5. Below are some of the best conversation starters which can help you on your next outing. For example, You: I hear someone stole your car, you must be upset! Shush! You are so stupid. Join the line at the nearest bathroom and ask, So, they fixed this one? It's fine. 7 Close the window airforce is coming. 38. Once done, your chosen number of idioms . Here are some hilarious one-liners and funny quotes to toss into your conversations. During a private conversation, Is this why fate brought us together?, 37 Fun And Painless Ways To Meet New People, 37 Of The Most Romantic Things To Do For Your Wife To Make Her Heart Melt, 17 Red Flags In Friendships That Change Everything, 39. 46. 2. All you need to do is indicate the number of random phrases you'd like to be displayed and then hit the "Generate Random Phrases" button. If you find yourself in the middle of the road, that would be very dangerous. 76. 29. We need to go.". Have a Conversation About Things You Wish Were Happening: Oftentimes when you feel the conversation is over and everyone is struggling to keep the atmosphere cool, bringing about a talk about things you wish were happening or things you are dreaming of could spark up a more lengthy conversation which would end up making everyone happy. Those who can count, and those who cant. 8. Ask your guest if you could serve them tea, if they say yes, say, You have to wear a T-shirt to have my tea. Why isnt phonetic spelled the way it sounds? 87. Buy a T.V and remote as same as your neighbors and go outside changing the channels. I want my wheelbarrow back!, When someone asks how you know a mutual friend, say, Beetle fighting., When someone asks where youre from, stare at them blankly for an uncomfortable amount of time, then whisper, They told me, Wisconsin., Send a text that says, I told you it would come to this. While ordering food at a restaurant, ask the server for their top two dishes they like (or that people or), then choose something completely different. If thats exactly what you are looking for, go live with a car battery. In an elevator with many people in it, say you may be wondering why Ive gathered you here today. 25. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 44. Tell a friend, I had a dream about you last night. At the beginning of a response, Well, as I said in a dream last night, 35. An apple a day keeps the doctor awayif you throw it hard enough! Keith: It's fine. 16. Check Out Our List Of 295, Guys Are Jumping Ship When They See These 15 Signs of a Toxic Girlfriend, Wondering How Long The Talking Stage Should Be Before Dating? I cant hear what the voices are saying., 28. Polar bears sleep with penguins, everyone knows that! Ask if you can be a friends human alarm clock. A mental library of random things to say is often an effective method of learning how to easily initiate a conversation with people around you, including strangers, especially when you dont have a clue on how to start. What are your other two wishes? 83. Read the room before unleashing your favorites. What do you do when you find the needle in the haystack? You have to come up with random things that can work as icebreakers and keep the conversation going on. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Synonyms for RANDOM: aimless, arbitrary, catch-as-catch-can, desultory, erratic, haphazard, helter-skelter, hit-or-miss; Antonyms for RANDOM: methodical, nonrandom . 15. Id lift your feet, just in case, before flushing. Pretend to pass out in a busy place. Dancing on the table may be my favorite past time. However, they can go a long way in helping the other person get to know you. In such times what do you do? Theres absolutely nothing I would change about us. 78. 72. 48. If you are looking for random funny things to say to confuse people or to be funny, you have come to the right place. Why is it that every time disaster strikes, I find myself without a proper blade? Respond to a comment with, In this economy?, 53. If I tried to look as attractive as all of the celebrities I like, I'd end up looking about as ugly as I am. At the sight of someone riding a horse, say, Look at that show-off, sitting up there while the horse is moving., 61. Go into a pet store and ask them if they have sloths for sale. Mate - A common one and quite clich - mate means friend. God has blessed me with such an incredible man. Finish a fairy tale with the words, And then the wolves came. The use of this tool is quite simple. 41. Equal opportunity means everyone has a fair shot at failing miserably and then blogging about it., 74. I said No to drugs, but they wouldnt listen., 2. Why do we have royalty in a deck of cards such as the king and queen and then along comes the joker? 18. Why is a necklace called such, it doesnt have any lace attached. 71. Sometimes in life, random things can blind-side you. And having some of these techniques will not only help you socially but also in a professional environment where networking is paramount. While having a serious conversation, interject, I was born as a baby.. 40. In response to any suggestion, But at what cost?, 30. 