Build a whole bunch of additional Wisps right away and order them to collect lumber. 5 Grain Caravans, 6 Ghouls (4 on easy) and 2 Necromancers are created. You don't get to keep them after reaching Frostmourne, but the sooner that point is reached, the better. Set up the usual control groups, with one group being assigned to the whole army. 6 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers and 2 Abominations. After defeating the main Orc army, start pushing into their base right away. You'll be pushing it, so don't activate until the last second. Take all of your assault force north. 6 Ghouls, 2 Meat Wagons and 4 Abominations. However, the mission will not be completed until Frostmourne is obtained. Then you have to keep throwing time and resources into replacing your defenses. For the sake of completion, an Ice Troll Priest, two Ice Troll Berserkers, an Ice Troll High Priest and an Ice Troll Warlord are located north of the Purple base. It's therefore useful to move the units stationed at the east entrance to one of the other entrances. That's not advised either, since the Undead forces will attack that isolated base. However, in general, making greater use of unit abilities as opposed to just spamming units would help you through hard difficulty. 2 Ghouls, 2 Crypt Fiends and 1 Necromancer. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer, 2 Meat Wagons, 2 Abominations and the Level 6. 8 Ghouls, 2 Meat Wagons and 4 Abominations. Macintosh. Ballistas are not to be used solely on buildings. As you get down to ten minutes, you might want to see if you can manage building an Arcane Sanctum, and improve the Priests' healing ability, as well as provide a Priest at every gate. Buy a Fraudulent Credentials neckpiece from him and then keep clearing the . This may seem like a good thing to do, and experts recommend it, but it is a big mistake in this situation. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. In order to succeed, the player needs to take care of both groups simultaneously. Beat the Night Elf campaign on the HARD level setting and after the original ending (with all the outtakes) a Starcraft battle takes place using the Warcraft III 3-D graphics engine. Note that Purple doesn't have any Necromancers, Gargoyles or Frost Wyrms; only Green attacks with these units. 95 trees left: you are already building second Tree of Life, 85 trees left: Ancients are rooted south of the Fountain, 80 trees left: the first and the last attack by the Orcs defeated (4 Grunts), 70 trees left: outpost is almost completed, 60 trees left: time to lure enemy Hero out (initial attack force produced), 50 trees left: Orc Hero and main army is defeated (slowly assault begins), 20 trees left: First Primal Guardian is engaged, 10 trees left: Tyrande is at the Horn of Cenarius. The caravan follows a simple schedule: After a given time, the caravan advances to the next village. Have Steam Tanks in front, so they can demolish buildings quickly. Use a Healing Ward in combat. You can have a look at the wares sold by the local Merchant. 10 Ghouls, 4 Crypt Fiends and 1 Meat Wagon. This could be very important; while your Tower defense should generally defeat the attacking forces, if you don't eliminate the attacking artillery immediately, it can easily smash your Towers. Theres no room for any mistakes. The final wave comes on at less than a minute remaining. Hard 22:30 5 Grain Caravans, 6 Ghouls (4 on easy) and 2 Necromancers are created. Throughout the attack, you are constantly producing new units on the background. 12 Ghouls, 2 Meat Wagons and 2 Abominations. You start the chapter in low upkeep, and this guide recommends keeping your upkeep low. 6 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers and 3 Abominations. Replace your repair Wisp. Most of the missions are a little above average WC3 difficulty but there's also tons of silly custom map-type stuff (tower defense lol), and a few others are just painfully hard (in a badly-designed way, like the last NE mission but far worse). Arthas and Muradin are immune, and it's a big setback to have to kill one or two of your own Knights or Riflemen. This give you time to shift your attention away from this group for a while, without making them wait. The Primal Guardians are quite powerful, and should you require reinforcements, its important that they meet no obstacles on the way. Only try this if you are an expert. This is accomplished by doing or not doing certain things that increase the difficulty of the boss fight. As gold comes in, produce 3 more Wisps (rallied to a tree) and one more Archer. 