Additional topics include stress testing, blood pressure, auscultation, cardiac embryology, pacemakers and basic hemodynamics. After reviewing assessment strategies, students will review the process for additional consultation and/or referral for children displaying atypical development, including referrals to Child Protective Services for suspected abuse or neglect. Corequisite(s):NUR 3670, NUR 3670P, NUR 3770P, Corequisite(s):NUR 3670, NUR 3670P, NUR 3770. Interdisciplinary, Honors-level version of African American Literature. WIOA Funds. Emphasis on historical research method, patterns of social and cultural identity, and migration. Builds on foundational knowledge gained in NPN 151 Practical Nursing Across the Lifespan II. Presents sonography anatomy of the normal and abnormal abdomen, retroperitoneum, and major vascular structures. It covers general installation tasks, the creation and management of images for deployment including Permissions, Firewall configuration, and basic storage. Examines the elements of Net-Centric Computing such as global communication, networking, and the internet. Emphasis is placed on gross motor and neuromuscular developmental milestones and physical changes across lifespan. Corequisites: WLD 101, WLD 111 and WLD 121. Interdisciplinary, Honors-level version of Writing Creative Non-Fiction. Accompanies the course with the same number. Requires students to observe and practice while under supervision. In addition, the percentage of adults who reported that they had completed a work experience program was highest for those with a graduate or professional degree (56 percent), followed by those with a bachelors degree (37 percent), an associates degree (26 percent), some college but no degree (13 percent), and high school completion (or equivalency) (7 percent), and was lowest for those with less than high school completion (3 percent). Perform statistical data analysis, data visualization, predictive modeling, and build scalable data products or solutions. Intuitive study of elementary geometry, including constructions, congruence, similarity, motion geometry tessellation, and deductive theory of geometry. AKL-T01 is the first and only digital therapeutic specifically designed to improve attention function. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, you cannot refuse them without impacting how our site functions. Emphasis will be placed on the parts and function of the systems of the animal body and associated medical terminology. Prerequisites: IT 152 or CCENT certification. Focuses on a broad overview of autism spectrum disorders with particular emphasis on characteristics, definition, educational aspects and contemporary issues in the field of special education. Covers working capital management, capital budgeting issues, a study of the time value of money, financial statement analyses, valuation of financial instruments, term structure of interest rates, and analyses of short- and long-term capital markets. An ethical hacker attempts to bypass system security and search for any weak points that could be exploited by malicious hackers. Students not planning to take Calculus may satisfy mathematics requirement for A.A. degree with MAT 158 or MAT 165 in lieu of MAT 171. The lab format for this course will offer students a real working kitchen environment in The Culinary Institute of Michigans student-run outlet. This course provides the foundations of scientific terminology and concepts useful for success in Anatomy & Physiology I (acceptable prerequisite for BIO 250A/250B). Accompanies the course with the same number. Convenience, location, hands-on training, and various externships are some of the many reasons why students choose Unitek. Prerequisite(s):HUM 3910,PSY 2510, PSY 3720. Accompanies lecture course with same name. Word recognition and spelling will be addressed. The continuum of health and wellness, prevention and education will be stressed. Application of geometric concepts to real-world situations. Located in Watertown, South Dakota, LATI offers an online licensed practical nursing (LPN) program for The project is considered to be successfully completed when the system meets the requirements as specified AND the project sponsor is satisfied with the results. Must complete with a C or better. We also assist students with passing the National Council Licensure Examination-Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN) so they can become Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) in California or Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) in Nevada. Introduces the concepts of occupational therapy assessment. Historical events as well as current issues are reviewed. Students will engage in critical thinking and independent research and will develop civic engagement. Corequisites: Must currently be pursuing a degree in the performing arts or AFA in Music Education or department chair permission to enroll. 15 hours of lecture and 30 hours of lab are required. Visual BASIC.NET builds on this tradition plus introduces students to the powerful tools of object-oriented programming that have fast become a standard in most Windows programming languages. Consideration of role of advertising and sales promotion. A multidisciplinary team approach and effective communication is emphasized. This course is designed to build upon basic relief printing processes covered in Intro to Printmaking. 