86. That might just be what would keep the conversation going and fun. In truth, shrimp are classified based on their size, with jumbo shrimp falling into the 21-30 per pound category. Whoever said you can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop! When you bump into someone you know at random, you can say, I will take you to the movies only if you will wait for me outside.. Funny Random Things to Say. And if someday the burden falls on you, here are some random things to say to your bf which you can say to him. Its funny how the cost of living is going up but the chance of living is going down. Hide in a wardrobe in a furniture store and when someone opens the door scream, Welcome to Narnia. 67. (It is called the Hymn to Liberty or Hymn to Freedom) and no one's ever memorized it. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Somebody says you did something you absolutely did not do.You try to convince them of your innocence, but for one reason or another, they refuse to believe you. Try texting someone a random word and see what happens next. The truth is that you might share lots of interests, but the fear of what the other person might feel or how different they are may end up ruining our chance of having the best conversation ever. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 31. Give a compliment: Complimenting someone might just be what you need to get that conversation started. When youre at school and someone talks on the p.a. To help you set the atmosphere all giggling, here are some of the funniest and random things to say to anyone around and make them laugh anyway. Call Pizza Hut and ask for the phone number to Dominos. Chin up. Funny random things to say in a conversation, 77 Java Collections Interview Questions 2023 (Freshers/Experienced), 40 Best Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers 2023, How To Respond To An Apology When Youre Still Hurt 2023, How To Respond To Birthday Wishes On Wrong Day 2023, In a public toilet, pass a note under the door next to you saying, Theyre onto us. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Whatevers eating you must be in even worse shape than you are., 57. What was the best thing before sliced bread?. After all, who couldn't use a little more laughter in their day? It's about God's gracious will, which "orders all things mightily." And often, that ordering requires some re-ordering, some re-creating, or at least the hope, the conviction, that God will one day restore all things to peace, harmony and unity. Go to the movies with a spray bottle of water. Crawl away slowly. I life had a pause button, I would pause every moment I spent with you. Write Free Gumballs on a piece of paper, and tape it to a gumball machine, and watch. I'm so glad we have brown cows, otherwise there wouldnt be any chocolate milk. Walk away after the ice cream truck you were chasing stops for you. When the man asks you where you want to go, say To infinity, and beyond. 44. 58. While ordering food at a restaurant, ask the server for their top two dishes they like (or that people or), then choose something completely different. How about having a conversation with Alexa. 82. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Im out of my mind. Thank you for everything youve given me. Rubber bands last longer when they are refrigerated. Im going to get my toe nail pierced this weekend. Instead, ask a question that would make the other person curious or a comment that can be very engaging. Why dont we call a jumping jack a jumping jump? 9 out of 10 voices in my head tell me Im crazy. Talk About What You Two Have in Common: Finding shared interests makes conversations smooth and enjoyable. If a month lasts for one day, that means men will be paid salaries every day and women will never mind. My name is
, but you can call me any time., 19. 60. It could even be worse for someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Walk into a group of friends chatting casually and say, "It's done. Are you supposed to serve coffee on a coffee table? Try ordering a pizza 15 minutes before New Year, and when it arrives, yell, Youre late! Or better yet, go for the sun. Always remember that youre uniquejust like everyone else is. You can send your work colleague that says, I regret to inform you that you are no longer welcome at The Knights of The Twisted Knee.. It doesnt have any hops and it doesnt have any scotch. Is she ok with mocking granny, her Queen? 5. Definitive List Of 100 Virtues To Live By, 28 Mission Statement Examples and How To Write One, Wish Them Peaceful Sleep With 71 Inspirational Goodnight Quotes, 119 Uplifting Affirmations For Women To Use Daily, 65 Of The Most Difficult Questions To Answer. If you are both going to have a meal later, you can also ask or suggest what you can eat. 23. If you share things like the same weather or met at the same restaurant or meeting, then it would be quite easy to talk about events from there, and who knows? Even though keeping a conversation going can sometimes be very difficult, especially with strangers or a group you are unfamiliar with, its okay to panic a little but dont lose focus entirely. 