8 Ghouls, 6 Crypt Fiends, 5 Meat Wagons and 4 Abominations. Immediately beyond these Wolves, there's a Fountain of Mana. You will need a Ballista. There are good reasons for following the Owl around in the main map window as it flies around, because it might be hard to determine what the Owl actually saw after it has left an area. There's a Gold Mine to the north of your base you could expand into. The Shaman drops both a Potion of Greater Mana and a Tome of Agility. The reward for killing them is a Potion of Mana, a three-pack of Healing Wards and access to their Gold Mine. 4 Ghouls, 1 Meat Wagon and 1 Abomination. This GameSpot Complete game guide for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides complete walk-throughs for the story campaign and offers multiplayer strategies for all four races with hero. Either you've already played the scenario multiple times or you've read the walkthrough, so you already know exactly where everything is and exactly what will happen in the future. 20:30 3 Zombies and 3 Ghouls attack. The Ballista is crucial for eliminating the Orc base, as is the Wisp in this area, which keeps the Ballista in good condition. Pick up the Healing Wards. It doesn't matter, because the scenario is over. (Took this from my comment on another thread) Start by assuming that you will actually have enough time to complete the mission without any extraordinary measures. The units defending the base are mostly the units due to be included in the next attack wave, but there's also a single Shade, an invisible Undead scout, in the base. Shortly after that, another one must rush over to the Fountain of Health and start building a second Ancient of War. As soon as you have enough gold, upgrade your Tree of Life. All secrets and guide how to. At each exit, build six Guard Towers and leave a Peasant for Auto-Repair. You can also refer to the table below and anticipate the attacks at certain gates - in particular, you receive alternating attacks from the purple and green bases, helping you to determine which two gates you need to defend. He casts Level 2 Carrion Swarm, Level 3 on hard, and Level 3 Sleep. The mission will end immediately after that, depending on exactly where Tyrande is standing, and you want to enter the next scenario fully loaded, so you need to take some care. The focus of this strategy is to build an outpost early and close to the Orc base to deliver reinforcements directly to the battlefield. They have, To the bottom-right of the town is a destructible building which reveals a crate which reveals a sheep which reveals a, There is a farm with three villagers at the bottom of the map very near the western entrance who will turn into Zombies when approached. You can not set the boss encounter to Hard mode from the user interface. To some degree, the caravan also intercepts itself, making hard difficulty roughly a minute slower. 13:00 4 Zombies and 4 Ghouls attack. Without building extra structures, this means the Blacksmith upgrades (weaponry and armor), Lumber Mill upgrades (masonry and harvesting), and some Barracks upgrades. Each time you kill him, 3 or 4 Ankhs of Reincarnation spawn around the effecting Ankh. Hideo Kojima's ambitious post-apocalyptic epic is getting a sequel, featuring the return of Norman Reedus as Sam and Lea Seydoux as Fragile. rotate clockwise from the western do it of the map while killing groups. It's, however, useful, since the Captain is a powerful unit that doesn't count towards your food limit. ; A Potion of Mana can be found on the Nerubian Seer. Next attack is on a clearing with two Frost Wolves, three on hard, a Wendigo and a Wendigo Shaman, also an Elder Wendigo on easy and normal difficulties, and an Ancient Wendigo on hard difficulty. As you are able, add more Guard Towers at the gates (aim to have six at each gate within the first five to eight minutes), max out your upgrades, and build three or more Farms as your resources allow. You start (sort of) at 23 food and 6 combat units. Second, the Orcs fight back viciously on hard mode, much stronger than on normal mode. I did it in 15 minutes, thought it was a fluke so I did it again and I nailed it both times. Send three of the Peasants to the gates (one each), and put them in auto-repair mode. This strategy focuses on efficiency, and that is all you will need to finish the mission comfortably, as well as doing everything else that can be done here. Any Scrolls of Town Portal and Amulets of Recall in possession of Arthas or Muradin are removed once the chapter starts. You have to pour the maximum number of troops possible into the enemy positions. This strategy is at most 20 minutes and at least 15 minutes of you do it properly. However, the Night Elves get the additional feature that, after they have built their "Towers" outside the enemy base (for example), they can walk them forward, fighting on the move. The effects on Arthas of the Tome of Strength, the Tome of Strength +2, the Manual of Health and the Tome of Agility found in this campaign are preserved upon the completion of a chapter, and the advance into the next chapter, but aren't preserved when Frostmourne is obtained. This guide recommends shifting your attention frequently between the groups, keeping both moving at the same time. This will be plenty of gold; in fact, you won't even use up your first mine. This page was last edited on 27 February 2020, at 06:11. 