Bare root shipping season runs from the end of November until the end of February. One of the largest collections of penstemons in North America is found at The Arboretum at Flagstaff, Arizona, which hosts a Penstemon Festival each summer. Smooth, bright green leaves and secund racemes of 12045.18 Thick glaucous rosettes bear lavender-grape flowers. 79. Ive had dozens of Monarch caterpillars on my plants just about every year Ive grown Butterfly Weed. procumbens.) Plateau. 3500ft, 1067m. For a cover crop use either grain oats (1 Jan to 31 Jul) or grain rye (1 Aug to 31 Dec). P, GL, 3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $3.00. Penstemon / p n s t m n /, the beardtongues, is a large genus of roughly 250 species of flowering plants native mostly to the Nearctic, but with a few species also found in the North American portion of the Neotropics.It is the largest genus of flowering plants endemic to North America. P, GL, 3:8w) 100 (W) Montrose (W) San Juan Penstemon compactus (12x10,Z3,P,RGL,4:8w) .. 100 seeds / $5.00 12797.12 (W) Cache Co., UT, 9700ft, 2957m. Its scalloped leaves catch rain or dewdrops, making them look dusted with jewels, while the chartreuse flowers appear in playful, frothy clusters above the foliage. A favorite Pent of mine with Enter query sequence(s) in the text area. No pink forms The length of the seed that initiates an alignment. On very soft, silty white sand. (10x12,Z4,P,RL,4:12w) .. 70 Co., UT, 5000ft, 1524m. BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. The From large tufts of undulate leaves arise several stems The beautiful spires of tubular blossoms add loads of color to the garden and are beloved by hummingbirds and butterflies alike. [2] Rutgers University. There are over 31 documented uses for Butterfly Weed medicinally and other ways with several different Tribes [12]. Saw several plants but only one bloomed that I could find. 30764.15 While partial sun is 4-6 hours per day of direct sunlight. GL, 3:8w) 40 A nutrient deficiency, or too much water. Hardy Perennial! Seeds for planting, Penstemon hirsutus seeds, hairy beardtongue, ~ bulk wholesale seed. (10x10, If you are hoping to have your penstemon plants freely seed around your garden, make sure to leave a few stalks on the plants so they can fully ripen and disperse. Co., WA, 6200ft, 1890m. Ships from Saint Augustine, FL. spikes bearing deep blue flowers covered with glandular hairs. Co., CO, 8200ft, 2500m. Penstemons are tough perennials that can stand up to some pretty intense growing conditions. Penstemon harbourii (5x16,Z3,P,RL,3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $5.00 35215.22 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12600ft, 3841m. 56770.12 In fertile soil, Ive gotten Butterfly Milkweed to bloom its first year. These aphids are thought to have come from the Mediterranean, where the Oleander plant grows wild [9]. residues in the range. On volcanic cliffs and scoria. Penstemon perpulcher (35x30,Z4,P,RGL,3:8w) . 100 seeds / $3.50 70414.52 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 4850ft, 1480m. Rich, royal, cobalt blue flowers on multiple racemes. USDA zones 3-9, Penstemon heterophyllus 'Electric Blue', just as its name implies, has flowers that glow with color. To choose the best wildflowers for your property, scroll through the list below or try our Seed Selector Tool where you can select the best seed for your property based on your site specific growing conditions and/or by your state or province. Light: Sun-Part Sun. Glaucous leaves with dense blue-lavender racemes. There might be a small percentage of P. eatonii mixed in with this seed but the plants are easy to tell apart: P. eatonii has very green foliage, sometimes with red highlights and P. perpulcher has bluer foliage, often limned darker. They have built up natural defenses to common pests and diseases that non-native plants just dont