14. If stars aren't enough then use the moon as well. Buy an ice cream, ask the cashier if they believe in unicorns then squish the cone on your forehead. If you relieve yourself in the bathroom can you also relieve yourself by eating? Dress up as an m&m then run through the mall yelling the skittles are coming!. Whether you are a good conversationalist or not, there will always be a time when you would run out of clues as to how to keep a conversation going with a group or a stranger. Thank God someone cleaned out the cabinet., 75. 1. When someone asks for a favor, say, After all these years, am I still beholden to you?. Dont Be aKnow-It-All: Knowing it all doesnt make a good conversationalist because those who know it all always try to dominate conversations, which can turn others off. When a friend suggests going for coffee, say Dont you know theres a war on?, When someone randomly changes the subject, shout, Hes at it again!, In the middle of a positive conversation, interject, Now lets talk about why Im bitter., At the dinner table, when someone picks up a condiment, point at them and declare, That is for members only., When someone asks you a serious question, ponder for a moment, then reply, Cats dont roller skate., The next time someone thanks you for something, say, Im going to hell so you dont have to., If you butt dial a friend, send them a text that says, That was your final warning., When someone says something negative about another person, nod thoughtfully and say, He buttered his shoelaces upside down., In a grocery store, ask a stranger, Do you know where I might find pickled pollywogs?, When someone bumps into you or steps on your foot, mutter, You wouldnt do that if you knew who I was., If you bump into someone or step on their foot, say, Im sorry. When someone settles into the public bathroom stall next to you, say, Well pray for a miracle. Whereas if the person likes to keep conversations lighthearted, you could ask them more amusing questions. Take a desk to an elevator and when someone tries to get in ask Do you have an appointment?. I have read three whole books in my lifetime. 97. Bring a desk on an elevator. 32. Can you find a card inside of cardboard or will you find a board? !" A post for anyone who has repressed the terrifying Puttermans into the deep recesses . I don't hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a bucket of water, I would drink the water. I get sympathy gas., 25. If you name your daughter Angel, arent you afraid she will fly away? A bag of money can represent not only wealth, but also massive inflation. When someone touches you scream I WAS SLEEPING! and run away. 1# Random Things To Say To Your Friends. An elf walks into a bar. 28. My mom would smirk or worse yet laugh at some random thing I do that would make me think that it was something that deserves mockery. I dont spew profanities. 27. Leaving aside comments others are likely to find crass or creepy, consider the following list of weird things to say to your friends (or anyone else whos listening). Heres my son, and his dog, coming. I also really like her style she always looks so put together and classy. If you lend someone money and never see them again, it was probably worth every penny. Answers are what we have to solve other people's problems. Just read through this wiki article on it. Here are a few random things to say to Alexa and you will definitely get some amusing answers. If you say a prayer in church what do you say in the bathroom? Chase the ice cream truck until it stops for you. When people try to get on ask if they have an appointment. When I am thinking aloud and start spelling a random word in the sentence I was thinking, my cat thinks I am crazy. If you shop inside the stock market is it stocked with fruits and vegetables? 3. I want to spend my life making you happy. In a public toilet, pass a note under the door next to you saying, "They're onto us. random friend chat Postal Savings: +86 10 95580. When you find yourself in such a situation try out the following: 1. Someone has to., 12. A dwarf laughs at him and walks under it., 55. It is easier to wake me up when I am asleep than when I am pretending to sleep. You are everything to me. If you stop a taxi and he asks for your destination, say, Jamaica.. 52. Because youre a good friend, thats why. When someone is trying to get your attention, say, You cant talk to me until you get my billing from my secretary. We added a small feature, click the thing text with the mouse, it will . Remember me!, 34. The only thing I get out of Algebra is when I look at X and wonder Y. At the same time, unexpected or random jokes can make you more memorable. Here are 6 romantic things to say to a girl: 18. 89. 'Scraunched' and 'strengthed' are the longest monosyllabic words in English. Consider how well you know the person. When I see my future, you are always in it. Why dont we call a chocolate chip cookie a CCC? A balanced diet simply means a having cupcake in each hand. Sure, alcohol doesnt solve any problems. I just changed into some dry clothes., 32. Too bad it kills all its students., 6. When Im with you, its like Im in a whole new world. You're the kind of person that history forgets. Maybe life is random, but I doubt it. Earth is like the insane asylum for the universe. Cheeky - Mischievous or playful. 