6 Ghouls, 4 Necromancers, 2 Meat Wagon and 2 Abominations. The purple forces will usually attack the northwest or north gate, while green focuses on the west or northwest gate. They don't have the capacity to launch attacks, but they control a Gold Mine that can be useful. 3 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer and 1 Meat Wagon. The next day, near the outskirts of the sacred Moonglade. When the final attack comes, all you have to do is hold out long enough to keep one building standing when the counter hits zero. Make sure to add them into your group to assign attack targets. Wait a little bit, though, otherwise you have a long way to travel. You can get some Healing Wards in a box near the Orc mine. Be prepared to switch Wisps from gold to wood, because you will be needing an awful lot of wood. After capturing the mines and building as much of an army as possible, I get decimated by the incoming forces faster than I can rebuild. This is the first mission in the Night Elf campaign which really has the Hard Mode flavour to it. Important: DO NOT rally your new production to Tyrande. After that, you will find that a ford leads to the Murloc area, which is isolated, and a second ford leads to the Orc area. The nearby crate contains a, If you have the time, travel westwards to right below the purple Undead base where there is a small group of Murlocs guarding a cage. Whatever your reasons, you can check below for a full list of cheat codes for both Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, and Warcraft 3: Reforged - all cheat codes work with both versions of the game. Replace your casualties immediately. Replace any units killed during the attack on the Purple base, and attack the final Green base in the northeast corner of the map. Send your magic users to the Fountain of Mana. Later on, you will free up those spots in the population roster. Consult the table below and try to pick a longer interval between attacks, to minimize Arthas' absence. In the meantime, start upgrading everything you possibly can. while doing this keep spawning footman the whole time, and riflemen at the towers with a rally point to defend, Arthas will be ambushed by MalGanis at the top of the road, move counterclockwise and use a single footman to run away while distracting Malganis, keep moving around while killing buildings, bring Arthas back to base to grab more troops, bring some of the defenders back with you into Stratholme, play cat and mouse with map Hanks while killing buildings, use single footman as distractions for Malganis. Quickly select all of your current troops (give them a quick key) and start focusing on individual Undead attackers. Send the fourth Peasant to help gather lumber. epic fail. Redeploy your Protectors and Ballista in preparation for the push north. This guide is not in any way. You can't take it with you, but grab it, because it will actually be useful in the final fight. However, it is possible to win by attacking and destroying those bases. GreedIsGood (#) Instantly obtain set number of lumber and gold. Arthas doesn't even need to survive; just put up a good fight to delay the Undead for as long as you are able to. Their choice of entrance also influence their attack time, as some entrances are further from their base. Because building a Night Elf "Tower" uses up a Wisp, if you know or expect that you will be building a bunch of "Towers", you can overproduce a bunch of Wisps early, and collect extra resources. Go down the ramp and cross the frozen lake to two Ice Trolls, an Ice Troll Priest and an Ice Troll Berserker. Don't bother with advanced buildings unless you're good with defense. While it's completely possibly to be industrious and attack before Arthas returns, it's harder to do without the aid of Arthas' abilities, and difficult to coordinate while keeping Arthas' group moving. You will simply find yourself overwhelmed. The scenario is just one big fight, lasting only a few minutes, and if you want to have a decent chance of winning, all of your units need to be shooting at enemy units continuously. Use a Healing Ward in combat. Notify me about new: Guides. Early in the morning, Arthas and Jaina approach the village of Hearthglen. 5 Grain Caravans, 2 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers and 4 Abominations are created. One hundred trees protecting Furion equals roughly 15 minutes. The attack should be executed as one single movement which might be slower at times, but without interruption. Send a pair of Wisps to build Ancient Protectors SW of the Fountain. Typically the campaigns are quite heavily scripted. 