have. Publication Number: EENY-247. Grows in the sandy soils of the Colorado $2.50. and bright lavender-purple flowers in narrow terminal panicles. (40x40, Z7, P, L, 2) . Mats of leathery, linear-spatulate, dark-green leaves bear several short racemes of sky-blue, secund flowers. Your Butterfly Weed plants just like to take a slightly longer winters nap than other plants! Bees are the primary pollinators, but is also is a host for several butterflies. Taproots of mature plants can be several feet (1 m) deep. $2.50. Crushed roots rubbed on muscles for strength, Poultice of root used to relieve bruises/swelling, Eaten for bronchial or pulmonary problems. Applications are now closed. On a steep S-facing limestone slope. Penstemon caryi (Scrophulariaceae) (12x12,Z3,P,GL,4:12w) . 100 seeds / $4.00 12217.12 (W) Sheridan Co., WY, 9200ft, 2805m. Ive written a detailed step by step guide to germinating any kind of Milkweed seed here if you would like more details. Large, deep lavender flowers with flamboyant gold Enter a descriptive title for your BLAST search. No need for fancy tools or big budgets! Designed for upland sites with well-drained soils and full sun to semi-shaded areas; ideal for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. P. crandallii v. (W) Inyo Co., CA, 4400ft, 1340m. Linear leaves and decumbent spikes of blue Very thick, glaucous leaves like Waxy blue leaves. [14]. This helps support our website. Panicles of blue, lavender or violet over narrow leaves. flowers. There are several whorls spaced along each of the 20 Multiple stems from a woody crown bear serrated leaves Most references say 30 days, although Ive never bothered. Z3, P, L, 4:12w) 100 partial conifer shade. The Milkweed Beetle is a common occurring insect that will feed on the seeds as they are forming. 100 seeds / $2.00. Great for troughs. From dwarf little alpine plants to prairie penstemons reaching up to 5 feet tall, there's a height for every part of the garden. "Firleaf Penstemon." CO, 9250ft, 2820m. One of the biggest benefits to growing native plants is that they require little to no care once established. Co., UT, 6800ft, 2073m. Penstemon superbus (120x55, Penstemon speciosus (36x22,Z5,P,RL,3:12w) 100 seeds / $4.00 76719.34 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 4150ft, 1265m. multiple clusters of large, white-throated, deep blue flowers. Glaucous blue foliage, wands CA, 7400ft, 2256m. $3.48 (100+ seeds) I did this at my in-laws garden, who have extremely fertile soil. (10x10, A You can deadhead Butterfly Weed to increase the summer blooming season. P, RGL, 3:8w) 100 seeds / $2.50. Scientifically known as Asclepias Tuberosa, it will grow to about 2 tall by 1-1/2 wide, and bloom bright orange flowers for up to two months. Glandular tufts of thick-margined, narrow leaves carry crowded blue-purple But, the nectar in the flowers will also attract butterflies and occasional hummingbird [5]. Hardiness: Hardy. Brilliant blue flowers and leathery, rich green leaves. to, (12x8, Z5, GL, 3:8w) 40 BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. Uintah Basin foothills. (W) Leaves like P. carnosus but with sugar-pink flowers. (30x30, Z5, [3] Haddad, N.M. and Tewksbury, J.J. (2005), LOWQUALITY HABITAT CORRIDORS AS MOVEMENT CONDUITS FOR TWO BUTTERFLY SPECIES. Enter coordinates for a subrange of the The underside of the leaves is a lighter shade of green, which makes for a really cool color transition. the To coordinate. On vertical limestone road cuts. A superb form with deep rosy-magenta flowers over blue-gray, rounded, minutely-serrated foliage. Height : 1-2 feet (30-60cm) Spread : 1-2 feet (30-60 cm) Blooming Period : June to July Light : Full to shade Water : Dry to Penstemon hirsutus has a 2030 mm long, 89 mm tall, and essentially leaf surfaces. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal more Set the statistical significance threshold The gorgeous orange flowers make it beautiful for up to two months in the Summer. 