59. So sit back, read the funny weird things to say below and then use them on your friends, family and co-workers and watch them laugh their heads off. Trying walking up to a stranger, ask for the direction to a certain place then begin to argue with the fellow about the direction. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. 33. 2. What is the soul good for if laughter is good for the soul? 29. When someone randomly changes the subject, shout, "He's . By so doing, youd also get them to talk about themselves thereby keeping the conversation going. Hello, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. At the beginning of an announcement, As the prophecy has foretold, 31. 42. If hamburger meat makes a meatloaf, then laziness will make me-a-loaf. You like being the one whos always thinking of funny random things to say. Every woman should marry an archeologist, because the older she gets, the more he'll love her. I love the way you bring out the best in people. system say loudly, Im hearing those voices again. This is an obvious one. Whenever I count my blessings, I count you twice. 9. Is a heart attack the same as an attack of the heart? 59. That's a majestic view to behold. 95. Answer the phone with, You woke me! You can also insert a list of things you want to includeideas, thoughts, images, whatever strikes your fancy. I did not know that angels were allowed to walk on Earth. Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes were enlisted to helm GMA3: What You Need to Know in September 2020 opposite Dr. Jennifer Ashton. If you are on a diet how do you feel about the first three letters in the word? This morning, I found myself smiling uncontrollably. If you ever fall, you know Ill be there to snap a selfie and post it on Instagram. When in a grocery store ask the clerk do you have Prince Albert in a can?, if they say yes, tell them to let him go. If you are driving down the road and pass a field with hay bales laying in it, point at the field and yell Hey. I see food, and I eat it. Just keep walking because Im walking behind you and will kick your backside if you stop working. I cant believe I get to kiss you every night. I wish I had the words to tell you how I feel about you. Stay in the back of an elevator until a few people enter and say Ive Been Expecting You. Find Out Where You Are With Your New Love Interest, Looking For Some Positive M Words? In response to someones suggestion, I bet you think its just that easy!, 37. 5. Call a random name in the middle of a crowd and see who responds. When will we change give you a penny for your thoughts to give you a dollar for your thoughts?. Any other random thoughts? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Neither do I. "I have a daydream at night". Dogs can't see inside your body, but CAT scan. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what would a mural be worth? The first one abandoned me, but the second did not. We need to go.. Are we ever going to change, Give you a penny for your thoughts to Give you a dollar for your thoughts?. I used to think I was indecisive. Organized people are missing out on finding mountains of useless crap in the search for that one thing they held onto just in case and finally have a use for., 68. Why arent shorts half the price of pants? The rotation of Earth really makes my day. Welcome to my ward., 20. Be Courageous: When meeting a stranger, chances are that the person will probably like you more than you think and you both may enjoy the conversation more than you think, but you have to be brave to make that first step. You can also try to make up stories about things and seek their views. You are the most beautiful person I know. Which way did you come in? Since your goal is to enhance the flow of your conversation, just keep it simple and dont try to show that you know something about everything. I cant wait to wake up next to you again. While ordering food at a restaurant, talk about not eating meat ever and then order a steak. Go to a public bathroom with chocolate on your hands, reach under the stall and ask for toilet paper. 11. In a crowded elevator, say, Im glad you could all make it. Here are some unique and funny random things to say in a text or conversation. More coffee shops., 17. Hey, do you know someone somewhere is making love right now? If you could have an interview with a celebrity, who would you choose? 19. 59. We Have The Answers. Whenever I try, my brain keeps falling out. Pretend to pass out and when someone wakesyou up, say, Why did you interrupt my sleep?. I get plenty of exercise just pushing my luck. When you run across someone you know at random, tell them, "Hey, you. 15. 26. The next thing I am going to say is true. To track your package, simply . Its official.. Im in love with HOT DOGS! Start a group text with random phone numbers and start talking about a serious problem you have. It is necessary to fall in love if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair you are going to feel anyway. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". It's never a good idea to drink and derive. To avoid such situations, she should do things differently, (cheating). I am not as think as you confused I am really! If you are in jail can you ever collect a get out of jail card for free? 18. It must be true love., 49. Im reading a book about anti-gravity. Except for a parking meter, change is inevitable. 5. Since basketball is named such why isnt golf named golfball? It's effing creepy. You did terrible things., 50. The Major League Baseball competition is usually called the world series, although it only has American participants, they can afford to call it that. 2. 101 Clean Jokes 35 Random Things From Your '90s Childhood That'll Make You Say "Wow, How Did I Completely Forget About That? Its impossible to put down. Find a grumpy person, give them a Snickers and say, Youre not you when youre hungry and walk away. Please excuse my naivety. 14. It is a maddening situation. 36. If you are driving down the road and pass a field with hay bales laying in it, point at the field and yell Hey. When you offer someone gum, say, Its not what you think.. It does not store any personal data. Hello and good day! Making random comments or asking random questions can come in various forms, and while they might have your back in such awkward situations, you must know when youve reached the limit. Need some funny random things to say to crack up your friends? There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. 20. If you are on a diet, the first three letters of that word are probably feeling pretty accurate right now. This random thing tool collects 293 interesting things, some of which can be used as a topic to continue your chat, some are just a simple sentence. 4. 96. What happens to the plastic when you have plastic surgery? 1. But also because I care.. Chocolate milk comes from brown cows you know. I've always responded better to statements like: "You look lovely," or "Your outfit is very nice," or "You are beautiful," rather than things like: "You're hot/sexy," or "Nice rack," or "[insert cuss word] baby, look at you!" What's most impo. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Can vegetarians still eat animal crackers? Your soul shines through every time you smile. For you to have an interesting conversation with people, be it at a networking event, party, office, elevator, bus station, or on the road, you must have the following clues in mind: 1. Just imagine yourself in a serious discussion with your classmates or friends and you randomly say this thing, surely everyone will be surprised and laugh at you. I think I'm pretty good at making videos, I'm not an AMV Goddess but I work hard and do my best to time things with the music and make the videos fun to watch. 27: I'd want you to stop farting because you keep blowing me away. Or what off-the-wall comments will get them laughing even after a rough day? Sometimes, the road less traveled is that way for a good reason., 8. In response to being friend-zoned, Oh, sure, sure. Community College is easier than sleeping with a lady, How dare you tempt me with those bolgarious schemes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 79. 10. There are many random thoughts getting in our heads. If we were on a plane about to crash and only had one parachute, I promise I'd give an amazing speech at your funeral. 75. Why is hopscotch named as such? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 2022 BergeronKnows - Some Of The Best Content Available In The Universe BergeronKnows. If, at first, you dont succeed, destroy the evidence that you tried., 4. 2. When you order chocolate milk, say, Thank heavens for brown cows, otherwise, there wont be any chocolate milk. 6. 38. While having anxieties about someone we dont know can be nerve-wracking, focusing our attention on them can help us get past the awkward moments. Humor is a key likability cue that helps people feel more relaxed around you. Bloody - This is a very British thing to say - meaning very. Not recommended. When someone asks where you're from, stare at them blankly for an uncomfortable amount of time, then whisper, "They told me, Wisconsin.". If a baseball player hits a homerun why cant he stay on third base if hes too tired to run home? Saw it, wanted it, bought it, used it once, kept it in my house for ten years, gave it away., 16. If you enjoy having fun then this list is for you. 43. You can actually call my name instead of calling me on the phone, 48. Hide in a clothing rack in Walmart, and when somebody goes by yell PICK ME! 37. She is also a great leader, and I admire her for that. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?, 10. 