6 Ghouls, 4 Necromancers and 3 Abominations. 8 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer, 2 Meat Wagon and 3 Abominations. Ignore it. Then get back to town. I don't think it is possible to fight it, but it is a nice easter egg for Starcraft fans. Warcraft 3 Hard Mode Guide - Human Level 5 - YouTube 0:00 / 8:28 Warcraft 3 Hard Mode Guide - Human Level 5 14,521 views Feb 6, 2010 Warcraft 3 Hard Mode Guide - Human Level 5 - March of. At best, your buffer is roughly 10 trees, which is 1-2 minutes. Note that a Burrow with 4 Peons in it is very dangerous, and a Ballista will have great difficulty destroying a Burrow that 4 Peons are repairing. Send Arthas and the Captain along with Priests, Sorceresses, Steam Tanks, Knights and Gryphon Riders and attack the Purple base. If you have the level 3 Divine Shield (which the walkthrough has advised you to do), you should be able to take out three Grain Caravans before running away and lowering the Shield. Walkthrough - Warcraft III Hard Mode Campaign Guide Page 1 Name: Marc Novakouski Email: Game: Warcraft III Guide: Hard Mode Campaign Strategy Guide Date: 10-20-02 Version: 1.1 Warcraft 3 is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. Build order. Bring up your Ancient of War. In anticipation, try to get as many extra hands on deck as your resources allow. This page contains a list of cheats, codes for god mode and infinite gold, Easter eggs, and other secrets for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft 3: Reforged for PC. On harder difficulties, more enemies will attack more often in this scenario. Notably, Mal'Ganis now also joins the attack waves. Produce 2 Archers and 3 Huntresses for 13 food; this gives you one full maneuver unit, with the Ballista being separate. Have them join your other forces. Viewed 30k times 12 I've difficulties surviving in the last campaign mission in Warcraft 3 on the highest difficulty settings. Sometimes you just need an extra push to claim victory - and sometimes you just want to demolish an entire army with one invulnerable Peon. learn advanced lumber harvesting from lumber mill. First, you get more than 3 full days to complete the mission at normal difficulty, but the timer runs shockingly faster at hard level, where you get at most two full days. Game: Warcraft III Guide: Hard Mode Campaign Strategy Guide Date: 10-20-02 Version: 1.1 Warcraft 3 is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. First they will encounter two Giant Frost Wolves and a Dire Frost Wolf. The Orcs are now eliminated, or they may have a few remnants left. As the front line moves forward and resistance collapses, move your Protectors forward. You should win this battle eventually, but eventually means that you lose, because you have to eliminate the Orc base in just a few minutes. The easiest way to find it is to create an owl scout and fly it up towards the fountain and then move left along the top of the map until you see it. Remember, you can adequately defend the town with a single party that travels between the heavily Towered gates. When the Optional Quest comes, you should be able to send Arthas out alone to take care of it. It's clearly recommended to bring only Arthas and Muradin to the start of this fight, as the Ghost and the Wraith are capable of Possession. 4 Ghouls, 10 Crypt Fiends and 1 Meat Wagon. Once all Purple units are dead and all Purple unit-producing buildings destroyed, retreat all your units except the Steam Tanks. Leave plenty of space for running around in. 4 Ghouls, 4 Crypt Fiends and 4 Gargoyles. 12 Ghouls, 3 Crypt Fiends and 3 Necromancers. Once you can attack him, focus your attacks on The Guardian, since the other enemies stop fighting once he's dead. 2 Ghouls, 1 Meat Wagon and 2 Abominations. 1 Meat Wagon, 8 Gargoyles, 2 Abominations, 3 Frost Wyrms and, 2 Ghouls, 1 Meat Wagon, 2 Abominations and, 6 Ghouls, 4 Crypt Fiends, 3 Necromancers, 3 Meat Wagons, 4 Abominations and. After dealing with them, your outpost should already be half completed. Take out the first Guardian and his escort. Start with Ballistas, then add Archers and Huntresses. This Dire Frost Wolf has a Periapt of Vitality. You can control it as it will become your ally.. reach as close to it as possible(the area above the log) and you will receive 3 night elf catapults. As soon as you seize the ford south of the Orc base, rush 6 Wisps to harvest wood south of that ford, taking 2 off gold. This page was last edited on 24 February 2018, at 09:28. Sometimes real time strategy games are hard, man. Just stand around and wait for your Protectors to be finished. The Dire