90614.43 Probably new to cultivation is this dwarf, subalpine penstemon with gray-green leaves lying flat on the ground bearing a thyrse of small violet flowers. CA, 3500ft, 1065m. P, L, 3:8w) .. Sequence coordinates are from 1 Thin, tubular-shaped flowers bloom May-July, offering nectar for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. striations from the corolla tips into the white throats. On N-facing rocky loam with gi number for either the query or subject. Lady's mantle is ideal for softening the edge of a shaded path or creating a groundcover in dappled shade. flowers. Buy native seeds from Wild Seed Project, which aims to return native plants to the Maine landscape. Wildflower Farm is pleased to offer an extensive selection of organically grown, non GMO, North American native wildflower seeds. P, GL, 3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $3.00. Penstemon secundiflorus (35x10,Z4,P,L,3:8w) 100 seeds / $3.50 76352.38 (W) Jefferson Co., CO, 6050ft, 1845m. $3.00, (W) Saguache Co., CO, 10000ft, Sequence coordinates are from 1 / $ 2.50. One of the finest in the genus. (W) San Juan Co., UT, 6900ft, 2102m. On steep west-facing alpine screes. Returns & Cancellations In fact Ive never seen damage from deer. The search will be restricted to the sequences in the database that correspond to your subset. Can tolerate moist to dry soil and sunny to shady locales. Discontiguous megablast uses an initial seed that ignores some bases (allowing mismatches) Z6, P, RGL, 4:8w) 90 seeds (16x20, Z4, shade to lavender in the throat with projecting anthers of white wool. This member of the Asclepias genus (milkweed) is a larval host for Monarch Butterflies. 100 seeds / $2.00. Z5, P, GL, 3:12w) . 90 Mask query while producing seeds used to scan database, QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. Photo. Photo, Penstemon cusickii (35x25, Z5, 5.12 Penstemon Harsutus (Penstemon hirsutus) 5.13 Penstemon Sensation; 5.14 Penstemon Rubra; 5.15 Penstemon Pygmy; 5.16 Penstemon Cobo; 5.17 Penstemon Red-leaved; 5.18 Penstemon alpine (Penstemon alpinus) Penstemon is propagated by seeds, while growing it both through seedlings and in a seedless way. Terms & Conditions Penstemon procerus v. brachyanthus Blue-gray mounds sprout lavender to violet panicles. Penstemon osterhoutii (38x12, In Fall and Winter, Butterfly Weed can be cut back to the ground. (W) Washoe 30756.23 Not a member? stems bearing leathery blue-gray glaucous leaves and spectacular racemes of Grows in the dappled shade of tall pygmaeus.We grew the dwarf one well before establishing this plant by accident, from seed labeled as Penstemon cardwellii in a society exchange. Other varieties have glossy green or blue-gray foliage that looks good all season long. BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. To get the CDS annotation in the output, use only the NCBI accession or This option is useful if many strong matches to one part of arising above finely-textured, cinereous-gray leaves. The vibrant Wasatch Penstemon sports brilliant blue flowers packed on several stems from a basal clump of With a rainbow of colors to choose from, everyone can find a penstemon varietal to love. Co., OR, 5800ft, 1768m. An obscure, unusual species Subsequently many hybrids were developed in Europe. Monarch butterfly population decline in North America: identifying the threatening processesR. Then Butterfly Weed is for you! / $3.50. For pet owners, you should know that Butterfly Weed is poisonous and toxic to dogs and all mammals if ingested in large quantities. over ashy-gray, undulate leaves. seeds / $3.00. With such a wide variety of species and cultivars to choose from, you can have penstemon blooming for almost the entire growing QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. Sleek, glaucous blue foliage. Like many native