30 hours of direct instruction are required. This course does not count toward graduation. Students learn how to configure, troubleshoot, and secure enterprise network devices and understand how application programming interfaces (API) and configuration management tools enable network automation. This is a graduate level course that students can take as an elective. This course will not only help students write effectively in a business environment, but also improve their ability to research and analyze complex ideas, develop effective argumentation and collaboration, and write clear, grammatical, well-structured communications, including various professional documents and a presentation. Requires students to perform 200 hours (minimum of 6 weeks) of a supervised Culinary Arts program specific work experience in a pre-approved facility (must have program director or dean approval). Content includes understanding management styles, developing front of the house and back of the house teams, staffing, and human resource management. Emphasis on variety of drawing materials and subject matter as well as development of individual expression. Offered in Fall and Spring. Introduces students to an array of quantitative and qualitative research methods and designs and their appropriate application in empirical research. May be repeated for up to 3 credit hours. To take this course student must place into Intensive English or ESL classes. Some additional topics include autonomy, goal setting, beliefs, needs, and social regulation. The individual is considered as a part of a social unit, the family. Understanding of the role of the professional nurse expands to include multidisciplinary teamwork and collaboration. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTRPERF 105S Studio Art - Sculpture. An investigation into the structure of the financial services industry will take place. 30 hours of direct instruction are required. Trainer Provider Name Training Program Name CIP Code CIP Name Industry Sector Training Program Description Business Partnership Description Credential Earned Total Cost Length (weeks) Training Program Website Phone Provides students with the opportunity to safely use equipment to perform Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) to produce quality welds. Students will learn upper extremity anatomy in detail through lecture and clinical application. Offered inFall only. Exploration of a humanities-based global topic selected by department. Exploration of special topics and/or activities in Arabic language and culture. Basic study of the principles of oral interpretation and their application performance. Study of factors shaping relationships among nations with emphasis upon developing nations and economic, political and environmental issues. Accompanies the course with the same number. Prerequisites: Placement into MAT 158 or placement into MAT 158 corequisite model. Review of composition, telecommunications, electronic mail, making travel and meeting arrangements, document formatting, financial statements, records management, human relations, job application procedures, and decision-making skills. Includes special dietary needs of those diagnosed with common pathologies such as heart disease, diabetes. ESRI products and GPS technology used to create data and maps. Equips students with a psychological foundation of theories related to death, dying, and bereavement. This course also presents an evaluation and analysis of major components in human service delivery systems, including budgeting, program evaluation, employee relations, in-service training programs, and collaboration among agencies and organizations. A clinical component will accompany this course in which students will have the opportunity to engage in caring relationships with the older adult population. Offered in Fall and Spring. Review of applicable early intervention procedures, including IEPs and IFSPs is explored. Exploration of role of government and government's attitude toward business, antitrust legislation and enforcement, public control through taxation, regulation, competition, mergers, and commerce/trade restrictions. Offered inFall only. Experiential approach combining study tours of various Australian sites with readings, films, writing assignments, and other activities. Must complete with a C or better in order to complete the Teacher Preparation Program. Students prepare professional level Web-based solutions for multiple Internet capable devices through thoughtful, structured design with a focus on content structure as well as presentation. Content presented from perspective of aging person and society as a whole. Topics include a review of the classes of psychotropic drugs, drug overdose, the side effects and interactions of psychotropic drugs, and drug tolerance. Supply Chain modeling will be used by students to demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate a companys current value chain, and through the use of experimentation, prepare and present recommendations to improve the value chain. Students learn to appreciate language by studying language in everyday social interactions in their own lives and communities. Must complete with a C or better. Introduces the techniques, processes, materials, and concepts of the visual and performing arts. Topics include applying principles of group process and personality theory, leadership development, planning and goal setting and addressing factors that may interfere with effective performance. Students may suggest topics of interest. Graduates of the MA program appreciate the hands-on curriculum, student labs, and high-quality instructors at our campuses. Review which geographic concepts should be taught at which age and with what level of complexity. Documentation of procedures and activities is required. 