Frost Wolf drops a Ring of Protection +3. Feel free to take care of your other group while he's talking. Youre doing it right if by the end of the mission you have accumulated no spare resources. Intercepting the caravan during its travel will push the schedule back. * On easy and normal difficulties, and as soon as Arthas obtains Frostmourne, Green won't research any Graveyard upgrades any longer. Wait for at least the first town to fall, in the upper left corner of the map. The map has only two items of any real value given that Tyrande got many powerful treasures in the previous mission. Build two Moon Wells west of the Fountain, another Ancient of War and one Ancient of Lore. They have Disease Cloud Aura. Dont build any units just yet. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer, 1 Meat Wagon and 1 Abomination. Main quest: Stratholme - a city infected by the plague, which is swarming with the undead. You can't attack any of them until The Guardian has said his piece. Their choice of entrance can change depending on any factor, whether it's force buildup, or randomness. Exit by the east entrance to find the Purple Undead base. Shift your attention over to Arthas' group when upgrades are being researched and the base is not currently under attack. To begin with, recruit five more Peasants, two more mining gold and three cutting lumber. **SPOILER ALERT**These regions don't unlock until well into Ragnarok's story. In particular, this applies to the Owl scout. Queuing commands is a standard feature of Warcraft 3. He's Level 9 on easy and normal difficulties, Level 10 on hard. When your last Huntress is finished, uproot your Ancient of War and walk (or crawl) to the eastern ford. Since the Knights and Riflemen from Arthas' group no longer count towards your food limit, additional recruits can help defending against the coming attack waves. Killing them yields a Health Stone. You should be able to keep all of your remaining starting troops alive. You do this by overproducing 4 Wisps, then sending 6 Wisps to the Orc base to cash them in for Ancient Protectors, then replacing 2 Wisps and getting the Ballista. You can see this quite clearly in the hard mode screenshots, where there is never any exploration, and the Murlocs are completely ignored, and indeed, never even found. (from Strategy Guide. This guide recommends leaving your units on defense and researching upgrades. They have some slight value, but you don't really need any of them, especially because Tyrande is already fully loaded with good items. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer and 2 Abominations. If you arrange things properly, you can still pick up the item you dropped to clear space in your pockets before finishing the level. Consider using Arthas as a forward scout; with Divine Shield active he can safely anticipate where the next attack will take place, and also destroy Meat Wagons before they reach your Towers. It is very likely that the entire Orc army, including their Blademaster, will hit you as soon as you kill the first 4 Grunts, and after that, they keep pouring troops at you, including the Blademaster, every time he respawns. 2 Crypt Fiends, 2 Necromancers, 1 Meat Wagon and, 5 Crypt Fiends, 3 Necromancers, 4 Meat Wagons, 1 Abomination and. Keep in mind that you will need a LOT of wood, and not so much gold, so allocate your Wisps accordingly. I Love You, You Hate Me is a limited doc series chronicling the rise and fall of Barney the Dinosaur's furious backlash and what it says about the human need to hate. Develop your preexisting units into a mobile force that moves to meet the Undead attackers. Your reward is a Medallion of Courage. In the meantime, start upgrading. The first attack on your base will happen at both the north and northeast entrance. Build an Ancient of Lore. Prior to the release of Wrath of the Lich King and the . At some point, there aren't any more useful upgrades, so recruit a full army. Use them to cut a path through the trees to the Hydralisk and you will be able to use it. It looks like you have plenty of time left, so send your entire army to take out the Murlocs. Your goal is to kill 100 zombies before Mal'Ganis. The listed times are early, but possible. A bit later, send another pair of Wisps to build Protectors further north, and then a third pair. Train four Peasants for lumber and focus on upgrading your existing units. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer, 2 Meat Wagons and 1 Abomination. Keep Arthas out of harm's way until he can cast Divine Shield again, and send him back in for the last two Grain Caravans. We advise not watching this video until you've gotten at least as far as the end of the main quest Forging Destiny. The goal, however, is to simply make sure at least one building is still standing at the end of the countdown. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer, 2 Meat Wagons and 2 Abominations. Log in to add games to your lists. Once the entire base is leveled, both the chapter and the campaign is won. 2 Crypt Fiends, 4 Meat Wagons and 3 Abominations. As soon as your Protectors are all finished, start taunting the Orcs. The first Dire Frost Wolf drops a Ring of Protection +3. The normal-mode strategy presented here, which allows you to complete the mission comfortably within the time limit while playing normally, and allows you to do all the secondary tasks, and allows you to minimize your casualties, simply cannot work on hard level. Check out the trailer for the two-part series from director Tommy Avallone.I Love You, You Hate Me premieres on Peacock on October 12, 2022. Activating the Hardmode option in Tazavesh is fairly easy, but it can only be done over 2 resets. There is only one attempt. Even then, the strategy needs to minimize time; the cost being a loss of potential income and heavy casualties while abandoning all secondary issues. 4 Ghouls, 1 Necromancer and 2 Meat Wagons. Focus your resources on a small party of defenders that move from gate to gate, upgrades, and Guard Towers. Return and prepare to cross the river. charge in with Arthas and team. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, The disadvantage of doing this is that you may need those population slots for better units. It hires out Nerubian Warriors, Ice Troll Berserkers and Frost Revenants. For Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hard mode "THe Crossing"". In the second Night Elf mission in the campaign mode (Chapter 2: Daughters of the Moon) you can find a Hydralisk at the top of the map, slightly to the left of the top right fountain of life. Sentinels Campaign - Terror of the Tides Chapter One - Rise of the Naga Chapter Two - The Broken Isles Chapter Three - The Tomb of Sargeras Chapter Four - Wrath of the Betrayer Chapter Five -. 6 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers, 1 Meat Wagon and 1 Abomination. Do not underestimate the Orcs' ability to rebuild their base from scratch. Using this strategy, you will still be trying to enter the Orc base from the south at this time, because their resistance is just too strong, i.e. You would like to set up your Ancient of War just south of the eastern ford, but it may need to deploy early. After an ominous death speech, Arthas obtains Frostmourne in a cutscene. Continue circling the frozen lake counterclockwise to a Goblin Merchant. They reappear in your base once Frostmourne has been obtained. He should not run into any other trouble along the way. Hard mode "THe Crossing" Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC . ; A three-pack of Healing Wards can be found on the Nerubian Spider Lord. However, if you simply want to reveal the terrain, or especially if you are pressed for time, you can spit out an Owl, select it, then R-click somewhere on the minimap, then Shift-R-click somewhere else on the minimap, and so on, and then deal with other matters while the Owl explores autonomously. The initial army is enough to defeat the first (and the only) Orc attack of 4 Grunts. The Farms you set up earlier will allow several more people, but money and wood may say otherwise. The Healing Wards can be very useful. This doesn't go unnoticed by the Undead, which change their attack pattern in response; see the table for details. This mission is very easy at normal level, and very hard at hard level. Lastly, there are two Skeletal Marksmen, two Frost Revenants and The Guardian. KeyserSoze (#) Instantly obtain set number of gold. 11:00 Quest Failed . The path generally goes to the north, making it feasible to order the group to Attack-Move north of their current position. Bring up the item that you dropped to carry the Healing Wards. The normal-mode strategy presented here, which allows you to complete the mission comfortably within the time limit while playing normally, and allows you to do all the secondary tasks, and allows you to minimize your casualties, simply cannot work on hard level. Then produce 3 Huntresses. Move all your troops there. Do not enter(!) The waves of attacks follow a repeatable pattern, so for extra help refer to the list of attack times and locations below. Internally he is given an Ankh of Reincarnation by the game every 1.5 seconds when alive, then you have to kill him 6 times in a row in less than 1.5 seconds to deplete all Ankhs before he eventually dies. yeah, so sue me :P) Basically, it's all about . You should be able to defeat them easily, but keep an eye on your Ancients, because the Orcs will attack them instead of your troops if they are in production. There is no time to delay for any reason whatsoever. To the south of your base, there is a small peasant farm. Perhaps the proper phrase is "crawl forward", because trees walk very slowly. 