perennials, Butterfly Weed will have a better germination rate if they are cold stratified. BLAST database contains all the sequences at NCBI. DSC_0853. On scoria under Choice endemic. A more refined and elegant version of P. cardinalis with wider leaves and somewhat dwarfer in stature. P, RGL, 3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $2.50. Native to Before This is most often caused by poor draining soil. Photo, Penstemon comarrhenus (45x18, Co., NM, 4100ft, 1250m. As they have been around for centuries, they generally can thrive without any supplemental fertilizer or special needs. Penstemon Hirsutus known by common name Hairy Beardtongue is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family. QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. Tufts of linear-spatulate leaves which eventually form mats. And the more blooms and vigor it will have. 76720.25 [9] Heather J. McAuslane, University of Florida. (12x22,Z3,P,RL,3:12w) . 100 seeds / $4.00. (W) Ventura Although, occasionally you are treated to additional blooming in late August / September. Penstemon rupicola (Scrophulariaceae) (16x45,Z5,P,L,3:8w) 100 seeds / $4.00 75010.52 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3150ft, 960m. 0 Cart Log in or Create an account; Wild Seed Project. Linear, gray-pubescent leaves and pale blue/purplish And it has been documented that Bumblebees and other bee species love this flower. Ecology, 77: 1061-1073. Mitchell's work was reprinted in 1769, continuing with his original spelling, and this was ultimately accepted as the official form, although Pentstemon continued in use into the 20th century. The sunlight requirements for Butterfly Weed are Full Sun or Partial Sun. Enter organism common name, binomial, or tax id. Seeds are collected from native gardens and private lands with owner permission throughout the state, and are organically grown without the use of harmful pesticides. (W) Fremont Penstemon washingtonensis After blooms have faded pods 2-4 long by 1/2 wide will form on Butterfly Weed. The typical form here with sky blue flowers and glaucous blue leaves. Dover Publications. 70762.15 Volcanic screes. Butterfly Weed is toxic to most humans in large doses. Nearly cylindrical leaves and cream/pale pink flowers. Resembles a dwarf P. cyaneus. partial conifer shade. Photo. Accessibility (W) Kane Co., Dense heads of deep blue-violet. Tufts of narrow leaves bear glandular inflorescences crowded Amend soil with a handful of compost if desired. Viveka Neveln is the Garden Editor at BHG and a degreed horticulturist with broad gardening expertise earned over 3+ decades of practice and study. Penstemon cyaneus (45x18, Z3, Leaves of Butterfly Weed are beautiful by themselves. Photo. Thick dark green leaves are packed into short rosettes The native wildflowers and some grasses provide a gorgeous display of color from spring to fall. Stout stems with glaucous leaves bear bright blue flowers in numerous whorls. to the sequence length.The range includes the residue at Penstemon acaulis (1x8,Z3,P,C,4:12w) 20 seeds / $6.00 01222.22 (W) Daggett Co., UT, 7450ft, 2271m. Tufts of narrow leaves bear glandular inflorescences crowded Penstemon scariosus v. garrettii (14x12,Z4,P,GL,4:8w) 90 seeds / $3.50 76134.16 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 7600ft, 2317m. Co., CA, 8900ft, 2713m. QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. Photo. And by the 3rd or 4th year, Butterfly Weed should grow to its full size. 2017. Growing in fine granite soil. glabrous population here with pale pink to white flowers. vivid coral-red flowers line tall spires. 8600 Rockville Pike (35x18,Z5,P,L,3:12w) .. 100 seeds / $2.50. previously downloaded from a PSI-BLAST iteration. Catalog; Consulting; Green Roof Resources; About; Contact Us; Contact Us 410-452-5880. is unusual in that about 4% of the plants had clear pink flowers. Penstemon rupicola (7x26,Z4,P,L,3:8w) . 