30 hours of lecture and 60 hours of lab are required. Topics also addressed are: conic sections, complex numbers, vectors, sequences and series. Offered in Fall and Spring. This course will explore abusive and neglectful behaviors, evidence of signs and symptoms of neglect and abusive patterns, and identify appropriate reporting procedures. Students will also be required to read, discuss and analyze short essays and selections as the foundation of discussion and writing. Provides undergraduatescience majorswith an understanding and appreciation of the major concepts, processes and theories of biology at the molecular to organismal level. Emphasis on use of methodologies typical of biological studies. The students will be taught five of the ten Knowledge Areas of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Emphasis on practical application, with expectation to participate in technical production of college plays. Must earn a minimum of 70% on all assignments and 70% on the site evaluation to earn credit for this course. Topics include FASBs conceptual framework, GAAP, measuring income, recording transactions, accounting for sales, inventories and cost of goods sold, long-lived assets and depreciation, liabilities and interest, valuation and accounting for bonds and leases, stockholders equity, statement of cash flows, accounting differences, and the International Accounting Standards. 75 hours of lecture and 30 hours of lab are required. Classic writers of detective fiction, contemporary practitioners and film examples are used. Various stages of group development will be explored while students acquire necessary skills for group facilitation. Offered inFall and Spring. Helps students gain the knowledge and skills required to design databases and information systems for the Web. An equal opportunity affirmative action institution. The board review includes liver, biliary tree, pancreas, urinary tract, abscesses, scrotum, prostate, spleen, retroperitoneum, abdominal vasculature, GI tract, neck, superficial structures, and instrumentation with ultrasound images of normal anatomy and pathology. For the non-native speaker of English, this course focuses on pronunciation improvement. Prerequisite(s):Accepted into the program, OCC 2220. Students enroll in Criminal Justice Practicum a second time. Students will apply knowledge gained in lecture and lab in a healthcare setting during clinicals. Introduction to soil sciences with emphasis placed on physical, biological and chemical properties as related to moisture, temperature, drainage and tillage. Offered in Fall only. Follow up to SPN 102. Weekly viewings required. Specific course objectives, strategies, and evaluation procedures defined in individual learning agreement with the instructor. Cost of course supplies may exceed $200. Clinical component in which the student applied medication administration concepts in the simulated setting using mathematical systems and conversions, calculation of medication doses, and methods of administration to include oral, parenteral and topical medications. Fetching Indeed Job Listings. Analysis opportunities will occur in areas like activities of daily living/self-care and leisure skills. Surveys theatre history and dramatic theory from Greeks to present Broadway. Provides students with skills in utilizing methodologies of research by applying them to occupational therapy practices. In this course, nursing students will focus on advanced pathophysiological processes. Examines performance issues and improvements for RISC machines, parallel processingand multicore computers. Must complete with a B- or better. This course lays a foundation for the more advanced techniques presented in later coursework. Focus is on strategies for searching online catalogs, indexes, and the Internet. This course emphasizes planning and managing marketing activities of multi-product firms and provides an understanding of the fundamental issues which influence marketing strategies, tactics, and decisions. Heavy duty truck alignment theory and hands-on alignments are also covered. A course for art majors planning to transfer to a four-year institution for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or a BA degree in Studio Art. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR ECON 100 Survey Economics, Prerequisites: MAT 097 or MAT 098 or placement into MAT 121. Case studies, projects and hands on activities to reinforce concepts from HIM 120. Students will explore the roles, functionsand future of the human services field, along with developing knowledge of community resourcesand policies developed to assist vulnerable communities. Includes vital signs, collection and documentation of patient information, asepsis, office clinical procedures and other treatments as appropriate for ambulatory care settings. Studies twentieth and twenty-first century world literature written in or translated to English. Overview of normal effects of aging including physical, psychological, and social changes. If you are considering an undergraduate bachelors degree in business or a graduate masters degree in business, there are many different concentration options and colleges to choose from.If you are looking to enter the business world as an