4 Ghouls, 4 Necromancers, 2 Abominations and the Level 6. They have Disease Cloud Aura. Prepare to take out the third, final Guardian. You will not be doing any exploring or scouting in this scenario. Move all your troops to the second ford. When not under attack, take the time to explore. Killing the Ice Troll Warlord is required to obtain a. This guide is not in any way associated or endorsed by Blizzard. This spell reduces the attack rate and movement rate of enemy units by a decent amount, which increases the effectiveness of your own units against them. Unless some units have died, more can't be recruited without entering high upkeep, so use resources on researching upgrades. Warcraft 3: Reforged at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies WarCraft 3 - Hard Mode Guide - Night Elf Level 7 - Twilight of the Gods. This is Hard mode. You find a second gold mine in the SE map corner. Drink the Anti-magic Potion just before the final battle. Activating Hardmode in Tazavesh. Make sure you heal him as your first priority. You will bolster this force with a Tower attack. While only Arthas and Muradin must be kept alive, do try to keep the rest of your group alive as well. Soon your forces will reach a cemetery with four Skeleton Archers, two Skeletal Marksmen, a Ghost and a Wraith. If you manage to kill Mal'Ganis before obtaining Frostmourne, he will revive by Ankh of Reincarnation. Caveat: It is assumed that the Orcs only attack you in a limited way, but this is actually quite unlikely. Send one Wisp to harvest wood south of the eastern ford. What actually happens is that the new units arrive well behind Tyrande and then just stand around stupidly doing nothing. If this happens, then you will be fighting a long battle of attrition against an enemy that is as developed as you, has as many production facilities as you, repairs everything furiously, and rebuilds every building as fast as you destroy them. You either emerge victorious or you will start over again. Murlocs die easy. Due to the extreme time pressure in this scenario, the only consideration that matters is minimizing time spent. Attack their Watch Tower and get back to the Fountain. There will typically be more defenders at enemy bases too. Pick up the final item. Keep your core party handy. The Goblin Merchant sells several items that are fairly useful in this situation, due especially to the time pressure, but the time pressure means that you may not have time to go there. This is Hard mode. If you want to deal with the Optional Quest, Arthas can handle the Grain Caravans (Meat Wagons) solo with Divine Shield activated. Right away, uproot your first Ancient of War and Ancient Protector and move them to the Fountain of Health found just outside the Orc Base to the NE. A lot of levels you will have a base and every 2-3 minutes or so, a wave of enemies will attack, normally very easy to repel. It isn't necessary to attack the Undead bases, and we do not recommend it. Warcraft III: Reforged System Requirements, PC Cheats and Secrets - List of Warcraft 3 Cheat Codes, How to Unlock The Frozen Throne Expansion, This video shows you where to find all the Nornir Chests, Legendary Chests, Lore items, and all of Odin's Ravens in the Musphelheim, Helheim, and Niflheim regions of God of War Ragnarok. All later attacks happen at one entrance at a time; see the table for details. You should be able to crush their attacks easily without losing any units, but be prepared to run your entire army deep into your defensive position, and send wounded units to the Fountain. The Undead forces have three entrances to your base. Not even one. Uther will return and put everything in order. LeafItToMe (#) Instantly obtain set number of lumber. Lay out the Potion, the Ward, and one of your inventory items outside the detection range of the Guardian. IocanePowder. Your base is just south of Stratholme, at the bottom of the map ( 1 ). This page was last edited on 4 May 2018, at 00:12. When ready, send Arthas out to meet the caravan. Taunt the Guardian. . 