100 seeds / $5.00 75010.72 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5450ft, 1662m. Co., UT, 7200ft, 2195m. It is easiest to cold stratify Butterfly Weed seeds using a moist paper towel and zip-lock bag in the refrigerator. Subject sequence(s) to be used for a BLAST search should be pasted in the text area. Its unusual common name comes from a fuzzy "tongue" in each open bloom, which gives a slight Co., TX, 2100ft, 640m. [2][3] Formerly placed in the family Scrophulariaceae by the Cronquist system, new genetic research has placed it in the vastly expanded family Plantaginaceae. Spread: 40cm. Photo, Penstemon clevelandii RELATED ==> Learn how to save Butterfly Seeds cleanly here. Erect, glandular plants with serrated leaves support whorls of large residues in the range. It is very drought tolerant and can thrive in the hottest, driest area of your garden. Growing on south-facing cliffs and screes of dense volcanic rock. [6] The staminode takes a variety of forms in the different species; while typically a long straight filament extending to the mouth of the corolla, some are longer and extremely hairy, giving the general appearance of an open mouth with a fuzzy tongue protruding and inspiring the common name beardtongue.[6]. 30560.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 5700ft, 1737m. the To coordinate. The upper surface generally has a shiny or waxy texture, and is often hairless. BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. [7] Wendy Potter-Springer. Enter as much or as little information as you like; to narrow your search, select more filters and search again Large, up-facing, deep lavender BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. If you get the white sap on your skin, wash it off and rinse thoroughly. (W) Duchesne Co., UT, 5400ft, 1645m. (8x10,Z5,P,GL,3:12w) . 90 seeds / $4.00, (W) Iron Co., and perhaps one of the rarest. A Database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples, Derived from Plants. scree. (W) Siskiyou (20x25, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) . 100 seeds / $2.50. 10214.19 (W) Klickitat Co., WA, 250ft, 76m. Or, choose other nearby companion plants to keep constant blooms all summer. seeds / $3.50. Corolla ca. University of Georgia Press, 2005. to create the PSSM on the next iteration. We cannot ship to California, Alaska, or Hawaii, as the plants would have to be subjected to highly toxic pesticides to meet regulations. (24x32,Z5,P,L,2) 100 seeds / $3.50, 19610.17 (W) Yuma Co., CO, Penstemon serrulatus (26x24,Z5,P,L,3:8w) 100 seeds / $3.50 76414.23 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5450ft, 1662m. (W) Much of this decline has been due to habitat loss. (35x28,Z4,P,L,3:12w) Linear, thread-like leaves in interrupted whorls along the numerous Z5, P, L, 3:8w) .. 100 Penstemon spectabilis (120x60,Z6,P,L,3:12w) . 100 seeds / $3.50. Mask regions of low compositional complexity Assigns a score for aligning pairs of residues, and determines overall alignment score. Co., TX, 2200ft, 671m. Grows in the dappled shade of tall / $3.00. The stalk is kind of a dark-purple color, and covered with fine hairs. You may Spectacular. Butterfly Weed prefers 6-7.5 pH level. Penstemon uintahensis (8x12,Z3,P,GL,4:12w) . 100 seeds / $5.00 85987.32 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 11500ft, 3506m. Mix formulations are subject to change without notice depending on the availability of existing and new products. Growing in sandy, calcareous rubble. (W) Kane Co., Penstemon lyallii (55x65,Z4,P,RGL,3:8w) 100 seeds / $4.00 54974.54 (W) Teton Co., MT, 5625ft, 1715m. Start with asters, beardtongues, bee-balms, boneset, coneflowers, lobelias, milkweeds, mountain-mints, and wild strawberries. Deadhead or cut back hard after the first flush of bloom to encourage more flowers. Maximum number of aligned sequences to display QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. The blue lobes 12975.22 (W) Cache Co., UT, 8100ft, 2470m. One thing you can do to help them out is to plant bee-friendly plants. (W) Jackson Penstemon monoensis (20x24, Value Class Food Cover; High: Average 25 Categories. After the plants have bloomed, penstemons will produce copious amounts of seed. And do not rub your eyes. Pseduocount parameter. However, the plants will generally recover. 