entrepreneur, becoming a leader in a specific industry or obtain a solid career in corporate America, then an online business degree is a Admission to the Honors Program required. Requires candidates to observe and teach in P-12 classroom settings for approximately 18 weeks during regular school hours, following the school district calendar and the supervising teachers contractual agreement. Become part of the healthcare team as a radiographer working in medical imaging departments in medical clinics, hospitals and private offices. Course combines lecture and physical activity. This course focuses on the principles of exercise science applied to fitness instruction. Addresses systems issues and professional applications to social services, mental health, healthcare, schools, and law enforcement. Not limited to women but is only for singers with treble voices. The emphasis is placed on the care of the mother as well as the care of the fetus and newborn. It also addresses a number of issues that directly affect senior leadership. Coursework includes anatomy and physiology, basic life support, and fundamentals of patient care. Review of clinical neuroanatomy and developmental sequencing as it relates to treatment of patients with neurological impairments at various stages of healing. Must complete with a B- or better to satisfactorily complete this course. Preparation for penetration testing. Offered in Fall and Spring. Use of models, specimens, and investigative activities intended to enhance study of human organism. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR MATH 120 Mathematical Reasoning & Modeling, Prerequisites: MAT 121 with a grade of C or better or placement into MAT 156. Familiarizes students with Euclidean geometry through the analysis of two- and three-dimensional objects. Corequisite(s):NUR 2150P,NUR 2150L, NUR 2250A, NUR 2250L. 75 hours of lecture, 60 hours of lab and 320 clinical hours are required. Offered in Fall only. Become part of the healthcare team as a radiographer working in medical imaging departments in medical clinics, hospitals and private offices. 30 hours of theory and 45 hours of clinical experience are required. Emphasis is placed on interviewing skills to obtain a health history and knowledge and skills to examine the health of the adult client, including a physical examination. Acts as a culmination of all the information retained from previous courses throughout the program. Addresses key operational issues in services and manufacturing such as inventory, production methods, capacity planning, production planning, total quality management, re-engineering business processes, and statistical process control. Admission to the Honors Program required. Variable content covering in-depth advanced topics in technique and subject matter not covered in regular curriculum. Explores biases and cultural influences that affect a person's perception of these cultures. This course prepares students to take the T7 ASE exam along with certification for EPA 609. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR MUSC 100 Music Appreciation. Topics include part inspection, identification and use of proper repair procedures. If interested, visit Must complete with a B- or better to satisfactorily complete this course. The approach is a family-centered, solution-focused model of integrated family services. This is a capstone course for the Bachelor of Business Administration Finance degree program. Offered inFall only. This course explores concepts related to palliative care nursing. Offered inFall and Spring. This clinical accompanies the lecture course with the same number. Must complete with a C or better. Basic study of International Phonetic Alphabet and comprehensive study of rules, phonetics, and techniques of German and French diction in performance. Focus is on measures to assure optimal patient outcomes in multiple environments, with emphasis on patient and staff safety. Prerequisites: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better and EDU 101 with a grade of C or better (EDU 101 may also be taken as a corequisite), Corequisites: EDU 101 (May be taken as a prerequisite with a grade of C or better). Introduces the computer system architecture and organization, including its major components, processor, memory, and I/O, and their interconnections. Investigates major events, developments and themes in world history from c.1789 CE to the present, including discussion of some historiographical interpretations of the period. Students may not receive credit for both MAT 158and MAT 160 or MAT 162 or MAT 171. Introduces employment law and labor law for a non-legal professional in human resource management and labor relations. In the Fall and Spring semesters, this includes 14 lessons plus a jury/final performance. Using realistic case studies, students will exhibit their ability to write code for variables, selection structure, repetition, sequential access files, dialog boxes, error trapping, viewing and manipulating databases, and two-dimensional arrays. This course seeks to read film from a literary perspective; discussions and readings are rooted in literary concepts such as character, theme, narrative structure, genre, motif, symbol, literary theory and adaptation. Focus on techniques of differential and integral calculus with application to business, life sciences, and social sciences. This course is limited to students in the Accelerated BSN track.
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