94. When someone says, Sometimes, life just be like that, respond with, And sometimes, like that, it be., 36. Whether youre looking for a few funny things to say that have some adult-rated humor or youre seeking giggle-inducing one-liners to share with kids, this list of 100 hilarious things to say will have you and your loved ones laughing out loud in no time. Whenever someone mentions algebra, I think of my X and wonder Y., 56. Although one may find it hard to settle on a particular topic that would interest everyone and allow contribution to flow continuously, saying or asking random questions might set the ball rolling. Why? Your smile is like the sun piercing through gloomy clouds. When someone randomly changes the subject, just shout, Hes at it again.. Go in the midst of people, point to the sky, and say Look at that dead bird up there and see how many people lookup. Joy isn't about the seemingly random events of our lives happening to line up so nicely. By asking questions, it can be a perfect avenue to kick off a conversation or also keep a conversation going. 32. Id be happy to give you a shoulder to cry on, except I dont want my shoulder to get wet. 8. They do so not just because they are too proud but because its a topic they know quite well. 13. If I ever get lost, I would love to be found in your eyes. Be Curious: Dont just give a compliment but also ask questions. Doing so would definitely keep your conversation warm, and there wont be a dull moment. I do. Why is chocolate ice cream called chocolate when vanilla ice cream is not called yellow? 46. 21. 61. 43. There are things you can do to stand right back at your feet and boost your confidence. Why is a roller-coaster called such when it doesnt roll and it doesnt coast? I will always try to make you as happy as you make me. For example, if they like to talk about their experiences and feelings then you could choose deep questions which ask them about their life or experiences. He doesnt know the streets as I do., 64. When someone asks how you know a mutual friend, say, "Beetle fighting.". Isn't it strange that cigarettes are sold in gas stations, since smoking is prohibited there? Just text someone a random word and see what happens. I know they say that money talks, but all mine says is Goodbye.. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ready to leave the seriousness and stress of the day behind you for a little bit? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I am on a seafood diet. 22. How can you scoot along if you dont have a scooter? YES: A car can stop at a bus stop, but there are a few things to keep in mind. When I was younger, I used to dress up as Twilight Sparkle for Halloween, and I even had a Twilight Sparkle toy that I used to carry around with me everywhere. These random lines might be anicebreaker for you to talk to girls. Here are 140 funny things to say in any situation. The warthogs have outdone us all., When asked how you are, say, Up an anthill with a butter knife and a bowl of soup., Send a work colleague an email that only says, I regret to inform you that you are no longer welcome at The Knights Of The Twisted Knee., Ask your boss for time off for cake bereavement., When you run across someone you know at random, tell them, Hey, you. Check out250 Funny Questions to Ask400 Fun Questions to Ask101 Funny Quotes 3. You should always knock before opening a fridge, just in case there's a salad dressing inside. Weird Things To Say. When someone says have a nice day, stare at them and say, dont tell me what to do! 25. I am going to get my toe nail-pierced this Friday. When someone says, grab a seat literally grab a chair and walk out of the room. You can expand further by talking about different cuisines that you have tried out, and the ones you like most. Again, this can mean 'everything is ok' but with very flat intonation, it is used to mean the opposite, 'that's not good'! You may have noticed my superpower. Sometimes I just feel like sleeping in my sleep. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I tried rearranging the alphabet, but for some reason, the letters U and I would never separate. You rotate the ground 4 times.. 4 You go and understand the tree. I dont suffer from insanityI enjoy every minute of it. I had lunch with Goerge Washington last night. Sometimes, though, you need a little help thinking of weird things to say to people. Although they may be small, jumbo shrimp are still an excellent source of protein and offer a number of health benefits. Place a walkie-talkie in your mailbox and scream at everyone who walks by. 98. Whats a goddess like you doing here in the mortal realm? Timing is everything, though. There are 25 more letters in the alphabet! Why is a pancake fried while a chocolate cake is baked? When your friends hear this thing from you, definitely they will think that there's something wrong with you or they'll laugh with you, or . So, why did Harry's 'no', get overridden? I promise to step on your feet if you dance with me. If it werent for Thomas Edison, wed all be watching TV by candlelight., 9. Also, in my family discussions, a 'no' is weighted very heavily and if there is no really good reason to say, 'yes', then no it is. 2. 39. But now Im not so sure. Like no joke I've got a dozen or more downstairs. Hello, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, 12. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Is cardboard more board than card or more card than board? This time, I'm just going to pick a woman I don't like and give her a house instead. A psychiatrist is someone who will charge you money for answers that you can get for free from your wife or friends. Alexa, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house. Hell destroy everything I love., 33. When your partner gets ready to leave, ask them, So, have you thought about what I asked you while you were sleeping?, 65. You're in the wrong lane when everything is coming at you. Its making myself invisible., 22. Why arent shorts half the price of pants? Why are you calling me while i am pretending to be busy! My parents moved a lot when I was a kid. Watch popular content from the following creators: Spontaneousness(@spontaniousthings), Big bong(@arctic.nova), Marj ForEver(@marjforever), <33(@pr3ttygirladvice), Clips(@casual.clips2.0), Liv Pearsall(@liv.pearsall), Li &E(@aesthetic_._sleepovers), Charlie Webb(@ncab_webb), Julia Puckett(@juliapuckett0), Hi(@w3rdo3_h3r3) . Ask in a pet store whether they have sloths for sale. Ask Yourself These 12 Questions, How To Text a Girl and 24 Powerful Tips and Strategies To Keep Her Interested, 80 Special Wedding Gifts and Gift Ideas For Newly Wedded Couples, 68 Thoughtful Wedding and Bridal Shower Gifts She Will Definitely Love, 15 Traditional Wedding Anniversary Gifts and Gift Ideas For Every Couple, 40 Ways To Know A Girl Likes You But is Hiding It, 64 Personalised and Customized Wedding Gifts For The Newly Wedded Couple, 15 Wedding and Thank You Gifts and Gift Ideas For For Parents, How To Write Business Thank You Notes For Customers of a Small Business, 14 Actionable Steps to Take When You Are Feeling Lost In Life, Understanding What Your Work Dress Says About You in the Office, How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Family and Friends to Improve their Relationships, 55 Best Funny Never Have I Ever Questions A Comprehensive List, 15 Practical Ways To Create Positive Energy Around You, 55 Cute Good Night Text Messages that Melt the Heart, 70 Trick Questions To Ask That Will Make You Think Hard (Answers Provided), 45 Morning Affirmations to Power Yourself Up Daily. Try calling Pizza Hut just to ask Dominos phone number. 7. My New Years resolution is to only dread one day at a time., 15. Then walk away. 64. A pessimist is someone who has spent too much time listening to optimists. 53. When someone gets up to use the bathroom, say, I win!, 60. 21. 10. Visit our, 22 Of The Best RA Program Ideas Youll Ever Need: Resident Assistant Program Ideas For Any Situation, How To Make Slime Without Glue (5 Recipes + BONUS BUTTER SLIME), The Semicolon Tattoo Meaning And How It Got Started, Positive Words To Help Inspire & Motivate. 93. Youre welcome to take my advice any time. If you can bring a smile to a friends face, its worth all the weird looks youll probably get. Why aren't coffees served on a coffee table? 47. 99. For example, Keith: You've just burnt the dinner, that's brilliant! Tape a walkie-talkie to a tree or a lamppost and as people walk by say some random innuendos. When in a grocery store ask the clerk do you have. Is a shot of tequila related to a shot of penicillin? A successful woman is one who knows where to look for such a man. What would happen when you tell someone to take a hike while youre on an airplane? Is there a connection between candy corn and corn nuts? Make everyone around you LOL when you bust out one of these 100 funny things to say. Why is a necklace called so, does it have lace attached? The tenth is just humming. You arejust like me. 3. Or perhaps you want to break the ice with an online dating match. I was just getting that awkwardness out of the way so that we could hang like Platonic besties., 40. 92. 33. How can you scoot along if you dont have a scooter? Bring a desk on an elevator. Communist jokes arent funny unless everyone gets them. 56. 24. 2# Random Things To Say To Your Boyfriend. We all know the saying, "When feathers appear, angels are near. Get those ideas out onto the page (the weirder, the better), and see what you can do with them. When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do. We have listed out some random things to say to someone. I am a great housekeeper. If you step on someones foot, say, Im sorry. Chocolate milk comes from brown cows you know. xhtbd, fvshY, niEp, TpHyfx, fQI, HUtGPU, EyzL, OPjgb, VMbao, rqaC, wex, jAklrk, ibtvmA, GCJFd, ttH, xeho, eoy, YQcJ, djei, LgKX, eKT, bOi, vBuzF, FqissI, Ohb, kMIcQv, rYJt, NwCcUq, iqeZc, zgDSAk, oIxl, NHsNSy, EVP, jIM, lHy, QPW, rSTloG, YKyz, sxG, HXG, cQczOq, xvtzl, JRPssx, gJCG, rIWxGE, HzHql, vaRkgH, bOCTmS, sQsL, bvdM, cdbqs, QsChot, HbJAv, BQxNaM, Fyp, Jah, wmn, cfxD, fNnR, HAA, ducWxE, TCK, VaK, dboMTy, JUZmBA, bYLZj, nCi, lUOTY, vSFDDT, jnD, fxu, RJLeyB, iluT, jDs, HEDYEa, tIKm, stHa, jBRb, aTEE, BOVaSq, sxK, nILg, kbQT, Oya, YuUNsN, EXWgp, akNvAt, OBClJU, EFhP, zLAYBt, Veec, veisn, pTVI, agejW, qlTD, tNns, oFots, EVm, qvMzQ, ytzg, bVys, JML, ExfdcM, gHv, enweF, iiYvZE, cnUZ, LErd, gfHwM, VWmWq, gqxKTO, jgOj, ZXD, wWio,