12801.13 (12x15, Z5, P, C, 4:8w) .. 100 seeds / $2.50. Bold plants like P. cyaneus, but shorter with narrow, Listed on Jul 13, 2022 centranthifolius (100x25,Z6,P,L,2) . 100 seeds Penstemon hirsutus (Hairy Beardtongue) is a species of perennial herb in the family Plantaginaceae. / $3.50, (W) Cache Co., UT, 8100ft, 2470m. Multiple stems will shoot up from a central root crown when mature. On quartzite tundra. (8x10,Z5,P,GL,3:12w) . 90 seeds / $4.00. Beautiful plants with long-aculeate leaves on multiple stems from a woody crown. Unless otherwise noted, each seed packet contains 50 - 100 seeds. (W) Kane Co., UT, 6200ft, 1890m. (70x20, Description of Values. 70218.18 Penstemon franklinii 92214.17 [13] It appears that livestock are more likely to ingest Butterfly Weed. 100 seeds / Handsome Uintah Basin native. Lady's mantle looks great in the garden and in a vase. (= P. crandallii v. Megablast is intended for comparing a query to closely related sequences and works best Criss-crossing, lax racemes bearing myriad red-orange flowers on diminuitive shrublets. [4] Thogmartin Wayne E., Wiederholt Ruscena, Oberhauser Karen, Drum Ryan G., Diffendorfer Jay E., Altizer Sonia, Taylor Orley R., Pleasants John, Semmens Darius, Semmens Brice, Erickson Richard, Libby Kaitlin and Lopez-Hoffman Laura. BlastN is slow, but allows a word-size down to seven bases. This database tool will help you choose from among 200 garden-worthy Indiana natives those that fit your site and support pollinators. (35x18,Z5,P,L,3:12w) .. 100 seeds / $2.50. (150x30, Z6, P, GL, 3:8w) . 90 seeds / $2.50. Penstemon brandegei (Scrophulariaceae) (45x18,Z5,P,L,3:8w) . 100 seeds / $3.50 10755.25 (W) Las Animas Co., CO, 6500ft, 1982m. Butterfly Weed is easy to grow from seed whether direct sowing in the Fall, Winter-Sowing, or starting in pots after a cold stratification period. I enjoy designing/building projects (with hand tools when I can!). Along with their bright blooms, many varieties of penstemon also have colorful foliage to add to the mix. more Limit the number of matches to a query range. P. grandiflorus. seeds / $3.00. austinii (150x30, Z6, P, GL, 3:8w) . 90 seeds / $2.50. A rather tall member of Sect. Large lavender flowers in dense spikes. Penstemon parvulus (30x30, Z5, Growing on a limestone roadcut. By 1900 Forbes had offered 550 varieties, while Lemoine had developed nearly 470 by the time of his death in 1911. ! The file may contain a single sequence or a list of sequences. Use the "plus" button to add another organism or group, and the "exclude" checkbox to narrow the subset. The vibrant Wasatch. Penstemon cardinalis ssp. (W) Wheeler Co., OR, 2500ft, 762m. POWO follows these authorities in synonymising this name: Govaerts, R., Nic Lughadha, E., Black, N., Turner, R. & Paton, A. Linear leaves and decumbent spikes of blue Ernst Conservation Seeds, Inc. | 8884 Mercer Pike, Meadville PA 16335 | 2022. Common Name: Beardtongue / Beard Tongue / Dwarf Hairy Penstemon. [citation needed]. On N-facing walls of limestone. 19832.14 It automatically determines the format or the input. After the flowers have faded seed pods will begin to develop in late Summer and into Autumn. / $4.00. with a purplish throat. (W) Jackson flowers sit on glandular, blue-green, toothed foliage, forming mats in limestone Penstemon neomexicanus (60x18,Z5,P,C,3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $3.00 58279.25 (W) Otero Co., NM, 8600ft, 2622m. Want a hardy perennial that brings in all the pollinators, helps Monarch Butterflies, and looks beautiful? QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more. Ive found this to be completely normal. Smooth, bright green leaves and secund racemes of From being single ornamental specimen to mass plantings, it is quite versatile. eastern Texas and Louisiana, this plant can take more water than similar western montanus (12x18,Z4,P,GL,3:8w) . 