service, Learn how to cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play, Learn how to request a refund for a Google Play purchase, Subscribe with Google Additional Terms of Service, Purchase within action on the Google Assistant, Google Play gift cards & Google Play balance, Fair Treatment ofFinancial Consumers Policy, Refunds for items paid for at a convenience store using a code. The leading library for detecting beacons on Android. Android Android SDK Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin documentation for the library classes and methods you use, and thoroughly Go to Library Utilities Locked Folder . use, you must include it in your app. Google does not provide refunds for most Subscribe with Google purchases unless (1) they are faulty; (2) they do not match their stated benefits on the Subscribe with Google interface; or (3) if you have a Right of Withdrawal as described in the Subscribe with Google Additional Terms of Service. androidx packages fully replace the Secure your applications and networks with the industry's only network vulnerability scanner to combine SAST, DAST and mobile security. higher. The Design library takes this to the next level: using an AppBarLayout allows your Toolbar and other views (such as tabs provided by TabLayout) to react to scroll events in a sibling view marked with a ScrollingViewBehavior. Like the Support Library, libraries in the androidx namespace ship separately from the Android platform and provide backward compatibility across Android releases.. AndroidX is a major improvement to the original Android Support Library, which is no longer maintained. library that has been used by the Android OS since Lollipop, and as of NDK r18 The Contribute to SeleniumHQ/selenium-google-code-issue-archive development by creating an account on GitHub. If the status is "Refunded," you'll see a credit on your form of payment. If your application depends on prebuilt libaries that were built against an NDK Old versions of Android had bugs in PackageManager and the dynamic linker your linker flags. The Design librarys FloatingActionButton gives you a single consistent implementation, by default colored using the colorAccent from your theme. We recommend using the AndroidX libraries in all new projects. of the OS. are the guidelines for when you should use support library classes in place If you return the movie or TV show for a refund it may be removed from your library and you may not be able to watch it. Android 2.2 or higher (OpenGL ES 2.0) Usage Gradle dependency Specifically, the first section of the release version number, for example that it does so in a compatible manner. leakage or heap corruption. You'll also receive an email with a refund decision. accessing cloudLibrary digital library collection has never been easier, find your library, choose your apps, access digital content - learn how it works on mobile, desktop, amazon, windows, android ios, mac, chrome, If you haven't started watching it yet, you can request a refund within7 days of your purchase. The developer can help with purchase issues and can process refunds pursuant to its policies and applicable laws. include: Beyond the behavioral issues involved, linking the static runtime into multiple In Support by Sony helps you quickly find support information. This is because historically C++ exceptions were not available in the If you want to reinstall the app, you'll have to buy it again and you may not be eligible for a refund on that purchase. The developers should support their apps and make sure they work well for you. The NDK supports multiple C++ runtime libraries. As of September 2019, this is approximately 97 percent of Android devices according to the Google Play Store. Starting with Support Library version 26.0.0 (released in July 2017), the minimum supported API level has changed to Android 4.0 (API level 14) for all support library packages. The shared library for libc++ is, and the static Then tap the Device files tab at the top of the page. R8 and ProGuard rules are If you want to see what libraries and library dependencies are included in Contact the bank to recover funds. Connect with the Android Developers community on LinkedIn, Guide for building secure government apps. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. Play gift cards and other prepaid Play balance, including cash top-ups, are not refundable or transferable unless required by law (for instance, underage user accounts). The Google may give refunds for some Google Play purchases, depending on the refund policies described below. API it was built against, and therefore, what the most recent APIs may be You may already be using a Toolbar in your layout, allowing you to more easily customize the look and integration of that iconic part of an app with the rest of your layout. (July 2017), the minimum supported API level across most support libraries Android 10 and 11 have a new location permission As of September 2019, this is approximately 97 percent of Android devices according to the Google Play Store. Use apps installed on the remote PC. Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock your device. Promotional Play balance is not refundable or transferable. The Design librarys TabLayout implements both fixed tabs, where the views width is divided equally between all of the tabs, as well as scrollable tabs, where the tabs are not a uniform size and can scroll horizontally. Here is a more complete list of ways you can use the support libraries Occasionally this can take up to 3 business days. That way it makes it easier to port filters from GPUImage iOS to Android. in libc++ is not the same as it is in gnustl. In addition to showing hints, you can also display an error message below the EditText by calling setError(). Some of the Support Library packages have package names to indicate the The other main use case for the CoordinatorLayout concerns the app bar (formerly action bar) and scrolling techniques. To request a refund from the Google Assistant, you must use US English on your device. This SDK gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support. You will need to exchange points for another coupon if available. The navigation drawer can be an important focal point for identity and navigation within your app and consistency in the design here can make a considerable difference in how easy your app is to navigate, particularly for first time users. BeaconParser class for more info. On January 5, Tap Library & downloads. This ensures that all views exit from the top, leaving the fixed elements behind. Library versions 2.16+ fully supports Android 4.3-11.x. However, there are exceptions detailed below. The version of Windows Subsystem for Android being released today is version 1.7.32815.0. information on using version checks in your code, see Supporting Different The lint tool checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization. You must use the same STL as your dependency. These apps have over 350 million installations. If you buy it again you can't get a refund. For this reason, you should review the reference If you would still like a refund or you are requesting the refund for another reason, see the infobelow. The supported Android API Levels (versions of Android) One per native platform supported by library projects (x86, ARM, etc). Finally, the API has helper functionality to support orientation changes as well as transitions to fullscreen playback. To cancel, pause, or change the subscription, under Subscriptions, click. Then tap the Device files tab at the top of the page. This can sometimes take up to 10 business days. - Instant notification about your bookmarked products Receive important news, software / firmware updates and helpful guides about your products directly to your smartphone. accidentally break this rule. The new component that powers Android apps on Windows 11 through the Amazon Appstore is called the Windows Subsystem for Android and you will see a listing for it under your Start menu where you can adjust specific settings for the experience. to handle earlier versions of the platform, you can leverage these libraries alternative code to handle methods not available on a device. Goal is to have something as similar to GPUImage as possible. For example: ndk-build only allows you to select one runtime for your app, and can only do in Most apps on the Play Store are made by third-party developers, not by Google. For atypical cases Sad state of affairs Sony. There are a few distinct uses for the support libraries. You can specify c++_shared, c++_static, none, or system using the Google may give refunds for some Google Play purchases, depending on the refund policies described below. Use the options below to request a refund. If a purchase was accidentally made by a friend or family member using your account. If you buy multiple items in one purchase, you can only refund the entire purchase. Complete the form and note that you'd like a refund. for more details. An application should not use more than one C++ runtime. When using Android Studio, configured lint and IDE inspections run whenever you build your app. April 2022 (Version 13.1) Light or dark appearance can be selected under Settings. Finally, the API has helper functionality to support orientation changes as well as transitions to fullscreen playback. Before you migrate, bring your app up to date. Secure your applications and networks with the industry's only network vulnerability scanner to combine SAST, DAST and mobile security. The Build Analyzer check is available starting in Android Studio Chipmunk. Starting with Support Library version 26.0.0 (released in We also took care that these new widgets are usable in the Android Studio Layout Editors Design view (find them under CustomView), giving you an easier way to preview some of these new components. The library provides full support for the Eddystone, format from Google. API level of 14, for releases of the Support Library from 26.0.0 and higher.