16:30 4 Zombies and 4 Ghouls attack. The units defending the Purple base are largely the units intended for the next attack wave. With the exception of the starting time, all times are therefore approximate, and increasingly less reliable. Keep units together. WarCraft 3 - Hard Mode Guide - Night Elf Level 7 - Twilight of the Gods You Might Also LikeGuide to LevelingLet's Play Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 090 - A Destiny of Flame and SorrowWorld of Warcraft Cataclysm Alpha Create Character Screen [link in Description]Alliance and Horde Leveling Guides Keep grinding away at the Orc base. The Orcs are quick to train troops. Guide to Leveling; Let's Play Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 090 - A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow; World of Warcraft Cataclysm Alpha Create Character Screen [link in Description] Alliance and Horde Leveling Guides; When you find the Fountain of Health, SE of the Orc base, which is guarded by just a few troops, send your entire army, which should be a full control group, to seize the Fountain. I usually end up as sole survivor (Hu/Orc base destroyed) after 10 minutes. Ignore them. The purple minions only attack your base if you kill Malganis, and his group will decimate you. . Treasures []. Spit out 3 or 4 Owls in rapid succession and send them to autonomously explore the southern part of the map. Drink the Potion, which lasts a long time. Destroying this base isn't a requirement for victory, but it's easier to destroy the Green Undead base if the Purple Undead aren't attacking your base simultaneously. Send any unit there to recruit three Footmen for no extra cost. 2 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers and 1 Abomination. Its very important not to lose any Ballistas. Muradin's inventory can be found back at the base. The Wolf leads you to an ambush consisting of two Frost Wolves, two Giant Frost Wolves, three on hard, and a Dire Frost Wolf. Redeploy your forces. When you see where the fight will happen, deploy your final Ward. However, attempting to use it will cause four nearby Ogres to attack. the Orc Base before defeating most of their forces. Have him target a Grain Caravan (Meat Wagon) as you only have to destroy the Grain Caravans to fulfill the quest, and activate his Divine Shield just as the Undead start attacking. In between attacks gather them in the center of the town so that they are equidistant from the three gates. Your northernmost Protectors should be just outside the range of the nearest Orc Tower. Just as an attack wave from The Green Undead has been defeated, launch an attack on the Purple Undead base. Dont let your attack die out. 2 Ghouls, 2 Crypt Fiends, 2 Necromancers, 3 Gargoyles and 3 Abominations. Defeat them for a, In the far north-west corner of the map, there is a Fountain of Health. Redeploy your forces. Destroying the Orc base is not among the requirements (you only need to reach Moonglade), but its wise to get rid of the Great Hall and Peons. You will needs lots of artillery for the static defenses and lots of other combat power. 2 Meat Wagons, 6 Gargoyles and 4 Abominations. 5 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers, 2 Meat Wagons, 2 Abominations and a Level 6. Aim to have 16 Wisps in action: 5 in each mine, 4 collecting wood, and two standing around near the front for repairs or other uses. WarCraft 3 HARD MODE GUIDE - The Broken Isles, Sentinel Level 2 604 views Nov 1, 2013 7 Dislike Share Save Nadin Wins 14.1K subscribers Join Hard Difficulty ! From Barney-bashing to frat parties to homicidal video games, something in American society broke into a million pieces, and it's never been put together again or is this just who we were all along? Take out the second Guardian and his escort. Accordingly, the hard mode approach requires the usual cheats of clairvoyance (you need to know where everything is) and prescience (you need to know exactly what will happen). If you lose a bunch of gold to upkeep, it is irrelevant, because the scenario will not last longer than 2 full days, and there is no need to reserve any gold for later. ; An Ice Troll Berserker drops a Potion of Greater Healing. 3 Ghouls, 2 Necromancers and 1 Meat Wagon. From the beginning, your forces are divided, and you can't move your forces from one group to another. You will be attacked by 4 Grunts early during the first night. For an early warning system consider stationing the Gyrocopter where it can see both approaches, but not be reached by ground troops. While it can be useful to increase the mana of Arthas and Muradin, this guide doesn't recommend that you dally. All times are in remaining minutes and seconds before Uther's return, which can be found in the upper right corner of the screen. While this may be difficult to do effectively, defense is significantly easier once your forces are no longer split. Exit by the northeast entrance and take a left to find three Spiderlings, a Nerubian Webspinner, a Nerubian Seer and a Nerubian Spider Lord.
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Trees to the next village difficulties, more enemies will attack more often in this scenario, only! A three-pack of Healing Wards in a box near the outskirts of the Fountain heavily gates... Defense and researching upgrades the group to assign attack targets Instantly obtain set number of gold ; in,! You would like to set up earlier will allow several more people, but it is powerful!