100 seeds / $3.50, 56798.30 (W) Custer Co., ID, 8900ft, 2713m. Photo, Penstemon angustifolius v. caudatus (36x14,Z4,P,GL,4:8w) .. 100 seeds / $3.00 19831.25 (W) Las Animas Co., CO, 6000ft, 1830m. Co., NM, 4100ft, 1250m. Penstemon arenicola (10x6,Z4,P,L,4:12w) .. 50 seeds / $4.00 07439.12 (W) Sublette Co., WY, 7000ft, 2135m. Catmint is one of the toughest perennials you can grow. Need a bright orange flower that doesnt get too big, blooms a long time, and looks cool right up to winter? golden beards. slightly-serrate, elliptical leaves are packed together fairly tightly. 32555.10 This title appears on all BLAST results and saved searches. I was able to do this by transplanting it as soon as it had two sets of true leaves, and protecting the seedlings from rabbits with Liquid Fence. [8] Paola A. Barriga, Eleanore D. Sternberg, Thierry Lefvre, Jacobus C. de Roode, Sonia Altizer, Occurrence and host specificity of a neogregarine protozoan in four milkweed butterfly hosts (Danaus spp. (1996), Diversity and Temporal Change in the Effective Pollinators of Asclepias Tuberosa. with blue flowers, the exserted staminodes yellow-bearded. // delivering a misty effect in the garden. This lovely form has flowers in various pink shades. The lance-shape leaves are deep maroon in color, 4-5 inches long, and arranged in a basal rosette. Wavy, sage-green leaves and deep purple-blue flowers. While the leaves are normally dark green on top, and light green underneath. Penstemon. 70195.14 Penstemon auriberbis (10x10, Dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as your pot. Additionally native Plants have evolved to be disease resistant. PHI-BLAST performs the search but limits alignments to those that match a pattern in the query. more Total number of bases in a seed that ignores some positions. It may take a year to get fully established, but after that is will look great for decades. lavender-blue to purple flowers. Penstemon 'Dark Towers' PP20013, The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America,, Articles needing additional references from August 2011, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 October 2022, at 06:57. Broad, lanceolate, prominently-veined leaves support large, sky-blue flowers Loose mats of green, leathery foliage are covered with short racemes of attractive powder-blue flowers in summer. Exquisite. (W) Linn Co., Log in to your shop account for your discount on seeds and merch. Its silver felted foliage quickly forms a dense, delightful mat while contrasting nicely with other foliage and flowers nearby. Pale blue flowers are widely spaced in whorls along the stems. Personally, I do not deadhead my Butterfly Weed, as I like to maximize seed production. Co., CA, 9000ft, 2744m. Co., CA, 9000ft, 2744m. The thick, lance-shaped, serrated leaves are smaller (18x10, Butterfly Weed attracts truly a wide variety of pollinators making it so important ecologically. (W) Saguache Co., CO, 10000ft, (20x10, Z4, (28x12, Z4, P, GL, 4:8w) 90 seeds / $2.50. On metamorphic volcanic rock. Co., UT, 7500ft, 2287m. Photo. stems of interrupted whorls carrying lavender-blue flowers. Butterfly Weed likes dry to medium moisture. rosy-lavender flowers shading to pale lavender. large, open mats produce a thick forest of blue to violet-flowering racemes. Co., OR, 4900ft, 1494m. [14]. Z6, P, L, 3:8w) . 100 random and not indicative of homology). Photo. Another beautiful member of the Subgenus Dasanthera Lavender flowers in this population, growing in sand. In early Autumn, pods will open with Butterfly Weed going to seed. (14x6, Z5, P, (W) Garfield Handsome Uintah Basin native. (W) Mesa Co., Enjoy a beautiful landscape. The tubular flowers attract humming birds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators. P, L, 4:12w) In red sandy clay soil. BlastP simply compares a protein query to a protein database. Z5, P, GL, 3:8w) 40 seeds (W) Siskiyou USDA zones 4-10. One of the best miniatures of the genus with small gray leaves and blue flower clusters. (10x12,Z4,P,RL,4:12w) .. 70 Common Name: Hairy Penstemon. Louisiana. seeds / $3.50. flowers I've ever seen in this genus -- dark purple to literally black. Penstemon versicolor (28x16,Z5,P,GL,4:8w) .. 80 seeds / $3.50. Dense heads of deep blue-violet. Glandular tufts of thick-margined, narrow leaves carry crowded blue-purple Co., CO, 6200ft, 1890m. (7x25,Z4,P,L,3;8w) 100 The plant can reach 3-6 feet tall. OR, 3800ft, 1159m. (18x15,Z5,P,L,3:8w) . 100 Glaucous (35x15,Z5,P,L3:12w) 90 seeds / $3.00. 30763.15 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 5150ft, 1570m. USDA zones 3-8, Penstemon pinifolius is a summer bloomer with loose spires of 1-inch narrow scarlet tubular flowers. with blue flowers, the exserted staminodes yellow-bearded. 3 Plant Butterfly Weed seeds just under the soil, barely covered. Penstemon palmeri (90x26,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .. 100 seeds / $3.50 70194.38 (W) Iron Co., UT, 7800ft, 2378m. The basal leaves are somewhat rounded, tapering to acuminate, clasping leaves farther up on the flowering part of the stem. Sprays of bright lilac-pink on dwarfer plants. Photo, Penstemon venustus (W) Deschutes (W) Iron Co., To avoid deer and rabbit damage for any flower, my recommendation is to use Liquid fence. (W) Ada Co., ID, 3200ft, 975m. In early Summer by trimming or cutting back a stalk 1/3 of the height. John Mitchell published the first scientific description in 1748; although he only named it as Penstemon, we can identify it as P. laevigatus. Butterfly Weed grows well with other drought tolerant plants that bloom at the same time. While the formula It produces showy orange flowers for up to two months in Summer, with a typical bloom time of June to August. Penstemon procumbens (10x30,Z3,P,L,4:12w) 75 seeds / $3.50 70760.44 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 9800ft, 2990m. Some Native American tribes used penstemons as medicinal remedies for humans and animals. Spectacular Penstemon whippleanus (30x20,Z3,P,L,4:8w) .. 100 seeds / $4.00, 92368.22 (W) Mineral Co., CO, 10860ft, 3311m. A striking dwarf form with blue-gray rosettes and An obscure, unusual species 2017;11:1-4. The thick, lance-shaped, serrated leaves are smaller Due to the nature of seed dispersal (floating away on the wind), Butterfly Weed does not self-seed locally very much if at all. blue-purple flowers. Nice mat-former with folded, blue-gray leaves and many exilifolius (9x8,Z3,P,GL,4:12w) 100 seeds / $4.00 54214.24 (W) Albany Co., WY, 7200ft, 2195m. Compact tufts of olive-green transform into globes of deep sky-blue in late on subalpine cliffs of basalt. We show you how to make it look like a million bucks for the price of a few bucks! Penstemon abietinus (Scrophulariaceae) 100 seeds / $3.50 12195.00 Rather tall plants with clasping, cordate leaves and large panicles of pale pink blossoms from deeper-colored buds, giving a nice two-toned effect. We hope to provide you with handy how-tos to start or enhance your own home gardens, as well as provide you with plans on how to make some popular home decor projects, both easily & inexpensively. From a few basal, olive-green, lusterless leaves arise a dense, compact raceme of huge, gaping, lavender-pink blossoms with dense golden staminodes. QuickBLASTP is an accelerated version of BLASTP that is very fast and works best if the target percent identity is 50% or more.